ENTRY O0615 20230406 O095O061500000001 SUBENT O0615001 20230406 O095O061500100001 BIB 17 52 O061500100002 TITLE Relative mass yields in proton induced fission on O061500100003 natural uranium, from delayed gamma rays analysis O061500100004 AUTHOR (A.Calboreanu,Em.Cincu,C.Pencea,O.Salagean,I.Manzatu) O061500100005 REFERENCE (J,RRP,21,69,1976) O061500100006 INSTITUTE (3RUMBUC) O061500100007 REL-REF (R,,S.C.Burnett+,J,PR/C,3,2034,1971) Authors used the O061500100008 distribution of the total average number of neutrons O061500100009 emitted from the prompt fragments in 12 MeV proton O061500100010 energy induced fission on 238-U. O061500100011 (R,O0193001,S.Baba+,J,NP/A,175,177,1971) Authors used O061500100012 the results to derive the appropriate FWHM values, O061500100013 the centers of the light and heavy peaks and the O061500100014 mass number of the centre of the whole mass O061500100015 distribution. O061500100016 (R,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1966) Stopping power. O061500100017 (A,T0044003,G.L.Bate+,J,PR,133,B1471,1964) O061500100018 FACILITY (CYCLO,3RUMBUC) Y-120 cyclotron O061500100019 SAMPLE The target assembly consisted of several natural O061500100020 uranium targets 1.2 mg/cm2 thick, each being sandwichedO061500100021 between 4.2 mg/cm2 aluminum catcher foils to stop the O061500100022 fission products and to degrade the proton beam energy.O061500100023 The targets were prepared by depositing a solution O061500100024 of uranium acetate on aluminum backings. O061500100025 DETECTOR (GELI) A 15 cm3 Ge-Li detector. O061500100026 METHOD (BCINT) Relative beam monitoring. O061500100027 (EXTB,STTA,EDEG) The energy values in the stack O061500100028 were calculated from tables - See REL-REF. O061500100029 The Initial proton energy was 13.2 MeV. O061500100030 (ACTIV,FPGAM) Direct Gamma-Ray Spectrometry O061500100031 of unseparated fission products. O061500100032 MONITOR (92-U-238(P,F),,SIG) O061500100033 MONIT-REF (P0028001,G.R.Choppin+,J,PR,131,2149,1963) Data were O061500100034 normalized at 11.9 MeV. The cross section of the given O061500100035 reaction is not compiled in the given EXFOR Entry. O061500100036 ASSUMED The product mass distribution was constructed with O061500100037 an assumption that there are two independent modes O061500100038 of fission, symmetric and asymmetric, each of them O061500100039 of a Gaussian form. O061500100040 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The gamma emitters were identified by comparingO061500100041 the energy values, the half-lives and the relative O061500100042 gamma lines intensities. O061500100043 ERR-ANALYS Not given. O061500100044 ADD-RES (A-DIS) Relative fission yields for 9 isobaric chains. O061500100045 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 from Rev.Roum.Phys.,21(1976)69 O061500100046 HISTORY (19980220C) AP: By Khlopin's Institute. O061500100047 (19980310A) Method was corrected by CAJAD. O061500100048 (19980426A) AP: Method, REL-REF, MONIT-REF and ANALYSISO061500100049 were corrected. O061500100050 (19980605A) AP: DETECTOR code is corrected. O061500100051 (20000420U) Last checking has been done. O061500100052 (20000424A) DATE is corrected O061500100053 (20230406A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. O061500100054 ENDBIB 52 0 O061500100055 NOCOMMON 0 0 O061500100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 O061500199999 SUBENT O0615002 20230406 O095O061500200001 BIB 2 2 O061500200002 REACTION (92-U-0(P,F),,SIG) O061500200003 HISTORY (20230406A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O061500200004 ENDBIB 2 0 O061500200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 O061500200006 DATA 2 7 O061500200007 EN DATA O061500200008 MEV MB O061500200009 11.3 98.3 O061500200010 11.6 119. O061500200011 11.9 160. O061500200012 12.3 229. O061500200013 12.6 239. O061500200014 12.9 301. O061500200015 13.2 272. O061500200016 ENDDATA 9 0 O061500200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 O061500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O061599999999