ENTRY            O0620   20200117                             O073O062000000001 
SUBENT        O0620001   20200117                             O073O062000100001 
BIB                 15         39                                 O062000100002 
TITLE       Radiochemical study of deep spallation and fission    O062000100003 
            of tantalum by 680-MeV protons                        O062000100004 
AUTHOR     (V.I.Baranovskii,A.N.Murin,B.K.Preobrazhenskii)        O062000100005 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB)                                              O062000100006 
REFERENCE  (J,RAK,4,470,1962) In Russian.                         O062000100007 
           (J,SRA,4,412,1962)- English trans. of RAK,4,470,1962   O062000100008 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,4ZZZDUB)                                        O062000100009 
SAMPLE     Metal tantalum plates about 0.1 mm thick, and about    O062000100010 
           25*5 mm**2 size. The only admixture was niobium, less  O062000100011 
           than 0,01%.                                            O062000100012 
METHOD     (INTB,ACTIV,MOSEP,GSPEC,BSPEC)                         O062000100013 
DETECTOR   (NAICR,CSICR)                                          O062000100014 
           Chemically separated isotopes were identified by       O062000100015 
           half-life, by beta-radiation absorption in aluminium   O062000100016 
           and by gamma- spectra.                                 O062000100017 
           (PROPC) the absolute activity of separated products    O062000100018 
           was determined with end-window counter.                O062000100019 
PART-DET   (DG,B,E,AR)                                            O062000100020 
MONITOR    ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG)                 O062000100021 
           Monitor Data Source is not Given.                      O062000100022 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY)                                                O062000100023 
           (AREA) To obtain fission cross section, total          O062000100024 
            production cross sections for masses=40-115 were      O062000100025 
            summed and divided by 2.                              O062000100026 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO062000100027 
ADD-RES    (A-DIS) Isotope production cross sections. From the    O062000100028 
           text: The experimental data for the products of        O062000100029 
           fission and deep spallation will be analyzed and       O062000100030 
           discussed later.                                       O062000100031 
           (COMP) With semi-empirical formulae for isotope        O062000100032 
           production.                                            O062000100033 
STATUS     (TABLE) text on p.419 of Radiokhim.,4(1962)470         O062000100034 
HISTORY    (19980216C) By Khlopin's Institute - AP.               O062000100035 
           (19980323A) REACTION Line, ADD-RES corrected by CAJAD. O062000100036 
           (19980426A) Method corrected and analysis added by AP. O062000100037 
           (20000420U) Last checking has been done.               O062000100038 
           (20000424A) DATE is corrected                          O062000100039 
           (20200117A) SD: Ref. on Engl. transl. added. (Title andO062000100040 
           list of authors updated according to this ref.         O062000100041 
ENDBIB              39          0                                 O062000100042 
COMMON               2          3                                 O062000100043 
EN         MONIT                                                  O062000100044 
MEV        MB                                                     O062000100045 
       680.        11.                                            O062000100046 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O062000100047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 O062000199999 
SUBENT        O0620002   20000424                             0000O062000200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O062000200002 
REACTION   (73-TA-181(P,F),,SIG,,,DERIV)                          O062000200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O062000200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O062000200005 
DATA                 2          1                                 O062000200006 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               O062000200007 
MB         MB                                                     O062000200008 
         8.        2.5                                            O062000200009 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 O062000200010 
ENDSUBENT            9          0                                 O062000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 O062099999999