ENTRY            O0626   20140121                             O052O062600000001 
SUBENT        O0626001   20140121                             O052O062600100001 
BIB                 16         48                                 O062600100002 
TITLE      Fission of antimony induced by high-energy protons.    O062600100003 
AUTHOR     (A.K.Lavrukhina,E.E.Rakovskii,S.Hung-Kuei,             O062600100004 
           S.Khoinatskii)                                         O062600100005 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSGAC) V.I.Vernadskiy Geochemistry and Analytic     O062600100006 
           Chemistry Institute                                    O062600100007 
REFERENCE  (J,ZET,40,409,1961) In Russian.                        O062600100008 
           (J,JET,13,280,1961) Eng.Trans.of ZET,40,409            O062600100009 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,4ZZZDUB)                                        O062600100010 
SAMPLE     Targets, 0.5-1 gramm, were made from ingot metallic    O062600100011 
           antimony cleaned by zone fusion. No admixtures were    O062600100012 
           found, that might distort the fission product yields.  O062600100013 
METHOD     (INTB,SITA,MOSEP,RCHEM,GSPEC,BSPEC,MAGFR).             O062600100014 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) Butt-end counters.                             O062600100015 
           (MAGSP) Magnetic analyser was used to distinguish      O062600100016 
           electron and positron activity.                        O062600100017 
PART-DET   (B-,B+,DG).                                            O062600100018 
MONITOR    ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG)               O062600100019 
           The sample was wrapped in an aluminium foil served as aO062600100020 
           monitor. No reference to the monitor cross section is  O062600100021 
           given.                                                 O062600100022 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY) Radioisotopes were identified by half-life     O062600100023 
           and, in some cases, by beta-radiation energy           O062600100024 
           determined by absorption in aluminium foils.           O062600100025 
            The total fission cross section was determined        O062600100026 
           from the integrated area under the mass yield curve.   O062600100027 
CORRECTION Performed: self-absorption and self-scattering in the  O062600100028 
           sample, absorption of the radiation in sample cover,   O062600100029 
           in air and in the counter window. Reflection of the    O062600100030 
           radiation from sample backing. Solid angle corrections.O062600100031 
            Additional corrections performed for products         O062600100032 
           decaying by electron capture: counter efficiency and   O062600100033 
           fluorescent yield.                                     O062600100034 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties in fission product formation cross       O062600100035 
           sections were 50-100%. No error estimation is given    O062600100036 
           for the fission cross section.                         O062600100037 
ADD-RES    (A-DIS).                                               O062600100038 
           (Z-DIS).                                               O062600100039 
           Fission product formation cross sections.              O062600100040 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Tabl. 1,2 of ZET,40,409,1961              O062600100041 
HISTORY    (19980216C) By Khlopin's Institute - AP.               O062600100042 
           (19980413A) Institute is corrected.                    O062600100043 
           (19980426A) Reference and method are corrected by AP.  O062600100044 
           (20000420U) Last checking has been done.               O062600100045 
           (20000424A) DATE is corrected                          O062600100046 
           (20140121A) SD: Ref. on Engl. transl. added.           O062600100047 
           SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code in Subent 2 and fromO062600100048 
           MONITOR in Subent 1; SF3-> X in MONITOR. Subent 3 was  O062600100049 
           added. MISC moved to Subents 2,3.                      O062600100050 
ENDBIB              48          0                                 O062600100051 
COMMON               2          3                                 O062600100052 
EN         MONIT                                                  O062600100053 
MEV        MB                                                     O062600100054 
       660.        10.                                            O062600100055 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O062600100056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 O062600199999 
SUBENT        O0626002   20140121                             O052O062600200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 O062600200002 
REACTION  1(51-SB-0(P,F),,SIG)                                    O062600200003 
          2(51-SB-0(P,F),,ZP)                                     O062600200004 
MISC-COL   (MISC) The share of symmetric and near-symmetric       O062600200005 
           fissions, with the difference from the symmetric       O062600200006 
           splitting not more than 3 charge units.                O062600200007 
HISTORY    (20140121A) SD: MISC1 changed on REACTION (2).         O062600200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 O062600200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O062600200010 
DATA                 3          1                                 O062600200011 
DATA      1DATA      2MISC                                        O062600200012 
MB         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      O062600200013 
       0.25       22.5       0.73                                 O062600200014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 O062600200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 O062600299999 
SUBENT        O0626003   20140121                             O052O062600300001 
BIB                  4          7                                 O062600300002 
REACTION   (51-SB-0(P,F)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                           O062600300003 
MISC-COL   (MISC) The number of different determinations of       O062600300004 
                  the yield                                       O062600300005 
FLAG       (1.) Average cross section for P-32 production, taking O062600300006 
           into account certain data communicated privately by    O062600300007 
           L.P.Moskaleva and V.V.Malyshev                         O062600300008 
HISTORY    (20140121C) SD                                         O062600300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 O062600300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O062600300011 
DATA                 6         29                                 O062600300012 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       MISC       FLAG       O062600300013 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MICRO-B    NO-DIM     NO-DIM     O062600300014 
        11.        24.                   95.         2.           O062600300015 
        12.        28.                   9.0         4.           O062600300016 
        15.        32.                   3.0               1.     O062600300017 
        16.        38.                   0.7         2.           O062600300018 
        17.        38.                   5.7         3.           O062600300019 
        17.        39.                   1.2         3.           O062600300020 
        19.        43.                   8.0         3.           O062600300021 
        20.        47.                   3.5         3.           O062600300022 
        22.        45.                   5.8         3.           O062600300023 
        23.        48.                   6.8         7.           O062600300024 
        24.        48.                   4.0         5.           O062600300025 
        25.        56.                   8.3         3.           O062600300026 
        26.        59.                   8.0         6.           O062600300027 
        27.        58.         1.        3.1         5.           O062600300028 
        27.        61.                   5.1         5.           O062600300029 
        28.        65.                   5.5         2.           O062600300030 
        28.        66.                   2.2         2.           O062600300031 
        30.        62.                   3.9         2.           O062600300032 
        30.        69.         1.        15.         2.           O062600300033 
        30.        72.                   1.1         2.           O062600300034 
        31.        66.                   29.         5.           O062600300035 
        31.        67.                   24.         4.           O062600300036 
        31.        72.                   3.0         3.           O062600300037 
        34.        72.                   38.         2.           O062600300038 
        34.        73.                   63.         2.           O062600300039 
        35.        75.                   92.         2.           O062600300040 
        35.        76.                   32.         2.           O062600300041 
        35.        80.         1.        24.         2.           O062600300042 
        37.        86.                  440.         4.           O062600300043 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 O062600300044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 O062600399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 O062699999999