ENTRY            O0632   20000424                             0000O063200000001 
SUBENT        O0632001   20000424                             0000O063200100001 
BIB                 15         72                                 O063200100002 
TITLE      Proton-Induced Fission Cross Sections For U-238, U-    O063200100003 
           235, Th-232, Bi-209, and Au-197 at 100 to 340 MeV      O063200100004 
AUTHOR     (H.M.STEINER,J.A.JUNGERMAN)                            O063200100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USABRK,1USADAV)                                      O063200100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,101,807,1956)                                    O063200100007 
REL-REF    (D,,J.A.JUNGERMAN,J,PR,79,632,1950) An Earlier         O063200100008 
           Experiment. The Authors Believe It is in Error Due to  O063200100009 
           Unreliable Operation of the Chamber.                   O063200100010 
           (N,,CHAMBERLAIN+,J,PR,83,923,1951) Details of the Beam O063200100011 
           Monitoring.                                            O063200100012 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,1USACLA)                                        O063200100013 
SAMPLE     The Samples, 0.6-1.1 Mg/Cm**2 Thick, About 2*2 Inch    O063200100014 
           Area, were Prepared by Either Painting or Evaporation  O063200100015 
           Onto 0.001-Inch Aluminum Foil.                         O063200100016 
COMMENT    - By Compiler - No Details Given For Purity of the     O063200100017 
           Samples.                                               O063200100018 
METHOD     (FISCT,EXTB,SITA,EDEG,PHD) The Full-Energy Proton Beam O063200100019 
           Had Energy Spread Less Than 1%. Beryllium Absobers     O063200100020 
           Were Used to Reduce the Energy of the Beam. The Energy O063200100021 
           Of the Beam Passing the Fission Chamber was Measured   O063200100022 
           With the Use of Additional Copper Absorbers and        O063200100023 
           Ionization Chambers.                                   O063200100024 
DETECTOR   (IOCH) A Cancellation-Type Ionization Chamber of 2-Pi  O063200100025 
           Geometry, Filled with 1 Atmosphere of Hydrogen Gas,    O063200100026 
           Consisted of Three Electrodes, Arranged So As to Form  O063200100027 
           Two Adjacent Parallel-Plate Ionization Chambers. A     O063200100028 
           Beam of Charged Particles Passing Through the Fission  O063200100029 
           Chamber Produced Almost Equal Amounts of Ionization in O063200100030 
           Both these Regions. Almost Complete Cancellation of    O063200100031 
           The Pulses Caused by the Beam Ionization Could be      O063200100032 
           Obtained. The Beam was Monitored by an Additional      O063200100033 
           Parallel-Plate Ionization Chamber Filled with 1        O063200100034 
           Atmosphere of Argon. See Rel-Ref For Details of the    O063200100035 
           Beam Monitoring.                                       O063200100036 
PART-DET   (FF).                                                  O063200100037 
CORRECTION Performed: Background Pulses Due to Incomplete         O063200100038 
           Cancellation of Proton-Induced Ionization: Less Than   O063200100039 
           1% For Uranium-238, Uranium-235 and Thorium-232; Less  O063200100040 
           Than 10% For Bismuth, and Less Than 25% For Gold.      O063200100041 
           Sample-Thickness Corrections, 8-14%, Determined in     O063200100042 
           Special Measurements with Thinner Samples at 336 MeV.  O063200100043 
           Deviation of the Effective Solid Angle from 2-Pi,      O063200100044 
           1.5%.                                                  O063200100045 
           The Neutron Contamination of the Beam, 2% For Uranium- O063200100046 
           235, 1% For the Other Target Nuclei.                   O063200100047 
           Negligible: the Loss of Fission Events Due to Pile-Up  O063200100048 
           Of Fission Pulses, Less Than 1%.                       O063200100049 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in Determination of Sample         O063200100050 
           Thickness.                                             O063200100051 
           (ERR-2) Uniformity of Sample Material.                 O063200100052 
           (ERR-3) Self-Absorption of Fission Fragments in the    O063200100053 
           Sample Material.                                       O063200100054 
           (ERR-4) Extrapolation to Zero Bias.                    O063200100055 
           (ERR-5) Momentum Transfer to the Target Nucleus.       O063200100056 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty Due to Determination of Beam       O063200100057 
           Energy.                                                O063200100058 
           (ERR-7) Calibration of Beam Monitor.                   O063200100059 
           (ERR-8) Geometry of the Chamber.                       O063200100060 
           (ERR-9) Total Systematic Error Given by Authors, As a  O063200100061 
           Result of All Above Mentioned Contributions.           O063200100062 
           (ERR-S) The Uncertainties Shown in the Figures and     O063200100063 
           Given in the Data Sections are Purely Due to Counting  O063200100064 
           Statistics.                                            O063200100065 
           (EN-ERR) Data Reader Uncertainty.                      O063200100066 
           (ERR-10) Data Reader Uncertainty.                      O063200100067 
STATUS     (CURVE) From Fig. 7-11, Digitized by Compiler.         O063200100068 
HISTORY    (19980512C) By Khlopin'S Institute - A.P.              O063200100069 
           (19980525A) A Little Corrections in Bib Section of     O063200100070 
            Subent                                                O063200100071 
           001.                                                   O063200100072 
           (19980525U) Last checking has been done.               O063200100073 
           (20000424A) DATE is corrected                          O063200100074 
ENDBIB              72          0                                 O063200100075 
COMMON              11          6                                 O063200100076 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      O063200100077 
ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-9      EN-ERR     ERR-10                O063200100078 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   MEV        PER-CENT              O063200100080 
         3.         3.         5.         5.        1.5         1.O063200100081 
         3.        0.5         9.        1.5         3.           O063200100082 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 O063200100083 
ENDSUBENT           82          0                                 O063200199999 
SUBENT        O0632002   20000424                             0000O063200200001 
BIB                  4          9                                 O063200200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(P,F),,SIG,,,EXP)                             O063200200003 
REL-REF    (D,C0372001,R.L.FOLGER+,J,PR,98,107,1955) RadiochemicalO063200200004 
           Work. The Integral Fission Cross Sections are not      O063200200005 
           Compiled in the Mentioned Entry yet.                   O063200200006 
MISC-COL   (MISC) A Fractional Change in the Effective Solid      O063200200007 
           Angle Due to the Center-Of-Mass Motion.                O063200200008 
ERR-ANALYS (MISC-ERR) No Explanations are Given by Authors.       O063200200009 
           Compiler Assumes this Uncertainty is Totally or Mainly O063200200010 
           Due to Counting Statistics.                            O063200200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 O063200200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O063200200013 
DATA                 5         16                                 O063200200014 
EN         DATA       ERR-S      MISC       MISC-ERR              O063200200015 
MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                O063200200016 
       114.      1370.       150.                                 O063200200017 
       130.      1330.        45.                                 O063200200018 
       132.      1350.        45.                                 O063200200019 
       154.      1420.        50.                                 O063200200020 
       158.      1470.        55.                                 O063200200021 
       178.      1305.        30.                                 O063200200022 
       182.      1360.        40.                                 O063200200023 
       192.      1375.        25.       0.02      0.012           O063200200024 
       194.      1355.        45.                                 O063200200025 
       216.      1305.        25.                                 O063200200026 
       230.      1315.        15.                                 O063200200027 
       254.      1325.        35.                                 O063200200028 
       261.      1330.        25.                                 O063200200029 
       288.      1370.        30.                                 O063200200030 
       303.      1375.        25.                                 O063200200031 
       336.      1345.        15.      0.037      0.011           O063200200032 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 O063200200033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 O063200299999 
SUBENT        O0632003   20000424                             0000O063200300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O063200300002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(P,F),,SIG,,,EXP)                             O063200300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O063200300004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O063200300005 
DATA                 3         19                                 O063200300006 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       O063200300007 
MEV        MB         MB                                          O063200300008 
       114.      1665.       165.                                 O063200300009 
       130.      1200.        40.                                 O063200300010 
       132.      1505.        40.                                 O063200300011 
       154.      1505.        50.                                 O063200300012 
       158.      1350.        50.                                 O063200300013 
       178.      1350.        30.                                 O063200300014 
       182.      1310.        45.                                 O063200300015 
       191.      1335.        35.                                 O063200300016 
       193.      1320.        45.                                 O063200300017 
       193.      1230.        20.                                 O063200300018 
       216.      1270.        30.                                 O063200300019 
       230.      1300.        25.                                 O063200300020 
       242.      1350.        20.                                 O063200300021 
       254.      1326.        40.                                 O063200300022 
       261.      1355.        25.                                 O063200300023 
       287.      1300.        35.                                 O063200300024 
       290.      1235.        25.                                 O063200300025 
       302.      1340.        25.                                 O063200300026 
       336.      1295.        15.                                 O063200300027 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 O063200300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 O063200399999 
SUBENT        O0632004   20000424                             0000O063200400001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O063200400002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(P,F),,SIG,,,EXP)                            O063200400003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O063200400004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O063200400005 
DATA                 3         15                                 O063200400006 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       O063200400007 
MEV        MB         MB                                          O063200400008 
       114.       885.        85.                                 O063200400009 
       130.       870.        30.                                 O063200400010 
       132.       890.        35.                                 O063200400011 
       154.       950.        40.                                 O063200400012 
       158.       905.        25.                                 O063200400013 
       178.       855.        20.                                 O063200400014 
       182.       870.        25.                                 O063200400015 
       191.       840.        25.                                 O063200400016 
       216.       810.        25.                                 O063200400017 
       230.       800.        15.                                 O063200400018 
       254.       795.        30.                                 O063200400019 
       261.       815.        20.                                 O063200400020 
       288.       810.        25.                                 O063200400021 
       303.       795.        20.                                 O063200400022 
       336.       815.        25.                                 O063200400023 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 O063200400024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 O063200499999 
SUBENT        O0632005   20000424                             0000O063200500001 
BIB                  2          2                                 O063200500002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(P,F),,SIG,,,EXP)                            O063200500003 
REL-REF    (A,,W.F.BILLER,R,UCRL-2067,195301)                     O063200500004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 O063200500005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O063200500006 
DATA                 3         13                                 O063200500007 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       O063200500008 
MEV        MB         MB                                          O063200500009 
       132.       125.         8.                                 O063200500010 
       154.       136.         8.                                 O063200500011 
       158.       146.         8.                                 O063200500012 
       178.       155.         5.                                 O063200500013 
       182.       147.        11.                                 O063200500014 
       191.       148.        10.                                 O063200500015 
       216.       173.         5.                                 O063200500016 
       230.       157.         5.                                 O063200500017 
       254.       176.         4.                                 O063200500018 
       261.       192.         5.                                 O063200500019 
       288.       205.         7.                                 O063200500020 
       303.       189.         6.                                 O063200500021 
       336.       199.         2.                                 O063200500022 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 O063200500023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 O063200599999 
SUBENT        O0632006   20000424                             0000O063200600001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O063200600002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(P,F),,SIG,,,EXP)                            O063200600003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O063200600004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O063200600005 
DATA                 3         11                                 O063200600006 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       O063200600007 
MEV        MB         MB                                          O063200600008 
       132.       17.2        3.3                                 O063200600009 
       158.       16.2        6.3                                 O063200600010 
       176.       32.1         2.                                 O063200600011 
       182.       27.5         6.                                 O063200600012 
       216.        38.        1.8                                 O063200600013 
       230.       37.9        1.1                                 O063200600014 
       253.       35.5        2.2                                 O063200600015 
       261.       38.2        1.8                                 O063200600016 
       287.       51.1        4.1                                 O063200600017 
       302.       41.7        1.2                                 O063200600018 
       336.       50.2        0.8                                 O063200600019 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 O063200600020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 O063200699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 O063299999999