ENTRY O0689 20230122 O093O068900000001 SUBENT O0689001 20230122 O093O068900100001 BIB 17 61 O068900100002 TITLE Cross sections of (p,xn) reactions in the isotopes of O068900100003 lead and bismuth O068900100004 AUTHOR (R.E.Bell, H.M.Skarsgard) O068900100005 INSTITUTE (1CANMCG,2UK HAR) O068900100006 REFERENCE (J,CJP,34,745,1956) O068900100007 FACILITY (SYNCY,1CANMCG) O068900100008 DETECTOR (NAICR) O068900100009 METHOD (SITA) Each target was irradiated together with a O068900100010 monitor foil. O068900100011 (ACTIV) The targets were bombarded for periods of from O068900100012 one to five minutes. O068900100013 (INTB) O068900100014 ANALYSIS (DECAY) O068900100015 SAMPLE The targets consisted of thin metallic foils or O068900100016 electroplated metallic deposits up to 80 ug/cm**2 in O068900100017 thickness, cut in strips 0.25 inch wide. O068900100018 The monitor foils were 0.005 inch teflon for carbon O068900100019 monitor and 0.001 inch natural metallic copper. O068900100020 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,X)6-C-11,,SIG) O068900100021 (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O068900100022 (29-CU-63(P,X)29-CU-62,,SIG) O068900100023 The copper monitors were used essentially only (p,2n) O068900100024 cross sections which peak near 20 MeV. O068900100025 Above 30 MeV, the carbon cross section was used. O068900100026 MONIT-REF (B0077002,R.L.Aamodt+,J,PR,88,739,1952) O068900100027 (,W.E.Crandall+,J,PR,101,329,1956) the paper has O068900100028 modified Aamodt's data for C-11 production. O068900100029 (B0017005,S.N.Ghoshal,J,PR,80,939,1950) Zn-63 O068900100030 production. O068900100031 (B0054002,J.W.Meadows,J,PR,91,885,1953) Cu-62 O068900100032 production. O068900100033 DECAY-MON (6-C-11,20.5MIN) O068900100034 (30-ZN-63,38.3MIN,AR,511.) O068900100035 (29-CU-62,10.MIN) O068900100036 COMMENT *By authors*. Check measurements made by bombarding O068900100037 carbon and copper simultaneously seemed to show that O068900100038 Ghoshal's absolute values were 39% high compared with O068900100039 carbon cross section, in agreement with Meadows's O068900100040 conclusion. O068900100041 ADD-RES (COMP) Collective and microscopic model calculations. O068900100042 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Absolute uncertainty of cross section- O068900100043 it includes the uncertainties of- O068900100044 (ERR-1) Error in the sample thickness is 7%, O068900100045 (ERR-2) Error in the analysis of KX-rays decay curves O068900100046 is 5%, O068900100047 (ERR-3) Error in the monitoring without an error of O068900100048 monitor cross section is 5%, O068900100049 (ERR-4) Error in the counter efficiency is 7%, O068900100050 (ERR-5) Error in the KX-ray fluorescent yield is 1%, O068900100051 (ERR-6) Error in the absorption of KX-rays in sample O068900100052 is 1%, O068900100053 (ERR-7) Error in the summing correction for internal O068900100054 conversion is 2%. O068900100055 (MONIT-ERR) Error in the monitor cross section is 7%. O068900100056 STATUS (TABLE) Tables in Can.J.Phys.,34,745,1956 O068900100057 HISTORY (20000311C) O068900100058 (20000427A) date is corrected O068900100059 (20100708A) Correction in Reaction lines in Subentries O068900100060 was made, according N.Otsuka remarks. O068900100061 (20151203A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 015. O068900100062 (20230122A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. O068900100063 ENDBIB 61 0 O068900100064 COMMON 9 6 O068900100065 ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 O068900100066 ERR-6 ERR-7 MONIT-ERR O068900100067 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O068900100068 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O068900100069 15. 7. 5. 5. 7. 1. O068900100070 1. 2. 7. O068900100071 ENDCOMMON 6 0 O068900100072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 O068900199999 SUBENT O0689002 20230122 O093O068900200001 BIB 5 5 O068900200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,3N)84-PO-207,,SIG) O068900200003 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-207-G,5.7HR,XR) O068900200004 CORRECTION Summing correction was to be 9%. O068900200005 STATUS (TABLE) Tables IIIa from Can.J.Phys.,34,745,1956 O068900200006 HISTORY (20230122A) SD: SF4=Po-207g -> Po-207 in REACTION code.O068900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O068900200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900200009 DATA 2 9 O068900200010 EN DATA O068900200011 MEV B O068900200012 21.9 0.37 O068900200013 24.8 0.57 O068900200014 27.7 0.79 O068900200015 30.7 0.82 O068900200016 33.7 0.56 O068900200017 36.6 0.34 O068900200018 39.8 0.22 O068900200019 46.4 0.11 O068900200020 50.4 0.08 O068900200021 ENDDATA 11 0 O068900200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O068900299999 SUBENT O0689003 20100709 O042O068900300001 BIB 4 6 O068900300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,4N)84-PO-206,,SIG) O068900300003 RAD-DET (84-PO-206,XR,DG) K-x-rays O068900300004 (83-BI-206,XR,DG) O068900300005 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-206,9.D,XR) O068900300006 (83-BI-206,6.2D,DG,800./900.) O068900300007 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3a O068900300008 ENDBIB 6 0 O068900300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900300010 DATA 2 5 O068900300011 EN DATA O068900300012 MEV B O068900300013 29.6 0.12 O068900300014 35.5 0.89 O068900300015 38.8 1.22 O068900300016 42.0 0.96 O068900300017 45.2 0.71 O068900300018 ENDDATA 7 0 O068900300019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O068900399999 SUBENT O0689004 20100709 O042O068900400001 BIB 5 5 O068900400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,5N)84-PO-205,,SIG) O068900400003 RAD-DET (84-PO-205,XR) K-x-rays O068900400004 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-205,1.8HR) half-life was measured by authors. O068900400005 CORRECTION Summing correction was to be 8%. O068900400006 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3a O068900400007 ENDBIB 5 0 O068900400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900400009 DATA 2 6 O068900400010 EN DATA O068900400011 MEV B O068900400012 39.8 0.10 O068900400013 43.0 0.51 O068900400014 46.4 0.63 O068900400015 50.4 0.80 O068900400016 55.0 0.68 O068900400017 59.7 0.45 O068900400018 ENDDATA 8 0 O068900400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O068900499999 SUBENT O0689005 20100727 O042O068900500001 BIB 5 8 O068900500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,X)83-BI-204,CUM,SIG) O068900500003 RAD-DET (83-BI-204,XR) O068900500004 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-204,3.8HR) O068900500005 (83-BI-204,12.HR) O068900500006 (82-PB-204-M,68.MIN) O068900500007 CORRECTION summing correction was to Be 27% and 10% correction forO068900500008 K-x-rays arising from internal conversion in Pb-204-m. O068900500009 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3a O068900500010 ENDBIB 8 0 O068900500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900500012 DATA 2 6 O068900500013 EN DATA O068900500014 MEV B O068900500015 46.4 0.06 O068900500016 50.4 0.21 O068900500017 55.0 0.40 O068900500018 59.7 0.49 O068900500019 66.3 0.47 O068900500020 74.9 0.45 O068900500021 ENDDATA 8 0 O068900500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O068900599999 SUBENT O0689006 20100727 O042O068900600001 BIB 6 15 O068900600002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,X)83-BI-203,CUM,SIG) O068900600003 RAD-DET (84-PO-203-G,XR) below the threshold of (p,8n) reactionO068900600004 (82-PB-203-G,DG) above the threshold of (p,8n) reactionO068900600005 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-203-G,42.MIN) half-life was measured by authors O068900600006 (83-BI-203-G,12.HR) O068900600007 (82-PB-203-G,52.HR,DG,279.) O068900600008 COMMENT - by authors - O068900600009 1. No summing correction has been measured. O068900600010 2. Here the x-ray results measure (p,7n) while the O068900600011 gamma ray results measure (p,7n)+(p,6n+p)+(p,5n+2p) O068900600012 - by compiler - the results were labelled as O068900600013 (p,7n)+(p,6n+p) by the authors on figure 2. Compiler O068900600014 used authors' notation. O068900600015 FLAG (1.) it is average of two measurements. O068900600016 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3a O068900600017 ENDBIB 15 0 O068900600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900600019 DATA 3 5 O068900600020 EN DATA FLAG O068900600021 MEV B NO-DIM O068900600022 59.7 0.09 O068900600023 66.3 0.39 1. O068900600024 74.9 0.49 1. O068900600025 79.9 0.39 O068900600026 83.7 0.36 1. O068900600027 ENDDATA 7 0 O068900600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 O068900699999 SUBENT O0689007 20100709 O042O068900700001 BIB 5 8 O068900700002 REACTION (82-PB-206(P,N)83-BI-206,,SIG) O068900700003 RAD-DET (83-BI-206,DG,XR) O068900700004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-206,6.2D,DG,800./900.) O068900700005 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068900700006 Pb-206 - 88.2%, O068900700007 Pb-207 - 8.7%, O068900700008 Pb-208 - 3.04%. O068900700009 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3b O068900700010 ENDBIB 8 0 O068900700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900700012 DATA 2 2 O068900700013 EN DATA O068900700014 MEV B O068900700015 12.7 0.23 O068900700016 16.3 0.06 O068900700017 ENDDATA 4 0 O068900700018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 O068900799999 SUBENT O0689008 20100709 O042O068900800001 BIB 6 9 O068900800002 REACTION (82-PB-206(P,2N)83-BI-205,,SIG) O068900800003 RAD-DET (83-BI-205,XR) O068900800004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-205,14.5D) O068900800005 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068900800006 Pb-206 - 88.2%, O068900800007 Pb-207 - 8.7%, O068900800008 Pb-208 - 3.04%. O068900800009 CORRECTION The measured summing correction was 5%. O068900800010 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3b O068900800011 ENDBIB 9 0 O068900800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900800013 DATA 2 16 O068900800014 EN DATA O068900800015 MEV B O068900800016 12.7 0.06 O068900800017 16.3 0.53 O068900800018 20.7 1.05 O068900800019 24.6 0.98 O068900800020 25.0 0.76 O068900800021 27.8 0.53 O068900800022 28.0 0.54 O068900800023 30.0 0.36 O068900800024 35.9 0.15 O068900800025 39.2 0.12 O068900800026 42.4 0.13 O068900800027 45.4 0.16 O068900800028 49.0 0.13 O068900800029 52.5 0.15 O068900800030 56.3 0.11 O068900800031 63.8 0.09 O068900800032 ENDDATA 18 0 O068900800033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 O068900899999 SUBENT O0689009 20100709 O042O068900900001 BIB 6 15 O068900900002 REACTION (82-PB-206(P,3N)83-BI-204,,SIG) O068900900003 RAD-DET (83-BI-204,XR) O068900900004 (82-PB-204-M,XR,DG) O068900900005 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-204,12.HR) O068900900006 (82-PB-204-M,68.MIN,DG,374.) O068900900007 COMMENT *By authors*.Cross sections were evaluated both Kx-raysO068900900008 and from the 374-keV gamma ray of Pb-204-m, with O068900900009 agreement within 5%. The x-rays measured (p,3n) and O068900900010 the gamma rays measured (p,3n)+(p,2n+p); the agreement O068900900011 shows that (p,2n+p) is small compared with (p,3n). O068900900012 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068900900013 Pb-206 - 88.2%, O068900900014 Pb-207 - 8.7%, O068900900015 Pb-208 - 3.04%. O068900900016 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3b O068900900017 ENDBIB 15 0 O068900900018 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068900900019 DATA 2 14 O068900900020 EN DATA O068900900021 MEV B O068900900022 20.7 0.02 O068900900023 24.6 0.52 O068900900024 25.0 0.54 O068900900025 27.8 0.88 O068900900026 27.9 0.73 O068900900027 30.0 0.89 O068900900028 31.0 0.77 O068900900029 34.0 0.73 O068900900030 35.9 0.57 O068900900031 36.6 0.40 O068900900032 41.2 0.15 O068900900033 42.4 0.18 O068900900034 45.4 0.19 O068900900035 49.0 0.14 O068900900036 ENDDATA 16 0 O068900900037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 O068900999999 SUBENT O0689010 20100727 O042O068901000001 BIB 6 17 O068901000002 REACTION (82-PB-206(P,X)82-PB-203-G,CUM,SIG) O068901000003 RAD-DET (82-PB-203-G,XR,DG) O068901000004 DECAY-DATA (82-PB-203-G,52.HR,XR,,,DG,279.) O068901000005 (83-BI-203-G,12.HR) O068901000006 COMMENT - by authors - it was impossible to determine these O068901000007 cross sections directly from the 12 hours decay of O068901000008 Bi-203 K x-rays. The cross section was therefore O068901000009 evaluated from K x-rays of 52 hours daughter activity O068901000010 remaining after the decay of 12 hours activities. TheO068901000011 gamma ray evidence gave cross sections about 10% higherO068901000012 than K x-rays. The x-ray results have been used for O068901000013 the quoted cross sections. O068901000014 SAMPLE isotopic composition, in atomic percent: O068901000015 Pb-206 - 88.2%, O068901000016 Pb-207 - 8.7%, O068901000017 Pb-208 - 3.04%. O068901000018 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3b O068901000019 ENDBIB 17 0 O068901000020 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901000021 DATA 2 12 O068901000022 EN DATA O068901000023 MEV B O068901000024 31.0 0.06 O068901000025 34.0 0.37 O068901000026 35.9 0.49 O068901000027 36.6 0.62 O068901000028 39.8 0.91 O068901000029 41.2 1.11 O068901000030 45.4 1.03 O068901000031 45.8 0.97 O068901000032 49.0 0.52 O068901000033 52.5 0.47 O068901000034 56.3 0.30 O068901000035 63.8 0.21 O068901000036 ENDDATA 14 0 O068901000037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 O068901099999 SUBENT O0689011 20100709 O042O068901100001 BIB 7 15 O068901100002 REACTION (82-PB-206(P,5N)83-BI-202,,SIG) O068901100003 RAD-DET (83-BI-202,XR,DG) O068901100004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-202,95.MIN,XR,,,DG,430.) O068901100005 COMMENT * By authors*.Absolute yields were computed from the O068901100006 95 min. Kx-ray activity. A gamma ray peak at about O068901100007 0.43 MeV, helped to determine relative yields at O068901100008 energies above the (p,6n) cross section where periods O068901100009 similar to 95 min. are produced. O068901100010 CORRECTION The summing correction measured for this activity is O068901100011 35%. O068901100012 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068901100013 Pb-206 - 88.2%, O068901100014 Pb-207 - 8.7%, O068901100015 Pb-208 - 3.04%. O068901100016 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3b O068901100017 ENDBIB 15 0 O068901100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901100019 DATA 2 8 O068901100020 EN DATA O068901100021 MEV B O068901100022 39.2 0.02 O068901100023 42.4 0.14 O068901100024 45.4 0.37 O068901100025 45.8 0.36 O068901100026 49. 0.57 O068901100027 52.5 0.59 O068901100028 56.3 0.38 O068901100029 63.8 0.21 O068901100030 ENDDATA 10 0 O068901100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O068901199999 SUBENT O0689012 20100727 O042O068901200001 BIB 7 14 O068901200002 REACTION (82-PB-206(P,X)81-TL-201,CUM,SIG) O068901200003 RAD-DET (81-TL-201,XR) O068901200004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-201-G,2.HR) O068901200005 (83-BI-201-M,62.MIN) O068901200006 (82-PB-201-G,9.4HR) O068901200007 (81-TL-201,72.HR) O068901200008 COMMENT - by authors - this cross section was determined from O068901200009 the 72 hours K x-ray decay. O068901200010 CORRECTION the summing correction was measured as 15%. O068901200011 SAMPLE isotopic composition, in atomic percent: O068901200012 Pb-206 - 88.2%, O068901200013 Pb-207 - 8.7%, O068901200014 Pb-208 - 3.04%. O068901200015 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3b O068901200016 ENDBIB 14 0 O068901200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901200018 DATA 2 4 O068901200019 EN DATA O068901200020 MEV B O068901200021 49.0 0.05 O068901200022 52.5 0.26 O068901200023 56.3 0.40 O068901200024 63.8 0.55 O068901200025 ENDDATA 6 0 O068901200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O068901299999 SUBENT O0689013 20100709 O042O068901300001 BIB 6 11 O068901300002 REACTION (82-PB-206(P,7N)83-BI-200,,SIG) O068901300003 RAD-DET (83-BI-200-G,XR) O068901300004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-200-G,35.MIN) Bi-200 has two isomers with t1/2= O068901300005 31 and 36.4 Min. O068901300006 COMMENT *By authors*.To measure the cross section was made O068901300007 using 35 min. Kx-ray. O068901300008 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068901300009 Pb-206 - 88.2%, O068901300010 Pb-207 - 8.7%, O068901300011 Pb-208 - 3.04%. O068901300012 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3b O068901300013 ENDBIB 11 0 O068901300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901300015 DATA 2 1 O068901300016 EN DATA O068901300017 MEV B O068901300018 63.8 0.18 O068901300019 ENDDATA 3 0 O068901300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O068901399999 SUBENT O0689014 20100709 O042O068901400001 BIB 5 9 O068901400002 REACTION (82-PB-207(P,2N)83-BI-206,,SIG) O068901400003 RAD-DET (83-BI-206,XR,DG) O068901400004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-206,6.2D,DG,800./900.) O068901400005 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068901400006 Pb-204 - 0.119%, O068901400007 Pb-206 - 7.73%, O068901400008 Pb-207 - 61.06%, O068901400009 Pb-208 - 31.09%. O068901400010 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3c O068901400011 ENDBIB 9 0 O068901400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901400013 DATA 2 12 O068901400014 EN DATA O068901400015 MEV B O068901400016 13.0 0.08 O068901400017 15.2 0.36 O068901400018 17.5 0.58 O068901400019 17.8 0.62 O068901400020 18.4 0.70 O068901400021 19.3 0.89 O068901400022 20.1 0.82 O068901400023 20.9 0.96 O068901400024 24.5 0.56 O068901400025 26.9 0.34 O068901400026 30.7 0.09 O068901400027 33.9 0.02 O068901400028 ENDDATA 14 0 O068901400029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O068901499999 SUBENT O0689015 20151203 O056O068901500001 BIB 6 10 O068901500002 REACTION (82-PB-207(P,3N)83-BI-205,,SIG) O068901500003 RAD-DET (83-BI-205,XR) O068901500004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-205,14.5D) O068901500005 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is t O068901500006 Pb-204 - 0.119%, O068901500007 Pb-206 - 7.73%, O068901500008 Pb-207 - 61.06%, O068901500009 Pb-208 - 31.09%. O068901500010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of CJP,34,745,1956 O068901500011 HISTORY (20151203A) SD: 14.5HR -> 14.5D in DECAY-DATA. O068901500012 ENDBIB 10 0 O068901500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901500014 DATA 2 4 O068901500015 EN DATA O068901500016 MEV B O068901500017 24.5 0.46 O068901500018 26.9 0.70 O068901500019 30.7 0.94 O068901500020 33.9 0.79 O068901500021 ENDDATA 6 0 O068901500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O068901599999 SUBENT O0689016 20100709 O042O068901600001 BIB 6 16 O068901600002 REACTION (82-PB-207(P,4N)83-BI-204,,SIG) O068901600003 RAD-DET (83-BI-204,XR) O068901600004 (82-PB-204-M,XR,DG) O068901600005 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-204,12.HR) O068901600006 (82-PB-204-M,68.MIN,DG,374.) O068901600007 COMMENT *By authors*.Cross sections were evaluated both Kx-raysO068901600008 and from the 374-keV gamma ray of Pb-204-m, with O068901600009 agreement within 5%. The x-rays measure (p,4n) and theO068901600010 gamma rays measure (p,4n)+(p,3n+p); the agreement O068901600011 shows that (p,3n+p) is small compared with (p,4n). O068901600012 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068901600013 Pb-204 - 0.119%, O068901600014 Pb-206 - 7.73%, O068901600015 Pb-207 - 61.06%, O068901600016 Pb-208 - 31.09%. O068901600017 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3c O068901600018 ENDBIB 16 0 O068901600019 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901600020 DATA 2 5 O068901600021 EN DATA O068901600022 MEV B O068901600023 33.9 0.17 O068901600024 37.1 0.60 O068901600025 39.9 0.81 O068901600026 43.2 0.84 O068901600027 46.4 0.69 O068901600028 ENDDATA 7 0 O068901600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O068901699999 SUBENT O0689017 20100727 O042O068901700001 BIB 6 18 O068901700002 REACTION (82-PB-207(P,X)82-PB-203-G,CUM,SIG) O068901700003 RAD-DET (82-PB-203-G,XR,DG) O068901700004 DECAY-DATA (82-PB-203-G,52.HR,XR,,,DG,279.) O068901700005 (83-BI-203-G,12.HR) O068901700006 COMMENT - by authors - it was impossible to determine these O068901700007 cross sections directly from the 12 hours decay of O068901700008 Bi-203 K x-rays. The cross section was therefore O068901700009 evaluated from K x-rays of 52 hours daughter activity O068901700010 remaining after the decay of 12 hours activities. TheO068901700011 gamma ray evidence gave cross sections about 10% higherO068901700012 than K x-rays. The x-ray results have been used for O068901700013 the quoted cross sections. O068901700014 SAMPLE isotopic composition, in atomic percent: O068901700015 Pb-204 - 0.119%, O068901700016 Pb-206 - 7.73%, O068901700017 Pb-207 - 61.06%, O068901700018 Pb-208 - 31.09%. O068901700019 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3c O068901700020 ENDBIB 18 0 O068901700021 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901700022 DATA 2 2 O068901700023 EN DATA O068901700024 MEV B O068901700025 43.2 0.08 O068901700026 46.4 0.39 O068901700027 ENDDATA 4 0 O068901700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 O068901799999 SUBENT O0689018 20100709 O042O068901800001 BIB 5 10 O068901800002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,3N)83-BI-206,,SIG) O068901800003 RAD-DET (84-PO-206,XR,DG) Kx-rays O068901800004 (83-BI-206,XR,DG) O068901800005 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-206,6.2D,DG,800./900.) O068901800006 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068901800007 Pb-204 - 0.069%, O068901800008 Pb-206 - 1.99%, O068901800009 Pb-207 - 9.97%, O068901800010 Pb-208 - 87.97%. O068901800011 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3d O068901800012 ENDBIB 10 0 O068901800013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901800014 DATA 2 8 O068901800015 EN DATA O068901800016 MEV B O068901800017 24.5 0.48 O068901800018 26.9 0.74 O068901800019 30.8 0.98 O068901800020 33.8 0.73 O068901800021 37.1 0.52 O068901800022 39.9 0.27 O068901800023 43.2 0.22 O068901800024 46.4 0.14 O068901800025 ENDDATA 10 0 O068901800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O068901899999 SUBENT O0689019 20100709 O042O068901900001 BIB 5 9 O068901900002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,4N)83-BI-205,,SIG) O068901900003 RAD-DET (83-BI-205,XR) O068901900004 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-205,14.5D) O068901900005 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068901900006 Pb-204 - 0.069%, O068901900007 Pb-206 - 1.99%, O068901900008 Pb-207 - 9.97%, O068901900009 Pb-208 - 87.97%. O068901900010 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3d O068901900011 ENDBIB 9 0 O068901900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068901900013 DATA 2 5 O068901900014 EN DATA O068901900015 MEV B O068901900016 33.8 0.28 O068901900017 37.1 0.72 O068901900018 39.9 0.93 O068901900019 43.2 0.84 O068901900020 46.4 0.56 O068901900021 ENDDATA 7 0 O068901900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O068901999999 SUBENT O0689020 20100709 O042O068902000001 BIB 6 16 O068902000002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,5N)83-BI-204,,SIG) O068902000003 RAD-DET (83-BI-204,XR) O068902000004 (82-PB-204-M,XR,DG) O068902000005 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-204,12.HR) O068902000006 (82-PB-204-M,68.MIN,DG,374.) O068902000007 COMMENT *By authors*.Cross sections were evaluated both Kx-raysO068902000008 and from the 374-keV gamma ray of Pb-204-m, with O068902000009 agreement within 5%. The x-rays measure (p,5n) and theO068902000010 gamma rays measure (p,5n)+(p,4n+p); the agreement O068902000011 shows that (p,4n+p) is small compared with (p,5n). O068902000012 SAMPLE Isotopic composition is O068902000013 Pb-204 - 0.069%, O068902000014 Pb-206 - 1.99%, O068902000015 Pb-207 - 9.97%, O068902000016 Pb-208 - 87.97%. O068902000017 STATUS (TABLE).Tables 3d O068902000018 ENDBIB 16 0 O068902000019 NOCOMMON 0 0 O068902000020 DATA 2 2 O068902000021 EN DATA O068902000022 MEV B O068902000023 43.2 0.20 O068902000024 46.4 0.45 O068902000025 ENDDATA 4 0 O068902000026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O068902099999 ENDENTRY 20 0 O068999999999