ENTRY O0702 20230118 O093O070200000001 SUBENT O0702001 20230118 O093O070200100001 BIB 11 36 O070200100002 TITLE Single-particle strength in neutron-rich 71Cu from the O070200100003 (d,3He) proton pick-up reaction O070200100004 AUTHOR (S.Franchoo,P.Morfouace,M.Assie,F.Azaiez, D.Beaumel, O070200100005 S.Boissinot,R.Borcea,G.Burgunder,L.Caceres, O070200100006 N.De Sereville, Z.Dombradi,J.Elseviers, O070200100007 B.Fernandez-Dominguez, A.Gillibert, S.Giron,S.Grevy, O070200100008 F.Hammache,O.Kamalou, V.Lapoux, L.Lefebvre, O070200100009 A.Lepailleur,C.Louchart, G.Marquinez-Duran, O070200100010 I.Martel-Bravo,I.Matea,D.Mengoni,L.Nalpas, D.Napoli, O070200100011 M.Niikura,F.Recchia,A.Sanchez-Benitez,J-A.Scarpaci, O070200100012 D.Sohler,O.Sorlin,M.Stanoiu,I.Stefan,C.Stodel, O070200100013 J-C.Thomas,Z.Vajta) O070200100014 INSTITUTE (2FR CSN,2FR SAC,3RUMBUC,2FR GAN,3HUNDEB,2BLGLEU, O070200100015 2SPNSAU,2FR GRA,2SPNHLV,2ITYUPV,2ITYPAD) O070200100016 REFERENCE (J,JP/CS,580,012012,2015) O070200100017 FACILITY (CYCLO,2FR GAN) O070200100018 INC-SOURCE A radioactive beam of 72Zn at 38 MeV/u and a rate of O070200100019 1.5 x 10**5 particles per second was obtained from O070200100020 the fragmentation of a primary 76Ge beam on a O070200100021 beryllium target of 733 um thickness. O070200100022 SAMPLE A deuterated polypropylene target of 0.26 mg/cm2 O070200100023 thickness. O070200100024 METHOD (EDE,TOF) The 3He particles of interest were identifiedO070200100025 by combination of their time of flight, dE signal in O070200100026 the 20-um strip detectors and E deposit in the O070200100027 Must-2 DSSSD. O070200100028 DETECTOR (SISD) Four Must-2 telescopes consist of double-sided O070200100029 silicon strip detector (DSSSD) of 300 um, four silicon O070200100030 strip detectors with nominal thickness of 20 um were O070200100031 therefore added in front of the Must-2 array. O070200100032 (IOCH) At 0., a ionization chamber filled with CF4 O070200100033 gas at a pressure of 100 mbar and followed by a NE 104 O070200100034 plastic scintillator of 2 cm of depth allowed for O070200100035 the identification of the outgoing heavy ions. O070200100036 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O070200100037 HISTORY (20230118C) SD O070200100038 ENDBIB 36 0 O070200100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 O070200100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 O070200199999 SUBENT O0702002 20230118 O093O070200200001 BIB 2 3 O070200200002 REACTION ((1-H-2(30-ZN-72,HE3)29-CU-71,PAR,DA,RSD)= O070200200003 (30-ZN-72(D,HE3)29-CU-71,PAR,DA)) O070200200004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 from J.Phys.: Conf.Ser.,580(2015)012012 O070200200005 ENDBIB 3 0 O070200200006 COMMON 5 3 O070200200007 EN-CM E-EXC-MIN E-EXC-MAX ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG O070200200008 MEV/A MEV MEV ADEG PER-CENT O070200200009 38. 0.9 1.7 0.04 0.7 O070200200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O070200200011 DATA 4 7 O070200200012 ANG-CM ANG-ERR DATA-CM DATA-ERR O070200200013 ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR O070200200014 4.51 1.48 2.350E+00 1.747E+00 O070200200015 7.46 1.57 3.280E+00 8.165E-01 O070200200016 10.51 0.89 2.827E+00 5.754E-01 O070200200017 13.46 1.57 1.880E+00 3.827E-01 O070200200018 16.50 1.47 5.333E-01 2.111E-01 O070200200019 19.45 1.57 9.469E-01 3.033E-01 O070200200020 22.50 1.47 5.233E-01 5.347E-01 O070200200021 ENDDATA 9 0 O070200200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O070200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O070299999999