ENTRY            O0705   20150401                             O054O070500000001 
SUBENT        O0705001   20150401                             O054O070500100001 
BIB                 12         34                                 O070500100002 
TITLE      Spatial distribution of nucleons in Zr-90 and Pb-208   O070500100003 
           nuclei from experiments on elastic scattering of       O070500100004 
           1-GeV protons                                          O070500100005 
AUTHOR     (G.D.Alkhazov,S.L.Belostotskii,A.A.Vorob'ev,S.S.Volkov,O070500100006 
            Yu.V.Dotsenko,O.A.Domchenkov,N.P.Kuropatkin,          O070500100007 
           V.N.Nikulin, M.A.Shuvaev)                              O070500100008 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSLIN)                                              O070500100009 
REFERENCE  (J,YF,26,673,1977) in Russian                          O070500100010 
           (J,SNP,26,357,1977) in English                         O070500100011 
           (P,LIJAF-531,1979) Experimental data for elastic and   O070500100012 
           inelastic scattering of 1-GeV protons from nuclei.     O070500100013 
ADD-RES    (COMP).The Experimental data are analyzed in framework O070500100014 
           of the Glauber Diffraction Theory.                     O070500100015 
           (P-SPC)                                                O070500100016 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Resolution - 1.5 MeV.                          O070500100017 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,4RUSLIN)                                        O070500100018 
REL-REF    (M,,G.D.Alkhazov+,P,LIJAF-155,1975) The experimental   O070500100019 
           method and the procedure for absolute normalization andO070500100020 
           determination of the angle corrections have been       O070500100021 
           described in more detail.                              O070500100022 
METHOD     (SITA)                                                 O070500100023 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty in tables                   O070500100024 
           (DATA-ERR1).The cross sections have been normalized    O070500100025 
           in absolute value to the elastic p-p scattering cross  O070500100026 
           section. The normalization was carried out in the      O070500100027 
           region of the second diffraction maximum in the        O070500100028 
           proton nucleus elastic scattering cross section, where O070500100029 
           the error in the angle has a minimal effect on the     O070500100030 
           measured value.                                        O070500100031 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table of P,LIJAF-531,1979                      O070500100032 
HISTORY    (20000217C)                                            O070500100033 
           (20000427A) DATE is corrected                          O070500100034 
           (20120604U) SD: BIB update. ERR-T changed to DATA-ERR. O070500100035 
           Ref. on English transl. corrected ( BAS -> SNP)        O070500100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 O070500100037 
COMMON               3          3                                 O070500100038 
EN         EN-RSL-FW  DATA-ERR1                                   O070500100039 
GEV        MEV        PER-CENT                                    O070500100040 
         1.        1.5        10.                                 O070500100041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O070500100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 O070500199999 
SUBENT        O0705002   20150401                             O054O070500200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 O070500200002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-90(P,EL)40-ZR-90,,DA)                           O070500200003 
SAMPLE     (40-ZR-90,ENR=0.958) Zr-90,Isotopic Composition is     O070500200004 
           Zr-90-95.8%, Zr-91-1.3%,Zr-92-1.5%,Zr-94-1.2%,         O070500200005 
           Zr-96-0.2%,was used as target.                         O070500200006 
HISTORY    (20150401A).Digitizing data to table data from         O070500200007 
           P,LIJAF-531,1979                                       O070500200008 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table 17 of P,LIJAF-531,1979                   O070500200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 O070500200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O070500200011 
DATA                 3         44                                 O070500200012 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    O070500200013 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       O070500200014 
       3.58      9741.       250.                                 O070500200015 
       4.09      3341.        70.                                 O070500200016 
       4.35      1843.        70.                                 O070500200017 
       4.86       696.        30.                                 O070500200018 
       5.11       671.        25.                                 O070500200019 
       5.37       788.        50.                                 O070500200020 
       5.63       958.        75.                                 O070500200021 
       5.88      1062.        75.                                 O070500200022 
       6.14      1187.        51.                                 O070500200023 
       6.39      1137.        30.                                 O070500200024 
       6.65      1006.        25.                                 O070500200025 
       6.90       914.        35.                                 O070500200026 
       7.16       701.        25.                                 O070500200027 
       7.42       532.        20.                                 O070500200028 
       7.67       377.        10.                                 O070500200029 
       7.93      239.5        3.5                                 O070500200030 
       8.18      155.3        5.1                                 O070500200031 
       8.44       95.2        5.1                                 O070500200032 
       8.69       60.2        2.0                                 O070500200033 
       8.95       45.6        1.7                                 O070500200034 
       9.21       47.1        1.5                                 O070500200035 
       9.46       56.1        1.5                                 O070500200036 
       9.72       68.6        1.5                                 O070500200037 
       9.97       77.2        1.5                                 O070500200038 
      10.23       83.2        1.5                                 O070500200039 
      10.48       84.7        3.1                                 O070500200040 
      10.74       82.2        1.5                                 O070500200041 
      11.00       70.7        1.5                                 O070500200042 
      11.25       55.6        1.1                                 O070500200043 
      11.51       49.2        2.5                                 O070500200044 
      11.76       33.4        1.1                                 O070500200045 
      12.02       24.2        0.9                                 O070500200046 
      12.27       15.7        1.0                                 O070500200047 
      12.53       11.0        0.3                                 O070500200048 
      13.04       6.82       0.25                                 O070500200049 
      13.30       5.41       0.25                                 O070500200050 
      13.55       6.22       0.30                                 O070500200051 
      13.81       6.92       0.30                                 O070500200052 
      14.32       7.87       0.35                                 O070500200053 
      14.83       6.57       0.45                                 O070500200054 
      15.34       5.37       0.30                                 O070500200055 
      15.85       3.56       0.35                                 O070500200056 
      16.36       1.76       0.20                                 O070500200057 
      16.87       0.97       0.15                                 O070500200058 
ENDDATA             46          0                                 O070500200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 O070500299999 
SUBENT        O0705003   20150401                             O054O070500300001 
BIB                  4          7                                 O070500300002 
REACTION   (82-PB-208(P,EL)82-PB-208,,DA)                         O070500300003 
SAMPLE     (82-PB-208,ENR=0.975) Pb-208,Isotopic Composition is   O070500300004 
           Pb-208-97.5%, Pb-204-0.1%,Pb-206-0.1%,Pb-207-2.2%,     O070500300005 
           was used as target.                                    O070500300006 
HISTORY    (20150401A).Digitizing data to table data from         O070500300007 
           P,LIJAF-531,1979                                       O070500300008 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table 18 of P,LIJAF-531,1979                   O070500300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 O070500300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O070500300011 
DATA                 3         51                                 O070500300012 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    O070500300013 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       O070500300014 
       1.92    211000.      4700.                                 O070500300015 
       2.17    128000.      2450.                                 O070500300016 
       2.43     76500.      1500.                                 O070500300017 
       2.68     45200.       950.                                 O070500300018 
       2.93     25100.       510.                                 O070500300019 
       3.18     13500.       265.                                 O070500300020 
       3.43      7160.       150.                                 O070500300021 
       3.69      4970.       284.                                 O070500300022 
       3.98      4640.        95.                                 O070500300023 
       4.19      5210.       133.                                 O070500300024 
       4.44      5870.       114.                                 O070500300025 
       4.70      5960.       119.                                 O070500300026 
       4.95      5480.       110.                                 O070500300027 
       5.20      4670.        59.                                 O070500300028 
       5.45      3850.       245.                                 O070500300029 
       5.71      2800.       114.                                 O070500300030 
       5.96      1840.        68.                                 O070500300031 
       6.21      1073.        64.                                 O070500300032 
       6.46       647.        17.                                 O070500300033 
       6.72       488.        24.                                 O070500300034 
       6.97       471.        19.                                 O070500300035 
       7.22       573.        23.                                 O070500300036 
       7.47       672.        38.                                 O070500300037 
       7.73       703.        32.                                 O070500300038 
       7.98       658.        11.                                 O070500300039 
       8.23       606.        17.                                 O070500300040 
       8.48       486.        12.                                 O070500300041 
       8.74       333.         8.                                 O070500300042 
       8.99       221.         8.                                 O070500300043 
       9.24       136.         8.                                 O070500300044 
       9.49       90.3        5.3                                 O070500300045 
       9.75       75.0        3.2                                 O070500300046 
      10.00       81.4        2.2                                 O070500300047 
      10.25       95.8        1.3                                 O070500300048 
      10.50      110.6        2.1                                 O070500300049 
      10.76      117.0        4.5                                 O070500300050 
      11.01      101.1        5.9                                 O070500300051 
      11.26       85.2        5.5                                 O070500300052 
      11.51       77.8        4.2                                 O070500300053 
      11.77       55.5        4.7                                 O070500300054 
      12.02       39.2        1.3                                 O070500300055 
      12.27       27.5        2.1                                 O070500300056 
      12.52       17.9        1.2                                 O070500300057 
      12.77       14.2        1.2                                 O070500300058 
      13.03       16.4        1.0                                 O070500300059 
      13.28       16.7        1.0                                 O070500300060 
      13.53       17.9        0.6                                 O070500300061 
      13.78       17.9        1.2                                 O070500300062 
      14.29       16.3        0.6                                 O070500300063 
      14.54       12.7        1.0                                 O070500300064 
      15.05       7.25        0.6                                 O070500300065 
ENDDATA             53          0                                 O070500300066 
ENDSUBENT           65          0                                 O070500399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 O070599999999