ENTRY            O0724   20000427                             0000O072400000001 
SUBENT        O0724001   20000427                             0000O072400100001 
BIB                 13         67                                 O072400100002 
TITLE      Angular Distributions of Recoil Products from Some     O072400100003 
           Reactions Induced in Cu-65 and Au-197 by Proton of     O072400100004 
           Energy 30-85 MeV.                                      O072400100005 
AUTHOR     (M.K.DEWANJEE, G.B.SAHA, L.YAFFE)                      O072400100006 
INSTITUTE  (1CANMCG)                                              O072400100007 
REFERENCE  (J,CJC,46,3551,1968)                                   O072400100008 
HISTORY    (20000313C)                                            O072400100009 
           (20000320U) Last checking has been done.               O072400100010 
           (20000427A) DATE is corrected                          O072400100011 
SAMPLE     Two Experiments were performed at each energy - One    O072400100012 
           covering the angular interval 0-90 degrees and the     O072400100013 
           other 90-108 degrees relative to the beam.             O072400100014 
           The thin target was prepared by evaporating enriched   O072400100015 
           Cu-65 (99.7%) and Au-197 on to Aluminium backing       O072400100016 
           material.The target thickness for Gold and Copper were O072400100017 
           3-7 and 4-8 mug/cm**2 respectively and the target      O072400100018 
           dimensions were 0.8 cm*1.2 cm.The collection radius andO072400100019 
           collector height were 9.53 and 5.08 cm, respectively.  O072400100020 
           To avoid any difference in the target thickness in the O072400100021 
           forward and backward experiments at same energy, two   O072400100022 
           sections of the same target prepared were used for bothO072400100023 
           experiments.                                           O072400100024 
           Three identical Aluminium foils were used on the       O072400100025 
           collector mount, the first for recoil collection, the  O072400100026 
           second for activation correction and the third to      O072400100027 
           compensate for the recoils from the Aluminium mount to O072400100028 
           the blank foil.                                        O072400100029 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,1CANMCG)                                        O072400100030 
METHOD     (CHSEP)                                                O072400100031 
           (ACTIV) Irradiation Time was about 120 Min.            O072400100032 
STATUS     (TABLE)                                                O072400100033 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) A Low-Background Proportional Counter.         O072400100034 
ADD-RES    (COMP).Monte Carlo evaporation calculations, cascade-  O072400100035 
           evaporation calculations at 85 MeV for Cu-64 and       O072400100036 
           inelastic scattering plus evaporation calculations.    O072400100037 
           Scattering effect of the recoils due to the orientationO072400100038 
           of the target (90 degrees) to the incident proton beam O072400100039 
           was reported.                                          O072400100040 
CORRECTION *by Authors*.Preliminary Experiments were Conducted ForO072400100041 
           The Purpose of Ascertaining the Extent of Scattering ofO072400100042 
           Low Energy Recoils and Impurity Activation in the      O072400100043 
           Backing and Catcher Materials.The Scattering Effect is O072400100044 
           Mainly Due to Angular Orientation of the Target with   O072400100045 
           Respect to the Proton Beam,Target Thickness,the Effect O072400100046 
           Of the Backing Material.                               O072400100047 
           The Data Corrected For Dilution,Chemical Yield,Self-   O072400100048 
           Absorption and Back-Scattering of Electron were TreatedO072400100049 
           As Follows-                                            O072400100050 
           Extrapolation to Angular Regions For Which Collection  O072400100051 
           Was not Made Directly.                                 O072400100052 
           Interpolation at 90 Degree and Matching of the Data    O072400100053 
           From the Forward-Backward Experiments to Get a         O072400100054 
           Continuous Curve.                                      O072400100055 
           Normalization of the Total Activity to the Same Value  O072400100056 
            (10000 C.P.M.)                                        O072400100057 
           Calculation of an Average Angle For Each Distribution  O072400100058 
           At a Definite Energy.                                  O072400100059 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The Errors in the Angular Distribution         O072400100060 
           Measurements Involve the Errors Associated with the    O072400100061 
           Resolution of the Decay Curves, the Counter Background,O072400100062 
           Chemical Yields, Weights of the Target and             O072400100063 
           Nonuniformities of the Target and Catcher Thickness,   O072400100064 
           The Scattering of the Low- Energy Recoiling Nuclides,  O072400100065 
           Dilution Factors, Radio-Chemical Purity,               O072400100066 
           Self-Absorption and Back-Scattering of the Beta        O072400100067 
           Radiation in the Sample.  The Estimated Error Amounted O072400100068 
           To 9% For Copper and 14% For Gold Isotopes.            O072400100069 
ENDBIB              67          0                                 O072400100070 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O072400100071 
ENDSUBENT           70          0                                 O072400199999 
SUBENT        O0724002   20000427                             0000O072400200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 O072400200002 
REACTION   (29-CU-65(P,F)29-CU-64,,DA,,REL)                       O072400200003 
FLAG       (1.).Repeated Irradiation.                             O072400200004 
           (2.).Midpoint of the Interval 52.5 Degree.             O072400200005 
           (3.).Midpoint of the Interval 67.5 Degree.             O072400200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 O072400200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O072400200008 
DATA                 5         91                                 O072400200009 
EN         ANG        DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  O072400200010 
MEV        ADEG       ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM                O072400200011 
        30.        7.5      4220.       380.                      O072400200012 
        30.       22.5      2196.       198.                      O072400200013 
        30.       37.5      1572.       142.                      O072400200014 
        30.       52.5       777.        70.                      O072400200015 
        30.       67.5       390.        35.                      O072400200016 
        30.       82.5       197.        18.                      O072400200017 
        30.       97.5       168.        15.                      O072400200018 
        30.      112.5       127.        11.                      O072400200019 
        30.      127.5        89.         8.                      O072400200020 
        30.      142.5        91.         8.                      O072400200021 
        30.      157.5        71.         6.                      O072400200022 
        30.      172.5       102.         9.                      O072400200023 
        40.        7.5      2040.       184.                      O072400200024 
        40.        20.      2090.       188.                      O072400200025 
        40.        30.      1760.       158.                      O072400200026 
        40.        40.      1270.       114.                      O072400200027 
        40.        50.       760.        68.                      O072400200028 
        40.        60.       520.        47.                      O072400200029 
        40.        70.       320.        29.                      O072400200030 
        40.       82.5       250.        23.                      O072400200031 
        40.       97.5       200.        18.                      O072400200032 
        40.      112.5       180.        16.                      O072400200033 
        40.      127.5       160.        14.                      O072400200034 
        40.      142.5       140.        13.                      O072400200035 
        40.      157.5       140.        13.                      O072400200036 
        40.      172.5       170.        15.                      O072400200037 
        50.        7.5      1910.       172.                      O072400200038 
        50.       22.5      2220.       200.                      O072400200039 
        50.       37.5      2140.       193.                      O072400200040 
        50.       52.5      1410.       127.                      O072400200041 
        50.       67.5       660.        59.                      O072400200042 
        50.       82.5       390.        35.                      O072400200043 
        50.       97.5       290.        26.                      O072400200044 
        50.      112.5       210.        19.                      O072400200045 
        50.      127.5       150.        14.                      O072400200046 
        50.      142.5       120.        11.                      O072400200047 
        50.      157.5       240.        22.                      O072400200048 
        50.      172.5       260.        23.                      O072400200049 
        60.        7.5      1090.        98.                      O072400200050 
        60.        20.      1230.       111.                      O072400200051 
        60.        30.      1380.       124.                      O072400200052 
        60.        40.      1580.       142.                      O072400200053 
        60.        50.      1190.       107.                      O072400200054 
        60.        60.       880.        79.                      O072400200055 
        60.        70.       560.        50.                      O072400200056 
        60.       82.5       500.        45.                      O072400200057 
        60.       97.5       430.        39.                      O072400200058 
        60.      112.5       300.        27.                      O072400200059 
        60.      127.5       250.        23.                      O072400200060 
        60.      142.5       200.        18.                      O072400200061 
        60.      157.5       200.        18.                      O072400200062 
        60.      172.5       210.        19.                      O072400200063 
        70.        7.5       900.        81.         1.           O072400200064 
        70.        7.5      1490.       134.                      O072400200065 
        70.        20.      1100.        99.         1.           O072400200066 
        70.       22.5      1610.       144.                      O072400200067 
        70.        30.      1370.       123.         1.           O072400200068 
        70.       37.5      2140.       193.                      O072400200069 
        70.        40.      1620.       146.         1.           O072400200070 
        70.        50.      1300.       117.         1.           O072400200071 
        70.       52.5      1680.       151.                      O072400200072 
        70.        60.       860.        77.         1.           O072400200073 
        70.       67.5       890.        80.                      O072400200074 
        70.        70.       600.        54.         1.           O072400200075 
        70.       82.5       500.        45.                      O072400200076 
        70.       82.5       540.        49.         1.           O072400200077 
        70.       97.5       460.        41.                      O072400200078 
        70.       97.5       470.        42.         1.           O072400200079 
        70.      112.5       310.        28.                      O072400200080 
        70.      112.5       320.        29.         1.           O072400200081 
        70.      127.5       270.        24.                      O072400200082 
        70.      127.5       290.        26.         1.           O072400200083 
        70.      142.5       220.        20.                      O072400200084 
        70.      142.5       220.        20.         1.           O072400200085 
        70.      157.5       210.        19.                      O072400200086 
        70.      157.5       210.        19.         1.           O072400200087 
        70.      172.5       200.        18.         1.           O072400200088 
        70.      172.5       220.        20.                      O072400200089 
        85.        7.5       870.        78.                      O072400200090 
        85.        20.      1040.        94.                      O072400200091 
        85.        30.      1200.       108.                      O072400200092 
        85.        40.      1550.       140.                      O072400200093 
        85.        50.      1900.       171.         2.           O072400200094 
        85.        70.      1260.       113.         3.           O072400200095 
        85.       82.5       750.        68.                      O072400200096 
        85.       97.5       450.        41.                      O072400200097 
        85.      112.5       400.        36.                      O072400200098 
        85.      127.5       340.        41.                      O072400200099 
        85.      142.5        80.         7.                      O072400200100 
        85.      157.5        90.         8.                      O072400200101 
        85.      172.5        70.         6.                      O072400200102 
ENDDATA             93          0                                 O072400200103 
ENDSUBENT          102          0                                 O072400299999 
SUBENT        O0724003   20000427                             0000O072400300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 O072400300002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(P,F)79-AU-196,,DA,,REL)                     O072400300003 
FLAG       (1.).Repeated Irradiation.                             O072400300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 O072400300005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O072400300006 
DATA                 5         78                                 O072400300007 
EN         ANG        DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  O072400300008 
MEV        ADEG       ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM                O072400300009 
        30.        7.5      2500.       350.                      O072400300010 
        30.       22.5      2220.       311.                      O072400300011 
        30.       37.5      1760.       246.                      O072400300012 
        30.       52.5      1210.       169.                      O072400300013 
        30.       67.5       700.        98.                      O072400300014 
        30.       82.5       390.        55.                      O072400300015 
        30.       97.5       390.        55.                      O072400300016 
        30.      112.5       290.        41.                      O072400300017 
        30.      127.5       170.        24.                      O072400300018 
        30.      142.5       140.        20.                      O072400300019 
        30.      157.5       110.        15.                      O072400300020 
        30.      172.5       120.        17.                      O072400300021 
        50.        7.5      3340.       468.                      O072400300022 
        50.       22.5      3220.       451.                      O072400300023 
        50.       37.5      1420.       199.                      O072400300024 
        50.       52.5       410.        57.                      O072400300025 
        50.       67.5       280.        39.                      O072400300026 
        50.       82.5       190.        27.                      O072400300027 
        50.       97.5       190.        27.                      O072400300028 
        50.      112.5       190.        27.                      O072400300029 
        50.      127.5       130.        18.                      O072400300030 
        50.      142.5       130.        18.                      O072400300031 
        50.      157.5       110.        15.                      O072400300032 
        50.      172.5       390.        55.                      O072400300033 
        60.        7.5      1010.       141.                      O072400300034 
        60.        20.      1430.       200.                      O072400300035 
        60.        30.      1210.       169.                      O072400300036 
        60.        40.      1020.       143.                      O072400300037 
        60.        50.      1070.       150.                      O072400300038 
        60.        60.       780.       109.                      O072400300039 
        60.        70.       730.       102.                      O072400300040 
        60.       82.5       500.        70.                      O072400300041 
        60.       97.5       500.        70.                      O072400300042 
        60.      112.5       520.        73.                      O072400300043 
        60.      127.5       350.        49.                      O072400300044 
        60.      142.5       330.        46.                      O072400300045 
        60.      157.5       310.        43.                      O072400300046 
        60.      172.5       240.        34.                      O072400300047 
        70.        7.5      1350.       189.                      O072400300048 
        70.        20.      1450.       203.                      O072400300049 
        70.        30.      1750.       245.                      O072400300050 
        70.        40.      1300.       182.                      O072400300051 
        70.        50.      1220.       171.                      O072400300052 
        70.        60.       890.       125.                      O072400300053 
        70.        70.       610.        85.                      O072400300054 
        70.       82.5       200.        28.                      O072400300055 
        70.       97.5       190.        27.                      O072400300056 
        70.      112.5       150.        21.                      O072400300057 
        70.      127.5       160.        22.                      O072400300058 
        70.      142.5       160.        22.                      O072400300059 
        70.      157.5       140.        20.                      O072400300060 
        70.      172.5       430.        60.                      O072400300061 
        85.        7.5      1160.       162.         1.           O072400300062 
        85.        7.5      1340.       188.                      O072400300063 
        85.        20.      1340.       188.         1.           O072400300064 
        85.       22.5      1580.       221.                      O072400300065 
        85.        30.      1800.       252.         1.           O072400300066 
        85.       37.5      2580.       361.                      O072400300067 
        85.        40.      1140.       160.         1.           O072400300068 
        85.        50.      1070.       150.         1.           O072400300069 
        85.       52.5      1590.       223.                      O072400300070 
        85.        60.       680.        95.         1.           O072400300071 
        85.       67.5       840.       118.                      O072400300072 
        85.        70.       750.       105.         1.           O072400300073 
        85.       82.5       470.        66.         1.           O072400300074 
        85.       82.5       490.        69.                      O072400300075 
        85.       97.5       480.        67.         1.           O072400300076 
        85.       97.5       500.        70.                      O072400300077 
        85.      112.5       190.        27.                      O072400300078 
        85.      112.5       260.        36.         1.           O072400300079 
        85.      127.5       280.        39.         1.           O072400300080 
        85.      127.5       290.        41.                      O072400300081 
        85.      142.5       150.        21.         1.           O072400300082 
        85.      142.5       160.        22.                      O072400300083 
        85.      157.5       200.        28.                      O072400300084 
        85.      157.5       210.        29.                      O072400300085 
        85.      172.5       220.        31.         1.           O072400300086 
        85.      172.5       230.        32.                      O072400300087 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 O072400300088 
ENDSUBENT           87          0                                 O072400399999 
SUBENT        O0724004   20000427                             0000O072400400001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O072400400002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(P,F)79-AU-194,,DA,,REL)                     O072400400003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O072400400004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O072400400005 
DATA                 4         42                                 O072400400006 
EN         ANG        DATA       ERR-T                            O072400400007 
MEV        ADEG       ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        O072400400008 
        60.        7.5      2950.       413.                      O072400400009 
        60.        20.      2230.       312.                      O072400400010 
        60.        30.      1470.       206.                      O072400400011 
        60.        40.      1130.       158.                      O072400400012 
        60.        50.       620.        87.                      O072400400013 
        60.        60.       420.        59.                      O072400400014 
        60.        70.       290.        40.                      O072400400015 
        60.       82.5       150.        21.                      O072400400016 
        60.       97.5       110.        15.                      O072400400017 
        60.      112.5       130.        18.                      O072400400018 
        60.      127.5       140.        20.                      O072400400019 
        60.      142.5       130.        18.                      O072400400020 
        60.      157.5       120.        17.                      O072400400021 
        60.      172.5       110.        15.                      O072400400022 
        70.        7.5      2550.       357.                      O072400400023 
        70.        20.      2140.       300.                      O072400400024 
        70.        30.      1940.       272.                      O072400400025 
        70.        40.       930.       130.                      O072400400026 
        70.        50.       920.       129.                      O072400400027 
        70.        60.       590.        83.                      O072400400028 
        70.        70.        80.        11.                      O072400400029 
        70.       82.5       160.        23.                      O072400400030 
        70.       97.5       130.        18.                      O072400400031 
        70.      112.5       120.        17.                      O072400400032 
        70.      127.5       120.        17.                      O072400400033 
        70.      142.5       110.        15.                      O072400400034 
        70.      157.5       110.        15.                      O072400400035 
        70.      172.5       100.        14.                      O072400400036 
        85.        7.5      2550.       357.                      O072400400037 
        85.        20.      2100.       294.                      O072400400038 
        85.        30.      1510.       211.                      O072400400039 
        85.        40.      1110.       155.                      O072400400040 
        85.        50.       530.        74.                      O072400400041 
        85.        60.       210.        29.                      O072400400042 
        85.        70.       400.        56.                      O072400400043 
        85.       82.5       190.        27.                      O072400400044 
        85.       97.5       210.        29.                      O072400400045 
        85.      112.5       230.        32.                      O072400400046 
        85.      127.5       240.        34.                      O072400400047 
        85.      142.5       240.        34.                      O072400400048 
        85.      157.5       230.        32.                      O072400400049 
        85.      172.5       250.        35.                      O072400400050 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 O072400400051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 O072400499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 O072499999999