ENTRY O0727 20201020 O081O072700000001 SUBENT O0727001 20201020 O081O072700100001 BIB 9 27 O072700100002 TITLE Xenon yields in the fission of heavy elements by O072700100003 medium-energy protons. O072700100004 AUTHOR (J.H.Forster, N.T.Porile, L.Yaffe) O072700100005 REFERENCE (J,CJC,44,2951,1966) O072700100006 INSTITUTE (1CANMCG) O072700100007 FACILITY (SYNCY,1CANMCG) O072700100008 METHOD (INTB) beam current was 0.5-1 uA. O072700100009 (ACTIV) the time of irradiation was from 5-25 minutes. O072700100010 (CHSEP,GSPEC) O072700100011 DETECTOR (NAICR) 3 in. x 3.in. NaI crystal. the efficiency of O072700100012 the spectrometer was determined with a calibrated gas O072700100013 phase beta-proportional counter. O072700100014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty was compounded from estimated O072700100015 errors in the beam monitoring, in the measurement of O072700100016 activities and chemical yields, and in analysis of O072700100017 gamma-ray spectra and decay curves. O072700100018 HISTORY (20000313C) O072700100019 (20010214A) V.Mclane's remark for O0727.027 has been O072700100020 included. O072700100021 (20090828A) BIB section upgraded. Correction in O072700100022 author' list has been done, according V.Zerkin remarks.O072700100023 Correction in Subents 002-028, according new Exfor O072700100024 rules. O072700100025 (20201020A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subents O072700100026 004, 007, 010, 012 deleted (arithmetic cr.sect. ratio O072700100027 from the data presented in other Subents). O072700100028 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O072700100029 ENDBIB 27 0 O072700100030 COMMON 1 3 O072700100031 DATA-ERR O072700100032 PER-CENT O072700100033 25. O072700100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O072700100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 O072700199999 SUBENT O0727002 20201020 O081O072700200001 BIB 7 17 O072700200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,F)54-XE-135,,SIG) O072700200003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072700200004 SAMPLE The target foil of 232Th and the copper monitor foil O072700200005 had surface densities of 80.8, and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072700200006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072700200007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072700200008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072700200009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072700200010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072700200011 edge alignment. O072700200012 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072700200013 growth resulting from decay of I-135. O072700200014 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-135-G,9.2HR,DG,249.,0.91) O072700200015 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072700200016 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF4=Xe-135g -> Xe-135; SF5=IND/M+ O072700200017 deleted from REACTION code. SAMPLE added. STATUS O072700200018 updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072700200019 ENDBIB 17 0 O072700200020 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072700200021 DATA 4 6 O072700200022 EN DATA MONIT MISC O072700200023 MEV MB MB MB O072700200024 30. 20.3 390. 21.1 O072700200025 40. 24.0 270. 24.9 O072700200026 52. 23.0 205. 23.6 O072700200027 65. 17.3 173. 17.9 O072700200028 75. 15.9 150. 16.5 O072700200029 85. 13.7 140. 14.2 O072700200030 ENDDATA 8 0 O072700200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O072700299999 SUBENT O0727003 20201020 O081O072700300001 BIB 5 13 O072700300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,F)53-I-135,CUM,SIG) O072700300003 SAMPLE The target foil of 232Th and the copper monitor foil O072700300004 had surface densities of 80.8, and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072700300005 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072700300006 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072700300007 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072700300008 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072700300009 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072700300010 edge alignment. O072700300011 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072700300012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072700300013 HISTORY (20201020U) SD: SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. O072700300014 ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072700300015 ENDBIB 13 0 O072700300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072700300017 DATA 3 6 O072700300018 EN DATA MONIT O072700300019 MEV MB MB O072700300020 30. 23.3 390. O072700300021 40. 17.9 270. O072700300022 52. 12.9 205. O072700300023 65. 11.7 173. O072700300024 75. 12.0 150. O072700300025 85. 9.1 140. O072700300026 ENDDATA 8 0 O072700300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O072700399999 NOSUBENT O0727004 20201020 O081O072700400001 SUBENT O0727005 20201020 O081O072700500001 BIB 8 19 O072700500002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)54-XE-135,,SIG) O072700500003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072700500004 SAMPLE The target foil of 238U and the copper monitor foil O072700500005 had surface densities of 46.4, and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072700500006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072700500007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072700500008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072700500009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072700500010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072700500011 edge alignment. O072700500012 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072700500013 growth resulting from decay of I-135. O072700500014 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072700500015 this energy. O072700500016 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-135-G,9.2HR,DG,249.,0.91) O072700500017 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072700500018 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF4=Xe-135g -> Xe-135; SF5=IND/M+ O072700500019 deleted from REACTION code. SAMPLE added. STATUS O072700500020 updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001 O072700500021 ENDBIB 19 0 O072700500022 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072700500023 DATA 5 7 O072700500024 EN DATA MISC MONIT FLAG O072700500025 MEV MB MB MB NO-DIM O072700500026 17. 5.6 6.5 100. 1. O072700500027 20. 12.3 13.3 240. 1. O072700500028 42. 27.8 28.9 250. O072700500029 57. 36.2 37.0 190. O072700500030 65. 27.5 28.6 170. O072700500031 75. 19.2 20.2 150. O072700500032 85. 21.6 22.8 140. O072700500033 ENDDATA 9 0 O072700500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O072700599999 SUBENT O0727006 20201020 O081O072700600001 BIB 6 15 O072700600002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)53-I-135,CUM,SIG) O072700600003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072700600004 SAMPLE The target foil of 238U and the copper monitor foil O072700600005 had surface densities of 46.4, and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072700600006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072700600007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072700600008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072700600009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072700600010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072700600011 edge alignment. O072700600012 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072700600013 this energy. O072700600014 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072700600015 HISTORY (20201020U) SD: SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. O072700600016 ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072700600017 ENDBIB 15 0 O072700600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072700600019 DATA 4 7 O072700600020 EN DATA MONIT FLAG O072700600021 MEV MB MB NO-DIM O072700600022 17. 14.8 100. 1. O072700600023 20. 19.1 240. 1. O072700600024 42. 14.4 250. O072700600025 57. 16.4 190. O072700600026 65. 19.0 170. O072700600027 75. 16.1 150. O072700600028 85. 18.6 140. O072700600029 ENDDATA 9 0 O072700600030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 O072700699999 NOSUBENT O0727007 20201020 O081O072700700001 SUBENT O0727008 20201020 O081O072700800001 BIB 8 19 O072700800002 REACTION (92-U-235(P,F)54-XE-135,,SIG) O072700800003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072700800004 SAMPLE The target foil of 235U and the copper monitor foil O072700800005 had surface densities of 104.0 and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072700800006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072700800007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072700800008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072700800009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072700800010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072700800011 edge alignment. O072700800012 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072700800013 growth resulting from decay of I-135. O072700800014 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072700800015 this energy. O072700800016 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-135-G,9.2HR,DG,249.,0.91) O072700800017 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072700800018 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF4=Xe-135g -> Xe-135; SF5=IND/M+ O072700800019 deleted from REACTION code. SAMPLE added. STATUS O072700800020 updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001 O072700800021 ENDBIB 19 0 O072700800022 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072700800023 DATA 5 7 O072700800024 EN DATA MISC MONIT FLAG O072700800025 MEV MB MB MB NO-DIM O072700800026 20. 21.1 21.5 240. 1. O072700800027 25. 36. 36.6 488. O072700800028 35. 27.5 28.2 310. O072700800029 45. 31.9 32.7 235. O072700800030 55. 26.8 28. 195. O072700800031 70. 17.2 17.8 160. O072700800032 85. 20.8 21.6 140. O072700800033 ENDDATA 9 0 O072700800034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O072700899999 SUBENT O0727009 20201020 O081O072700900001 BIB 6 15 O072700900002 REACTION (92-U-235(P,F)53-I-135,CUM,SIG) O072700900003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072700900004 SAMPLE The target foil of 235U and the copper monitor foil O072700900005 had surface densities of 104.0 and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072700900006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072700900007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072700900008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072700900009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072700900010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072700900011 edge alignment. O072700900012 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072700900013 this energy. O072700900014 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072700900015 HISTORY (20201020U) SD: SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. O072700900016 ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072700900017 ENDBIB 15 0 O072700900018 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072700900019 DATA 4 7 O072700900020 EN DATA MONIT FLAG O072700900021 MEV MB MB NO-DIM O072700900022 20. 10.7 240. 1. O072700900023 25. 16.7 488. O072700900024 35. 12.8 310. O072700900025 45. 16.6 235. O072700900026 55. 19. 195. O072700900027 70. 12.2 160. O072700900028 85. 12.6 140. O072700900029 ENDDATA 9 0 O072700900030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 O072700999999 NOSUBENT O0727010 20201020 O081O072701000001 SUBENT O0727011 20201020 O081O072701100001 BIB 7 18 O072701100002 REACTION (92-U-233(P,F)54-XE-135,IND,FY,,REL) O072701100003 SAMPLE 233U,the target material was finely powdered uraniunl O072701100004 oxide (5-12 mg) wrapped in aluminium foil of surface O072701100005 density 5.5 mg/cm2. A target was assembled by O072701100006 clamping in an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil O072701100007 and a heavy metal foil held in an envelope of O072701100008 aluminium foil (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed O072701100009 between aluminium plates in a vise and then carefully O072701100010 sheared to ensure edge alignment. O072701100011 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072701100012 growth resulting from decay of I-135. O072701100013 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072701100014 this energy. O072701100015 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-135-G,9.2HR,DG,249.,0.91) O072701100016 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701100017 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF4=Xe-135g -> Xe-135; SF5=IND/M+->IND;O072701100018 SF6=SIG -> FY in REACTION code. SAMPLE added. O072701100019 STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072701100020 ENDBIB 18 0 O072701100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701100022 DATA 4 4 O072701100023 EN DATA MISC FLAG O072701100024 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM O072701100025 20. 4.74 4.77 1. O072701100026 30. 3.13 3.16 O072701100027 42. 2.79 2.83 O072701100028 70. 2.81 2.86 O072701100029 ENDDATA 6 0 O072701100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 O072701199999 NOSUBENT O0727012 20201020 O081O072701200001 SUBENT O0727013 20201020 O081O072701300001 BIB 5 13 O072701300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,F)53-I-133,CUM,SIG) O072701300003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072701300004 SAMPLE The target foil of 232Th and the copper monitor foil O072701300005 had surface densities of 80.8, and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072701300006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072701300007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072701300008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072701300009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072701300010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072701300011 edge alignment. O072701300012 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701300013 HISTORY (20201020U) SD: SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. O072701300014 ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072701300015 ENDBIB 13 0 O072701300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701300017 DATA 3 6 O072701300018 EN DATA MONIT O072701300019 MEV MB MB O072701300020 30. 38.9 390. O072701300021 40. 41.6 270. O072701300022 52. 33.4 205. O072701300023 65. 28.3 173. O072701300024 75. 27.2 150. O072701300025 85. 19.9 140. O072701300026 ENDDATA 8 0 O072701300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O072701399999 SUBENT O0727014 20201020 O081O072701400001 BIB 6 15 O072701400002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,F)54-XE-133-M,,SIG) O072701400003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072701400004 SAMPLE The target foil of 232Th and the copper monitor foil O072701400005 had surface densities of 80.8, and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072701400006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072701400007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072701400008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072701400009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072701400010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072701400011 edge alignment. O072701400012 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-M,2.3D,DG,233.,0.15) O072701400013 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701400014 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072701400015 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072701400016 Subent 001. O072701400017 ENDBIB 15 0 O072701400018 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701400019 DATA 3 6 O072701400020 EN DATA MONIT O072701400021 MEV MB MB O072701400022 30. 2.7 390. O072701400023 40. 6.1 270. O072701400024 52. 9.7 205. O072701400025 65. 9.4 173. O072701400026 75. 9.6 150. O072701400027 85. 8.4 140. O072701400028 ENDDATA 8 0 O072701400029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O072701499999 SUBENT O0727015 20201020 O081O072701500001 BIB 7 17 O072701500002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,F)54-XE-133-G,,SIG) O072701500003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072701500004 SAMPLE The target foil of 232Th and the copper monitor foil O072701500005 had surface densities of 80.8, and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072701500006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072701500007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072701500008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072701500009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072701500010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072701500011 edge alignment. O072701500012 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072701500013 growth resulting from decay of Te-133. O072701500014 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-G,5.3D,DG,80.,0.40) O072701500015 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701500016 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072701500017 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072701500018 Subent 001. O072701500019 ENDBIB 17 0 O072701500020 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701500021 DATA 4 6 O072701500022 EN DATA MONIT MISC O072701500023 MEV MB MB MB O072701500024 30. 2.7 390. 3.1 O072701500025 40. 6.2 270. 6.9 O072701500026 52. 9.6 205. 10.1 O072701500027 65. 9.1 173. 9.6 O072701500028 75. 8.6 150. 9.1 O072701500029 85. 7.5 140. 7.8 O072701500030 ENDDATA 8 0 O072701500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O072701599999 SUBENT O0727016 20201020 O081O072701600001 BIB 7 17 O072701600002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,F)54-XE-133,,SIG) O072701600003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072701600004 SAMPLE The target foil of 232Th and the copper monitor foil O072701600005 had surface densities of 80.8 and 45.9 mg/cm2, O072701600006 respectively. A target was assembled by clamping in O072701600007 an aluminium holder a copper monitor foil and a heavy O072701600008 metal foil held in an envelope of aluminium foil O072701600009 (5.5 mg/cm2). The foil was pressed between aluminium O072701600010 plates in a vise and then carefully sheared to ensure O072701600011 edge alignment. O072701600012 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072701600013 growth resulting from decay of Te-133. O072701600014 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-M,2.3D,DG,233.,0.15) O072701600015 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701600016 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072701600017 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072701600018 Subent 001. O072701600019 ENDBIB 17 0 O072701600020 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701600021 DATA 4 6 O072701600022 EN DATA MONIT MISC O072701600023 MEV MB MB MB O072701600024 30. 5.4 390. 5.8 O072701600025 40. 12.3 270. 13. O072701600026 52. 19.2 205. 19.7 O072701600027 65. 18.5 173. 19. O072701600028 75. 18.2 150. 18.7 O072701600029 85. 15.9 140. 16.2 O072701600030 ENDDATA 8 0 O072701600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O072701699999 SUBENT O0727017 20201020 O081O072701700001 BIB 5 7 O072701700002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)53-I-133,CUM,SIG) O072701700003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072701700004 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072701700005 this energy. O072701700006 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701700007 HISTORY (20201020U) SD: SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. O072701700008 ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072701700009 ENDBIB 7 0 O072701700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701700011 DATA 4 7 O072701700012 EN DATA MONIT FLAG O072701700013 MEV MB MB NO-DIM O072701700014 17. 21.1 100. 1. O072701700015 20. 31.4 240. 1. O072701700016 42. 36.6 250. O072701700017 57. 35.8 190. O072701700018 65. 40.9 170. O072701700019 75. 33.6 150. O072701700020 85. 39.1 140. O072701700021 ENDDATA 9 0 O072701700022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O072701799999 SUBENT O0727018 20201020 O081O072701800001 BIB 6 9 O072701800002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)54-XE-133-M,,SIG) O072701800003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072701800004 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072701800005 this energy. O072701800006 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-M,2.3D,DG,233.,0.15) O072701800007 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701800008 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072701800009 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072701800010 Subent 001. O072701800011 ENDBIB 9 0 O072701800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701800013 DATA 4 7 O072701800014 EN DATA MONIT FLAG O072701800015 MEV MB MB NO-DIM O072701800016 17. 0.5 100. 1. O072701800017 20. 1.2 240. 1. O072701800018 42. 8.1 250. O072701800019 57. 17.8 190. O072701800020 65. 13.8 170. O072701800021 75. 10.6 150. O072701800022 85. 12. 140. O072701800023 ENDDATA 9 0 O072701800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 O072701899999 SUBENT O0727019 20201020 O081O072701900001 BIB 7 11 O072701900002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)54-XE-133-G,,SIG) O072701900003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072701900004 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072701900005 growth resulting from decay of Te-133. O072701900006 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072701900007 this energy. O072701900008 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-G,5.3D,DG,80.,0.40) O072701900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072701900010 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND/M+ deleted from REACTION code. O072701900011 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved O072701900012 to Subent 001. O072701900013 ENDBIB 11 0 O072701900014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072701900015 DATA 5 7 O072701900016 EN DATA MISC MONIT FLAG O072701900017 MEV MB MB MB NO-DIM O072701900018 17. 0.3 0.7 100. 1. O072701900019 20. 1.4 1.9 240. 1. O072701900020 42. 8.9 9.8 250. O072701900021 57. 15.8 16.4 190. O072701900022 65. 14.3 15. 170. O072701900023 75. 8.7 9.4 150. O072701900024 85. 11.9 12.7 140. O072701900025 ENDDATA 9 0 O072701900026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O072701999999 SUBENT O0727020 20201020 O081O072702000001 BIB 6 10 O072702000002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)54-XE-135,,SIG) O072702000003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072702000004 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072702000005 growth resulting from decay of Te-133. O072702000006 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702000007 this energy. O072702000008 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702000009 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072702000010 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072702000011 Subent 001. O072702000012 ENDBIB 10 0 O072702000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702000014 DATA 5 7 O072702000015 EN DATA MISC MONIT FLAG O072702000016 MEV MB MB MB NO-DIM O072702000017 17. 0.8 1.2 100. 1. O072702000018 20. 2.6 3.1 240. 1. O072702000019 42. 17.1 17.9 250. O072702000020 57. 33.6 34.2 190. O072702000021 65. 28.1 28.8 170. O072702000022 75. 19.2 19.9 150. O072702000023 85. 23.9 24.7 140. O072702000024 ENDDATA 9 0 O072702000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 O072702099999 SUBENT O0727021 20201020 O081O072702100001 BIB 5 8 O072702100002 REACTION (92-U-235(P,F)53-I-133,CUM,SIG) O072702100003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072702100004 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702100005 this energy. O072702100006 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702100007 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND -> CUM in REACTION code. O072702100008 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072702100009 Subent 001. O072702100010 ENDBIB 8 0 O072702100011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702100012 DATA 4 7 O072702100013 EN DATA MONIT FLAG O072702100014 MEV MB MB NO-DIM O072702100015 20. 32.8 240. 1. O072702100016 25. 49.5 488. O072702100017 35. 37.5 310. O072702100018 45. 44.2 235. O072702100019 55. 45.7 195. O072702100020 70. 29.2 160. O072702100021 85. 30.4 140. O072702100022 ENDDATA 9 0 O072702100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 O072702199999 SUBENT O0727022 20201020 O081O072702200001 BIB 6 9 O072702200002 REACTION (92-U-235(P,F)54-XE-133-M,,SIG) O072702200003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072702200004 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702200005 this energy. O072702200006 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-M,2.3D,DG,233.,0.15) O072702200007 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702200008 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072702200009 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072702200010 Subent 001. O072702200011 ENDBIB 9 0 O072702200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702200013 DATA 4 7 O072702200014 EN DATA MONIT FLAG O072702200015 MEV MB MB NO-DIM O072702200016 20. 5.4 240. 1. O072702200017 25. 12.8 488. O072702200018 35. 15.2 310. O072702200019 45. 20.2 235. O072702200020 55. 18.9 195. O072702200021 70. 12. 160. O072702200022 85. 13.6 140. O072702200023 ENDDATA 9 0 O072702200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 O072702299999 SUBENT O0727023 20201020 O081O072702300001 BIB 7 11 O072702300002 REACTION (92-U-235(P,F)54-XE-133-G,,SIG) O072702300003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072702300004 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072702300005 growth resulting from decay of Te-133. O072702300006 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702300007 this energy. O072702300008 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-G,5.3D,DG,80.,0.40) O072702300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702300010 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072702300011 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072702300012 Subent 001. O072702300013 ENDBIB 11 0 O072702300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702300015 DATA 5 7 O072702300016 EN DATA MISC MONIT FLAG O072702300017 MEV MB MB MB NO-DIM O072702300018 20. 6.3 6.6 240. 1. O072702300019 25. 14. 14.5 488. O072702300020 35. 13.8 14.5 310. O072702300021 45. 20.5 21.2 235. O072702300022 55. 16.2 17.1 195. O072702300023 70. 10.4 10.9 160. O072702300024 85. 12.8 13.4 140. O072702300025 ENDDATA 9 0 O072702300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O072702399999 SUBENT O0727024 20201020 O081O072702400001 BIB 6 10 O072702400002 REACTION (92-U-235(P,F)54-XE-133,,SIG) O072702400003 MONITOR ((MONIT)29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) O072702400004 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072702400005 growth resulting from decay of I-135. O072702400006 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702400007 this energy. O072702400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702400009 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O072702400010 SAMPLE added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to O072702400011 Subent 001. O072702400012 ENDBIB 10 0 O072702400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702400014 DATA 5 7 O072702400015 EN DATA MISC MONIT FLAG O072702400016 MEV MB MB MB NO-DIM O072702400017 20. 11.7 12. 240. 1. O072702400018 25. 26.7 27.2 488. O072702400019 35. 29. 29.7 310. O072702400020 45. 40.7 41.4 235. O072702400021 55. 35.1 26. 195. O072702400022 70. 22.4 22.9 160. O072702400023 85. 26.5 27. 140. O072702400024 ENDDATA 9 0 O072702400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 O072702499999 SUBENT O0727025 20201020 O081O072702500001 BIB 4 6 O072702500002 REACTION (92-U-233(P,F)53-I-133,CUM,FY,,REL) O072702500003 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702500004 this energy. O072702500005 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702500006 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF6=SIG -> FY in REACTION code. SAMPLE O072702500007 added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072702500008 ENDBIB 6 0 O072702500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702500010 DATA 3 5 O072702500011 EN DATA FLAG O072702500012 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM O072702500013 20. 5. 1. O072702500014 30. 4.3 O072702500015 42. 3.42 O072702500016 55. 6.57 O072702500017 70. 3.15 O072702500018 ENDDATA 7 0 O072702500019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O072702599999 SUBENT O0727026 20201020 O081O072702600001 BIB 5 7 O072702600002 REACTION (92-U-233(P,F)54-XE-133-M,IND,FY,,REL) O072702600003 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702600004 this energy. O072702600005 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-M,2.3D,DG,233.,0.15) O072702600006 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702600007 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF6=SIG -> FY in REACTION code. SAMPLE O072702600008 added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072702600009 ENDBIB 7 0 O072702600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702600011 DATA 3 5 O072702600012 EN DATA FLAG O072702600013 MEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM O072702600014 20. 2.55 1. O072702600015 30. 2.14 O072702600016 42. 2.31 O072702600017 55. 3.68 O072702600018 70. 1.98 O072702600019 ENDDATA 7 0 O072702600020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O072702699999 SUBENT O0727027 20201020 O081O072702700001 BIB 6 9 O072702700002 REACTION (92-U-233(P,F)54-XE-133-G,IND,FY,,REL) O072702700003 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072702700004 growth resulting from decay of Te-133. O072702700005 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702700006 this energy. O072702700007 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-G,5.3D,DG,80.,0.40) O072702700008 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702700009 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF6=SIG -> FY in REACTION code. SAMPLE O072702700010 added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072702700011 ENDBIB 9 0 O072702700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702700013 DATA 4 4 O072702700014 EN DATA MISC FLAG O072702700015 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM O072702700016 20. 2.68 2.74 1. O072702700017 30. 2.36 2.42 O072702700018 42. 2.17 2.22 O072702700019 70. 2.06 2.11 O072702700020 ENDDATA 6 0 O072702700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 O072702799999 SUBENT O0727028 20201020 O081O072702800001 BIB 5 8 O072702800002 REACTION (92-U-233(P,F)54-XE-135,IND,FY,,REL) O072702800003 MISC-COL (MISC) the cross sections are uncorrected for the O072702800004 growth resulting from decay of I-135. O072702800005 FLAG (1.) very large uncertainty in monitor cross section atO072702800006 this energy. O072702800007 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Canad.J.Chem.,48(1970)1924 O072702800008 HISTORY (20201020A) SD: SF6=SIG -> FY in REACTION code. SAMPLE O072702800009 added. STATUS updated. ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001. O072702800010 ENDBIB 8 0 O072702800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O072702800012 DATA 4 4 O072702800013 EN DATA MISC FLAG O072702800014 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM O072702800015 20. 5.23 5.29 1. O072702800016 30. 4.5 4.56 O072702800017 42. 4.47 4.52 O072702800018 70. 4.04 4.09 O072702800019 ENDDATA 6 0 O072702800020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O072702899999 ENDENTRY 28 0 O072799999999