ENTRY O0771 20221116 O091O077100000001 SUBENT O0771001 20221116 O091O077100100001 BIB 12 48 O077100100002 TITLE Investigation of Cr-50(d,n)Mn-51 and Nat-Cr(p,x)Mn-51 O077100100003 processes with respect to the production of the O077100100004 positron emitter Mn-51. O077100100005 AUTHOR (A.T.J.Klein,F.Roesch,S.M.Qaim) O077100100006 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL) O077100100007 REFERENCE (J,RCA,88,253,2000) O077100100008 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched Cr-50, 94.7% in metallic form. O077100100009 The isotopic composition was: Cr-50 94.7%, Cr-52 4.84%,O077100100010 Cr-53 0.37%, Cr-54 0.09% for the natural Cr. The O077100100011 chemical impurities, as specified by the Supplier were-O077100100012 Ti< 30ppm, Mn <10 ppm, Fe <250 ppm, Ni < 40 ppm, Cu (80O077100100013 ppm), Al (780 ppm), Si (200 ppm) and Ca (150 ppm). O077100100014 Targets were prepared by electrodeposition of metallic O077100100015 Cr-50 on gold cathodes. Metallic filings of Cr-50 were O077100100016 converted almost quantitatively to pure Cr oxide. O077100100017 ANALYSIS (DECAY) O077100100018 ADD-RES (TTY-C) O077100100019 DETECTOR (GELI) O077100100020 (HPGE) The Specially shielded detector with very low O077100100021 background. O077100100022 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL) All deuteron irradiations up to 13.5- O077100100023 MeV and some proton irradiations up to 22-MeV were O077100100024 performed at the compact cyclotron CV-28. Proton O077100100025 irradiations were done mostly at the injector of COSY O077100100026 with proton energies up to 45 MeV. O077100100027 METHOD (STTA) O077100100028 (GSPEC) O077100100029 (ACTIV) The nominal beam current was 300 nA for O077100100030 deuterons and less 200 nA in proton experiments. O077100100031 (CHSEP) O077100100032 (EXTB) At CV-28 Cyclotron O077100100033 (INTB) At injector cyclotron of COSY. O077100100034 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors of the calculated cross O077100100035 sections were determined from the errors activity, O077100100036 particle flux, and number of target nuclei per plane O077100100037 using Gaussian propagation law. O077100100038 (ERR-2) The error of the detector efficiency O077100100039 (ERR-3,,7.) The resulting absolute activity error O077100100040 (EN-ERR) The uncertainty of energy in separate foil O077100100041 was calculated by authors. The formulae is given in O077100100042 paper. O077100100043 HISTORY (20000906C) O077100100044 (20000916U) Last checking has been done. O077100100045 (20010323A) DATE is corrected O077100100046 (20151204A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 016. O077100100047 ERR-ANALYS update, ERR-1 moved to Subents 002-008. O077100100048 ERR-4, STATUS moved to Subents 002-018. O077100100049 (20221116A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. O077100100050 ENDBIB 48 0 O077100100051 COMMON 1 3 O077100100052 ERR-2 O077100100053 PER-CENT O077100100054 6. O077100100055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 O077100199999 SUBENT O0771002 20221116 O091O077100200001 BIB 8 36 O077100200002 REACTION 1(24-CR-50(D,N)25-MN-51,,SIG,,AV) O077100200003 2(24-CR-50(D,N)25-MN-51,,SIG) Weighting factor 40% O077100200004 3(24-CR-50(D,N)25-MN-51,,SIG) Weighting factor 30% O077100200005 4(24-CR-50(D,N)25-MN-51,,SIG) Weighting factor 20% O077100200006 5(24-CR-50(D,N)25-MN-51,,SIG) Weighting factor 10% O077100200007 METHOD 1 Weighted mean O077100200008 2 Measurements of the annihilation peak. The 511-MeV O077100200009 line was completely assigned to the positron emmissionO077100200010 of Mn-51 in a single gamma-ray measurement directly O077100200011 after end of bombardment O077100200012 3 The result for multidecay analysis method O077100200013 of the annihilation peak after chemical separation. O077100200014 4 The result for quantification of the Cr-51 O077100200015 daughter in the separated Mn-fraction.(320-keV). O077100200016 5 The result for counting the 749.1-keV characteristic O077100200017 photopeak. Due to the very weak intensity of this O077100200018 gamma-ray and due to its overlap with the 744.2 keV O077100200019 gamma-line of Mn-52, the derived activities have a O077100200020 high error. O077100200021 REL-REF (D,O2033007,M.Cogneau+,J,NP,79,203,1966) O077100200022 MONITOR (26-FE-54(D,N)27-CO-55,,SIG) O077100200023 (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100200024 (79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) O077100200025 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100200026 MONIT-REF (F1220001,N.A.Vlasov+,J,AE,2,189,1957) O077100200027 (C0336004,H.I.West Jr,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100200028 (C1996003,R.Vandenbosch+,J,PR,120,1313,1960) O077100200029 (D4105001,K.L.Chen+,J,PR,134,B1269,1964) O077100200030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors of the final deuteron fluxes 16% O077100200031 (ERR-4) The error of the number of target nuclei O077100200032 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.4 from Rad.Chem.Acta,88(2000)253 O077100200033 HISTORY (20151204A) SD: ERR-1, ERR-4, METHOD added; BIB update.O077100200034 MISC cols -> DATA cols (split on four REACTION codes). O077100200035 Value (DATA 1) at En=10.85 MeV corrected. O077100200036 (20221116A) SD: Energy error at E=10.85 MeV corrected. O077100200037 SF8=DERIV -> AV in REACTION code (1). O077100200038 ENDBIB 36 0 O077100200039 COMMON 2 3 O077100200040 ERR-1 ERR-4 O077100200041 PER-CENT PER-CENT O077100200042 16. 12. O077100200043 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100200044 DATA 12 22 O077100200045 EN EN-ERR DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2O077100200046 DATA 3ERR-T 3DATA 4ERR-T 4DATA 5ERR-T 5O077100200047 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB O077100200048 MB MB MB MB MB MB O077100200049 2.9 0.73 15.6 6.3 16.5 3.5O077100200050 12.0 2.5 18.9 19.0 16.2 4.0O077100200051 3.91 0.57 53.7 11.8 60.1 12.6O077100200052 47.2 9.9 54.5 13.1 45.6 11.5O077100200053 4.02 0.56 72.7 15.8 86.1 18.1O077100200054 61.5 12.9 71.8 17.2 54.7 12.5O077100200055 4.12 0.54 105.5 23.4 115.6 25.3O077100200056 98.0 20.5 110.3 27.1 77.8 21.0O077100200057 4.98 0.46 131.5 28.4 139.9 29.3O077100200058 119.7 25.0 138.3 32.3 119.3 26.6O077100200059 5.68 0.41 255.6 56.5 O077100200060 267.4 55.9 196.9 45.8 337.3 79.5O077100200061 6.17 0.39 204.5 44.4 220.7 46.3O077100200062 179.7 37.6 208.5 49.0 206.1 48.1O077100200063 6.97 0.35 174.1 37.9 189.2 39.6O077100200064 160.0 33.5 181.1 44.0 142.3 31.8O077100200065 7.13 0.34 235.3 49.2 O077100200066 235.3 49.2 O077100200067 8.51 0.29 153.9 34.3 168.4 35.4O077100200068 138.5 29.0 168.2 41.4 113.9 31.7O077100200069 9.09 0.28 137.0 30.2 147.3 31.0O077100200070 128.0 26.8 140.3 34.0 116.5 30.2O077100200071 10.07 0.25 94.2 20.5 105.1 22.0O077100200072 86.2 18.0 96.0 23.5 70.6 16.3O077100200073 10.48 0.25 102.3 30.9 112.3 23.6O077100200074 90.9 19.0 105.8 68.0 89.9 21.6O077100200075 10.72 0.24 100.7 22.1 106.9 22.5O077100200076 87.8 18.4 108.0 25.6 99.7 25.0O077100200077 10.85 0.24 90.3 23.5 O077100200078 91.3 19.7 87.5 34.9O077100200079 11.14 0.23 94.6 20.5 105.8 22.2O077100200080 85.1 17.8 97.5 23.1 72.2 16.5O077100200081 11.61 0.23 111.5 27.7 O077100200082 109.5 23.5 117.5 40.3O077100200083 11.94 0.22 92.7 20.6 103.0 21.7O077100200084 88.8 18.6 86.6 21.3 75.8 21.1O077100200085 12.29 0.22 90.0 21.3 O077100200086 83.1 17.4 110.5 33.0O077100200087 12.44 0.21 84.7 18.2 98.3 20.6O077100200088 72.7 15.2 86.6 19.9 62.4 14.5O077100200089 12.89 0.21 94.4 27.2 O077100200090 96.3 20.2 88.5 48.3O077100200091 13.34 0.20 85.9 18.8 99.5 20.9O077100200092 75.5 15.8 86.7 20.0 60.8 17.3O077100200093 ENDDATA 48 0 O077100200094 ENDSUBENT 93 0 O077100299999 SUBENT O0771003 20151204 O056O077100300001 BIB 7 14 O077100300002 REACTION (24-CR-50(D,2N)25-MN-50-M,,SIG) O077100300003 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-50-M,1.75MIN,DG,783.3,0.913) O077100300004 MONITOR (26-FE-54(D,N)27-CO-55,,SIG) O077100300005 (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100300006 (79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) O077100300007 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100300008 MONIT-REF (F1220001,N.A.Vlasov+,J,AE,2,189,1957) O077100300009 (C0336004,H.L.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100300010 (C1996003,R.Vandenbosch++,J,PR,120,1313,1960) O077100300011 (D4105001,K.L.Chen+,J,PR,134,B1269,1964) O077100300012 STATUS (TABLE) From the text on p.259 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077100300013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors of the final deuteron fluxes 16% O077100300014 (ERR-4) The error of the number of target nuclei O077100300015 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-1, ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077100300016 ENDBIB 14 0 O077100300017 COMMON 2 3 O077100300018 ERR-1 ERR-4 O077100300019 PER-CENT PER-CENT O077100300020 16. 12. O077100300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100300022 DATA 4 1 O077100300023 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077100300024 MEV MEV MB MB O077100300025 12.89 0.2 0.87 0.13 O077100300026 ENDDATA 3 0 O077100300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O077100399999 SUBENT O0771004 20151204 O056O077100400001 BIB 7 14 O077100400002 REACTION (24-CR-50(D,T)24-CR-49,,SIG) O077100400003 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-49,42.1MIN,DG,152.9,0.309) O077100400004 MONITOR (26-FE-54(D,N)27-CO-55,,SIG) O077100400005 (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100400006 (79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) O077100400007 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100400008 MONIT-REF (F1220001,N.A.Vlasov+,J,AE,2,189,1957) O077100400009 (C0336004,H.L.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100400010 (C1996003,R.Vandenbosch++,J,PR,120,1313,1960) O077100400011 (D4105001,K.L.Chen+,J,PR,134,B1269,1964) O077100400012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 5 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077100400013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors of the final deuteron fluxes 16% O077100400014 (ERR-4) The error of the number of target nuclei O077100400015 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-1, ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077100400016 ENDBIB 14 0 O077100400017 COMMON 2 3 O077100400018 ERR-1 ERR-4 O077100400019 PER-CENT PER-CENT O077100400020 16. 12. O077100400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100400022 DATA 4 5 O077100400023 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077100400024 MEV MEV MB MB O077100400025 11.14 0.23 0.20 0.07 O077100400026 11.61 0.23 0.59 0.51 O077100400027 12.29 0.22 0.59 0.32 O077100400028 12.44 0.21 0.82 0.19 O077100400029 12.89 0.21 1.09 0.54 O077100400030 ENDDATA 7 0 O077100400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O077100499999 SUBENT O0771005 20151204 O056O077100500001 BIB 7 14 O077100500002 REACTION (24-CR-52(D,2P)23-V-52,,SIG) O077100500003 DECAY-DATA (23-V-52,3.7MIN,DG,1434.1,1.) O077100500004 MONITOR (26-FE-54(D,N)27-CO-55,,SIG) O077100500005 (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100500006 (79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) O077100500007 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100500008 MONIT-REF (F1220001,N.A.Vlasov+,J,AE,2,189,1957) O077100500009 (C0336004,H.L.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100500010 (C1996003,R.Vandenbosch++,J,PR,120,1313,1960) O077100500011 (D4105001,K.L.Chen+,J,PR,134,B1269,1964) O077100500012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 5 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077100500013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors of the final deuteron fluxes 16% O077100500014 (ERR-4) The error of the number of target nuclei O077100500015 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-1, ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077100500016 ENDBIB 14 0 O077100500017 COMMON 2 3 O077100500018 ERR-1 ERR-4 O077100500019 PER-CENT PER-CENT O077100500020 16. 12. O077100500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100500022 DATA 4 3 O077100500023 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077100500024 MEV MEV MB MB O077100500025 11.61 0.23 2.8 2.0 O077100500026 12.29 0.22 12.2 3.7 O077100500027 12.89 0.21 26.5 8.8 O077100500028 ENDDATA 5 0 O077100500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O077100599999 SUBENT O0771006 20151204 O056O077100600001 BIB 8 17 O077100600002 REACTION (24-CR-50(D,P)24-CR-51,,SIG) O077100600003 COMMENT - By Authors - This process contains additionally smallO077100600004 contribution from the Cr-52(D,T)Cr-51 reaction. O077100600005 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.7D,DG,320.1,0.098) O077100600006 MONITOR (26-FE-54(D,N)27-CO-55,,SIG) O077100600007 (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100600008 (79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) O077100600009 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100600010 MONIT-REF (F1220001,N.A.Vlasov+,J,AE,2,189,1957) O077100600011 (C0336004,H.L.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100600012 (C1996003,R.Vandenbosch++,J,PR,120,1313,1960) O077100600013 (D4105001,K.L.Chen+,J,PR,134,B1269,1964) O077100600014 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 6 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077100600015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors of the final deuteron fluxes 16% O077100600016 (ERR-4) The error of the number of target nuclei O077100600017 HISTORY (20151204A) SD: ERR-1, ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077100600018 SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O077100600019 ENDBIB 17 0 O077100600020 COMMON 2 3 O077100600021 ERR-1 ERR-4 O077100600022 PER-CENT PER-CENT O077100600023 16. 12. O077100600024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100600025 DATA 4 24 O077100600026 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077100600027 MEV MEV MB MB O077100600028 2.9 0.73 27.9 6.7 O077100600029 3.91 0.57 114.5 26.1 O077100600030 4.02 0.56 147.4 34.3 O077100600031 4.12 0.54 245.7 56.4 O077100600032 4.94 0.47 294.0 67.8 O077100600033 4.98 0.46 316.5 71.7 O077100600034 5.68 0.41 408.8 93.6 O077100600035 6.17 0.39 562.2 124.8 O077100600036 6.97 0.35 552.4 121.5 O077100600037 7.13 0.34 674.7 141.6 O077100600038 7.94 0.31 386.7 87.9 O077100600039 8.51 0.29 505.4 112.4 O077100600040 9.09 0.28 497.9 114.8 O077100600041 10.07 0.25 328.8 72.6 O077100600042 10.48 0.25 338.2 75.3 O077100600043 10.72 0.24 330.4 77.4 O077100600044 10.85 0.24 435.3 127.2 O077100600045 11.14 0.23 305.5 67.8 O077100600046 11.61 0.23 354.8 98.7 O077100600047 11.94 0.22 312.7 73.8 O077100600048 12.29 0.22 134.5 51.4 O077100600049 12.44 0.21 253.4 56.4 O077100600050 12.89 0.21 448.0 121.0 O077100600051 13.34 0.2 268.9 62.9 O077100600052 ENDDATA 26 0 O077100600053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 O077100699999 SUBENT O0771007 20151204 O056O077100700001 BIB 9 24 O077100700002 REACTION (24-CR-50(D,X)24-CR-51,CUM,SIG) O077100700003 COMMENT - By Authors - This process contains additionally smallO077100700004 contribution from the Cr-52(D,T)Cr-51 reaction. O077100700005 Cr-51 production due to Cr-50(D,N)Mn-51 ->Cr-51 is O077100700006 included. O077100700007 REL-REF (D,,P.Kafalas+,J,PR,104,703,1956) The data appear to beO077100700008 shifted to lower energies. O077100700009 (D,D4054002,P.P.Coetzee+,J,RCA,17,1,1972) The data are O077100700010 about 50% below the values of authors. O077100700011 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.7D,DG,320.1,0.098) O077100700012 (25-MN-51,46.2MIN,DG,749.1,0.00265) O077100700013 MONITOR (26-FE-54(D,N)27-CO-55,,SIG) O077100700014 (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100700015 (79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) O077100700016 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100700017 MONIT-REF (F1220001,N.A.Vlasov+,J,AE,2,189,1957) O077100700018 (C0336004,H.L.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100700019 (C1996003,R.Vandenbosch++,J,PR,120,1313,1960) O077100700020 (D4105001,K.L.Chen+,J,PR,134,B1269,1964) O077100700021 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 6 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077100700022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors of the final deuteron fluxes 16% O077100700023 (ERR-4) The error of the number of target nuclei O077100700024 HISTORY (20151204A) SD: ERR-1, ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077100700025 SF5=P -> X in REACTION code (because SF5=CUM). O077100700026 ENDBIB 24 0 O077100700027 COMMON 2 3 O077100700028 ERR-1 ERR-4 O077100700029 PER-CENT PER-CENT O077100700030 16. 12. O077100700031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100700032 DATA 4 24 O077100700033 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077100700034 MEV MEV MB MB O077100700035 2.9 0.73 43.5 10.3 O077100700036 3.91 0.57 168.1 32.3 O077100700037 4.02 0.56 220.1 42.7 O077100700038 4.12 0.54 351.2 71.0 O077100700039 4.94 0.47 410.2 80.2 O077100700040 4.98 0.46 448.0 89.5 O077100700041 5.68 0.41 664.4 143.3 O077100700042 6.17 0.39 766.7 147.4 O077100700043 6.97 0.35 726.5 139.3 O077100700044 7.13 0.34 910.0 149.9 O077100700045 7.94 0.31 495.9 100.5 O077100700046 8.51 0.29 659.3 130.2 O077100700047 9.09 0.28 634.9 131.2 O077100700048 10.07 0.25 423.0 84.6 O077100700049 10.48 0.25 440.5 90.5 O077100700050 10.72 0.24 431.1 87.7 O077100700051 10.85 0.24 525.6 124.1 O077100700052 11.14 0.23 400.0 80.4 O077100700053 11.61 0.23 466.3 104.8 O077100700054 11.94 0.22 405.5 85.8 O077100700055 12.29 0.22 224.5 56.8 O077100700056 12.44 0.21 338.1 66.0 O077100700057 12.89 0.21 542.3 116.5 O077100700058 13.34 0.2 354.7 73.1 O077100700059 ENDDATA 26 0 O077100700060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 O077100799999 SUBENT O0771008 20151204 O056O077100800001 BIB 9 21 O077100800002 REACTION (24-CR-50(D,A)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100800003 COMMENT - By Compiler - Beam energy is not enough to destroy O077100800004 alpha particle. O077100800005 REL-REF (D,,P.Kafalas+,J,PR,104,703,1956) The Data appear to beO077100800006 shifted to lower energies. O077100800007 (D,D4054002,P.P.Coetzee+,J,RCA,17,1,1972) The data are O077100800008 about 50% below the values of authors. O077100800009 DECAY-DATA (23-V-48,15.98D,DG,983.5,0.9999) O077100800010 MONITOR (26-FE-54(D,N)27-CO-55,,SIG) O077100800011 (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100800012 (79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) O077100800013 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) O077100800014 MONIT-REF (F1220001,N.A.Vlasov+,J,AE,2,189,1957) O077100800015 (C0336004,H.L.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100800016 (C1996003,R.Vandenbosch++,J,PR,120,1313,1960) O077100800017 (D4105001,K.L.Chen+,J,PR,134,B1269,1964) O077100800018 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 6 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077100800019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors of the final deuteron fluxes 16% O077100800020 (ERR-4) The error of the number of target nuclei O077100800021 HISTORY (20151204A) SD: ERR-1, ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077100800022 SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O077100800023 ENDBIB 21 0 O077100800024 COMMON 2 3 O077100800025 ERR-1 ERR-4 O077100800026 PER-CENT PER-CENT O077100800027 16. 12. O077100800028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O077100800029 DATA 4 24 O077100800030 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077100800031 MEV MEV MB MB O077100800032 2.9 0.73 0.28 0.08 O077100800033 3.91 0.57 1.75 0.38 O077100800034 4.02 0.56 2.76 0.61 O077100800035 4.12 0.54 5.3 1.15 O077100800036 4.94 0.47 8.41 1.77 O077100800037 4.98 0.46 7.92 1.68 O077100800038 5.68 0.41 20.0 4.2 O077100800039 6.17 0.39 25.42 5.4 O077100800040 6.97 0.35 30.0 6.3 O077100800041 7.13 0.34 32.8 6.9 O077100800042 7.94 0.31 31.6 6.6 O077100800043 8.51 0.29 52.4 11.1 O077100800044 9.09 0.28 63.6 13.3 O077100800045 10.07 0.25 47.2 9.9 O077100800046 10.48 0.25 56.4 11.9 O077100800047 10.72 0.24 61.0 12.8 O077100800048 10.85 0.24 71.6 15.9 O077100800049 11.14 0.23 59.3 12.4 O077100800050 11.61 0.23 73.8 15.7 O077100800051 11.94 0.22 89.0 18.6 O077100800052 12.29 0.22 55.8 11.9 O077100800053 12.44 0.21 56.1 11.8 O077100800054 12.89 0.21 64.9 13.8 O077100800055 13.34 0.2 59.5 12.5 O077100800056 ENDDATA 26 0 O077100800057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 O077100899999 SUBENT O0771009 20151204 O056O077100900001 BIB 8 27 O077100900002 REACTION 1(24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-51,,SIG) ,,,DERIV) The data are O077100900003 weighted means of four measurement methods. O077100900004 2(24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-51,,SIG) Weighting factor 75% O077100900005 3(24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-51,,SIG) Weighting factor 25% O077100900006 METHOD 1 Weighted mean O077100900007 2 The result of multidecay analysis method of O077100900008 the annihilation peak after chemical separation. O077100900009 3 The result of counting the 749.1-keV characteristic O077100900010 photopeak. O077100900011 REL-REF (D,B0050003,B.L.Cohen+,J,PR,99,718,1955) O077100900012 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077100900013 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077100900014 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077100900015 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077100900016 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077100900017 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077100900018 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077100900019 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077100900020 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077100900021 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077100900022 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077100900023 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 7 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077100900024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077100900025 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077100900026 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077100900027 HISTORY (20151204A) SD: ERR-4, METHOD, STATUS added, BIB updateO077100900028 MISC cols -> DATA cols (split on three REACTION codes).O077100900029 ENDBIB 27 0 O077100900030 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077100900031 DATA 8 15 O077100900032 EN EN-ERR DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2O077100900033 DATA 3ERR-T 3 O077100900034 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB O077100900035 MB MB O077100900036 17.39 0.48 15.2 5.0 13.8 3.9O077100900037 19.2 8.2 O077100900038 18.47 0.46 40.4 11.9 38.7 10.8O077100900039 45.5 14.9 O077100900040 19.08 0.22 38.8 7.9 38.8 7.2O077100900041 38.7 10.0 O077100900042 19.74 0.22 49.0 9.6 49.3 9.0O077100900043 48.3 11.5 O077100900044 20.06 0.38 52.0 8.7 46.1 6.1O077100900045 70.0 16.7 O077100900046 20.22 0.21 56.2 9.2 55.5 8.3O077100900047 58.3 11.8 O077100900048 20.84 0.21 62.8 10.0 62.0 9.0O077100900049 65.2 12.9 O077100900050 22.72 0.34 74.1 11.6 68.4 9.1O077100900051 91.1 19.0 O077100900052 25.15 0.32 77.6 12.0 72.1 9.5O077100900053 94.3 19.6 O077100900054 27.42 0.30 68.2 9.9 71.6 9.4O077100900055 57.8 11.4 O077100900056 29.55 0.28 57.3 8.6 58.5 7.8O077100900057 53.5 10.9 O077100900058 31.57 0.27 40.9 6.3 42.4 5.7O077100900059 36.5 8.3 O077100900060 33.49 0.25 35.6 6.2 34.6 4.6O077100900061 38.6 11.0 O077100900062 35.67 0.24 26.9 5.2 26.8 3.6O077100900063 27.1 9.9 O077100900064 38.08 0.23 22.5 4.1 24.3 3.2O077100900065 16.8 6.8 O077100900066 ENDDATA 34 0 O077100900067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 O077100999999 SUBENT O0771010 20151204 O056O077101000001 BIB 7 18 O077101000002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-54,,SIG) Shielded O077101000003 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,312.2D,DG,834.8,0.9998) O077101000004 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101000005 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101000006 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101000007 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101000008 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101000009 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101000010 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101000011 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101000012 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101000013 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101000014 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101000015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101000016 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101000017 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101000018 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 8 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101000019 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101000020 ENDBIB 18 0 O077101000021 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101000022 DATA 4 15 O077101000023 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101000024 MEV MEV MB MB O077101000025 17.39 0.48 2.48 0.73 O077101000026 18.47 0.46 2.04 0.60 O077101000027 19.08 0.22 2.99 0.70 O077101000028 19.74 0.22 1.90 0.46 O077101000029 20.06 0.38 2.05 0.33 O077101000030 20.22 0.21 1.72 0.28 O077101000031 20.84 0.21 1.87 0.34 O077101000032 22.72 0.34 1.23 0.20 O077101000033 25.15 0.32 1.00 0.17 O077101000034 27.42 0.30 1.04 0.17 O077101000035 29.55 0.28 0.92 0.16 O077101000036 31.57 0.27 0.81 0.14 O077101000037 33.49 0.25 0.76 0.13 O077101000038 35.67 0.24 0.66 0.12 O077101000039 38.08 0.23 0.68 0.13 O077101000040 ENDDATA 17 0 O077101000041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 O077101099999 SUBENT O0771011 20151204 O056O077101100001 BIB 7 19 O077101100002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52-G,,SIG) O077101100003 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-52-G,5.6D,DG,744.2,0.90) O077101100004 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101100005 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101100006 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101100007 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101100008 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101100009 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101100010 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101100011 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101100012 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101100013 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101100014 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101100015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101100016 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101100017 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101100018 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 8 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101100019 HISTORY (20151204A) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101100020 SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O077101100021 ENDBIB 19 0 O077101100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101100023 DATA 4 15 O077101100024 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101100025 MEV MEV MB MB O077101100026 17.39 0.48 51.7 14.8 O077101100027 18.47 0.46 43.6 12.5 O077101100028 19.08 0.22 50.0 9.7 O077101100029 19.74 0.22 42.1 8.0 O077101100030 20.06 0.38 48.6 7.1 O077101100031 20.22 0.21 39.1 6.2 O077101100032 20.84 0.21 36.0 5.7 O077101100033 22.72 0.34 30.3 4.4 O077101100034 25.15 0.32 23.6 3.4 O077101100035 27.42 0.30 20.2 2.9 O077101100036 29.55 0.28 16.9 2.5 O077101100037 31.57 0.27 13.3 2.0 O077101100038 33.49 0.25 12.2 1.8 O077101100039 35.67 0.24 10.4 1.5 O077101100040 38.08 0.23 9.2 1.4 O077101100041 ENDDATA 17 0 O077101100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 O077101199999 SUBENT O0771012 20151204 O056O077101200001 BIB 7 21 O077101200002 REACTION M(24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52-M,,SIG) O077101200003 R(24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52-M/G,,SIG/RAT) O077101200004 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-52-M,21.1MIN,DG,1434.1,0.982) O077101200005 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101200006 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101200007 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101200008 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101200009 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101200010 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101200011 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101200012 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101200013 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101200014 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101200015 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101200016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101200017 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101200018 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101200019 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 8 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101200020 R(DEP,O0771011) O077101200021 HISTORY (20151204A) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101200022 SF5=IND deleted from REACTION (M). O077101200023 ENDBIB 21 0 O077101200024 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101200025 DATA 6 13 O077101200026 EN EN-ERR DATA MERR-T MDATA RERR-T RO077101200027 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM NO-DIM O077101200028 19.08 0.22 69.9 13.6 1.40 0.14O077101200029 19.74 0.22 58.8 11.2 1.40 0.13O077101200030 20.06 0.38 63.0 9.3 1.30 0.10O077101200031 20.22 0.21 46.9 7.5 1.20 0.10O077101200032 20.84 0.21 52.8 8.4 1.47 0.12O077101200033 22.72 0.34 38.7 5.7 1.28 0.10O077101200034 25.15 0.32 29.8 4.5 1.26 0.09O077101200035 27.42 0.30 25.6 3.8 1.27 0.09O077101200036 29.55 0.28 22.3 3.4 1.32 0.10O077101200037 31.57 0.27 18.2 2.7 1.37 0.10O077101200038 33.49 0.25 17.9 2.7 1.47 0.11O077101200039 35.67 0.24 16.0 2.4 1.54 0.12O077101200040 38.08 0.23 14.7 2.2 1.59 0.12O077101200041 ENDDATA 15 0 O077101200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 O077101299999 SUBENT O0771013 20151204 O056O077101300001 BIB 8 26 O077101300002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)24-CR-48,(CUM),SIG) O077101300003 COMMENT - By Authors - The main contribution process to the O077101300004 formation of Cr-48 are Cr-50(p,t) and Cr-50(p,2n+p). O077101300005 Since the experimental reaction threshold lies above O077101300006 26 MeV, the contribution of the (p,t) reaction O077101300007 (threshold 15.4 MeV) is obviously small compared to O077101300008 that of the (p,2n+p) reaction with threshold 24.1 MeV. O077101300009 - By Compiler - Cr-48 production due to radioactive O077101300010 decay of Mn-48 is not excluded at high energy. O077101300011 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-48,21.56HR,DG,308.3,1.) O077101300012 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101300013 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101300014 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101300015 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101300016 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101300017 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101300018 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101300019 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101300020 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101300021 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101300022 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101300023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101300024 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101300025 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101300026 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 9 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101300027 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101300028 ENDBIB 26 0 O077101300029 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101300030 DATA 4 6 O077101300031 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101300032 MEV MEV MB MB O077101300033 27.42 0.30 0.08 0.03 O077101300034 29.55 0.28 0.16 0.03 O077101300035 31.57 0.27 0.34 0.05 O077101300036 33.49 0.25 0.58 0.09 O077101300037 35.67 0.24 0.85 0.15 O077101300038 38.08 0.23 1.15 0.18 O077101300039 ENDDATA 8 0 O077101300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 O077101399999 SUBENT O0771014 20151204 O056O077101400001 BIB 7 18 O077101400002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)24-CR-49,,SIG) O077101400003 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-49,42.16MIN,DG,152.9,0.309) O077101400004 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101400005 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101400006 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101400007 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101400008 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101400009 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101400010 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101400011 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101400012 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101400013 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101400014 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101400015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101400016 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101400017 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101400018 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 9 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101400019 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101400020 ENDBIB 18 0 O077101400021 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101400022 DATA 4 15 O077101400023 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101400024 MEV MEV MB MB O077101400025 17.39 0.48 4.29 1.24 O077101400026 18.47 0.46 6.92 1.99 O077101400027 19.08 0.22 6.18 1.21 O077101400028 19.74 0.22 7.27 1.40 O077101400029 20.06 0.38 6.62 0.99 O077101400030 20.22 0.21 7.31 1.17 O077101400031 20.84 0.21 8.51 1.36 O077101400032 22.72 0.34 9.43 1.41 O077101400033 25.15 0.32 10.60 1.58 O077101400034 27.42 0.30 11.61 1.69 O077101400035 29.55 0.28 11.52 1.72 O077101400036 31.57 0.27 9.44 1.40 O077101400037 33.49 0.25 8.14 1.31 O077101400038 35.67 0.24 7.02 1.11 O077101400039 38.08 0.23 6.15 0.94 O077101400040 ENDDATA 17 0 O077101400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 O077101499999 SUBENT O0771015 20151204 O056O077101500001 BIB 7 18 O077101500002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)24-CR-51,IND,SIG) O077101500003 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.7D,DG,320.1,0.098) O077101500004 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101500005 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101500006 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101500007 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101500008 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101500009 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101500010 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101500011 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101500012 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101500013 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101500014 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101500015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101500016 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101500017 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101500018 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 9 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101500019 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101500020 ENDBIB 18 0 O077101500021 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101500022 DATA 4 15 O077101500023 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101500024 MEV MEV MB MB O077101500025 17.39 0.48 242. 73. O077101500026 18.47 0.46 304. 92. O077101500027 19.08 0.22 402. 113. O077101500028 19.74 0.22 377. 97. O077101500029 20.06 0.38 444. 67. O077101500030 20.22 0.21 411. 81. O077101500031 20.84 0.21 433. 89. O077101500032 22.72 0.34 485. 73. O077101500033 25.15 0.32 499. 75. O077101500034 27.42 0.30 511. 79. O077101500035 29.55 0.28 493. 75. O077101500036 31.57 0.27 409. 63. O077101500037 33.49 0.25 352. 54. O077101500038 35.67 0.24 288. 44. O077101500039 38.08 0.23 261. 40. O077101500040 ENDDATA 17 0 O077101500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 O077101599999 SUBENT O0771016 20151204 O056O077101600001 BIB 8 22 O077101600002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)24-CR-51,CUM,SIG) O077101600003 COMMENT - By Authors - Cr-51 is mainly formed by the O077101600004 Cr-52(p,p+n)Cr-51 reaction, but also by Mn-51 decay O077101600005 after Cr-52(P,2N) reaction. O077101600006 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.7D,DG,308.3,1.) O077101600007 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101600008 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101600009 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101600010 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101600011 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101600012 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101600013 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101600014 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101600015 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101600016 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101600017 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101600018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101600019 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101600020 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101600021 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 9 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101600022 HISTORY (20151203A) SD: 21.56HR -> 27.7D in DECAY-DATA. O077101600023 ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101600024 ENDBIB 22 0 O077101600025 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101600026 DATA 4 15 O077101600027 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101600028 MEV MEV MB MB O077101600029 17.39 0.48 255. 73. O077101600030 18.47 0.46 343. 102. O077101600031 19.08 0.22 441. 118. O077101600032 19.74 0.22 426. 104. O077101600033 20.06 0.38 490. 72. O077101600034 20.22 0.21 466. 87. O077101600035 20.84 0.21 495. 95. O077101600036 22.72 0.34 554. 81. O077101600037 25.15 0.32 571. 84. O077101600038 27.42 0.30 583. 87. O077101600039 29.55 0.28 552. 82. O077101600040 31.57 0.27 452. 68. O077101600041 33.49 0.25 387. 58. O077101600042 35.67 0.24 315. 47. O077101600043 38.08 0.23 285. 42. O077101600044 ENDDATA 17 0 O077101600045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 O077101699999 SUBENT O0771017 20151204 O056O077101700001 BIB 8 20 O077101700002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)23-V-48,IND,SIG) O077101700003 COMMENT - By Authors - V-48 is formed mainly via the O077101700004 Cr-52(P,n+alpha)reaction. O077101700005 DECAY-DATA (23-V-48,15.98D,DG,983.5,0.9999) O077101700006 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101700007 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101700008 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101700009 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101700010 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101700011 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101700012 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101700013 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101700014 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101700015 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101700016 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101700017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101700018 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101700019 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101700020 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 10 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101700021 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101700022 ENDBIB 20 0 O077101700023 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101700024 DATA 4 9 O077101700025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101700026 MEV MEV MB MB O077101700027 20.06 0.38 0.14 0.14 O077101700028 22.72 0.34 4.83 0.79 O077101700029 25.15 0.32 22.4 3.3 O077101700030 27.42 0.30 39.6 6.0 O077101700031 29.55 0.28 50.7 7.6 O077101700032 31.57 0.27 53.5 8.0 O077101700033 33.49 0.25 55.1 8.2 O077101700034 35.67 0.24 47.9 7.2 O077101700035 38.08 0.23 41.9 6.2 O077101700036 ENDDATA 11 0 O077101700037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 O077101799999 SUBENT O0771018 20151204 O056O077101800001 BIB 8 23 O077101800002 REACTION (24-CR-0(P,X)22-TI-45,(CUM),SIG) O077101800003 COMMENT -By Authors: Ti-45 can be induced by Cr-59(p,n+p+alpha)O077101800004 reaction. However, the difficulty of its exact O077101800005 determination caused a relatively high uncertainty. O077101800006 - By Compiler - Ti-45 production due to V-45 decay is O077101800007 not included. O077101800008 DECAY-DATA (22-TI-45,3.08HR,DG,719.1,0.154) O077101800009 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O077101800010 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) O077101800011 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O077101800012 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O077101800013 (24-CR-0(P,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) O077101800014 MONIT-REF (A0333003,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) O077101800015 (C0336002,H.I.West+,J,PR/C,35,2067,1987) O077101800016 (A0507002,S.J.Mills+,J,ARI,43,1019,1992) O077101800017 (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974) O077101800018 (A0445003,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,39,41,1988) O077101800019 (P0016002,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965) O077101800020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-4,6.5,10.) The error of the number of target O077101800021 nuclei were 10% and 6.5% in proton irradiations O077101800022 at the CV 28 and COSY injector, respectively. O077101800023 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 10 of RCA,88,253,2000 O077101800024 HISTORY (20151204U) SD: ERR-4 added, BIB update. O077101800025 ENDBIB 23 0 O077101800026 NOCOMMON 0 0 O077101800027 DATA 4 3 O077101800028 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O077101800029 MEV MEV MB MB O077101800030 33.49 0.25 0.09 0.09 O077101800031 35.67 0.24 0.40 0.14 O077101800032 38.08 0.23 0.63 0.25 O077101800033 ENDDATA 5 0 O077101800034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O077101899999 ENDENTRY 18 0 O077199999999