ENTRY            O0777   20230519                             O096O077700000001 
SUBENT        O0777001   20230519                             O096O077700100001 
BIB                 16         40                                 O077700100002 
TITLE      Rb and Cs isotopic distributions from 1-GeV proton     O077700100003 
           fission of U-238.                                      O077700100004 
AUTHOR     (B.N.Belyaev, V.D.Domkin, Yu.G.Korobulin,              O077700100005 
           L.N.Andronenko, G.E.Solyakin)                          O077700100006 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSRI,4RUSLIN)                                       O077700100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,348,479,1980)                                  O077700100008 
MONITOR    Absolute yields were determined by normalizing the dataO077700100009 
           to the known cross sections, obtained by means of      O077700100010 
           radiochemical methods for the production of several    O077700100011 
           Rb and Cs isotopes                                     O077700100012 
MONIT-REF  (C0375001,G.Friedlander+,J,PR,129,1809,1963)           O077700100013 
SAMPLE     The uranium target made of a combination of 30 thin    O077700100014 
           graphite plates, 0.08 mm in thickness, with a depositedO077700100015 
            1.5 mg/cm**2 layer of uranium carbide.                O077700100016 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Deduced nucleon losses.                         O077700100017 
DETECTOR   An electron multiplier with a noise level lower than   O077700100018 
            1 pulse/s was used as detector. Mass spectra of Rb andO077700100019 
           Cs ions were registered by means of an electrostatic   O077700100020 
           sweep-generator and multi-channel analyzer synchronizedO077700100021 
           with the proton bunch of the accelerator.              O077700100022 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,4RUSLIN)                                        O077700100023 
METHOD     (OLMS) A two-stage mass spectrometer on-line.          O077700100024 
CORRECTION *By authors* The corrections for isobar and isotope    O077700100025 
           decay during the extraction time were taken into       O077700100026 
           account, as well as the variation in the diffusion     O077700100027 
           coefficient due to additional heating of the target by O077700100028 
           the proton beam.                                       O077700100029 
COMMENT      Taking account of the absolute normalization errors  O077700100030 
           may somewhat change the scale on the ordinate without  O077700100031 
           disturbing the relative positions of experimental      O077700100032 
           points.                                                O077700100033 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the system of registration      O077700100034 
           (ERR-2)  Uncertainty in the normalization              O077700100035 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.1 from Nucl.Phys.,A238(1980)479            O077700100036 
HISTORY    (20000911C)                                            O077700100037 
           (20040401U) Last checking has been done.               O077700100038 
           (20190924A) SD: Author's name corrected (mistake in theO077700100039 
           article). ERR-ANALYS, BIB updated. DATA-ERR3, DATA-ERR4O077700100040 
           deleted. Subents 002-046 were merged.                  O077700100041 
           (20230519U) SD: Correction in Subent 002.              O077700100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 O077700100043 
COMMON               3          3                                 O077700100044 
EN         ERR-1      ERR-DIG                                     O077700100045 
GEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O077700100046 
         1.        1.      2.1                                    O077700100047 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O077700100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 O077700199999 
SUBENT        O0777002   20230519                             O096O077700200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 O077700200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(P,F)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                          O077700200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error from graphic bars.                 O077700200004 
HISTORY    (20190924A) SD: ERR-2 added. BIB updated.              O077700200005 
           Part of the free text from ERR-ANALYS moved to COMMENT O077700200006 
           in Subent 001. DATA-ERR2 -> ERR-T. ERR-DIG moved to    O077700200007 
           Subent 001. SF4=Rb-79 -> ELEM/MASS in REACTION code.   O077700200008 
           Data for Rb-97 added. Data from Subents 003-046 added. O077700200009 
           (20230519U) SD: ERR-2 deleted from COMMON section.     O077700200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 O077700200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O077700200012 
DATA                 5         46                                 O077700200013 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       ERR-2      ERR-T                 O077700200014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT              O077700200015 
        37.        79.        0.1        13.        30.           O077700200016 
        37.        80.      0.234        13.        11.           O077700200017 
        37.        81.       0.92        13.                      O077700200018 
        37.        82.       2.23        13.                      O077700200019 
        37.        83.       4.35        13.                      O077700200020 
        37.        84.       7.21        13.                      O077700200021 
        37.        85.       9.87        13.                      O077700200022 
        37.        86.      10.34        13.                      O077700200023 
        37.        87.       9.76        13.                      O077700200024 
        37.        88.       9.35        13.                      O077700200025 
        37.        89.       9.52        13.                      O077700200026 
        37.        90.       9.67        13.                      O077700200027 
        37.        91.        8.6        13.                      O077700200028 
        37.        92.       5.45        13.                      O077700200029 
        37.        93.       3.83        13.                      O077700200030 
        37.        94.       1.97        13.                      O077700200031 
        37.        95.      0.983        13.                      O077700200032 
        37.        96.      0.399        13.                      O077700200033 
        37.        97.      0.146        13.        33.           O077700200034 
        55.       121.       0.12        7.5        40.           O077700200035 
        55.       122.       0.21        7.5        40.           O077700200036 
        55.       123.       0.63        7.5        13.           O077700200037 
        55.       124.       0.83        7.5        16.           O077700200038 
        55.       125.       1.57        7.5                      O077700200039 
        55.       126.       2.14        7.5                      O077700200040 
        55.       127.       3.27        7.5                      O077700200041 
        55.       128.       3.97        7.5                      O077700200042 
        55.       129.       4.87        7.5                      O077700200043 
        55.       130.       4.85        7.5                      O077700200044 
        55.       131.       5.61        7.5                      O077700200045 
        55.       132.       5.44        7.5                      O077700200046 
        55.       133.       5.42        7.5                      O077700200047 
        55.       134.       4.53        7.5                      O077700200048 
        55.       135.       4.12        7.5                      O077700200049 
        55.       136.       4.24        7.5                      O077700200050 
        55.       137.       4.98        7.5                      O077700200051 
        55.       138.       3.73        7.5                      O077700200052 
        55.       139.        4.8        7.5                      O077700200053 
        55.       140.        2.6        7.5                      O077700200054 
        55.       141.        1.9        7.5                      O077700200055 
        55.       142.      1.094        7.5                      O077700200056 
        55.       143.      0.559        7.5                      O077700200057 
        55.       144.       0.25        7.5        20.           O077700200058 
        55.       145.       0.15        7.5        27.           O077700200059 
        55.       146.       0.14        7.5        40.           O077700200060 
        55.       147.     8.E-02        7.5        40.           O077700200061 
ENDDATA             48          0                                 O077700200062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 O077700299999 
NOSUBENT      O0777003   20190924                             O071O077700300001 
NOSUBENT      O0777004   20190924                             O071O077700400001 
NOSUBENT      O0777005   20190924                             O071O077700500001 
NOSUBENT      O0777006   20190924                             O071O077700600001 
NOSUBENT      O0777007   20190924                             O071O077700700001 
NOSUBENT      O0777008   20190924                             O071O077700800001 
NOSUBENT      O0777009   20190924                             O071O077700900001 
NOSUBENT      O0777010   20190924                             O071O077701000001 
NOSUBENT      O0777011   20190924                             O071O077701100001 
NOSUBENT      O0777012   20190924                             O071O077701200001 
NOSUBENT      O0777013   20190924                             O071O077701300001 
NOSUBENT      O0777014   20190924                             O071O077701400001 
NOSUBENT      O0777015   20190924                             O071O077701500001 
NOSUBENT      O0777016   20190924                             O071O077701600001 
NOSUBENT      O0777017   20190924                             O071O077701700001 
NOSUBENT      O0777018   20190924                             O071O077701800001 
NOSUBENT      O0777019   20190924                             O071O077701900001 
NOSUBENT      O0777020   20190924                             O071O077702000001 
NOSUBENT      O0777021   20190924                             O071O077702100001 
NOSUBENT      O0777022   20190924                             O071O077702200001 
NOSUBENT      O0777023   20190924                             O071O077702300001 
NOSUBENT      O0777024   20190924                             O071O077702400001 
NOSUBENT      O0777025   20190924                             O071O077702500001 
NOSUBENT      O0777026   20190924                             O071O077702600001 
NOSUBENT      O0777027   20190924                             O071O077702700001 
NOSUBENT      O0777028   20190924                             O071O077702800001 
NOSUBENT      O0777029   20190924                             O071O077702900001 
NOSUBENT      O0777030   20190924                             O071O077703000001 
NOSUBENT      O0777031   20190924                             O071O077703100001 
NOSUBENT      O0777032   20190924                             O071O077703200001 
NOSUBENT      O0777033   20190924                             O071O077703300001 
NOSUBENT      O0777034   20190924                             O071O077703400001 
NOSUBENT      O0777035   20190924                             O071O077703500001 
NOSUBENT      O0777036   20190924                             O071O077703600001 
NOSUBENT      O0777037   20190924                             O071O077703700001 
NOSUBENT      O0777038   20190924                             O071O077703800001 
NOSUBENT      O0777039   20190924                             O071O077703900001 
NOSUBENT      O0777040   20190924                             O071O077704000001 
NOSUBENT      O0777041   20190924                             O071O077704100001 
NOSUBENT      O0777042   20190924                             O071O077704200001 
NOSUBENT      O0777043   20190924                             O071O077704300001 
NOSUBENT      O0777044   20190924                             O071O077704400001 
NOSUBENT      O0777045   20190924                             O071O077704500001 
NOSUBENT      O0777046   20190924                             O071O077704600001 
ENDENTRY            46          0                                 O077799999999