ENTRY O0796 20221116 O091O079600000001 SUBENT O0796001 20221116 O091O079600100001 BIB 15 51 O079600100002 TITLE A new measurement of the 7-Li(d,p)8-Li cross section O079600100003 and consequences for 7-Be(p,gamma)8-B. O079600100004 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,630,678,1998) O079600100005 AUTHOR (L.Weissman, C.Broude, G.Goldring, R.Hadar, M.Hass, O079600100006 E.Schwamm, M.Shaanan) O079600100007 INSTITUTE (3ISLWZI) Department of particle physics. O079600100008 (2GERHEI) Ruprecht-Karls university. O079600100009 (3ISLHFA) Institute of solid-state physics. O079600100010 MONITOR ((MONIT)3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,,SIG) O079600100011 MONIT-REF (F0007002,K.K.Sekharan+,J,NIM,133,253,1976) O079600100012 (T0010010,J.H.Gibbons+,J,PR,114,571,1959) O079600100013 Reference data for Li-7(p,n)Be-7 reaction at proton O079600100014 energy at 1.985 MeV. The data were used to determine O079600100015 number of Li-7 nuclei in used targets. O079600100016 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.29D,DG,478.,0.1052) O079600100017 SAMPLE Circular targets of Li-F of 2 mm diameter, evaporated O079600100018 on Al and Pt foils. A liquid nitrogen cold cryofinger O079600100019 is placed close to the target area to protect the O079600100020 target surface from contamination. The vacuum in the O079600100021 chamber was 8.E-7 Torr. O079600100022 METHOD (EXTB) A deutron beam (D2+) was raster scanned over a O079600100023 rectangle of 7 mm X 6 mm. The purpose of the scan is O079600100024 to obtain a beam of uniform areal density. O079600100025 (BCINT) O079600100026 (ACTIV) The time sequence of the complete cycle is: O079600100027 1. 1.5 s beam-on-target; O079600100028 2. 100 ms rotation; O079600100029 3. 1.5 s of target in the counting position; O079600100030 4. 100 ms rotation. O079600100031 PART-DET (A) Delayed alphas following the beta-decay of Li-8. O079600100032 DETECTOR (SIBAR) A 40 micron surface barrier detector. O079600100033 The detector was surrounded by a shroud to prevent O079600100034 scattered beam panicles from reaching the detector. O079600100035 FACILITY (VDG,3ISLWZI) 3 MV accelrator. O079600100036 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty of final result is determinedO079600100037 by uncertainties: O079600100038 (ERR-1) Of monitor cross section, O079600100039 (ERR-2) Absolute efficiency of gamma counting, O079600100040 (ERR-3) Systematic error in gamma counting, O079600100041 (ERR-4) Statistic of gamma counting. There is, in O079600100042 addition, a 1% systematic error in the gamma counting O079600100043 due to uncertainty in the background subtraction O079600100044 procedure. O079600100045 (ERR-5) Statistic of alpha counting, O079600100046 (ERR-6) Solid angle of alpha detector, O079600100047 (ERR-7) Gamma branch for Be-7 decay, O079600100048 (ERR-8) Timing of the rotation cycle. O079600100049 CORRECTION On backscattering of product nuclei. O079600100050 HISTORY (20040623C) O079600100051 (20040706A) Recompiled. O079600100052 (20221116U) SD: N2 corrected in NOSUBENT recoreds. O079600100053 ENDBIB 51 0 O079600100054 COMMON 8 6 O079600100055 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 O079600100056 ERR-7 ERR-8 O079600100057 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O079600100058 PER-CENT PER-CENT O079600100059 3.5 3. 1. 0.7 0.5 0.5O079600100060 0.6 0.3 O079600100061 ENDCOMMON 6 0 O079600100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 O079600199999 SUBENT O0796002 20040706 0000O079600200001 BIB 3 5 O079600200002 REACTION (3-LI-7(D,P)3-LI-8,,SIG) O079600200003 COMMENT - By authors. As the final result we have adopted anO079600200004 average of the two aluminum-backed targets believed to O079600200005 be free from backscattering loss. O079600200006 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR) The uncertainty is given by authors. O079600200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O079600200008 COMMON 2 3 O079600200009 MONIT MONIT-ERR O079600200010 MB MB O079600200011 269. 9. O079600200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O079600200013 DATA 3 1 O079600200014 EN DATA ERR-T O079600200015 MEV MB MB O079600200016 0.776 155. 8. O079600200017 ENDDATA 3 0 O079600200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 O079600299999 NOSUBENT O0796003 20040716 O091O079600300001 NOSUBENT O0796004 20040716 O091O079600400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 O079699999999