ENTRY            O0806   20160204                             O056O080600000001 
SUBENT        O0806001   20160204                             O056O080600100001 
BIB                 16         54                                 O080600100002 
TITLE      Silver isotopes produced by alpha-particles on rhodium O080600100003 
REFERENCE  (J,JRN,198,41,1995)                                    O080600100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Moreno, J.C.Massotta, A.Barral, S.J.Nassiff)        O080600100005 
INSTITUTE  (3ARGCIN)                                              O080600100006 
SAMPLE     The Rh foils were analyzed spectroscopically and it wasO080600100007 
           found that the quantities of impurities were           O080600100008 
           negligible.  The thickness of these foils was about    O080600100009 
           16.86 mg/cm2, whereas the one corresponding to Cu was  O080600100010 
           about 16.6 mg/cm2.                                     O080600100011 
MONITOR    (29-CU-65(A,2N)31-GA-67,,SIG)                          O080600100012 
           (29-CU-63(A,X)30-ZN-65,CUM,SIG)                        O080600100013 
           The standard excitation functions were used for the    O080600100014 
           determinations of the energy of the incident beam and  O080600100015 
           the flux of alpha-particles.  The fluxes obtained      O080600100016 
           through both standard functions differ only in 1%,     O080600100017 
           whereas the error in its determination is less than    O080600100018 
           11%.                                                   O080600100019 
MONIT-REF  (D0092001,O.Bonesso+,J,JRN,152,189,1991)               O080600100020 
           (B0156001,N.T.Porile+,J,PR,116,1193,1959)              O080600100021 
           (B0058001,M.Hille+,J,NP/A,198,625,1972)                O080600100022 
           (B0070001,E.A.Brant+,J,PR,130,1512,1963)               O080600100023 
           (B0040001,H.P.Graf+,J,JIN,36,3647,1974)                O080600100024 
           (D0090001,I.A.Rizvi+,J,JPJ,56,3135,1987)               O080600100025 
DETECTOR   (GE-IN) A Ge detector of high resolution (FWHM =1.5 keVO080600100026 
           at 122 keV) was used                                   O080600100027 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2GERKFK)                                        O080600100028 
INC-SOURCE the flux of the beam in the target was 2.38 x 10.**13  O080600100029 
           particles/sec. The irradiation lasted 465 minutes      O080600100030 
METHOD     (INTB) The maximum incident energy was approximately   O080600100031 
           88.7 MeV and                                           O080600100032 
           (STTA) Cu foils were interleaved between the Rh foils: O080600100033 
           their function was to monitor both the flux and the    O080600100034 
           energy beam in the stack.                              O080600100035 
           (ACTIV) The irradiation lasted 465 minutes.            O080600100036 
           (GSPEC)                                                O080600100037 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty including:                   O080600100038 
           (ERR-1) An overall error of target thickness           O080600100039 
           (ERR-2,,1.)  Error due to angular straggling.          O080600100040 
           (ERR-3,,11.) The error in flux determination is less   O080600100041 
           than 11% whereas fluxes obtained through both standard O080600100042 
           functions differ only in 1%                            O080600100043 
COMMENT    -By  authors.   The uncertainty in the energies, due toO080600100044 
           the dispersion of the incident beam and the dispersion O080600100045 
           produced on the target, was estimated to be 0.5 MeV forO080600100046 
           10 MeV alpha-particles.                                O080600100047 
ADD-RES    (TTY-C)  TTY(1 hr) in Table 3 from JRN,198,41,1995     O080600100048 
           (COMP) A comparison between the experimental and the   O080600100049 
           cross sections calculated using the EXCLUSIVE INDEX    O080600100050 
           model is presented.                                    O080600100051 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl. 2 from JRN,198,41,1995                    O080600100052 
HISTORY    (20050224C) By F.Ch                                    O080600100053 
           (20050306U) Last checking has been done.               O080600100054 
           (20160204A) SD: REACTION code corrected in Subent 002. O080600100055 
           BIB update.                                            O080600100056 
ENDBIB              54          0                                 O080600100057 
COMMON               1          3                                 O080600100058 
ERR-1                                                             O080600100059 
PER-CENT                                                          O080600100060 
         2.                                                       O080600100061 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O080600100062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 O080600199999 
SUBENT        O0806002   20160204                             O056O080600200001 
BIB                  3          5                                 O080600200002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(A,2N)47-AG-105,,SIG)                        O080600200003 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-M,7.2MIN)                                   O080600200004 
           (47-AG-105-G,41.3D,DG,280.,0.31)                       O080600200005 
HISTORY    (20160204A) SD: SF4=Ag-105g -> Ag-105; SF5=M+ deleted  O080600200006 
           in REACTION code.                                      O080600200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 O080600200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O080600200009 
DATA                 3         31                                 O080600200010 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       O080600200011 
MEV        MB         MB                                          O080600200012 
      88.26      20.72       4.16                                 O080600200013 
      86.36      24.42       4.88                                 O080600200014 
      84.42      33.41       6.06                                 O080600200015 
      83.51      24.49        4.9                                 O080600200016 
      81.52      22.41       4.48                                 O080600200017 
      78.86      19.29       3.86                                 O080600200018 
       77.9      27.01        5.4                                 O080600200019 
      75.14      26.65       5.33                                 O080600200020 
      74.14      28.79       5.76                                 O080600200021 
      71.28      35.99        7.2                                 O080600200022 
      70.24      37.24       7.45                                 O080600200023 
      67.26      39.18       7.84                                 O080600200024 
      66.18      39.34       7.87                                 O080600200025 
      63.82      44.26       8.85                                 O080600200026 
      62.69       42.5        8.5                                 O080600200027 
      60.23      46.17       9.24                                 O080600200028 
      56.88      53.93      10.79                                 O080600200029 
      54.24      72.77      14.55                                 O080600200030 
      52.97      77.94      15.59                                 O080600200031 
      50.18      90.61      18.12                                 O080600200032 
      48.83      99.54      19.91                                 O080600200033 
      44.89       137.       27.4                                 O080600200034 
      43.43      163.7       32.7                                 O080600200035 
       39.1      303.7       60.7                                 O080600200036 
      37.49      413.6       82.7                                 O080600200037 
      32.62      869.1      173.8                                 O080600200038 
      30.78      1065.       213.                                 O080600200039 
      25.07      1107.       221.                                 O080600200040 
      20.04      6115.      1220.                                 O080600200041 
      17.42      3625.       725.                                 O080600200042 
      10.47      3948.       790.                                 O080600200043 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 O080600200044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 O080600299999 
SUBENT        O0806003   20050306                             O023O080600300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 O080600300002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(A,N)47-AG-106-M,,SIG)                       O080600300003 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.5D,DG,717.,0.29)                        O080600300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 O080600300005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O080600300006 
DATA                 3         28                                 O080600300007 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       O080600300008 
MEV        MB         MB                                          O080600300009 
      83.51      1.515      0.303                                 O080600300010 
      81.52      1.898       0.38                                 O080600300011 
      78.86      0.476        0.1                                 O080600300012 
       77.9      0.305       0.06                                 O080600300013 
      75.14      1.034       0.21                                 O080600300014 
      74.14      1.172       0.23                                 O080600300015 
      71.28      0.915       0.18                                 O080600300016 
      70.24       0.89       0.18                                 O080600300017 
      67.26      1.024        0.2                                 O080600300018 
      66.18      0.907       0.18                                 O080600300019 
      63.82      1.217       0.24                                 O080600300020 
      62.69      0.954       0.19                                 O080600300021 
      60.23       0.99        0.2                                 O080600300022 
      56.88      1.309       0.26                                 O080600300023 
      54.24      1.476        0.3                                 O080600300024 
      52.97      1.575       0.32                                 O080600300025 
      50.18      1.797       0.36                                 O080600300026 
      48.83      1.728       0.34                                 O080600300027 
      44.89      2.234       0.45                                 O080600300028 
      43.43      2.367       0.47                                 O080600300029 
       39.1      3.398       0.68                                 O080600300030 
      37.49      3.667       0.73                                 O080600300031 
      32.62      2.879       0.56                                 O080600300032 
      30.78      5.823       1.16                                 O080600300033 
      25.07      16.28       3.26                                 O080600300034 
      20.04      52.17      10.43                                 O080600300035 
      17.42      63.52       12.7                                 O080600300036 
      10.47      19.96       3.99                                 O080600300037 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 O080600300038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 O080600399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 O080699999999