ENTRY            O0836   20010323                             0000O083600000001 
SUBENT        O0836001   20010323                             0000O083600100001 
BIB                 12         34                                 O083600100002 
TITLE      Measurement of the Average Neutrons Yield from 250-MeV O083600100003 
           Protons Absorbed in a Lead Target.                     O083600100004 
AUTHOR     (YU.V.RYABOV, G.K.MATUSHKO, V.N.SLASTNIKOV)            O083600100005 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSITE)                                              O083600100006 
REFERENCE  (J,ZP/A,311,363,1983)                                  O083600100007 
HISTORY    (20001128C)                                            O083600100008 
           (20010119U) Last checking has been done.               O083600100009 
           (20010323A) DATE is corrected                          O083600100010 
SAMPLE     The Cylindrical Lead Target of 5-Cm Diameter and 10-Cm O083600100011 
           Lenght was Placed in the Centre of the Radiation       O083600100012 
           Camera.                                                O083600100013 
ADD-RES    (COMP).The Statistical Calculation by the Monte-Carlo  O083600100014 
           Method of the Interaction of the Nucleons with EnergiesO083600100015 
           Higher Than 10.5 MeV on the Basis of the Cascade-      O083600100016 
           Evaporation Model of the Nuclear Reaction with a       O083600100017 
           Cylindrical Target of a Onecomponent Materials.        O083600100018 
           (N-SPC)                                                O083600100019 
DETECTOR   (GLASD) Two Glass Track Fission Fragments Detectors.   O083600100020 
           The Track Detectors were Covered by U-235 and U-238    O083600100021 
           Layers. The Thickness of the Layers were 0.591+-0.023  O083600100022 
           Mg/Cm**2 For U-235 and 0.696+-0.021 Mg/Cm**2 For U-238.O083600100023 
           To Preclude the Thermal Neutron Contribution the       O083600100024 
           Detectors were Surrounded with 1 mm Thick Metallic     O083600100025 
           Cadmium.                                               O083600100026 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,4RUSITE)                                        O083600100027 
METHOD     (EXTB)                                                 O083600100028 
           (BCINT) The                                            O083600100029 
           Proton Current Integral During the Experimental Time   O083600100030 
           Was Measured Just in Front of the Target by Two MethodsO083600100031 
           Usind Induction and Acoustic Sensors. Their Absolute   O083600100032 
           Calibration was Made on the 12-C(P,PN)11-C Reaction.   O083600100033 
STATUS     (TABLE)                                                O083600100034 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR).The Uncertainty is Reported by Authors.       O083600100035 
           (ERR-1) Accuracy of Beam Current Measurements.         O083600100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 O083600100037 
COMMON               3          3                                 O083600100038 
EN         EN-ERR     ERR-1                                       O083600100039 
MEV        MEV        PER-CENT                                    O083600100040 
       250.       1.25         6.                                 O083600100041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O083600100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 O083600199999 
SUBENT        O0836002   20010323                             0000O083600200001 
BIB                  6          8                                 O083600200002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY)                               O083600200003 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    O083600200004 
REL-REF    (A,,D.WEST+,J,CJP,49,2061,1971)                        O083600200005 
COMMENT    - By Compiler - The Result of Relative Measurements is O083600200006 
           Represented in Data-Section.                           O083600200007 
MISC-COL   (MISC) The Result of Absolute Measurements.            O083600200008 
           (MISC-ERR) The Uncertainty of Misc.                    O083600200009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T).The Uncertainty is Reported by Authors.        O083600200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 O083600200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O083600200012 
DATA                 4          1                                 O083600200013 
DATA       ERR-T      MISC       MISC-ERR                         O083600200014 
PRT/INC    PRT/INC    PRT/INC    PRT/INC                          O083600200015 
       2.56       0.27       2.64       0.41                      O083600200016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 O083600200017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 O083600299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 O083699999999