ENTRY            O0844   20031022                             0000O084400000001 
SUBENT        O0844001   20031022                             0000O084400100001 
BIB                 11         24                                 O084400100002 
TITLE      First observation of beta-decay of Nb-108 to Mo-108.   O084400100003 
AUTHOR     (H.Penttila, P.Dendooven, A.Honkanen, M.Huhta,         O084400100004 
           G.Lhersonneau, M.Oinonen, J.M.Parmonen, K.Perajarvi,   O084400100005 
           J.Aysto, J.Kurpeta, J.R.Persson)                       O084400100006 
INSTITUTE  (2SF JYV)                                              O084400100007 
           (3POLWWA)                                              O084400100008 
           (2UK BIR)                                              O084400100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,54,2760,1996)                                  O084400100010 
HISTORY    (20010115C)                                            O084400100011 
           (20031022U) Last checking has been done.               O084400100012 
SAMPLE     U-238 was used as target. Another information is absentO084400100013 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) A 30% hyperpure Ge-detector.                    O084400100014 
           (SCIN) 0.5- and 0.75-mm thick plastic scintillator     O084400100015 
           sheets as trigger detectors for beta-particles         O084400100016 
           and LEGE-detector for low energy gamma-rays and X-     O084400100017 
           rays.                                                  O084400100018 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2SF JYV)                                        O084400100019 
           (OLMS,2SF JYV)                                         O084400100020 
METHOD     (SITA)                                                 O084400100021 
ERR-ANALYS The error bars given refer to the relative error. An   O084400100022 
           additional uncertainty in the absolute yields that is  O084400100023 
           due to the uncertainty of detector efficiencies is     O084400100024 
           estimated to be of the order of 30%.                   O084400100025 
STATUS     (CURVE).By CAJAD.                                      O084400100026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 O084400100027 
COMMON               1          3                                 O084400100028 
EN                                                                O084400100029 
MEV                                                               O084400100030 
        25.                                                       O084400100031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O084400100032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 O084400199999 
SUBENT        O0844002   20031022                             0000O084400200001 
BIB                  3          7                                 O084400200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(P,F)ELEM/MASS,,PY,,REL)                      O084400200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T).The uncertainty is shown by authors on figure. O084400200004 
ADD-RES    (DECAY) The measured beta-decay half-life Nb-108       O084400200005 
           0.20+-0.03 sec agrees with the previous measurement    O084400200006 
           based on beta- delayed neutron detection.              O084400200007 
           The life-time of the first 2+ state in Mo-108 was      O084400200008 
           measured to be 0.5+-0.3 nanosecond.                    O084400200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 O084400200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O084400200011 
DATA                 4          4                                 O084400200012 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       ERR-T                            O084400200013 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  PER-CENT                         O084400200014 
        41.       108.        5.4        40.                      O084400200015 
        42.       108.        35.        30.                      O084400200016 
        43.       108.       153.         8.                      O084400200017 
        44.       108.       119.         8.                      O084400200018 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 O084400200019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 O084400299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 O084499999999