ENTRY            O0864   20030501                             0000O086400000001 
SUBENT        O0864001   20030501                             0000O086400100001 
BIB                 14         35                                 O086400100002 
TITLE      The 11-B(P,A0)8-Be nuclear reaction and 11-B(P,P)11-B  O086400100003 
           backscattering cross sections for analytical purposes  O086400100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Mayer, A.Annen, W.Jacob, S.Grigull)                 O086400100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,143,244,1998)                                 O086400100006 
INSTITUTE  (2GERGAR) Max-Planck-Institut Fuer plasmaphysik        O086400100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,2GERGAR) 2.6 MeV accelerator.                     O086400100008 
METHOD     (EXTB)                                                 O086400100009 
           (MOMIX) See sample                                     O086400100010 
           (SITA)                                                 O086400100011 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR)                                                O086400100012 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(P,EL)79-AU-197,,DA) The cross section was   O086400100013 
           assumed as Rutherford cross section.                   O086400100014 
SAMPLE     The two targets consisted of polished pyrolytic        O086400100015 
           graphite with a evaporated aluminium layer with a      O086400100016 
           thickness of about 3.4E+18 Al atoms/cm**2 on top.      O086400100017 
           On top of the aluminium a boron layer with a thickness O086400100018 
           of 8.2E+17 B-atoms/cm**2 and a gold layer with a       O086400100019 
           thickness of 5.1E+16 Au-atoms/cm**2 were evaporated.   O086400100020 
           The homogeneity of all layers was checked by special   O086400100021 
           experiments and was better than 1%.                    O086400100022 
ADD-RES    (P-SPC)                                                O086400100023 
HISTORY    (20010511C)                                            O086400100024 
           (20030501U) Last checking has been done.               O086400100025 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The accuracy of the incident beam energy.     O086400100026 
           (ANG-ERR) The accuracy of scattering angle.            O086400100027 
           (ERR-1) The uncertainty of N(Au)/N(B) ratio, which is  O086400100028 
           major source of data uncertainty.                      O086400100029 
COMMENT    - By authors.  Because the cross sections are          O086400100030 
           determined relative to the backscattering cross sectionO086400100031 
           of protons from gold into the same detector, error in  O086400100032 
           the current measurement and a solid angle determinationO086400100033 
           do not influence the results.                          O086400100034 
CORRECTION  Rutherford Cross section for gold was corrected on    O086400100035 
           influence of electron shielding of the gold nuclear    O086400100036 
           charge.                                                O086400100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 O086400100038 
COMMON               4          3                                 O086400100039 
EN-ERR     ANG        ANG-ERR    ERR-1                            O086400100040 
MEV        ADEG       ADEG       PER-CENT                         O086400100041 
        0.5       165.         1.        5.2                      O086400100042 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O086400100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 O086400199999 
SUBENT        O0864002   20030501                             0000O086400200001 
BIB                  5          6                                 O086400200002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,A)4-BE-8,PAR,DA)                             O086400200003 
PART-DET   (A)                                                    O086400200004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,4-BE-8)                                         O086400200005 
REL-REF    (D,F0214002,G.D.SYMONS+,J,NP,46,93,1963)               O086400200006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainty includes statistical error     O086400200007 
            (2.5-4%) and uncertainty of ratio N(B)/N(Au).         O086400200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 O086400200009 
COMMON               1          3                                 O086400200010 
E-LVL                                                             O086400200011 
MEV                                                               O086400200012 
         0.                                                       O086400200013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O086400200014 
DATA                 3         21                                 O086400200015 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       O086400200016 
KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       O086400200017 
      1692.      0.094      0.012                                 O086400200018 
      1792.      0.204      0.016                                 O086400200019 
      1893.      0.515      0.033                                 O086400200020 
      1993.      0.653       0.04                                 O086400200021 
      2043.      0.136      0.012                                 O086400200022 
      2093.      0.248      0.018                                 O086400200023 
      2143.      0.481      0.031                                 O086400200024 
      2193.      0.704      0.042                                 O086400200025 
      2243.       1.08      0.064                                 O086400200026 
      2297.       1.42      0.085                                 O086400200027 
      2344.       1.99       0.12                                 O086400200028 
      2398.       2.73       0.17                                 O086400200029 
      2444.       3.47        0.2                                 O086400200030 
      2499.       5.12       0.31                                 O086400200031 
      2549.       6.23       0.36                                 O086400200032 
      2574.       6.24       0.36                                 O086400200033 
      2594.       6.49       0.36                                 O086400200034 
      2599.        6.8       0.36                                 O086400200035 
      2619.       6.49       0.36                                 O086400200036 
      2644.       6.65       0.37                                 O086400200037 
      2694.        5.5       0.31                                 O086400200038 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 O086400200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 O086400299999 
SUBENT        O0864003   20030501                             0000O086400300001 
BIB                  4          6                                 O086400300002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,EL)5-B-11,,DA)                               O086400300003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    O086400300004 
REL-REF    (A,F0214001,G.D.SYMONS+,J,NP,46,93,1963)               O086400300005 
           (D,F0332008,R.E.SEGEL+,J,PR/B,139,818,1965)            O086400300006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainty includes statistical error     O086400300007 
            (0.5%) and uncertainty of ratio N(B)/N(Au).           O086400300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 O086400300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O086400300010 
DATA                 3         15                                 O086400300011 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       O086400300012 
KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       O086400300013 
      1692.        96.        5.8                                 O086400300014 
      1792.       92.5        5.6                                 O086400300015 
      1893.       90.4        5.4                                 O086400300016 
      1993.       96.1        5.8                                 O086400300017 
      2043.      105.3        6.3                                 O086400300018 
      2093.      109.1        6.5                                 O086400300019 
      2143.      105.7        6.3                                 O086400300020 
      2193.      105.4        6.3                                 O086400300021 
      2243.      107.6        6.5                                 O086400300022 
      2344.      126.7        7.6                                 O086400300023 
      2444.      150.2         9.                                 O086400300024 
      2594.       167.        10.                                 O086400300025 
      2619.      158.6        9.5                                 O086400300026 
      2644.      146.1        8.8                                 O086400300027 
      2694.      123.7        7.4                                 O086400300028 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 O086400300029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 O086400399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 O086499999999