ENTRY O0865 20230519 O096O086500000001 SUBENT O0865001 20230519 O096O086500100001 BIB 12 23 O086500100002 TITLE Excitation function and angular distribution for the O086500100003 14-N(alpha,p)17-O reaction. O086500100004 AUTHOR (Huizhong Xu, Zhuying Zhou, Chao Zhang, Guoqing Zhao, O086500100005 Liqun Shi) O086500100006 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,149,390,1999) O086500100007 INSTITUTE (3CPRFUD) Institute of Modern Physics. O086500100008 FACILITY (VDGT,3CPRFUD) O086500100009 METHOD (SITA) O086500100010 REL-REF (M,O0884001,Feng Ye+,J,NIM/B,94,11,1994) O086500100011 The experimental arrangement and the sample. O086500100012 MONITOR (30-ZN-0(A,EL)30-ZN-0,,DA,,RTH) O086500100013 MONIT-REF (O0884001,Feng Ye+,J,NIM/B,94,11,1994) O086500100014 ADD-RES A typical spectrum of outgoing protons and scattered O086500100015 alpha-particles is presented. O086500100016 Two examples for detecting nitrogen with the reaction O086500100017 are given. O086500100018 EN-SEC (E-LVL,8-O-17) O086500100019 HISTORY (20010516C) O086500100020 (20010521R) From Liqun Shi. O086500100021 (20030501U) Last checking has been done. O086500100022 (20201027A) SD: Data in Subent 002 replaced. ERR-ANALYSO086500100023 moved to Subents 002, 003. Corrections in all Subents. O086500100024 (20230519A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. O086500100025 ENDBIB 23 0 O086500100026 COMMON 1 3 O086500100027 E-LVL O086500100028 MEV O086500100029 0. O086500100030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O086500100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O086500199999 SUBENT O0865002 20230519 O096O086500200001 BIB 4 7 O086500200002 REACTION (7-N-14(A,P)8-O-17,PAR,DA) O086500200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error. O086500200004 STATUS (CURVE) fig.2 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,B149(1999)390 O086500200005 HISTORY (20201027A) SD: Dataset was wrong. => replaced by O086500200006 dataset presented in IBANDL. ERR-T -> ERR-S. O086500200007 (20230519A) SD: Data were re-digitized. ERR-S deleted O086500200008 from COMMON section. O086500200009 ENDBIB 7 0 O086500200010 COMMON 3 3 O086500200011 ANG EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG O086500200012 ADEG MEV MB/SR O086500200013 165. 0.003 0.03 O086500200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O086500200015 DATA 3 47 O086500200016 EN DATA ERR-S O086500200017 MEV MB/SR MB/SR O086500200018 5.500 14.37 0.74 O086500200019 5.549 12.79 0.64 O086500200020 5.600 15.01 0.69 O086500200021 5.652 22.25 0.74 O086500200022 5.699 25.16 0.84 O086500200023 5.748 21.41 0.69 O086500200024 5.800 23.39 0.59 O086500200025 5.851 21.17 0.54 O086500200026 5.901 20.03 0.64 O086500200027 5.948 19.14 0.59 O086500200028 5.999 13.13 0.49 O086500200029 6.048 10.46 0.39 O086500200030 6.097 7.80 0.35 O086500200031 6.149 8.09 0.39 O086500200032 6.198 6.81 0.39 O086500200033 6.249 5.38 0.35 O086500200034 6.299 6.91 0.39 O086500200035 6.348 5.67 0.35 O086500200036 6.399 4.73 0.30 O086500200037 6.446 6.85 0.35 O086500200038 6.498 10.99 0.39 O086500200039 6.517 9.27 0.44 O086500200040 6.539 8.87 0.30 O086500200041 6.558 18.64 0.59 O086500200042 6.569 26.03 0.79 O086500200043 6.580 38.51 1.13 O086500200044 6.589 36.14 1.18 O086500200045 6.599 18.83 0.54 O086500200046 6.618 12.03 0.59 O086500200047 6.637 12.03 0.49 O086500200048 6.699 6.16 0.30 O086500200049 6.748 7.29 0.44 O086500200050 6.798 13.80 0.44 O086500200051 6.847 12.81 0.44 O086500200052 6.899 11.73 0.44 O086500200053 6.946 12.76 0.39 O086500200054 6.997 14.04 0.44 O086500200055 7.046 11.58 0.39 O086500200056 7.096 10.88 0.49 O086500200057 7.145 15.42 0.59 O086500200058 7.196 7.43 0.39 O086500200059 7.245 3.93 0.25 O086500200060 7.301 3.39 0.25 O086500200061 7.351 4.72 0.25 O086500200062 7.396 10.04 0.44 O086500200063 7.447 11.57 0.44 O086500200064 7.497 11.86 0.39 O086500200065 ENDDATA 49 0 O086500200066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 O086500299999 SUBENT O0865003 20201027 O081O086500300001 BIB 5 18 O086500300002 REACTION (7-N-14(A,P)8-O-17,PAR,DA) O086500300003 COMMENT - By author. One can see that the cross section O086500300004 calculated simply from the yields using a constant O086500300005 multiplier factor at 165 degrees in angular O086500300006 distribution for 6.576 MeV is about 25 mb/sr, which is O086500300007 much smaller than the cross section - ~40 mb/sr - at O086500300008 6.576 MeV in the excitation function at 165 degrees. O086500300009 This discrepancy can be explained by the resonance O086500300010 pair at 6.576 MeV with resonant with 40 keV and target O086500300011 thickness. In order to get forward-scattering angularO086500300012 distribution data, glancing incidence was taken. Thus,O086500300013 the target is 30 KeV thick, which is larger than the O086500300014 value 12 keV in normal incidence. O086500300015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty O086500300016 (ERR-S,,4.) High limit of statistical error. O086500300017 STATUS (TABLE) Data tables were received 21-May-2001 from O086500300018 Liqun Shi. O086500300019 HISTORY (20201027U) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. O086500300020 ENDBIB 18 0 O086500300021 COMMON 1 3 O086500300022 EN O086500300023 MEV O086500300024 6.576 O086500300025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O086500300026 DATA 3 17 O086500300027 ANG DATA ERR-T O086500300028 ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O086500300029 80.0 8.76 4.9 O086500300030 84.9 7.1 3.0 O086500300031 89.8 11.03 2.7 O086500300032 94.0 8.0 3.2 O086500300033 99.5 7.11 3.4 O086500300034 104.8 7.35 3.0 O086500300035 115.0 8.0 3.1 O086500300036 125.0 8.03 3.4 O086500300037 135.0 8.72 3.3 O086500300038 140.0 9.49 3.1 O086500300039 144.5 11.5 2.8 O086500300040 150.0 17.88 2.9 O086500300041 155.0 22.17 2.6 O086500300042 160.0 23.79 2.5 O086500300043 165.0 25.07 2.5 O086500300044 167.0 25.8 2.4 O086500300045 172.0 23.49 2.5 O086500300046 ENDDATA 19 0 O086500300047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 O086500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O086599999999