ENTRY O0917 20221124 O091O091700000001 SUBENT O0917001 20221124 O091O091700100001 BIB 9 25 O091700100002 TITLE The cross section for the reaction B-10(p,alpha)Be-7 atO091700100003 proton energies below 200 keV. O091700100004 AUTHOR (G.G.Bach,D.J.Liversey) O091700100005 INSTITUTE (2UK BIR) O091700100006 REFERENCE (J,PM,46,824,1955) O091700100007 FACILITY (CCW,2UK BIR) Protons extracted from a radio- O091700100008 frequency ion source were accelerated in a vertical O091700100009 two-stage vacuum tube. O091700100010 SAMPLE The B-10 targets were prepared by electromagnetic O091700100011 deposition of the isotope on copper. Two thin targets O091700100012 of 90 ug/cm2 and 120 ug/cm2 (accurate to 10%) and O091700100013 one thick target,400 mug/cm**2, were used. The O091700100014 thickness of this last target was determined by O091700100015 weighing the backing foil before and after deposition. O091700100016 DETECTOR (SCIN) The alpha particles were detected by a zinc O091700100017 sulphide screen and photomultiplier. O091700100018 METHOD (BCINT) Target currents were always measured with the O091700100019 target at a sufficiently large positive potential to O091700100020 retain secondary electrons. O091700100021 (SITA,OLMS) O091700100022 HISTORY (20011122C) O091700100023 (20030503U) Last checking has been done. O091700100024 (20221124U) SD: Small corrections in all Subents. O091700100025 Author's name corrected (dot was changed by comma O091700100026 after first author's name. O091700100027 ENDBIB 25 0 O091700100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 O091700100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O091700199999 SUBENT O0917002 20221124 O091O091700200001 BIB 5 6 O091700200002 REACTION (5-B-10(P,A)4-BE-7,,SIG) O091700200003 MISC-COL (MISC) Thickness of target O091700200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O091700200005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 from Phil.Mag.,46(1955)824 O091700200006 HISTORY (20221124U) SD: ERR-ANALYS, STATUS updated. O091700200007 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. THICKNESS -> MISC (not indep.val.).O091700200008 ENDBIB 6 0 O091700200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O091700200010 DATA 4 6 O091700200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC O091700200012 KEV MB MB G/CM-SQ O091700200013 177. 2.9 0.4 0.00009 O091700200014 199. 6.6 0.9 0.00009 O091700200015 205. 7.4 1.1 0.00009 O091700200016 205. 9.7 1.4 0.00009 O091700200017 205. 9.0 1.3 0.00012 O091700200018 205. 10.9 1.4 0.0004 O091700200019 ENDDATA 8 0 O091700200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O091700299999 SUBENT O0917003 20221124 O091O091700300001 BIB 5 13 O091700300002 REACTION (5-B-10(P,A)4-BE-7,,SIG) O091700300003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3 from Phil.Mag.,46(1955)824 O091700300004 COMMENT - By authors. Relative value of the cross section at O091700300005 lower energies were obtained using a thick target and O091700300006 the analyser for proton energies down to 120 KeV. For O091700300007 energies below 120-KeV a simple target chamber O091700300008 employing range discrimination, and with a much larger O091700300009 solid angle than the analyser was used. The alpha O091700300010 particles were detected by a zinc sulphide screen and O091700300011 photomultiplier. These observations were fitted to the O091700300012 absolute determinations at 180 and 205 KeV. O091700300013 ADD-RES The data are presented as Gamov plot too. O091700300014 HISTORY (20221124U) SD: ERR-ANALYS, STATUS updated. O091700300015 ENDBIB 13 0 O091700300016 COMMON 2 3 O091700300017 EN-ERR ERR-DIG O091700300018 KEV PER-CENT O091700300019 2.5 6. O091700300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O091700300021 DATA 2 14 O091700300022 EN DATA O091700300023 KEV MB O091700300024 73.5 9.20E-04 O091700300025 78.6 5.40E-04 O091700300026 79.0 1.71E-03 O091700300027 87.4 2.10E-03 O091700300028 95.9 5.20E-03 O091700300029 108.0 1.00E-02 O091700300030 112.9 2.65E-02 O091700300031 121.7 3.13E-02 O091700300032 125.1 4.71E-02 O091700300033 135.6 6.80E-02 O091700300034 147.9 8.40E-02 O091700300035 161.8 1.76E-01 O091700300036 175.7 3.25E-01 O091700300037 191.5 5.10E-01 O091700300038 ENDDATA 16 0 O091700300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 O091700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O091799999999