ENTRY            O0968   20030512                             0000O096800000001 
SUBENT        O0968001   20030512                             0000O096800100001 
BIB                 14         43                                 O096800100002 
TITLE      Fragmentation cross section measurements of iron       O096800100003 
           projectiles using CR-39 plastic nuclear track          O096800100004 
           detectors.                                             O096800100005 
AUTHOR     (F.Flesch, S.E.Hirzebruch, G.Huentrup, H.Rocher,       O096800100006 
           T.Streibel, E.Winkel, W.Heinrich)                      O096800100007 
INSTITUTE  (2GERGER) University of Siegen                         O096800100008 
REFERENCE  (J,RM,31,533,1999)                                     O096800100009 
HISTORY    (20020604C)                                            O096800100010 
           (20030512U) Last checking has been done.               O096800100011 
SAMPLE     The target had a thickness of 20% of the interaction   O096800100012 
           mean free path of the beam particles. This value was   O096800100013 
           found to be a good compromise to maximize the number   O096800100014 
           of projectile fragments produced inside the target     O096800100015 
           without generating too many reinteractions of these    O096800100016 
           fragments inside the target.                           O096800100017 
ANALYSIS    Track positions on CR-39 foils as well as the track   O096800100018 
           area and shape of the each figures were determined by  O096800100019 
           completely automated measurements.They were performed  O096800100020 
           with scanning system based on computer controlled      O096800100021 
           microscope stage and image analysis techniques.        O096800100022 
DETECTOR   (TRD) CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors-           O096800100023 
           C-12/H-18/O-7. In experiments was used stacks with 3 toO096800100024 
           detector foils upstream and 9 to 12 detector foils     O096800100025 
           downstream a target. Each detector foil had a thicknessO096800100026 
           of about 640-mum.                                      O096800100027 
COMMENT    -By authors. The cross sections are derived from the   O096800100028 
           number of particles with different charges counted up- O096800100029 
           and down-stream the target. Since one has to count the O096800100030 
           number of fragments produced inside the target by the  O096800100031 
           interaction of a well defined number of incoming       O096800100032 
           particles,the number of projictiles and fragments has  O096800100033 
           to be counter in congruent areas.  Between 80% and 90% O096800100034 
           of all tracks could be reconstructed through the thick O096800100035 
           targets. Some  of these tracks were used to determine  O096800100036 
           the congruent areas on the last foil side in the front O096800100037 
           and the first foil side in the back stack.             O096800100038 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,2GERGSI) The SIS accelerator at GSI             O096800100039 
METHOD     (STTA,EXTB)                                            O096800100040 
PART-DET   (RSD)                                                  O096800100041 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T).The uncertainty is shown by authors without    O096800100042 
           any analysis                                           O096800100043 
           (ERR-DIG)  Data-point reader uncertainty.              O096800100044 
STATUS     (CURVE).By CAJAD.                                      O096800100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 O096800100046 
COMMON               2          3                                 O096800100047 
EN         ERR-DIG                                                O096800100048 
GEV        PER-CENT                                               O096800100049 
       39.2         2.                                            O096800100050 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O096800100051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 O096800199999 
SUBENT        O0968002   20030512                             0000O096800200001 
BIB                  1          3                                 O096800200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(26-FE-56,X)ELEM,,SIG)                           O096800200003 
           The cross sections for H-target were determined from   O096800200004 
           the polyethylene and C-target data.                    O096800200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 O096800200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O096800200007 
DATA                 3         19                                 O096800200008 
ELEMENT    DATA       ERR-T                                       O096800200009 
NO-DIM     MB         PER-CENT                                    O096800200010 
         7.         7.        40.                                 O096800200011 
         8.         8.        40.                                 O096800200012 
         9.        2.4        80.                                 O096800200013 
        10.         4.        80.                                 O096800200014 
        11.        3.9        70.                                 O096800200015 
        12.         5.        60.                                 O096800200016 
        13.         7.        40.                                 O096800200017 
        14.        11.        40.                                 O096800200018 
        15.        14.        21.                                 O096800200019 
        16.        23.        17.                                 O096800200020 
        17.        18.        17.                                 O096800200021 
        18.        30.        13.                                 O096800200022 
        19.        30.        10.                                 O096800200023 
        20.        51.         8.                                 O096800200024 
        21.       54.9                                            O096800200025 
        22.        85.                                            O096800200026 
        23.       85.1                                            O096800200027 
        24.      106.4                                            O096800200028 
        25.      123.7                                            O096800200029 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 O096800200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 O096800299999 
SUBENT        O0968003   20030512                             0000O096800300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O096800300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(26-FE-56,X)ELEM,,SIG)                          O096800300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O096800300004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O096800300005 
DATA                 3         19                                 O096800300006 
ELEMENT    DATA       ERR-T                                       O096800300007 
NO-DIM     MB         PER-CENT                                    O096800300008 
         7.       60.1                                            O096800300009 
         8.       49.2                                            O096800300010 
         9.       29.9         9.                                 O096800300011 
        10.       43.9                                            O096800300012 
        11.       37.8         8.                                 O096800300013 
        12.       44.4                                            O096800300014 
        13.        36.         8.                                 O096800300015 
        14.       56.8                                            O096800300016 
        15.        45.        13.                                 O096800300017 
        16.       48.1                                            O096800300018 
        17.        48.         8.                                 O096800300019 
        18.       55.9                                            O096800300020 
        19.       58.4                                            O096800300021 
        20.       75.4                                            O096800300022 
        21.       70.1                                            O096800300023 
        22.       91.5                                            O096800300024 
        23.       95.6                                            O096800300025 
        24.      134.5                                            O096800300026 
        25.      166.6                                            O096800300027 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 O096800300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 O096800399999 
SUBENT        O0968004   20030512                             0000O096800400001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O096800400002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(26-FE-56,X)ELEM,,SIG)                        O096800400003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O096800400004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O096800400005 
DATA                 3         20                                 O096800400006 
ELEMENT    DATA       ERR-T                                       O096800400007 
NO-DIM     MB         PER-CENT                                    O096800400008 
         6.      112.5                                            O096800400009 
         7.        76.                                            O096800400010 
         8.        66.         6.                                 O096800400011 
         9.        37.        11.                                 O096800400012 
        10.        50.        10.                                 O096800400013 
        11.        44.         7.                                 O096800400014 
        12.        58.         7.                                 O096800400015 
        13.        43.         7.                                 O096800400016 
        14.        65.         6.                                 O096800400017 
        15.        47.         3.                                 O096800400018 
        16.       66.8         4.                                 O096800400019 
        17.       56.4         5.                                 O096800400020 
        18.        63.         6.                                 O096800400021 
        19.        73.         4.                                 O096800400022 
        20.        77.         4.                                 O096800400023 
        21.       93.4         3.                                 O096800400024 
        22.       109.         6.                                 O096800400025 
        23.      108.6        2.3                                 O096800400026 
        24.      144.9                                            O096800400027 
        25.       185.                                            O096800400028 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 O096800400029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 O096800499999 
SUBENT        O0968005   20030512                             0000O096800500001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O096800500002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(26-FE-56,X)ELEM,,SIG)                         O096800500003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O096800500004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O096800500005 
DATA                 3         19                                 O096800500006 
ELEMENT    DATA       ERR-T                                       O096800500007 
NO-DIM     MB         PER-CENT                                    O096800500008 
         6.      161.5                                            O096800500009 
         7.        95.         5.                                 O096800500010 
         9.        46.        11.                                 O096800500011 
        10.        61.        10.                                 O096800500012 
        11.        64.        14.                                 O096800500013 
        12.        69.         9.                                 O096800500014 
        13.        50.        10.                                 O096800500015 
        14.        83.         6.                                 O096800500016 
        15.        46.         9.                                 O096800500017 
        16.        70.         9.                                 O096800500018 
        17.        62.        10.                                 O096800500019 
        18.        83.         8.                                 O096800500020 
        19.        77.         8.                                 O096800500021 
        20.        92.        13.                                 O096800500022 
        21.       100.         9.                                 O096800500023 
        22.       129.        13.                                 O096800500024 
        23.       140.         8.                                 O096800500025 
        24.       181.         4.                                 O096800500026 
        25.       242.        2.9                                 O096800500027 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 O096800500028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 O096800599999 
SUBENT        O0968006   20030512                             0000O096800600001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O096800600002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(26-FE-56,X)ELEM,,SIG)                         O096800600003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O096800600004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O096800600005 
DATA                 3         19                                 O096800600006 
ELEMENT    DATA       ERR-T                                       O096800600007 
NO-DIM     MB         PER-CENT                                    O096800600008 
         6.       211.                                            O096800600009 
         7.       116.         9.                                 O096800600010 
         8.        95.         7.                                 O096800600011 
         9.        62.        10.                                 O096800600012 
        10.        80.        10.                                 O096800600013 
        11.        65.        14.                                 O096800600014 
        12.        84.        10.                                 O096800600015 
        13.        61.        10.                                 O096800600016 
        14.       105.        13.                                 O096800600017 
        16.        76.        11.                                 O096800600018 
        17.        75.         9.                                 O096800600019 
        18.        93.         9.                                 O096800600020 
        19.       107.         5.                                 O096800600021 
        20.       114.         9.                                 O096800600022 
        21.       107.        2.8                                 O096800600023 
        22.       161.         6.                                 O096800600024 
        23.       142.         7.                                 O096800600025 
        24.       172.         7.                                 O096800600026 
        25.       299.         4.                                 O096800600027 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 O096800600028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 O096800699999 
SUBENT        O0968007   20030512                             0000O096800700001 
BIB                  1          1                                 O096800700002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(26-FE-56,X)ELEM,,SIG)                         O096800700003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 O096800700004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O096800700005 
DATA                 3         20                                 O096800700006 
ELEMENT    DATA       ERR-T                                       O096800700007 
NO-DIM     MB         PER-CENT                                    O096800700008 
         6.       247.                                            O096800700009 
         7.      166.9                                            O096800700010 
         8.       138.                                            O096800700011 
         9.        77.        10.                                 O096800700012 
        10.        97.         9.                                 O096800700013 
        11.        66.        14.                                 O096800700014 
        12.        94.         7.                                 O096800700015 
        13.        70.        11.                                 O096800700016 
        14.       115.         8.                                 O096800700017 
        15.        82.        10.                                 O096800700018 
        16.       103.        10.                                 O096800700019 
        17.        87.         9.                                 O096800700020 
        18.       105.         9.                                 O096800700021 
        19.        92.        12.                                 O096800700022 
        20.       135.        10.                                 O096800700023 
        21.       124.         6.                                 O096800700024 
        22.       159.        11.                                 O096800700025 
        23.       185.         4.                                 O096800700026 
        24.       260.                                            O096800700027 
        25.       400.        10.                                 O096800700028 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 O096800700029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 O096800799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 O096899999999