ENTRY O0983 20230324 O095O098300000001 SUBENT O0983001 20230324 O095O098300100001 BIB 16 70 O098300100002 TITLE Experimental yields for Cu-63 irradiated with 0.2, 1.2,O098300100003 1.6 and 2.6-GeV protons O098300100004 AUTHOR (Yu.E.Titarenko, V.F.Batyaev, E.I.Karpikhin, O098300100005 R.D.Mulambetov, A.B.Koldobsky, V.M.Zhivun, O098300100006 S.V.Mulambetova, K.A.Lipatov, Yu.A.Nekrasov, O098300100007 A.V.Belkin, N.N.Alexeev, V.A.Schegolev, O098300100008 Yu.M.Goryachev, V.E.Luk'yashin, E.N.Firsov) O098300100009 INSTITUTE (4RUSITE) O098300100010 REFERENCE ((R,INDC(CCP)-0434,91,2002)=(R,ISTC-839B-99,91,2001)) O098300100011 REL-REF (O,O0782001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,LA-UR-00-3600,2000) O098300100012 - Hg targets O098300100013 (O,O0979001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,100,2002) O098300100014 - Fe targets. Entry superseded, see O1727 O098300100015 (O,O0980001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,101,2002) O098300100016 - Ni targets O098300100017 (O,O0981001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,102,2002) O098300100018 - Nb targets O098300100019 (O,O0982001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,93,2002) O098300100020 - Cu-65 targets O098300100021 (O,O0985001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,86,2002) O098300100022 - Al,Tc targets O098300100023 (O,O0986001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,79,2002) O098300100024 - U targets, final dataO098300100025 (O,O0987001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,72,2002) O098300100026 - Th targets O098300100027 (O,O0996001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,C,99PRAHA,,(PC25),1999) O098300100028 - U targets, prelim.dataO098300100029 (O,O1018001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,53,2002) O098300100030 - 182W targets O098300100031 (O,O1019001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,57,2002) O098300100032 - 183W targets O098300100033 (O,O1020001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,61,2002) O098300100034 - 184W targets O098300100035 (O,O1021001,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-0434,65,2002) O098300100036 - 186W targets O098300100037 FACILITY (SYNCH,4RUSITE) ITEP U-10 synchrotron was used. O098300100038 SAMPLE Cu-63,isotopic composition: O098300100039 at 1.2-GeV protons-99.6% Cu-63 and 0.4% Cu-65; O098300100040 at 0.2, 1.6 and 2.6-GeV protons: 99.5% Cu-63 and 0.5% O098300100041 Cu-65, was used. O098300100042 Thicknesses: at 0.2-GeV protons -85.3 mg, O098300100043 at 1.2-GeV protons -80.2 mg, O098300100044 at 1.6-GeV protons- 87.6 mg, O098300100045 at 2.6-GeV protons- 87.3 mg. O098300100046 ADD-RES (COMP) LAHET, CEM95, CEM2K, CASCADE, INUCL and YIELDX O098300100047 codes-simulated yields. O098300100048 DETECTOR (HPGE) O098300100049 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) O098300100050 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) O098300100051 (13-AL-27(P,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) O098300100052 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.959HR,DG,1369.,1.) O098300100053 (11-NA-22,2.6088YR,DG,1274.5,0.99944) O098300100054 (4-BE-7,53.29D,DG,477.6,0.105) O098300100055 MONIT-REF (O0985002,Yu.E.Titarenko+,R,INDC(CCP)-434,46,2002) O098300100056 METHOD (EXTB,GSPEC) O098300100057 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The experimental errors are within approx.6-35%O098300100058 The errors in the independent and cumulative yields of O098300100059 the reaction products for separate gamma-lines, were O098300100060 determined using the error transfer formulas. O098300100061 The uncertainties in the nuclear data-absolute values O098300100062 of gamma-abundances and monitor reaction cross section O098300100063 were found in the relevant analysis to make the major O098300100064 contribution to the total error. O098300100065 (ERR-1,3.,10.) Relative uncertainty in the O098300100066 detector efficiency O098300100067 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.34 from INDC(CCP)-434,91 O098300100068 HISTORY (20020627C) O098300100069 (20030516U) Last checking has been done. O098300100070 (20230324A) SD: REL-REF added. Ref. updated. O098300100071 Correction in Subent 002. O098300100072 ENDBIB 70 0 O098300100073 NOCOMMON 0 0 O098300100074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 O098300199999 SUBENT O0983002 20230324 O095O098300200001 BIB 3 5 O098300200002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) O098300200003 COMMENT -By compiler. If a nucleus has isomer state, but data O098300200004 heading "ISOMER" contains space only, production crossO098300200005 section includes isomer state production too. O098300200006 HISTORY (20230324A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O098300200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O098300200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O098300200009 DATA 6 71 O098300200010 EN ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T O098300200011 GEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB O098300200012 0.2 21. 44. 0.548 0.038O098300200013 0.2 21. 44. 1. 0.308 0.022O098300200014 0.2 21. 44. 0. 0.266 0.019O098300200015 0.2 21. 46. 0.605 0.062O098300200016 0.2 24. 48. 0.084 0.006O098300200017 0.2 25. 52. 1. 2.25 0.17O098300200018 0.2 25. 52. 0. 5.99 0.39O098300200019 0.2 25. 54. 17.4 1.2O098300200020 0.2 26. 52. 0. 0.158 0.012O098300200021 0.2 27. 58. 42.2 2.8O098300200022 0.2 27. 58. 1. 27. 2.O098300200023 0.2 27. 58. 0. 15.2 1.3O098300200024 0.2 27. 60. 9.43 1.3O098300200025 0.2 28. 56. 0.147 0.011O098300200026 0.2 30. 62. 2.06 0.17O098300200027 0.2 30. 63. 2.17 0.33O098300200028 1.2 4. 9. 5.35 0.5O098300200029 1.2 17. 34. 1. 0.571 0.049O098300200030 1.2 19. 42. 4. 0.29O098300200031 1.2 21. 44. 13.1 0.9O098300200032 1.2 21. 44. 1. 7.32 0.57O098300200033 1.2 21. 44. 0. 6.19 0.45O098300200034 1.2 21. 46. 8.1 0.57O098300200035 1.2 21. 47. 3.11 0.23O098300200036 1.2 21. 48. 0.567 0.04O098300200037 1.2 25. 52. 1. 3.18 0.25O098300200038 1.2 25. 54. 21.2 1.5O098300200039 1.2 27. 57. 26.4 2.O098300200040 1.2 27. 58. 30.3 2.2O098300200041 1.2 27. 58. 1. 20. 2.9O098300200042 1.2 27. 58. 0. 10.4 2.6O098300200043 1.2 27. 60. 9.05 0.66O098300200044 1.2 28. 56. 0.084 0.012O098300200045 1.2 30. 62. 0.47 0.052O098300200046 1.2 30. 63. 1.3 0.2O098300200047 1.6 4. 9. 5.85 0.59O098300200048 1.6 17. 34. 1. 0.591 0.053O098300200049 1.6 19. 42. 3.57 0.3O098300200050 1.6 21. 44. 11. 0.9O098300200051 1.6 21. 44. 1. 6.44 0.53O098300200052 1.6 21. 44. 0. 5.18 0.42O098300200053 1.6 21. 46. 6.68 0.55O098300200054 1.6 21. 47. 2.56 0.21O098300200055 1.6 21. 48. 0.483 0.039O098300200056 1.6 24. 48. 0.427 0.035O098300200057 1.6 25. 52. 1. 2.53 0.22O098300200058 1.6 25. 52. 0. 7.35 0.59O098300200059 1.6 25. 54. 16.4 1.3O098300200060 1.6 27. 58. 23.7 1.9O098300200061 1.6 27. 58. 1. 12.4 2.2O098300200062 1.6 27. 58. 0. 11.3 2.2O098300200063 1.6 27. 60. 6.74 0.55O098300200064 1.6 30. 62. 0.328 0.036O098300200065 2.6 4. 9. 8.71 0.92O098300200066 2.6 17. 34. 1. 0.676 0.066O098300200067 2.6 19. 42. 3.51 0.3O098300200068 2.6 21. 44. 10. 0.8O098300200069 2.6 21. 44. 1. 5.93 0.51O098300200070 2.6 21. 44. 0. 4.57 0.38O098300200071 2.6 21. 46. 6.37 0.56O098300200072 2.6 21. 47. 2.43 0.21O098300200073 2.6 21. 48. 0.451 0.04O098300200074 2.6 24. 48. 0.383 0.033O098300200075 2.6 25. 52. 1. 2.11 0.19O098300200076 2.6 25. 52. 0. 6.54 0.54O098300200077 2.6 25. 54. 15.4 1.3O098300200078 2.6 27. 58. 23.1 1.9O098300200079 2.6 27. 58. 1. 15.3 1.6O098300200080 2.6 27. 58. 0. 7.79 1.12O098300200081 2.6 27. 60. 8.39 0.88O098300200082 2.6 30. 62. 0.336 0.035O098300200083 ENDDATA 73 0 O098300200084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 O098300299999 SUBENT O0983003 20030516 0000O098300300001 BIB 2 7 O098300300002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) O098300300003 COMMENT - By author. Cumulative cross section is usual sum of O098300300004 a nuclide independent cross section and cumulative O098300300005 cross section of pregnitor. O098300300006 Production cross sections for Fe-53, Cu-60 are O098300300007 "supracumulative" cross sections. Total determination O098300300008 of the cross section see in ISTC-839B-99. O098300300009 ENDBIB 7 0 O098300300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 O098300300011 DATA 6 91 O098300300012 EN ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T O098300300013 GEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB O098300300014 0.2 21. 47. 0.241 0.017O098300300015 0.2 23. 48. 2.67 0.17O098300300016 0.2 24. 49. 1.04 0.09O098300300017 0.2 24. 51. 12.8 0.9O098300300018 0.2 25. 52. 1. 2.39 0.18O098300300019 0.2 25. 56. 1.73 0.11O098300300020 0.2 26. 52. 0. 0.158 0.012O098300300021 0.2 26. 59. 0.468 0.065O098300300022 0.2 27. 55. 2.28 0.16O098300300023 0.2 27. 56. 14.1 0.9O098300300024 0.2 27. 57. 44. 2.9O098300300025 0.2 28. 57. 2.16 0.19O098300300026 0.2 29. 60. 8.44 0.57O098300300027 0.2 29. 61. 29.5 3.O098300300028 1.2 11. 22. 1.36 0.2O098300300029 1.2 11. 24. 1.69 0.12O098300300030 1.2 12. 27. 0.491 0.073O098300300031 1.2 12. 28. 0.19 0.014O098300300032 1.2 13. 29. 1.11 0.14O098300300033 1.2 17. 38. 0. 1.46 0.12O098300300034 1.2 17. 39. 0.432 0.033O098300300035 1.2 18. 41. 0.692 0.052O098300300036 1.2 19. 43. 1.26 0.09O098300300037 1.2 20. 47. 0.07 0.009O098300300038 1.2 21. 43. 4.61 0.85O098300300039 1.2 21. 47. 3.23 0.24O098300300040 1.2 23. 48. 14.8 1.O098300300041 1.2 24. 48. 0.545 0.04O098300300042 1.2 24. 49. 3.99 0.33O098300300043 1.2 24. 51. 28.1 2.1O098300300044 1.2 25. 52. 0. 9.69 0.69O098300300045 1.2 25. 52. 1. 3.46 0.27O098300300046 1.2 25. 56. 2.5 0.18O098300300047 1.2 26. 52. 0. 0.258 0.021O098300300048 1.2 26. 53. 2.14 0.36O098300300049 1.2 26. 59. 0.91 0.068O098300300050 1.2 27. 55. 1.69 0.13O098300300051 1.2 27. 56. 9.45 0.66O098300300052 1.2 27. 57. 28.8 2.O098300300053 1.2 27. 61. 5.16 1.88O098300300054 1.2 28. 57. 1.15 0.1O098300300055 1.2 29. 60. 3.39 0.25O098300300056 1.2 29. 61. 14.5 1.7O098300300057 1.6 11. 22. 1.45 0.13O098300300058 1.6 11. 24. 2.16 0.18O098300300059 1.6 12. 27. 0.713 0.079O098300300060 1.6 12. 28. 0.245 0.02O098300300061 1.6 13. 29. 1.56 0.17O098300300062 1.6 17. 38. 0. 1.55 0.13O098300300063 1.6 17. 39. 0.436 0.037O098300300064 1.6 18. 41. 0.645 0.053O098300300065 1.6 19. 43. 1.13 0.09O098300300066 1.6 20. 47. 0.064 0.009O098300300067 1.6 21. 47. 2.64 0.22O098300300068 1.6 23. 48. 11.6 0.9O098300300069 1.6 24. 49. 3.2 0.29O098300300070 1.6 24. 51. 21.7 1.8O098300300071 1.6 25. 52. 1. 2.75 0.24O098300300072 1.6 25. 56. 2.03 0.16O098300300073 1.6 26. 52. 0. 0.194 0.017O098300300074 1.6 26. 59. 0.757 0.065O098300300075 1.6 27. 55. 1.28 0.11O098300300076 1.6 27. 56. 7.1 0.57O098300300077 1.6 27. 57. 22.1 1.8O098300300078 1.6 28. 57. 0.824 0.069O098300300079 1.6 29. 60. 2.76 0.23O098300300080 1.6 29. 61. 12.2 1.5O098300300081 2.6 11. 22. 2.72 0.9O098300300082 2.6 11. 24. 3.31 0.28O098300300083 2.6 12. 27. 1.15 0.15O098300300084 2.6 12. 28. 0.357 0.03O098300300085 2.6 13. 29. 1.83 0.49O098300300086 2.6 17. 38. 0. 1.64 0.15O098300300087 2.6 17. 39. 0.479 0.05O098300300088 2.6 18. 41. 0.683 0.058O098300300089 2.6 19. 43. 1.1 0.09O098300300090 2.6 20. 47. 0.065 0.014O098300300091 2.6 21. 47. 2.5 0.21O098300300092 2.6 23. 48. 10.6 0.9O098300300093 2.6 24. 49. 2.78 0.26O098300300094 2.6 24. 51. 19.8 1.7O098300300095 2.6 25. 52. 1. 2.26 0.2O098300300096 2.6 25. 56. 1.91 0.16O098300300097 2.6 26. 52. 0. 0.174 0.016O098300300098 2.6 26. 59. 0.757 0.078O098300300099 2.6 27. 55. 1.17 0.1O098300300100 2.6 27. 56. 6.94 0.57O098300300101 2.6 27. 57. 21.5 1.8O098300300102 2.6 28. 57. 0.777 0.074O098300300103 2.6 29. 60. 2.62 0.22O098300300104 2.6 29. 61. 12.6 1.5O098300300105 ENDDATA 93 0 O098300300106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 O098300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O098399999999