ENTRY            O1130   20080515                             O035O113000000001 
SUBENT        O1130001   20080515                             O035O113000100001 
BIB                 13         34                                 O113000100002 
TITLE      Measurement of the analyzing power of elastic proton-  O113000100003 
           proton scattering at 582-MeV.                          O113000100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Berdoz, B.Favier, F.Foroughi, C.Weddigen)           O113000100005 
INSTITUTE  (2SWTNEU) Institute de Physique                        O113000100006 
           (2GERKFK) Institut fuer Kernphysik                     O113000100007 
           (2GERKRU) Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik.     O113000100008 
REFERENCE  (J,JP/G,9,L261,1983) Letter to the Editor.             O113000100009 
REL-REF    (R,O1131001,A.BERDOZ+,J,JP/G,8,1363,1982) Details of   O113000100010 
           experiment.                                            O113000100011 
SAMPLE     Two small CH(2) targets, 10*10*2.3-mm**3 and           O113000100012 
            10*10*1.5-mm**3, were used for data taking while two  O113000100013 
           corresponding C-targets, 10*10*1-mm**3 and 10*10*0.5-  O113000100014 
           mm*3, were used to find the background contribution.   O113000100015 
           The thinner targets used for the three most forward    O113000100016 
           angles were oriented at an angle of +35-degree with    O113000100017 
           respect to the beam direction to reduce the energy lossO113000100018 
           of the recoil protons.                                 O113000100019 
COMMENT    -By authors. Test without the target showed that the   O113000100020 
           air surrounding it contributes to the background. Test O113000100021 
           with a large He-gas target replacing air showed only   O113000100022 
           accidentals. Therefore the fact that was chose C-targetO113000100023 
           with C amounts equivalent to those of the CH(2) targetsO113000100024 
           accounts correctly for the air contribution.           O113000100025 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SCIN,SCIN) Two scintillators 5*5-cm**2 and      O113000100026 
           8*8-cm**2  detected P-P elastic  scattering  events  inO113000100027 
           coincidence.                                           O113000100028 
           (MWDC) Two the multi-wire ionization chambers.         O113000100029 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The uncertainty of beam energy.               O113000100030 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2SWTVIL)                                        O113000100031 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  O113000100032 
           (EDE)                                                  O113000100033 
STATUS     (TABLE)                                                O113000100034 
HISTORY    (20040216C)                                            O113000100035 
           (20080515A) Correction in Reference has been done.     O113000100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 O113000100037 
COMMON               2          3                                 O113000100038 
EN         EN-ERR                                                 O113000100039 
MEV        MEV                                                    O113000100040 
       582.        1.5                                            O113000100041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O113000100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 O113000199999 
SUBENT        O1130002   20040512                             0000O113000200001 
BIB                  2          5                                 O113000200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(P,EL)1-H-1,,POL/DA,,ANA)                        O113000200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Errors are statistical only, include errors dueO113000200004 
           to background subtraction. An additional common error  O113000200005 
           of 1% is due to the uncertainty in the beam            O113000200006 
           polarization.                                          O113000200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 O113000200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O113000200009 
DATA                 3         14                                 O113000200010 
ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                                       O113000200011 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      O113000200012 
        20.     0.4153     0.0023                                 O113000200013 
        25.     0.4731     0.0023                                 O113000200014 
        30.     0.5075     0.0034                                 O113000200015 
        35.     0.5272     0.0023                                 O113000200016 
       37.5     0.5346     0.0036                                 O113000200017 
        40.     0.5296     0.0023                                 O113000200018 
        45.     0.5186     0.0024                                 O113000200019 
        50.     0.4901     0.0026                                 O113000200020 
        55.      0.451     0.0024                                 O113000200021 
        60.     0.4094     0.0033                                 O113000200022 
        65.     0.3537     0.0022                                 O113000200023 
        70.     0.2966     0.0028                                 O113000200024 
        75.     0.2321     0.0046                                 O113000200025 
        80.     0.1533     0.0025                                 O113000200026 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 O113000200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 O113000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 O113099999999