ENTRY O1260 20231016 O098O126000000001 SUBENT O1260001 20231016 O098O126000100001 BIB 6 13 O126000100002 TITLE Excitation functions of proton induced reactions in O126000100003 natural tellurium: Production of no-carrier added O126000100004 iodine-124 for PET applications O126000100005 AUTHOR (J.Zweit, M.A.Bakir, R.J.Ott, H.L.Sharma, M.Cox, O126000100006 R.Goodall) O126000100007 INSTITUTE (2UK MAN) O126000100008 (2UK UK) Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey; O126000100009 Clatterbridge Hospital, Merseyside O126000100010 REFERENCE (C,91VILLIG,,76,1991) O126000100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,2UK UK) MRC Clatterbridget cyclotron O126000100012 HISTORY (20050325C) O126000100013 (20050404A) Correction O126000100014 (20231016D) On. Deleted. Duplication of EXFOR D0120. O126000100015 ENDBIB 13 0 O126000100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O126000100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 O126000199999 NOSUBENT O1260002 20231016 O098O126000200001 NOSUBENT O1260003 20231016 O098O126000300001 NOSUBENT O1260004 20231016 O098O126000400001 NOSUBENT O1260005 20231016 O098O126000500001 NOSUBENT O1260006 20231016 O098O126000600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 O126099999999