ENTRY O1292 20230521 O096O129200000001 SUBENT O1292001 20230521 O096O129200100001 BIB 13 46 O129200100002 TITLE Scattering of He-6 at energies around the Coulomb O129200100003 barrier O129200100004 AUTHOR (A.M.Sanchez-Benitez, D.Escrig, M.A.G.Alvarez, O129200100005 M.V.Andres, C.Angulo, M.J.G.Borge, J.Cabrera, O129200100006 S.Cherubini, J.M.Espino, P.Figuera, M.Freer, O129200100007 J.E.Garcia-Ramos, J.Gomez-Camacho, M.Gulino, O129200100008 O.R.Kakuee, I.Martel, C.Metelco, A.M.Moro, J.Rahighi, O129200100009 K.Rusek, D.Smirnov, O.Tengbland, P.Van Dupper, V.Ziman)O129200100010 INSTITUTE (2SPNHLV,2SPNSEU,2BLGLVN,2ITYLNS,2UK BIR,3IRNNRT, O129200100011 2BLGLEU) O129200100012 REFERENCE (J,JP/G,31,S1953,2005) O129200100013 FACILITY (CYCLO,2BLGLVN) O129200100014 SAMPLE A self-supported target with the following isotopic O129200100015 composition- Pb-208 87(2)%, Pb-207 1.20(2)%, Pb-206 O129200100016 11.2(2)%. A target of 0.950-mg/cm**2 thickness was O129200100017 used for each energy except for 22 MeV, where beam O129200100018 intensity was lower and a thickness of 2.080-mg/cm**2 O129200100019 was used. O129200100020 MONITOR (82-PB-208(A,EL)82-PB-208,,DA) this reaction was O129200100021 measured to normalize data and to cancel systematic O129200100022 errors in the He-6+Pb-208 elastic cross sections. O129200100023 DETECTOR (TELES,SISD,SISD) The reaction products were detected O129200100024 in a detection system consisting of a LEDA, a LAMP and O129200100025 DINEX. LEDA- silicon strip detectors. The DENIX O129200100026 detector array consists of four 90-degree circular O129200100027 silicon telescopes, of thickness 40 mum(front) and O129200100028 500 mum(back). LEDA, LAMP and DINEX detector arrays O129200100029 cover three different angular ranges- O129200100030 -LEDA 5-10-degree with an angular resolution of 0.5- O129200100031 degree, O129200100032 -LAMP 20-64-degree with an angular resolution of O129200100033 3-degree, O129200100034 -DENIX 135-170-degree with angular resolution of 5- O129200100035 degree. O129200100036 CORRECTION Corrections for beam alignment and efficiency of the O129200100037 electronic chain were also evaluated and included in O129200100038 the final analysis. O129200100039 ADD-RES (COMP) Optical model analysis. O129200100040 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O129200100041 STATUS (TABLE) Tables were received from A.M.Sanchez Benitez O129200100042 12.10.2008 O129200100043 (APRVD) By A.M.Sanchez Benitez O129200100044 HISTORY (20080317C) SB O129200100045 (20081013A) Digitizing data were replaced by table O129200100046 data received from authors. O129200100047 (20230521A) SD: BIB updated. Correction in Subent 003. O129200100048 ENDBIB 46 0 O129200100049 NOCOMMON 0 0 O129200100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 O129200199999 SUBENT O1292002 20081013 O037O129200200001 BIB 1 1 O129200200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(2-HE-6,EL)82-PB-208,,DA,,RTH) O129200200003 ENDBIB 1 0 O129200200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 O129200200005 DATA 4 63 O129200200006 EN ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR O129200200007 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM O129200200008 18.00000 21.20000 1.00790 0.00400 O129200200009 18.00000 24.00000 1.00260 0.00470 O129200200010 18.00000 26.70000 0.99250 0.00510 O129200200011 18.00000 29.40000 1.00260 0.00480 O129200200012 18.00000 32.20000 0.99380 0.00540 O129200200013 18.00000 35.10000 1.00430 0.00620 O129200200014 18.00000 38.10000 1.00460 0.00700 O129200200015 18.00000 41.00000 0.98650 0.00790 O129200200016 18.00000 43.90000 0.99130 0.00790 O129200200017 18.00000 46.90000 0.99080 0.00860 O129200200018 18.00000 49.90000 0.98430 0.00940 O129200200019 18.00000 52.80000 0.97500 0.01000 O129200200020 18.00000 55.70000 0.97300 0.01800 O129200200021 18.00000 58.60000 0.97300 0.01300 O129200200022 18.00000 61.40000 0.93900 0.02100 O129200200023 18.00000 64.10000 0.94900 0.02200 O129200200024 18.00000 136.80000 0.67200 0.01600 O129200200025 18.00000 138.30000 0.67700 0.01800 O129200200026 18.00000 139.80000 0.64400 0.02000 O129200200027 18.00000 141.40000 0.64500 0.01500 O129200200028 18.00000 143.10000 0.63100 0.01500 O129200200029 18.00000 144.80000 0.62900 0.02400 O129200200030 18.00000 146.60000 0.59800 0.03200 O129200200031 18.00000 148.50000 0.61300 0.01700 O129200200032 18.00000 150.50000 0.59000 0.01500 O129200200033 18.00000 152.70000 0.59500 0.03400 O129200200034 18.00000 154.80000 0.55900 0.01600 O129200200035 18.00000 157.10000 0.58200 0.01600 O129200200036 18.00000 159.40000 0.55400 0.01900 O129200200037 18.00000 161.90000 0.56800 0.04300 O129200200038 18.00000 164.30000 0.57100 0.03000 O129200200039 18.00000 166.90000 0.56300 0.03100 O129200200040 22.00000 20.00000 1.00500 0.00510 O129200200041 22.00000 22.80000 1.00780 0.00450 O129200200042 22.00000 25.30000 0.99710 0.00510 O129200200043 22.00000 27.90000 0.99950 0.00590 O129200200044 22.00000 30.60000 0.99790 0.00670 O129200200045 22.00000 33.30000 1.00250 0.00750 O129200200046 22.00000 36.10000 0.99550 0.00900 O129200200047 22.00000 38.90000 0.98770 0.00930 O129200200048 22.00000 41.70000 0.97900 0.01100 O129200200049 22.00000 44.60000 0.96800 0.01000 O129200200050 22.00000 47.40000 0.95900 0.01100 O129200200051 22.00000 50.20000 0.95600 0.01200 O129200200052 22.00000 53.10000 0.94200 0.01300 O129200200053 22.00000 55.80000 0.93700 0.01900 O129200200054 22.00000 58.60000 0.91500 0.03900 O129200200055 22.00000 61.20000 0.94400 0.03600 O129200200056 22.00000 133.90000 0.13300 0.01300 O129200200057 22.00000 135.60000 0.13300 0.01300 O129200200058 22.00000 137.30000 0.10600 0.02100 O129200200059 22.00000 138.90000 0.12100 0.01200 O129200200060 22.00000 140.40000 0.09300 0.01600 O129200200061 22.00000 142.40000 0.10700 0.01200 O129200200062 22.00000 144.80000 0.09100 0.01600 O129200200063 22.00000 147.10000 0.10100 0.01800 O129200200064 22.00000 148.80000 0.09800 0.01300 O129200200065 22.00000 151.50000 0.07700 0.01100 O129200200066 22.00000 153.90000 0.10400 0.01400 O129200200067 22.00000 156.20000 0.09100 0.01300 O129200200068 22.00000 159.50000 0.09400 0.01600 O129200200069 22.00000 162.00000 0.07200 0.01300 O129200200070 22.00000 163.80000 0.06500 0.02300 O129200200071 ENDDATA 65 0 O129200200072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 O129200299999 SUBENT O1292003 20230521 O096O129200300001 BIB 2 3 O129200300002 REACTION (82-PB-208(2-HE-6,X)2-HE-4,,DA) O129200300003 HISTORY (20230521A) SD: SF3=EL -> X, SF4=Pb-208 -> He-4 in O129200300004 REACTION code. O129200300005 ENDBIB 3 0 O129200300006 COMMON 3 3 O129200300007 EN ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG O129200300008 MEV ADEG PER-CENT O129200300009 22. 0.3 4. O129200300010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O129200300011 DATA 3 15 O129200300012 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR O129200300013 ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O129200300014 134. 76. 13. O129200300015 135.8 69. 13. O129200300016 137.4 59. 22. O129200300017 139. 73. 14. O129200300018 140.6 55. 18. O129200300019 142.6 54. 13. O129200300020 144.9 62. 23. O129200300021 147. 58. 17. O129200300022 148.8 69. 19. O129200300023 151.5 49. 18. O129200300024 154. 65. 18. O129200300025 156.3 61. 16. O129200300026 159.5 70. 20. O129200300027 162.2 58. 22. O129200300028 164.1 54. 40. O129200300029 ENDDATA 17 0 O129200300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 O129200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O129299999999