ENTRY O1297 20221225 O092O129700000001 SUBENT O1297001 20221225 O092O129700100001 BIB 12 51 O129700100002 TITLE Production cross-sections from neutron-deficient 92-Mo O129700100003 at 500*A MeV O129700100004 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,25,(2),193,2005) O129700100005 (J,EPJ/A,25,(3),473,2005) ERRATUM. O129700100006 (J,JP/G,31,S1843,2005) - same data at figs. O129700100007 AUTHOR (B.Fernandez-Dominguez, R.C.Lemmon, B.Blank, O129700100008 M.Chartier, D.Cortina-Gil, J.L.Durell, H.Geissel, O129700100009 J.Gerl, S.Mandal, F.Rejmund, K.Suemmerer) O129700100010 INSTITUTE (2UK LVP,2UK DAR,2FR GRA,2SPNSAU,2UK MAN,2GERGSI, O129700100011 2FR GAN) O129700100012 FACILITY (SYNCH,2GERGSI) O129700100013 SAMPLE The 92-Mo ions were directed onto a beryllium target O129700100014 of thickness 4007.0 mg/cm2 placed at the entrance of O129700100015 the fragment separator. O129700100016 DETECTOR (SCIN) Two plastic scintillators mounted at the O129700100017 dispersive and achromatic focal planes. O129700100018 (IOCH) O129700100019 (MWPC) Two multiwire chambers. O129700100020 METHOD (EXTB) The average intensity was 109 particles/spill. O129700100021 (SITA) O129700100022 (BCINT) The number of incident ions was recorded by theO129700100023 secondary-electron monitor SEETRAM placed before the O129700100024 production target. O129700100025 (EDE,TOF) O129700100026 Inverse geometry. O129700100027 COMMENT -By authors. The ions of interest were identified by O129700100028 combining measurements of their magnetic rigidity, O129700100029 energy loss, and time of flight. The plastic O129700100030 scintillators mounted at the dispersive intermediate O129700100031 and achromatic focal planes, were used to determine O129700100032 the horizontal positions of the fragments and their O129700100033 time of flight. At the final focal plane two O129700100034 multiwire chambers provided the position measurement O129700100035 for the calibrations. Finally, from the energy loss O129700100036 measurement in the ionisation chamber the nuclear O129700100037 charge was obtained, since all the produced fragments O129700100038 were fully stripped. O129700100039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty of production cross section. O129700100040 Mean systematical uncertainties contributing to the O129700100041 determination of the production cross-sections. O129700100042 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in target thickness = 0.1%. O129700100043 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in SEETRAM calibration = 1%. O129700100044 (ERR-3,2.,54.) Uncertainty in SEETRAM offset = 2-54% O129700100045 (ERR-4,10.,75.) Uncertainty in transmission = 10-75% O129700100046 (ERR-S,1.,33.) Statistical uncertainty in = 1-33% O129700100047 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 2 from Europ.Phys.J.,A25(2005)193 O129700100048 HISTORY (20051011C) O129700100049 (20060210U) Last checking has been done. O129700100050 (20220202U) SD: Ref. EPJ/A,25,193 -> EPJ/A,25,(2),193 O129700100051 ERR-ANALYS updated. O129700100052 (20221225A) SD: Ref. added. Correction in Subent 002. O129700100053 ENDBIB 51 0 O129700100054 COMMON 3 3 O129700100055 EN ERR-1 ERR-2 O129700100056 GEV PER-CENT PER-CENT O129700100057 46. 0.1 1. O129700100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O129700100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 O129700199999 SUBENT O1297002 20221225 O092O129700200001 BIB 3 3 O129700200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(42-MO-92,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) O129700200003 FLAG (1.) Zero uncertainty is shown in data table. O129700200004 HISTORY (20221225A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O129700200005 ENDBIB 3 0 O129700200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O129700200007 DATA 5 89 O129700200008 ELEMENT MASS DATA ERR-T FLAG O129700200009 NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM O129700200010 31. 72. 0.094 0.03 O129700200011 31. 73. 0.027 0.005 O129700200012 32. 73. 0.27 0.11 O129700200013 32. 74. 0.15 0.03 O129700200014 32. 75. 0.051 0.008 O129700200015 32. 76. 0.012 0.003 O129700200016 33. 75. 0.43 0.21 O129700200017 33. 76. 0.18 0.04 O129700200018 33. 77. 0.053 0.008 O129700200019 33. 78. 0.022 0.004 O129700200020 34. 76. 0.92 0.38 O129700200021 34. 77. 1.2 0.1 O129700200022 34. 78. 0.39 0.05 O129700200023 34. 79. 0.089 0.016 O129700200024 34. 80. 0.029 0.004 O129700200025 35. 78. 5.2 1.3 O129700200026 35. 79. 2.2 0.3 O129700200027 35. 80. 0.7 0.08 O129700200028 35. 81. 0.17 0.02 O129700200029 35. 82. 0.042 0.005 O129700200030 36. 79. 7.7 0.6 O129700200031 36. 80. 12. 1. O129700200032 36. 81. 5.1 0.4 O129700200033 36. 82. 1.4 0.1 O129700200034 36. 83. 0.24 0.03 O129700200035 36. 84. 0.047 0.009 O129700200036 37. 75. 0.12 0.07 O129700200037 37. 77. 7.8 3.5 O129700200038 37. 78. 14. 10. O129700200039 37. 79. 30. 16. O129700200040 37. 80. 49. 21. O129700200041 37. 81. 44. 18. O129700200042 37. 82. 15. 1. O129700200043 37. 83. 8.7 0.5 O129700200044 37. 84. 2.4 0.2 O129700200045 37. 85. 0.44 0.04 O129700200046 37. 86. 0.057 0.013 O129700200047 38. 75. 0.00012 0.00004 O129700200048 38. 76. 0.00051 0.00019 O129700200049 38. 77. 0.0078 0.0019 O129700200050 38. 78. 0.2 0.08 O129700200051 38. 79. 1.9 0.8 O129700200052 38. 80. 3.5 1.5 O129700200053 38. 81. 21. 7. O129700200054 38. 82. 61. 25. O129700200055 38. 83. 118. 45. O129700200056 38. 84. 40. 10. O129700200057 38. 85. 12. 1. O129700200058 38. 86. 4.9 0.4 O129700200059 38. 87. 0.72 0.04 O129700200060 38. 88. 0.092 0.02 O129700200061 39. 78. 0.00017 0.00001 O129700200062 39. 79. 0.019 0.006 O129700200063 39. 80. 0.004 0.0008 O129700200064 39. 81. 1.3 0.4 O129700200065 39. 82. 6.8 3.9 O129700200066 39. 83. 18. 6. O129700200067 39. 84. 45. 17. O129700200068 39. 85. 104. 42. O129700200069 39. 87. 25. 1. O129700200070 39. 88. 5.9 0.2 O129700200071 39. 89. 1.4 0.1 O129700200072 40. 79. 0.4 1. O129700200073 40. 80. 0.00011 1. O129700200074 40. 81. 0.0039 0.0009 O129700200075 40. 82. 0.052 0.008 O129700200076 40. 83. 0.52 0.15 O129700200077 40. 84. 4.8 2.5 O129700200078 40. 85. 19. 1. O129700200079 40. 86. 38. 13. O129700200080 40. 87. 69. 26. O129700200081 40. 90. 25. 2. O129700200082 40. 91. 0.44 0.1 O129700200083 41. 82. 0.000039 0.000005 O129700200084 41. 83. 0.0062 0.0044 O129700200085 41. 84. 0.031 0.006 O129700200086 41. 85. 0.086 0.023 O129700200087 41. 86. 1.4 0.5 O129700200088 41. 87. 4. 2. O129700200089 41. 88. 33. 13. O129700200090 41. 89. 33. 11. O129700200091 42. 84. 0.000028 0.000005 O129700200092 42. 85. 0.00033 0.0002 O129700200093 42. 86. 0.015 0.004 O129700200094 42. 87. 0.04 0.01 O129700200095 42. 88. 4.1 2.4 O129700200096 42. 89. 2.6 1.3 O129700200097 42. 90. 147. 111. O129700200098 42. 91. 49. 19. O129700200099 ENDDATA 91 0 O129700200100 ENDSUBENT 99 0 O129700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O129799999999