ENTRY            O1323   20070607                             O030O132300000001 
SUBENT        O1323001   20070607                             O030O132300100001 
BIB                 10         42                                 O132300100002 
TITLE      Backbending region study in Dy-160,162 using incompleteO132300100003 
           fusion reactions.                                      O132300100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Jungclaus, B.Binder, A.Dietrich, T.Haertlein,       O132300100005 
           H.Bauer, Ch.Gund, D.Pansegrau, D.Schwalm, J.L.Egido,   O132300100006 
           Y.Sun, D.Bazzacco, G.De Angelis, E.Farnea, A.Gadea,    O132300100007 
           S.Lunardi, D.R.Napoli, C.Rossi-Alvarez, C.Ur,          O132300100008 
           G.B.Hagemann)                                          O132300100009 
INSTITUTE  (2SPNAUT)                                              O132300100010 
           (2GERMPH)                                              O132300100011 
           (1USATEN)                                              O132300100012 
           (2ITYPAD)                                              O132300100013 
           (2DENNBI)                                              O132300100014 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,66,014312,2002)                                O132300100015 
HISTORY    (20070606C) S.B                                        O132300100016 
           (20070607U) Last checking has been done.               O132300100017 
DETECTOR   (SPEC) The gamma-ray were detected in the GASP-        O132300100018 
           spectrometer in coincidence with fast charged particlesO132300100019 
           detected in the ISIS-silicon ball.                     O132300100020 
ADD-RES    (COMP).The projected shell model.                      O132300100021 
           The experimental interaction strengths are determined. O132300100022 
COMMENT    *By authors*.Two complementary experiments were        O132300100023 
           performed.The first experiment was to measure absolute O132300100024 
           cross sections. The reaction mechanism-relative cross  O132300100025 
           sections were deduced by measuring the total gamma-fluxO132300100026 
           into the ground states of different nuclei in the      O132300100027 
           gamma-gamma coincidence data. The intensities of all   O132300100028 
           gamma-transitions have been corrected for the energy   O132300100029 
           dependent efficiency of the detectors and internal     O132300100030 
           conversion. To determine absolute cross sections from  O132300100031 
           relative ones, the intensities of the X-rays from the  O132300100032 
           Gd-target observed in a Ge-detector within absorber    O132300100033 
           have been used and correction for binding energy and   O132300100034 
           Coulomb deflection were used.                          O132300100035 
           The Dy-isotope is populated via three different        O132300100036 
           reaction channels. Based on these cross-section        O132300100037 
           measurements the reactions Gd-158,160(Li-7,(p,d,t)xn)  O132300100038 
           at a beam energy of 56-MeV were employed to populate   O132300100039 
           high-spin states in the band crossing region of the    O132300100040 
           heavy even Dy-isotopes (second experiment, at LNL)     O132300100041 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  O132300100042 
           (COINC)                                                O132300100043 
STATUS     (CURVE)                                                O132300100044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 O132300100045 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O132300100046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 O132300199999 
SUBENT        O1323002   20070607                             O030O132300200001 
BIB                  5         14                                 O132300200002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,7N)67-HO-160,,SIG) Fig 1             O132300200003 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300200004 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300200005 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300200006 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300200007 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300200008 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300200009 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300200010 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300200011 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300200012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300200013 
           about 20%.                                             O132300200014 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300200015 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O132300200017 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300200018 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300200019 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300200020 
       0.19         5.        20.                                 O132300200021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300200022 
DATA                 2          2                                 O132300200023 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300200024 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300200025 
      60.84        2.1                                            O132300200026 
      66.87       33.6                                            O132300200027 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 O132300200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 O132300299999 
SUBENT        O1323003   20070607                             O030O132300300001 
BIB                  5         14                                 O132300300002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,6N)67-HO-161,,SIG) Fig 1             O132300300003 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300300004 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300300005 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300300006 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300300007 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300300008 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300300009 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300300010 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300300011 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300300012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300300013 
           about 20%.                                             O132300300014 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300300015 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O132300300017 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300300018 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300300019 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300300020 
       0.19         5.        20.                                 O132300300021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300300022 
DATA                 2          4                                 O132300300023 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300300024 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300300025 
      50.83       203.                                            O132300300026 
      55.95       515.                                            O132300300027 
      61.08       404.                                            O132300300028 
      66.86       305.                                            O132300300029 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 O132300300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 O132300399999 
SUBENT        O1323004   20070607                             O030O132300400001 
BIB                  5         14                                 O132300400002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,5N)67-HO-162,,SIG) Fig 1             O132300400003 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300400004 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300400005 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300400006 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300400007 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300400008 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300400009 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300400010 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300400011 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300400012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300400013 
           about 20%.                                             O132300400014 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300400015 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O132300400017 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300400018 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300400019 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300400020 
       0.19         5.        20.                                 O132300400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300400022 
DATA                 2          5                                 O132300400023 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300400024 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300400025 
      34.95       3.95                                            O132300400026 
      39.93        79.                                            O132300400027 
      56.09       184.                                            O132300400028 
      60.82        62.                                            O132300400029 
      66.87       26.9                                            O132300400030 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 O132300400031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 O132300499999 
SUBENT        O1323005   20070607                             O030O132300500001 
BIB                  5         14                                 O132300500002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,4N)67-HO-163,,SIG) Fig 1             O132300500003 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300500004 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300500005 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300500006 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300500007 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300500008 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300500009 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300500010 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300500011 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300500012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300500013 
           about 20%.                                             O132300500014 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300500015 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300500016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O132300500017 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300500018 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300500019 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300500020 
       0.19         5.        20.                                 O132300500021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300500022 
DATA                 2          4                                 O132300500023 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300500024 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300500025 
      34.93       156.                                            O132300500026 
      40.19       122.                                            O132300500027 
      50.97        20.                                            O132300500028 
      55.97       12.1                                            O132300500029 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 O132300500030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 O132300599999 
SUBENT        O1323006   20070607                             O030O132300600001 
BIB                  5         15                                 O132300600002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)66-DY-160,,SIG) Fig 1              O132300600003 
            charged-particle channels                             O132300600004 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300600005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300600006 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300600007 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300600008 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300600009 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300600010 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300600011 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300600012 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300600013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300600014 
           about 20%.                                             O132300600015 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300600016 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300600017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 O132300600018 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300600019 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300600020 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300600021 
       0.19         6.        20.                                 O132300600022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300600023 
DATA                 2          4                                 O132300600024 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300600025 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300600026 
      51.11      0.276                                            O132300600027 
      55.88       11.8                                            O132300600028 
      61.16       20.3                                            O132300600029 
       67.1        81.                                            O132300600030 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 O132300600031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 O132300699999 
SUBENT        O1323007   20070607                             O030O132300700001 
BIB                  5         15                                 O132300700002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)66-DY-161,,SIG) Fig 1              O132300700003 
            charged-particle channels                             O132300700004 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300700005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300700006 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300700007 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300700008 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300700009 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300700010 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300700011 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300700012 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300700013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300700014 
           about 20%.                                             O132300700015 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300700016 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300700017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 O132300700018 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300700019 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300700020 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300700021 
       0.19         6.        20.                                 O132300700022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300700023 
DATA                 2          4                                 O132300700024 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300700025 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300700026 
      51.13        6.2                                            O132300700027 
      56.15       41.9                                            O132300700028 
      61.03        43.                                            O132300700029 
       67.1        75.                                            O132300700030 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 O132300700031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 O132300799999 
SUBENT        O1323008   20070607                             O030O132300800001 
BIB                  5         15                                 O132300800002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)66-DY-162,,SIG) Fig 1              O132300800003 
            charged-particle channels                             O132300800004 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300800005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300800006 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300800007 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300800008 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300800009 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300800010 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300800011 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300800012 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300800013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300800014 
           about 20%.                                             O132300800015 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300800016 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300800017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 O132300800018 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300800019 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300800020 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300800021 
       0.19         6.        20.                                 O132300800022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300800023 
DATA                 2          6                                 O132300800024 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300800025 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300800026 
      35.03        19.                                            O132300800027 
      40.05        76.                                            O132300800028 
      51.27       116.                                            O132300800029 
      56.28       168.                                            O132300800030 
      61.03        89.                                            O132300800031 
       67.1        50.                                            O132300800032 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 O132300800033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 O132300899999 
SUBENT        O1323009   20070607                             O030O132300900001 
BIB                  5         15                                 O132300900002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)66-DY-163,,SIG) Fig 1              O132300900003 
            charged-particle channels                             O132300900004 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132300900005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132300900006 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132300900007 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132300900008 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132300900009 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132300900010 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132300900011 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132300900012 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132300900013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132300900014 
           about 20%.                                             O132300900015 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132300900016 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132300900017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 O132300900018 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132300900019 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132300900020 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132300900021 
       0.19         6.        20.                                 O132300900022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132300900023 
DATA                 2          4                                 O132300900024 
EN         DATA                                                   O132300900025 
MEV        MB                                                     O132300900026 
      34.89       2.85                                            O132300900027 
      40.04       11.2                                            O132300900028 
        51.       16.8                                            O132300900029 
      56.01       12.5                                            O132300900030 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 O132300900031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 O132300999999 
SUBENT        O1323010   20070607                             O030O132301000001 
BIB                  5         15                                 O132301000002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)66-DY-164,,SIG) Fig 1              O132301000003 
            charged-particle channels                             O132301000004 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132301000005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132301000006 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132301000007 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132301000008 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132301000009 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132301000010 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132301000011 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132301000012 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132301000013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132301000014 
           about 20%.                                             O132301000015 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132301000016 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132301000017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 O132301000018 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132301000019 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132301000020 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132301000021 
       0.19         6.        20.                                 O132301000022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132301000023 
DATA                 2          3                                 O132301000024 
EN         DATA                                                   O132301000025 
MEV        MB                                                     O132301000026 
      34.89        4.2                                            O132301000027 
      40.04        9.7                                            O132301000028 
      51.12       2.39                                            O132301000029 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 O132301000030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 O132301099999 
SUBENT        O1323011   20070607                             O030O132301100001 
BIB                  5         15                                 O132301100002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)64-GD-160,,SIG) Fig 1              O132301100003 
            charged-particle channels                             O132301100004 
SAMPLE     A 3-mg/cm**2 thick Gd-160 foil was used.               O132301100005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2GERMPH)                                         O132301100006 
DETECTOR   (GE) Seven Ge-detectors                                O132301100007 
           (TELES) Delta-E-E Si-ring telescope, delta-E is        O132301100008 
            100-mum, E-detector is 1000-mum, in forward direction O132301100009 
            and a 300-mum Si-detector in the backward direction.  O132301100010 
            A 470-mum Al-absorber was mounted in front of the     O132301100011 
            delta-E detector to protect it against elastically    O132301100012 
            scattered Li-7 ions.                                  O132301100013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors is   O132301100014 
           about 20%.                                             O132301100015 
           (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132301100016 
           (EN-ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of incident energy.      O132301100017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 O132301100018 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132301100019 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR                                    O132301100020 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    O132301100021 
       0.19         6.        20.                                 O132301100022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132301100023 
DATA                 2          3                                 O132301100024 
EN         DATA                                                   O132301100025 
MEV        MB                                                     O132301100026 
      56.14        4.8                                            O132301100027 
      61.15        8.2                                            O132301100028 
      67.22        10.                                            O132301100029 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 O132301100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 O132301199999 
SUBENT        O1323012   20070607                             O030O132301200001 
BIB                  6         19                                 O132301200002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)1-H-1,,DA,,REL) Fig 3              O132301200003 
SAMPLE     A 3.7-mg/cm**2 Gd-158 and 3.9-mg/cm**2 Gd-160 foil wereO132301200004 
           used.                                                  O132301200005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2ITYPAD) The XTU tandem accelerator.             O132301200006 
DETECTOR   (GE) 40-compton-suppressed Ge-detectors of the GASP    O132301200007 
           array and the 80-element  BGO inner ball for the       O132301200008 
           gamma-radiation detection.                             O132301200009 
           (TELES) The Si-ball ISIS, consisting of 40 SI-delta-E-EO132301200010 
            telescopes.                                           O132301200011 
            Absorber tube consisting of 100-muM Cu and 12-muM Al  O132301200012 
            was mounted around the beam axis was used to protect  O132301200013 
            the Si-detectors from damage by scattered beam        O132301200014 
            particles.                                            O132301200015 
COMMENT    *By authors*.For an incomplete fusion reaction only    O132301200016 
           part of the projectile is fusing with the target nucleiO132301200017 
           while the rest is continuing to fly in the forward     O132301200018 
           direction.                                             O132301200019 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132301200020 
           (ANG-ERR-D).Digitizing error of charged particle angle.O132301200021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 O132301200022 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132301200023 
EN         ANG-ERR-D  ERR-DIG                                     O132301200024 
MEV        ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                   O132301200025 
        56.        0.5        0.7                                 O132301200026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132301200027 
DATA                 2          6                                 O132301200028 
ANG        DATA                                                   O132301200029 
ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                              O132301200030 
       58.6       57.2                                            O132301200031 
       71.8       32.2                                            O132301200032 
       89.7       14.8                                            O132301200033 
      107.8       11.2                                            O132301200034 
      120.7       14.2                                            O132301200035 
      145.1        7.7                                            O132301200036 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 O132301200037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 O132301299999 
SUBENT        O1323013   20070607                             O030O132301300001 
BIB                  7         20                                 O132301300002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)1-H-2,,DA,,REL) Fig 3              O132301300003 
SAMPLE     A 3.7-mg/cm**2 Gd-158 and 3.9-mg/cm**2 Gd-160 foil wereO132301300004 
           used.                                                  O132301300005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2ITYPAD) The XTU tandem accelerator.             O132301300006 
PART-DET   (P,G)                                                  O132301300007 
DETECTOR   (GE) 40-compton-suppressed Ge-detectors of the GASP    O132301300008 
           array and the 80-element  BGO inner ball for the       O132301300009 
           gamma-radiation detection.                             O132301300010 
           (TELES) The Si-ball ISIS, consisting of 40 SI-delta-E-EO132301300011 
            telescopes.                                           O132301300012 
            Absorber tube consisting of 100-mum Cu and 12-mum Al  O132301300013 
            was mounted around the beam axis was used to protect  O132301300014 
            the Si-detectors from damage by scattered beam        O132301300015 
            particles.                                            O132301300016 
COMMENT    *By authors*.For an incomplete fusion reaction only    O132301300017 
           part of the projectile is fusing with the target nucleiO132301300018 
           while the rest is continuing to fly in the forward     O132301300019 
           direction.                                             O132301300020 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132301300021 
           (ANG-ERR-D).Digitizing error of charged particle angle.O132301300022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 O132301300023 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132301300024 
EN         ANG-ERR-D  ERR-DIG                                     O132301300025 
MEV        ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                   O132301300026 
        56.        0.5        0.7                                 O132301300027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132301300028 
DATA                 2          5                                 O132301300029 
ANG        DATA                                                   O132301300030 
ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                              O132301300031 
       58.1       31.1                                            O132301300032 
       71.2       16.6                                            O132301300033 
       89.4        4.4                                            O132301300034 
      107.9        3.6                                            O132301300035 
      120.8        2.3                                            O132301300036 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 O132301300037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 O132301399999 
SUBENT        O1323014   20070607                             O030O132301400001 
BIB                  7         20                                 O132301400002 
REACTION   (64-GD-160(3-LI-7,X)1-H-3,,DA,,REL) Fig 3              O132301400003 
SAMPLE     A 3.7-mg/cm**2 Gd-158 and 3.9-mg/cm**2 Gd-160 foil wereO132301400004 
           used.                                                  O132301400005 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2ITYPAD) The XTU tandem accelerator.             O132301400006 
PART-DET   (P,G)                                                  O132301400007 
DETECTOR   (GE) 40-compton-suppressed Ge-detectors of the GASP    O132301400008 
           array and the 80-element  BGO inner ball for the       O132301400009 
           gamma-radiation detection.                             O132301400010 
           (TELES) The Si-ball ISIS, consisting of 40 SI-delta-E-EO132301400011 
            telescopes.                                           O132301400012 
            Absorber tube consisting of 100-mum Cu and 12-mum Al  O132301400013 
            was mounted around the beam axis was used to protect  O132301400014 
            the Si-detectors from damage by scattered beam        O132301400015 
            particles.                                            O132301400016 
COMMENT    *By authors*.For an incomplete fusion reaction only    O132301400017 
           part of the projectile is fusing with the target nucleiO132301400018 
           while the rest is continuing to fly in the forward     O132301400019 
           direction.                                             O132301400020 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Data-point reader uncertainty.               O132301400021 
           (ANG-ERR-D).Digitizing error of charged particle angle.O132301400022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 O132301400023 
COMMON               3          3                                 O132301400024 
EN         ANG-ERR-D  ERR-DIG                                     O132301400025 
MEV        ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                   O132301400026 
        56.        0.5        0.7                                 O132301400027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O132301400028 
DATA                 2          7                                 O132301400029 
ANG        DATA                                                   O132301400030 
ADEG       ARB-UNITS                                              O132301400031 
       33.8       99.6                                            O132301400032 
       58.7       11.7                                            O132301400033 
       72.1        4.7                                            O132301400034 
       89.4         2.                                            O132301400035 
      107.9        1.7                                            O132301400036 
      121.2        1.8                                            O132301400037 
      145.1        1.6                                            O132301400038 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 O132301400039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 O132301499999 
ENDENTRY            14          0                                 O132399999999