ENTRY            O1357   20160206                             O056O135700000001 
SUBENT        O1357001   20160206                             O056O135700100001 
BIB                 16         66                                 O135700100002 
TITLE      Alpha-induced reaction on natural erbium.              O135700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,JRN/L,165,295,1992)                                 O135700100004 
AUTHOR     (A.A.Sonzogni, A.S.M.A.Romo, M.J.Ozafran, S.J.Nassiff) O135700100005 
INSTITUTE  (3ARGCNE)                                              O135700100006 
REL-REF    (R,O1249001,A.Archenti+,J,JRN,132,139,1989) More       O135700100007 
            details of experiment.                                O135700100008 
           (R,O1250001,M.J.Ozafran+,J,JRN,131,467,1989) Needeed   O135700100009 
           information to find the connection between the authors'O135700100010 
           understanding of "cumulative cross section" and        O135700100011 
           generaly accepted one.                                 O135700100012 
           (R,,G.C.Martin+,J,NP,89,481,1966)                      O135700100013 
           (R,A0329001,A.Archenti+,J,RCA,38,65,1985) The two      O135700100014 
           publications contain data from early work on helium ionO135700100015 
           induced reacions on erbium.                            O135700100016 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-22,CUM,SIG) The ion current was    O135700100017 
           monitored by the reaction.                             O135700100018 
           (29-CU-65(A,2N)31-GA-67,,SIG)                          O135700100019 
           (29-CU-63(A,X)30-ZN-65,CUM,SIG) The reactions were     O135700100020 
           used to determine the beam energy and to calculate the O135700100021 
           alpha-particles flux.                                  O135700100022 
MONIT-REF  (C0984002,N.T.Porile,J,PR,127,224,1962)                O135700100023 
           (A0447004,A.Karpeles,J,RCA,12,115,1969)                O135700100024 
           (B0174003,H.J.Probst+,J,ARI,27,431,1976)               O135700100025 
           (B0142006,U.Martens+,J,ZP,233,170,1970)                O135700100026 
           (B0009010,W.W.Bowman+,J,NP/A,131,513,1969) The data forO135700100027 
           reactions on aluminum.                                 O135700100028 
           (B0156006,N.T.Porile+,J,PR,116,1193,1959)              O135700100029 
           (P0058002,F.S.Houck+,J,PR,123,231,1961)                O135700100030 
           (B0154004,E.Lebowitz+,J,ARI,21,625,1970)               O135700100031 
           (B0079006,E.Bryant+,J,PR,130,1512,1963)                O135700100032 
           (D0092001,O.Bonesso+,J,JRN,152,189,1991).The data for  O135700100033 
           reactions on copper.                                   O135700100034 
DETECTOR   (GE-IN)                                                O135700100035 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2GERKFK)                                        O135700100036 
SAMPLE     The target was composed of several foils of natural    O135700100037 
           erbium, thickness 11.28-mg/cm**2, purity 99.9%.        O135700100038 
           Aluminium and copper foils were interleaved in erbium  O135700100039 
           stack to degrade the beam energy and to monitor the ionO135700100040 
           current and maximum incident energy.                   O135700100041 
METHOD     (STTA) The target stack was thick enough to stop the   O135700100042 
            85-MeV internal alpha beam.                           O135700100043 
           (INTB) No absolute beam energy determination was       O135700100044 
           performed in this experiment.  The authors observed    O135700100045 
           excellent agreement incident beam energy with known    O135700100046 
           excitation function of monitor reaction.               O135700100047 
           (ACTIV) An information about irradiation and cooling   O135700100048 
           times is not given.                                    O135700100049 
           (GSPEC)                                                O135700100050 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY,AREA)                                           O135700100051 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The main sources of error in the cross sectionsO135700100052 
           are the uncertainties in the photopeak areas and in theO135700100053 
           efficiency calibration.                                O135700100054 
           (ERR-1,,5.) High limit of uncertainty of first factor. O135700100055 
           The importance of the factor depends on the area value O135700100056 
           and its contribution to the total error is always lowerO135700100057 
           than 5%.                                               O135700100058 
           (ERR-2) The uncertainty of efficiency calibration.     O135700100059 
ADD-RES    (COMP).Equilibrium and pre-equilibrium reaction models.O135700100060 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.2 of JRN/L,165,295,1992                    O135700100061 
HISTORY    (20060301C)                                            O135700100062 
           (20060529U) Last checking has been done.               O135700100063 
           (20160205A) SD: Small corrections in all Subents (zerosO135700100064 
           were added to 'right side' of data values according to O135700100065 
           Tbl.2). Compiler's derived data: DATA deleted; author'sO135700100066 
           data: MISC -> DATA, COMMENT added in Subents 002-004.  O135700100067 
           Journal code: ZP/A -> ZP in MONIT-REF.                 O135700100068 
ENDBIB              66          0                                 O135700100069 
COMMON               2          3                                 O135700100070 
ERR-2      ERR-T                                                  O135700100071 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               O135700100072 
         5.        15.                                            O135700100073 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O135700100074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 O135700199999 
SUBENT        O1357002   20160206                             O056O135700200001 
BIB                  5         11                                 O135700200002 
REACTION   (68-ER-0(A,X)70-YB-169,,SIG,,DAM)  see COMMENT         O135700200003 
DECAY-DATA (70-YB-169-G,32.02D,DG,177.2,0.22,                     O135700200004 
                               DG,307.7,0.111)                    O135700200005 
REL-REF    (D,A0329002,A.Archenti+,J,RCA,38,65,1985)              O135700200006 
COMMENT    /by Compiler/ To get presentation of cr.section in     O135700200007 
           usual form, someone should multiplying values on the   O135700200008 
           average atomic mass of target (in this case: ~167.26)  O135700200009 
HISTORY    (20160206A) SD: SF4=Yb-169g -> Yb-169; SF5=M+ deleted  O135700200010 
           and SF8=DAM added to REACTION code. Compiler's derived O135700200011 
           data: DATA deleted; author's data: MISC -> DATA.       O135700200012 
           COMMENT added.                                         O135700200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 O135700200014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O135700200015 
DATA                 2         24                                 O135700200016 
EN         DATA                                                   O135700200017 
MEV        MICRO-B                                                O135700200018 
      84.46     360.69                                            O135700200019 
      82.72     432.97                                            O135700200020 
      80.95     389.68                                            O135700200021 
      79.16     278.96                                            O135700200022 
      77.33     348.67                                            O135700200023 
      76.17     289.37                                            O135700200024 
      74.29     332.56                                            O135700200025 
      73.10     331.58                                            O135700200026 
      71.16     361.77                                            O135700200027 
      68.02     501.39                                            O135700200028 
      64.77     606.99                                            O135700200029 
      61.39     865.13                                            O135700200030 
      57.87    1001.72                                            O135700200031 
      56.43    1135.56                                            O135700200032 
      52.67     985.89                                            O135700200033 
      51.13     930.97                                            O135700200034 
      47.06     892.29                                            O135700200035 
      42.72    1116.01                                            O135700200036 
      38.03    1850.47                                            O135700200037 
      32.88    1775.87                                            O135700200038 
      29.29     659.55                                            O135700200039 
      26.90     610.00                                            O135700200040 
      22.68     413.62                                            O135700200041 
      19.77      90.00                                            O135700200042 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 O135700200043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 O135700299999 
SUBENT        O1357003   20160206                             O056O135700300001 
BIB                  5          9                                 O135700300002 
REACTION   (68-ER-0(A,X)70-YB-166,,SIG,,DAM)   see COMMENT        O135700300003 
DECAY-DATA (70-YB-166,2.36D,DG,778.9,0.249,DG,785.9,0.13)         O135700300004 
REL-REF    (D,A0329004,A.Archenti+,J,RCA,38,65,1985)              O135700300005 
COMMENT    /by Compiler/ To get presentation of cr.section in     O135700300006 
           usual form, someone should multiplying values on the   O135700300007 
           average atomic mass of target (in this case: ~167.26)  O135700300008 
HISTORY    (20160206A) SD: SF8=DAM added to REACTION code.        O135700300009 
            Compiler's derived data: DATA deleted; author's data: O135700300010 
           MISC -> DATA. COMMENT added.                           O135700300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 O135700300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O135700300013 
DATA                 2         21                                 O135700300014 
EN         DATA                                                   O135700300015 
MEV        MICRO-B                                                O135700300016 
      84.46    1352.83                                            O135700300017 
      82.72    1136.19                                            O135700300018 
      80.95    1136.20                                            O135700300019 
      79.16    1379.90                                            O135700300020 
      77.33    1650.27                                            O135700300021 
      76.17    1885.29                                            O135700300022 
      74.29    1861.08                                            O135700300023 
      73.10    1894.52                                            O135700300024 
      71.16    2129.06                                            O135700300025 
      68.02    2136.02                                            O135700300026 
      64.77    2039.94                                            O135700300027 
      61.39    2184.47                                            O135700300028 
      57.87    2026.97                                            O135700300029 
      56.43    2195.91                                            O135700300030 
      52.67    1913.17                                            O135700300031 
      51.13    2014.09                                            O135700300032 
      47.06    1555.14                                            O135700300033 
      42.72     660.90                                            O135700300034 
      38.03     124.14                                            O135700300035 
      32.88     103.97                                            O135700300036 
      29.29      40.41                                            O135700300037 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 O135700300038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 O135700399999 
SUBENT        O1357004   20160206                             O056O135700400001 
BIB                  4          9                                 O135700400002 
REACTION   (68-ER-0(A,X)69-TM-168,,SIG,,DAM)  see COMMENT         O135700400003 
DECAY-DATA (69-TM-168,93.1D,DG,447.5,0.219,                       O135700400004 
                            DG,631.7,0.078)                       O135700400005 
COMMENT    /by Compiler/ To get presentation of cr.section in     O135700400006 
           usual form, someone should multiplying values on the   O135700400007 
           average atomic mass of target (in this case: ~167.26)  O135700400008 
HISTORY    (20160206A) SD: SF8=DAM added to REACTION code.        O135700400009 
            Compiler's derived data: DATA deleted; author's data: O135700400010 
           MISC -> DATA. COMMENT added.                           O135700400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 O135700400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O135700400013 
DATA                 2         21                                 O135700400014 
EN         DATA                                                   O135700400015 
MEV        MICRO-B                                                O135700400016 
      84.46     279.41                                            O135700400017 
      82.72     288.69                                            O135700400018 
      80.95     307.79                                            O135700400019 
      79.16     275.61                                            O135700400020 
      77.33     326.45                                            O135700400021 
      76.17     291.38                                            O135700400022 
      74.29     313.83                                            O135700400023 
      73.10     292.35                                            O135700400024 
      71.16     271.09                                            O135700400025 
      68.02     294.54                                            O135700400026 
      64.77     256.17                                            O135700400027 
      61.39     260.03                                            O135700400028 
      57.87     234.87                                            O135700400029 
      56.43     253.45                                            O135700400030 
      52.67     199.84                                            O135700400031 
      51.13     188.22                                            O135700400032 
      47.06     176.21                                            O135700400033 
      42.72     115.12                                            O135700400034 
      38.03      89.49                                            O135700400035 
      32.88      43.67                                            O135700400036 
      29.29       5.39                                            O135700400037 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 O135700400038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 O135700499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 O135799999999