ENTRY O1386 20221224 O092O138600000001 SUBENT O1386001 20221224 O092O138600100001 BIB 14 44 O138600100002 TITLE Yield of near-target product interaction of 47 MeV/A O138600100003 12-C ions with bismuth targets O138600100004 AUTHOR (Zongwei Li, Zhizheng Zhao, Weifan Yang, Xianghua Zeng)O138600100005 INSTITUTE (3CPRIMP) O138600100006 REFERENCE (J,JRN/L,212,409,1996) O138600100007 (J,CST,44,513,2010) in Chinese lang. - same data of Au O138600100008 REL-REF (R,,D.Z.Molzahn,J,JRC,80,109,1983) The isotopic O138600100009 distributions of Po, Bi and the formation cross O138600100010 sections of At, Rn, with the reaction of 86 MeV/A O138600100011 12-C bombarding Bi and thin Pb targets. O138600100012 SAMPLE The targets were 1.28 g/cm2 Bi2-O3 powders. O138600100013 According to calculation of the authors, 12-C particlesO138600100014 were completely stopped in the target powders. O138600100015 The Al foils of 6.8 um thickness were installed in O138600100016 front of the targets. O138600100017 MONITOR (13-AL-27(6-C-12,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG) O138600100018 DETECTOR (HPGE) To measure the gamma-decay spectra of the O138600100019 separated sources and unseparated target powders. O138600100020 FACILITY (ACCEL,3CPRIMP) HIRFL O138600100021 METHOD (EXTB) The average beam current intensity of 47 MeV/A O138600100022 12-C was 8 nanoAmperes. The irradiation beam time was O138600100023 Separated for several sections in order to make mother O138600100024 - daughter decay modifications and to obtain the O138600100025 average production cross sections of residues. O138600100026 (BCINT) The beam current was monitored by a Faraday O138600100027 cup. Both methods of beam current measurements gave O138600100028 the same results within the limit of error. O138600100029 (ACTIV) The whole irradiation time was 6.8 hours. O138600100030 (GSPEC) Off-line gamma-spectroscopic method. O138600100031 (CHSEP) Reaction products from a part irradiated targetO138600100032 were separated by a standard radiochemical separation O138600100033 method. O138600100034 ANALYSIS (DECAY) O138600100035 CORRECTION Decay correction of the experimental values was O138600100036 provided by the measured yields of mother isotopes. O138600100037 Partial isotope cross-sections were obtained from the O138600100038 correction of mother decay effects, similar to the O138600100039 method of decay correction of mass distribution and O138600100040 charge distribution in order to get independent yields.O138600100041 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.1 from O138600100042 J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.,Let.,212(1996)409 O138600100043 HISTORY (20060421C) By F.Ch O138600100044 (20060423U) Last checking has been done. O138600100045 (20221224A) SD: Ref. added. Correction in Subent 002. O138600100046 ENDBIB 44 0 O138600100047 NOCOMMON 0 0 O138600100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 O138600199999 SUBENT O1386002 20221224 O092O138600200001 BIB 5 8 O138600200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(6-C-12,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) O138600200003 MISC-COL (MISC) The measured cross section before needed O138600200004 correction mother decay were included. O138600200005 FLAG (1.) The cross section includes isomer state productionO138600200006 too. O138600200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O138600200008 (MISC-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O138600200009 HISTORY (20221224A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. O138600200010 ENDBIB 8 0 O138600200011 COMMON 1 3 O138600200012 EN O138600200013 MEV O138600200014 564. O138600200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O138600200016 DATA 8 21 O138600200017 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR MISC O138600200018 MISC-ERR FLAG O138600200019 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB MB O138600200020 MB NO-DIM O138600200021 78. 185. 2.2 0.8 2.3O138600200022 0.9 O138600200023 78. 186. 5.3 0.4 6.O138600200024 0.5 O138600200025 78. 187. 5.9 0.6 7.2O138600200026 0.4 O138600200027 78. 188. 4.2 0.4 5.7O138600200028 0.5 O138600200029 78. 189. 6.3 0.6 10.1O138600200030 0.7 O138600200031 78. 191. 3.6 0.4 6.8O138600200032 0.6 O138600200033 78. 197. 1. 0.27 0.04 0.27O138600200034 0.04 O138600200035 79. 191. 7.5 11.7O138600200036 2.4 O138600200037 79. 192. 7.1 1.9 9.7O138600200038 2.6 O138600200039 79. 193. 6.1 1.8 9.8O138600200040 2.8 O138600200041 79. 194. 0.49 0.1 0.49O138600200042 0.1 O138600200043 79. 195. 2.5 0.8 4.1O138600200044 0.7 O138600200045 79. 196. 0.26 0.08 0.26O138600200046 0.08 1. O138600200047 79. 198. 0.16 0.06 0.16O138600200048 0.06 1. O138600200049 79. 199. 0.18 0.02 0.19O138600200050 0.2 O138600200051 80. 191. 4.7 2. 6.7O138600200052 2.7 O138600200053 80. 192. 9.1 0.6 11.6O138600200054 0.8 O138600200055 80. 193. 8.4 0.7 8.5O138600200056 0.8 1. O138600200057 80. 195. 12.7 1.3 13.5O138600200058 1. 1. O138600200059 80. 197. 1. 0.78 0.1 0.78O138600200060 0.1 O138600200061 80. 203. 1.9 0.4 1.9O138600200062 0.4 O138600200063 ENDDATA 46 0 O138600200064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 O138600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O138699999999