ENTRY O1401 20220114 O087O140100000001 SUBENT O1401001 20220114 O087O140100100001 BIB 11 24 O140100100002 TITLE Gamma-ray spectroscopy of the nucleus 139Ce O140100100003 AUTHOR (D.Bucurescu, G.Cata-Danil, I.Cata-Danil, M.Ivascu, O140100100004 N.Marginean, R.Marginean, L.C.Mihailescu, C.Rusu, O140100100005 G.Suliman) O140100100006 INSTITUTE (3RUMBUC) O140100100007 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,27,(3),301,2006) O140100100008 FACILITY (VDGT,3RUMBUC) the FN tandem Van de Graaff accelerator O140100100009 METHOD (GSPEC) O140100100010 (COINC) the neutron gamma-ray coincidences, O140100100011 the gamma-gamma coincidences O140100100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) Single y-ray spectra were recorded with a O140100100013 22% HPGe detector with a resolution of 2.0 keV at O140100100014 the 1332 keV 60Co line and 4.8 keV at 6533 keV. O140100100015 EN-SEC (E,G) O140100100016 (E-LVL-INI,58-CE-139) O140100100017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O140100100018 ADD-RES A second type of measurement has been performed at O140100100019 5.0 MeV incident energy, in the singles mode, by O140100100020 keeping one of the Ge detectors at 90 deg. and moving O140100100021 the second one in 10 steps. This measurement has been O140100100022 performed for both gamma-ray angular distribution and O140100100023 Doppler shift attenuation purposes. O140100100024 HISTORY (20091027C) SB O140100100025 (20220114U) SD: Author's name corrected. O140100100026 ENDBIB 24 0 O140100100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 O140100100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 O140100199999 SUBENT O1401002 20091029 O041O140100200001 BIB 5 14 O140100200002 REACTION (57-LA-139(P,N)58-CE-139,,SPC,,REL) O140100200003 SAMPLE The target was a foil of natural lanthanum, enriched O140100200004 in La-139La to 99.91% , thickness 20 mg/cm**2. O140100200005 DETECTOR (HPGE) two HPGe detectors of about 25% relative O140100200006 efficiency have been placed at 90 and 125-degrees with O140100200007 respect to the beam direction and at 9 cm distance fromO140100200008 the target. O140100200009 (SCIN) a one litre NE213 liquid scintillator detector O140100200010 for neutron detection was placed at O-degree. O140100200011 Coincidences between these three detectors have been O140100200012 recorded in the event mode and later sorted off-line. O140100200013 ANALYSIS (SHAPE).Pulse shape analysis technique, O140100200014 Two-step cascade(TSC) matrix O140100200015 STATUS (TABLE).Table 1. O140100200016 ENDBIB 14 0 O140100200017 COMMON 1 3 O140100200018 EN O140100200019 MEV O140100200020 6.0 O140100200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O140100200022 DATA 5 106 O140100200023 E E-LVL-INI DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX O140100200024 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS O140100200025 231.4 1578.7 2.04 1.22 O140100200026 249.3 1596.6 0.10 O140100200027 255.1 255.1 59.6 4.4 O140100200028 258.4 1578.7 7.60 0.40 O140100200029 276.1 1596.6 5.05 0.19 O140100200030 283.7 1630.7 0.33 0.12 O140100200031 310.7 1630.7 0.15 0.43 O140100200032 336.9 2441.6 1.04 0.29 O140100200033 379.9 2287.9 0.52 0.09 O140100200034 483.5 2500.0 0.44 0.05 O140100200035 553.4 2568.9 0.99 0.08 O140100200036 589.9 2220.6 9.96 0.76 O140100200037 600.2 2196.8 3.86 0.52 O140100200038 612.3 2208.8 10.5 0.6 O140100200039 624.2 2220.6 0.66 0.37 O140100200040 650.0 2245.5 0.69 0.13 O140100200041 670.3 2017.6 1.94 0.37 O140100200042 690.3 2287.9 0.37 0.23 O140100200043 699.2 2279.8 9.72 0.76 O140100200044 722.4 2069.7 0.10 O140100200045 727.7 2633.9 1.10 0.21 O140100200046 775.7 2096.0 0.10 O140100200047 781.2 2797.3 0.10 O140100200048 785.3 2105.3 0.65 0.39 O140100200049 793.7 2700.6 1.62 0.18 O140100200050 804.0 2400.5 1.42 0.13 O140100200051 824.9 1578.7 45.8 2.3 O140100200052 835.5 2183.7 0.10 O140100200053 861.1 2208.8 1.74 0.27 O140100200054 863.5 2183.7 0.96 0.11 O140100200055 873.6 2220.6 0.10 O140100200056 888.1 2484.6 4.76 0.38 O140100200057 905.8 2484.6 9.13 0.38 O140100200058 925.4 2245.5 2.36 0.43 O140100200059 932.1 2279.8 2.70 0.42 O140100200060 938.3 2568.9 3.46 0.39 O140100200061 941.2 2287.9 1.05 0.11 O140100200062 956.8 2553.5 1.58 0.35 O140100200063 960.8 2279.8 0.10 O140100200064 967.4 2287.9 0.63 1.65 O140100200065 971.8 2568.9 1.54 5.10 O140100200066 990.1 2568.9 7.33 0.70 O140100200067 1016.7 2363.9 3.54 0.54 O140100200068 1034.3 2354.5 1.97 0.82 O140100200069 1037.2 2633.9 13.6 0.7 O140100200070 1043.7 2363.9 3.16 0.39 O140100200071 1052.9 2400.5 1.66 0.35 O140100200072 1065.2 1320.3 4.71 0.48 O140100200073 1073.8 2421.1 2.70 0.38 O140100200074 1080.2 2400.5 3.34 0.40 O140100200075 1093.5 2441.6 1.37 0.44 O140100200076 1104.1 2700.6 5.62 0.78 O140100200077 1121.4 2441.6 2.39 0.25 O140100200078 1142.2 2489.5 10.7 1.2 O140100200079 1152.7 2500.0 0.77 0.26 O140100200080 1173.5 2752.4 3.36 0.41 O140100200081 1180.0 2500.0 0.10 O140100200082 1193.9 2541.2 17.0 0.8 O140100200083 1206.3 2553.5 3.98 0.48 O140100200084 1221.4 2568.9 3.52 0.43 O140100200085 1233.2 2553.5 1.98 0.41 O140100200086 1240.1 2818.8 18.8 1.1 O140100200087 1248.6 2568.9 0.69 0.23 O140100200088 1250.9 2598.2 1.52 0.31 O140100200089 1259.1 2606.4 2.10 0.34 O140100200090 1270.6 2849.0 2.26 0.30 O140100200091 1313.6 2633.9 19.7 1.1 O140100200092 1320.3 1320.3 72.1 2.5 O140100200093 1341.6 1596.6 4.54 0.51 O140100200094 1347.4 1347.3 100. O140100200095 1353.3 2700.6 2.62 0.57 O140100200096 1375.7 1630.7 9.08 0.72 O140100200097 1380.4 2700.6 3.05 0.50 O140100200098 1429.7 2776.8 2.07 0.32 O140100200099 1449.9 2797.3 1.09 0.31 O140100200100 1456.3 2776.8 1.45 0.36 O140100200101 1484.1 2831.8 0.10 O140100200102 1511.5 2831.8 0.92 0.37 O140100200103 1528.0 2849.0 14.0 0.7 O140100200104 1563.4 1818.5 5.56 0.55 O140100200105 1587.8 2909.0 0.10 O140100200106 1596.6 1596.6 34.8 1.7 O140100200107 1610.0 3188.7 7.53 0.91 O140100200108 1630.7 1630.7 21.8 1.3 O140100200109 1652.6 1907.7 19.4 1.2 O140100200110 1729.7 1984.8 17.1 1.0 O140100200111 1793.7 3114.0 8.84 0.69 O140100200112 1818.4 1818.5 4.36 2.94 O140100200113 1833.2 2088.4 0.60 0.40 O140100200114 1880.3 3459.0 2.61 0.39 O140100200115 1883.6 2138.7 4.00 0.48 O140100200116 1907.7 1907.7 11.0 0.7 O140100200117 1928.6 2183.7 0.10 O140100200118 1948.5 3268.8 3.44 0.70 O140100200119 1973.2 2228.3 4.69 0.90 O140100200120 2016.3 2016.3 19.4 0.9 O140100200121 2025.3 2279.8 0.58 0.34 O140100200122 2065.1 2818.8 2.66 0.60 O140100200123 2088.4 2088.4 7.00 0.69 O140100200124 2104.9 2105.3 8.58 0.68 O140100200125 2136.9 2392.0 3.68 0.56 O140100200126 2175.5 3523.2 4.12 0.53 O140100200127 2203.9 3523.2 1.84 0.29 O140100200128 2244.9 2500.0 11.8 0.9 O140100200129 2296.3 2551.4 2.11 0.41 O140100200130 2363.8 2363.9 8.63 1.07 O140100200131 ENDDATA 108 0 O140100200132 ENDSUBENT 131 0 O140100299999 SUBENT O1401003 20091029 O041O140100300001 BIB 6 18 O140100300002 REACTION (52-TE-130(6-C-12,3N)58-CE-139,,SPC,,REL) O140100300003 FLAG (1.).Gating transition -quadrupole-270.9 keV O140100300004 (2.).Gating transition - dipole-187.7 keV O140100300005 (3.).Gating transition - dipole-367.4 keV O140100300006 (4.).Gating transition - dipole-192.9 keV O140100300007 SAMPLE The target was enriched in 130Te 99.1% , 2.25 mg/cm**2 O140100300008 thick. O140100300009 DETECTOR (HPGE) The gamma-rays have been detected with three O140100300010 25% HPGe detectors placed at angles of 15, 90 and O140100300011 125 degrees with respect to the beam, at a distance ofO140100300012 10 cm from the target. O140100300013 ANALYSIS The coincidences between three detectors have been O140100300014 registered on-line and then sorted off-line in two O140100300015 different matrices- a usual symmetric gamma-gamma one, O140100300016 and a non-symmetric one, with the energy of the O140100300017 detectors from 90 degree and 125 degree on the two O140100300018 axes, respectively. O140100300019 STATUS (TABLE).Table 5. O140100300020 ENDBIB 18 0 O140100300021 COMMON 1 3 O140100300022 EN O140100300023 MEV O140100300024 50.5 O140100300025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O140100300026 DATA 6 17 O140100300027 E E-ERR E-LVL-INI DATA DATA-ERR FLAG O140100300028 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM O140100300029 187.7 0.1 2819.4 56.3 1.7 3. O140100300030 192.9 0.1 4276.5 15.3 1.1 2. O140100300031 221.8 0.2 4098.7 3.3 1.0 2. O140100300032 270.9 0.2 2631.7 100. 5. 2. O140100300033 297.0 0.1 2360.8 5.9 0.3 1. O140100300034 305.7 0.1 4404.4 11.9 0.5 2. O140100300035 367.4 0.1 3186.8 36.4 0.9 2. O140100300036 403.9 0.1 4808.3 12.8 1.2 2. O140100300037 479.8 0.1 4756.3 7.2 1.5 2. O140100300038 776.0 0.1 5532.2 3.1 0.7 4. O140100300039 896.8 0.1 4083.6 13.8 0.7 2. O140100300040 912.0 0.2 4098.7 3.7 0.5 3. O140100300041 1194.1 0.2 4013.5 3.4 1.2 2. O140100300042 1217.5 0.2 4404.4 7.7 1.0 2. O140100300043 1279.3 0.2 4098.7 7.5 1.4 2. O140100300044 1309.7 0.2 2063.9 5.4 0.3 1. O140100300045 1606.6 0.2 2360.8 94.3 4.2 2. O140100300046 ENDDATA 19 0 O140100300047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 O140100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O140199999999