ENTRY O1420 20230126 O093O142000000001 SUBENT O1420001 20230126 O093O142000100001 BIB 10 56 O142000100002 TITLE E1 and E2 S-factors of 12-C(alpha,gamma0)16-O from O142000100003 gamma-ray angular distributions with a 4pi-detector O142000100004 array. O142000100005 AUTHOR (M.Assuncao, M.Fey, A.Lefebvre-Schuhl, J.Kiener, O142000100006 V.Tatischeff, J.W.Hammer, C.Beck, C.Boukari-Pelissie, O142000100007 A.Coc, J.J.Correia, S.Courtin, F.Fleurot, O142000100008 E.Galanopoulos, C.Grama, F.Haas, F.Hammache, O142000100009 F.Hannachi, S.Harissopulos, A.Korichi, R.Kunz, D.LeDu,O142000100010 A.Lopez-Martens, D.Malcherek, R.Meunier, Th.Paradellis,O142000100011 M.Rousseau, N.Rowley, G.Staudt, S.Szilner, J.P.Thibaud,O142000100012 J.L.Weil) O142000100013 INSTITUTE (2FR CSN,2GERTHS,2FR STR,2NEDKVI,2GRCATH,2GERGSI, O142000100014 2GERTUE,3HUNII) O142000100015 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,73,055801,2006) O142000100016 (J,NP/A,758,363,2005) - same data presented on figs. O142000100017 (J,NP/A,752,514,2005) - - same data presented on figs. O142000100018 (T,FEY,2004) prelim.data, experiment description O142000100019 (J,NP/A,718,131,2003) - prelim. data O142000100020 REL-REF (M,,M.Fey+,J,NP/A,718,131,2003) experimental method O142000100021 (M,,F.C.Barker+,J,AUJ,44,369,1991) The method to O142000100022 calculate relative phase shift from elastic O142000100023 alpha-particles scattering (for Subents 003-010) O142000100024 (M,,C.R.Brune+,J,NIM/A,698,49,2013) - article discuss O142000100025 energy deconvolution method. Detailed reanalysis of O142000100026 present data is given. O142000100027 SAMPLE Enriched 12-C target. The target has been designed for O142000100028 high beam powers of up to 10 kW/cm2. The backing O142000100029 consists of a 2 mm thick copper plate with 14 one mm O142000100030 diameter cooling channels covering an area of about O142000100031 25X25 mm2. Cooling water flowed at about 25 m/s with aO142000100032 pressure of 50 bars. The backing is soldered into a O142000100033 stainless steel cylinder that enables connecting the O142000100034 water and reversing the target without breaking vacuum.O142000100035 The copper plate was plated with a layer of 20 mum O142000100036 of high-purity gold, serving as the substrate for the O142000100037 12-C implantation. O142000100038 DETECTOR (HPGE,BGO) The setup with 9 detectors was realized, O142000100039 which provided the tightest possible arrangement. The O142000100040 detectors were HPGe detectors surrounded by individual O142000100041 active shields made of BGO scintillators. The distanceO142000100042 of any detector to the center of the target was about O142000100043 13 cm. The relative efficiency of each of the nine O142000100044 detectors was typically 70% compared to a standard O142000100045 3-inch X 3-inch NaI detector. O142000100046 FACILITY (DYNAM,2GERTHS) O142000100047 METHOD (EXTB) The 4He+-beam intensity was in the range O142000100048 100-340 muA. The runs at voltages above 3.3 MeV had O142000100049 to be carried out with reduced beam currents. O142000100050 (SITA) O142000100051 HISTORY (20071122C) S.B O142000100052 (20100708A).Correction in Data-units in subentries O142000100053 003-006 was made, according B.Pritychenko remarks. O142000100054 (20140205U) SD: Ref.on NIM/A,698,49 added to REL-REF. O142000100055 (20190310U) SD: Ref. on thesis added. O142000100056 (20190915A) SD: Important corrections in all Subents. O142000100057 (20230126U) SD: Ref. NP/A,718,131 added. O142000100058 ENDBIB 56 0 O142000100059 COMMON 1 3 O142000100060 E-LVL O142000100061 MEV O142000100062 0. O142000100063 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000100064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 O142000199999 SUBENT O1420002 20190915 O071O142000200001 BIB 4 13 O142000200002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,PAR,DA,,REL) O142000200003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 10 from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 By CAJADO142000200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The estimation of the errors in the net O142000200005 extracted yields were determined in the standard way O142000200006 from the yield estimates of the total and background O142000200007 counts. At low bombarding energy, when the peak O142000200008 positions were not always visually clear, and to take O142000200009 account of any small variation in the detector energy O142000200010 calibration, an additional contribution to the error O142000200011 was calculated by varying slightly the position and O142000200012 width of the window around the expected values. O142000200013 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=PAR added to REACTION code. O142000200014 EN-SEC, E-LVL added. COMMON moved to Subent 001. O142000200015 ENDBIB 13 0 O142000200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142000200017 DATA 4 54 O142000200018 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR O142000200019 KEV ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS O142000200020 1850. 30. 34. 9. O142000200021 1850. 48. 70. 13. O142000200022 1850. 60. 34. 10. O142000200023 1850. 70. 48. 15. O142000200024 1850. 83. 20. 10. O142000200025 1850. 90. 26. 8. O142000200026 1850. 111. 26. 8. O142000200027 1850. 120. 34. 9. O142000200028 1850. 130. 44. 13. O142000200029 1900. 30. 66. 11. O142000200030 1900. 48. 122. 17. O142000200031 1900. 60. 81. 13. O142000200032 1900. 70. 84. 19. O142000200033 1900. 83. 64. 14. O142000200034 1900. 90. 34. 14. O142000200035 1900. 110. 48. 10. O142000200036 1900. 120. 31. 10. O142000200037 1900. 130. 68. 17. O142000200038 3100. 30. 385. 26. O142000200039 3100. 48. 790. 50. O142000200040 3100. 60. 920. 50. O142000200041 3100. 70. 910. 60. O142000200042 3100. 83. 830. 50. O142000200043 3100. 90. 730. 50. O142000200044 3100. 111. 520. 40. O142000200045 3100. 120. 328. 23. O142000200046 3100. 130. 282. 23. O142000200047 3560. 30. 196. 15. O142000200048 3560. 48. 290. 22. O142000200049 3560. 60. 318. 22. O142000200050 3560. 70. 230. 23. O142000200051 3560. 83. 183. 15. O142000200052 3560. 90. 149. 16. O142000200053 3560. 111. 188. 16. O142000200054 3560. 120. 180. 14. O142000200055 3560. 130. 246. 21. O142000200056 3570. 30. 266. 19. O142000200057 3570. 48. 413. 28. O142000200058 3570. 60. 359. 25. O142000200059 3570. 70. 236. 22. O142000200060 3570. 83. 107. 11. O142000200061 3570. 90. 70. 9. O142000200062 3570. 111. 176. 15. O142000200063 3570. 120. 238. 18. O142000200064 3570. 130. 373. 27. O142000200065 3580. 30. 233. 16. O142000200066 3580. 48. 321. 23. O142000200067 3580. 60. 262. 19. O142000200068 3580. 70. 154. 17. O142000200069 3580. 83. 39. 6. O142000200070 3580. 90. 18. 4. O142000200071 3580. 111. 162. 13. O142000200072 3580. 120. 187. 13. O142000200073 3580. 130. 323. 23. O142000200074 ENDDATA 56 0 O142000200075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 O142000299999 SUBENT O1420003 20190915 O071O142000300001 BIB 7 21 O142000300002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG) O142000300003 2-parameter fit, phase fixed. O142000300004 COMMENT -By author.En-cm-is effective c.m. energy calculated O142000300005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142000300006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142000300007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142000300008 the uncertainty. O142000300009 MISC-COL (MISC1) Relative phase for E1 and E2 capture gamma-ray O142000300010 for the two-parameter fit, the phase was fixed O142000300011 by Barker's method with the phases taken from O142000300012 elastic scattering. See REL-REF O142000300013 (MISC2) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142000300014 Calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142000300015 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142000300016 REL-REF (R,,F.C.Barker+,J,AUJ,44,369,1991) The method to O142000300017 calculate relative phase shift from elastic O142000300018 alpha-particles scattering O142000300019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142000300020 STATUS (TABLE) Table I from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142000300021 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142000300022 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142000300023 ENDBIB 21 0 O142000300024 COMMON 1 3 O142000300025 POLAR O142000300026 NO-DIM O142000300027 -1. O142000300028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000300029 DATA 8 25 O142000300030 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142000300031 MISC2 MISC2-ERR O142000300032 MEV MEV NB NB ADEG ADEG O142000300033 MEV MEV O142000300034 1.31 0.04 0.19 0.05 54.4 2.O142000300035 O142000300036 1.34 0.04 0.16 0.06 54. 2.O142000300037 O142000300038 1.666 0.014 1.39 0.22 49.9 2.O142000300039 O142000300040 1.965 0.009 5.4 0.8 40.4 2.O142000300041 O142000300042 2.04 0.008 7.8 1.1 35.9 2.O142000300043 O142000300044 2.116 0.007 13.4 1.9 29.9 2.O142000300045 O142000300046 2.192 0.007 22.7 3.3 20.5 2.O142000300047 O142000300048 2.23 0.007 26.7 3.8 13.8 2.O142000300049 O142000300050 2.267 0.006 38. 6. 6. 2.O142000300051 O142000300052 2.343 0.006 42. 6. 13. 2.O142000300053 O142000300054 2.455 0.003 35.5 2.5 43.3 2.O142000300055 O142000300056 2.578 0.002 20.7 2.4 69.1 2.O142000300057 O142000300058 2.607 0.003 19. 1.7 73.4 2.O142000300059 O142000300060 2.645 0.003 13. 1.5 78. 2.O142000300061 2.651 0.003 O142000300062 2.652 0.003 12.1 1.3 78.7 2.O142000300063 2.659 0.003 O142000300064 2.656 0.003 12.4 1.9 79.1 2.O142000300065 2.665 0.003 O142000300066 2.66 0.003 11.1 1.6 79.5 2.O142000300067 2.671 0.003 O142000300068 2.663 0.003 10. 4. 79.8 2.O142000300069 2.676 0.003 O142000300070 2.667 0.003 12. 4. 80.2 2.O142000300071 O142000300072 2.682 0.003 9.8 3.1 81.6 2.O142000300073 O142000300074 2.705 0.003 9. 1.9 83.4 2.O142000300075 O142000300076 2.72 0.003 6.2 1.3 84.4 2.O142000300077 O142000300078 2.735 0.003 6.6 1.3 85.4 2.O142000300079 O142000300080 2.757 0.003 5.9 0.8 86.6 2.O142000300081 O142000300082 2.78 0.003 6.3 0.9 87.6 2.O142000300083 O142000300084 ENDDATA 54 0 O142000300085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 O142000399999 SUBENT O1420004 20190915 O071O142000400001 BIB 7 21 O142000400002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG) O142000400003 2-parameter fit, phase fixed O142000400004 COMMENT -By author.En-cm is effective c.m. energy calculated O142000400005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142000400006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142000400007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142000400008 the uncertainty. O142000400009 MISC-COL (MISC1) Relative phase for E1 and E2 capture gamma-ray O142000400010 for the two-parameter fit, the phase was fixed O142000400011 by Barker's method with the phases taken from O142000400012 elastic scattering. See REL-REF O142000400013 (MISC2) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142000400014 calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142000400015 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142000400016 REL-REF (R,,F.C.Barker+,J,AUJ,44,369,1991) The method to O142000400017 calculate relative phase shift from elastic O142000400018 alpha-particles scattering (for subent 003-010. O142000400019 STATUS (TABLE) Table I from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142000400020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142000400021 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142000400022 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142000400023 ENDBIB 21 0 O142000400024 COMMON 1 3 O142000400025 POLAR O142000400026 NO-DIM O142000400027 +2. O142000400028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000400029 DATA 8 25 O142000400030 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142000400031 MISC2 MISC2-ERR O142000400032 MEV MEV NB NB ADEG ADEG O142000400033 MEV MEV O142000400034 1.31 0.04 0.039 0.034 54.4 2.O142000400035 O142000400036 1.34 0.04 0.15 0.06 54. 2.O142000400037 O142000400038 1.666 0.014 0.36 0.09 49.9 2.O142000400039 O142000400040 1.965 0.009 0.8 0.14 40.4 2.O142000400041 O142000400042 2.04 0.008 1.09 0.21 35.9 2.O142000400043 O142000400044 2.116 0.007 0.9 0.18 29.9 2.O142000400045 O142000400046 2.192 0.007 0.9 0.17 20.5 2.O142000400047 O142000400048 2.23 0.007 1.07 0.2 13.8 2.O142000400049 O142000400050 2.267 0.006 1.59 0.29 6. 2.O142000400051 O142000400052 2.343 0.006 1. 0.21 13. 2.O142000400053 O142000400054 2.455 0.003 1.88 0.29 43.3 2.O142000400055 O142000400056 2.578 0.002 2.2 0.7 69.1 2.O142000400057 O142000400058 2.607 0.003 2.2 0.5 73.4 2.O142000400059 O142000400060 2.645 0.003 9.6 1.2 78. 2.O142000400061 2.651 0.003 O142000400062 2.652 0.003 11.6 1.3 78.7 2.O142000400063 2.659 0.003 O142000400064 2.656 0.003 16.2 2. 79.1 2.O142000400065 2.665 0.003 O142000400066 2.66 0.003 44. 4. 79.5 2.O142000400067 2.671 0.003 O142000400068 2.663 0.003 192. 18. 79.8 2.O142000400069 2.676 0.003 O142000400070 2.667 0.003 283. 26. 80.2 2.O142000400071 O142000400072 2.682 0.003 455. 40. 81.6 2.O142000400073 O142000400074 2.705 0.003 76. 7. 83.4 2.O142000400075 O142000400076 2.72 0.003 26.7 2.8 84.4 2.O142000400077 O142000400078 2.735 0.003 10.8 1.5 85.4 2.O142000400079 O142000400080 2.757 0.003 4.1 0.7 86.6 2.O142000400081 O142000400082 2.78 0.003 3.3 0.7 87.6 2.O142000400083 O142000400084 ENDDATA 54 0 O142000400085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 O142000499999 SUBENT O1420005 20190915 O071O142000500001 BIB 6 15 O142000500002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG) O142000500003 3-parameter fit, phase free. O142000500004 COMMENT -By author. En-cm is effective c.m. energy calculated O142000500005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142000500006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142000500007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142000500008 the uncertainty. O142000500009 MISC-COL (MISC1) Relative phase for E1 and E2 capture gamma-ray O142000500010 (MISC2) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142000500011 calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142000500012 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142000500013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142000500014 STATUS (TABLE) Table I from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142000500015 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142000500016 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142000500017 ENDBIB 15 0 O142000500018 COMMON 1 3 O142000500019 POLAR O142000500020 NO-DIM O142000500021 -1. O142000500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000500023 DATA 8 25 O142000500024 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142000500025 MISC2 MISC2-ERR O142000500026 MEV MEV NB NB ADEG ADEG O142000500027 MEV MEV O142000500028 1.31 0.04 0.12 0.04 81. 6.O142000500029 O142000500030 1.34 0.04 0.16 0.04 68. 5.O142000500031 O142000500032 1.666 0.014 1.13 0.19 69. 3.O142000500033 O142000500034 1.965 0.009 5. 0.7 53. 3.O142000500035 O142000500036 2.04 0.008 7.3 1.1 47. 5.O142000500037 O142000500038 2.116 0.007 12.3 1.8 54. 4.O142000500039 O142000500040 2.192 0.007 20.5 3. 59. 4.O142000500041 O142000500042 2.23 0.007 24.5 3.6 55. 5.O142000500043 O142000500044 2.267 0.006 37. 5. 43. 10.O142000500045 O142000500046 2.343 0.006 41. 6. 38. 28.O142000500047 O142000500048 2.455 0.003 36.6 2.6 0. 36.O142000500049 O142000500050 2.578 0.002 19.8 2.4 75. 4.O142000500051 O142000500052 2.607 0.003 18.2 1.7 79. 2.O142000500053 O142000500054 2.645 0.003 13. 1.5 78. 2.O142000500055 2.651 0.003 O142000500056 2.652 0.003 12.1 1.3 80. 2.O142000500057 2.659 0.003 O142000500058 2.656 0.003 12.4 1.9 80. 3.O142000500059 2.665 0.003 O142000500060 2.66 0.003 11.2 1.6 80. 2.O142000500061 2.671 0.003 O142000500062 2.663 0.003 10. 5. 80. 6.O142000500063 2.676 0.003 O142000500064 2.667 0.003 12. 5. 80. 5.O142000500065 O142000500066 2.682 0.003 7.8 3.5 74. 7.O142000500067 O142000500068 2.705 0.003 10. 2. 90. 3.O142000500069 O142000500070 2.72 0.003 6.4 1.3 90. 4.O142000500071 O142000500072 2.735 0.003 6.6 1.3 86. 4.O142000500073 O142000500074 2.757 0.003 5.8 0.8 93. 3.O142000500075 O142000500076 2.78 0.003 6.2 0.9 90. 3.O142000500077 O142000500078 ENDDATA 54 0 O142000500079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 O142000599999 SUBENT O1420006 20190915 O071O142000600001 BIB 6 15 O142000600002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG) O142000600003 3-parameter fit, phase free. O142000600004 COMMENT -By author.En-cm-is effective c.m. energy calculated O142000600005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142000600006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142000600007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142000600008 the uncertainty. O142000600009 MISC-COL (MISC1) Relative phase for E1 and E2 capture gamma-ray O142000600010 (MISC2) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142000600011 Calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142000600012 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142000600013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142000600014 STATUS (TABLE) Table I from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142000600015 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142000600016 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142000600017 ENDBIB 15 0 O142000600018 COMMON 1 3 O142000600019 POLAR O142000600020 NO-DIM O142000600021 +2. O142000600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000600023 DATA 8 25 O142000600024 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142000600025 MISC2 MISC2-ERR O142000600026 MEV MEV NB NB ADEG ADEG O142000600027 MEV MEV O142000600028 1.31 0.04 0.14 0.04 81. 6.O142000600029 O142000600030 1.34 0.04 0.17 0.04 68. 5.O142000600031 O142000600032 1.666 0.014 0.73 0.14 69. 3.O142000600033 O142000600034 1.965 0.009 1.24 0.24 53. 3.O142000600035 O142000600036 2.04 0.008 1.6 0.4 47. 5.O142000600037 O142000600038 2.116 0.007 2.1 0.5 54. 4.O142000600039 O142000600040 2.192 0.007 3.1 0.8 59. 4.O142000600041 O142000600042 2.23 0.007 3.3 0.9 55. 5.O142000600043 O142000600044 2.267 0.006 3.1 1.1 43. 10.O142000600045 O142000600046 2.343 0.006 1.5 1.2 38. 28.O142000600047 O142000600048 2.455 0.003 1.01 0.15 0. 36.O142000600049 O142000600050 2.578 0.002 3.1 1. 75. 4.O142000600051 O142000600052 2.607 0.003 3. 0.6 79. 2.O142000600053 O142000600054 2.645 0.003 9.6 1.2 78. 2.O142000600055 2.651 0.003 O142000600056 2.652 0.003 11.6 1.3 80. 2.O142000600057 2.659 0.003 O142000600058 2.656 0.003 16.2 2. 80. 3.O142000600059 2.665 0.003 O142000600060 2.66 0.003 44. 4. 80. 2.O142000600061 2.671 0.003 O142000600062 2.663 0.003 192. 18. 80. 6.O142000600063 2.676 0.003 O142000600064 2.667 0.003 283. 26. 80. 5.O142000600065 O142000600066 2.682 0.003 457. 40. 74. 7.O142000600067 O142000600068 2.705 0.003 75. 7. 90. 3.O142000600069 O142000600070 2.72 0.003 27. 2.8 90. 4.O142000600071 O142000600072 2.735 0.003 10.8 1.5 86. 4.O142000600073 O142000600074 2.757 0.003 4.4 0.7 93. 3.O142000600075 O142000600076 2.78 0.003 3.4 0.7 90. 3.O142000600077 O142000600078 ENDDATA 54 0 O142000600079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 O142000699999 SUBENT O1420007 20190915 O071O142000700001 BIB 7 18 O142000700002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG,,SFC) O142000700003 2-parameter fit, phase fixed O142000700004 COMMENT -By author.En-cm-is effective c.m. energy calculated O142000700005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142000700006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142000700007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142000700008 the uncertainty. O142000700009 MISC-COL (MISC1) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142000700010 Calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142000700011 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142000700012 REL-REF (R,,F.C.Barker+,J,AUJ,44,369,1991) The method to O142000700013 calculate relative phase shift from elastic O142000700014 alpha-particles scattering (for subent 003-010. O142000700015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142000700016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.II from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142000700017 (DEP,O1420003) O142000700018 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142000700019 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142000700020 ENDBIB 18 0 O142000700021 COMMON 1 3 O142000700022 POLAR O142000700023 NO-DIM O142000700024 -1. O142000700025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000700026 DATA 6 25 O142000700027 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142000700028 MEV MEV B*KEV B*KEV MEV MEV O142000700029 1.31 0.04 17. 6. O142000700030 1.34 0.04 11. 5. O142000700031 1.666 0.014 19. 3. O142000700032 1.965 0.009 25. 4. O142000700033 2.04 0.008 29. 4. O142000700034 2.116 0.007 39. 6. O142000700035 2.192 0.007 54. 8. O142000700036 2.23 0.007 57. 8. O142000700037 2.267 0.006 74. 11. O142000700038 2.343 0.006 67. 10. O142000700039 2.455 0.003 44. 3. O142000700040 2.578 0.002 20. 2. O142000700041 2.607 0.003 17. 2. O142000700042 2.645 0.003 11. 1. 2.651 0.003O142000700043 2.652 0.003 10. 1. 2.659 0.003O142000700044 2.656 0.003 10. 2. 2.665 0.003O142000700045 2.66 0.003 9. 1. 2.671 0.003O142000700046 2.663 0.003 8. 3. 2.676 0.003O142000700047 2.667 0.003 10. 3. O142000700048 2.682 0.003 8. 2. O142000700049 2.705 0.003 7. 1. O142000700050 2.72 0.003 4.4 0.9 O142000700051 2.735 0.003 4.6 0.9 O142000700052 2.757 0.003 3.9 0.5 O142000700053 2.78 0.003 4. 0.6 O142000700054 ENDDATA 27 0 O142000700055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 O142000799999 SUBENT O1420008 20190915 O071O142000800001 BIB 6 15 O142000800002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG,,SFC) O142000800003 3-parameter fit, phase free. O142000800004 COMMENT -By author.En-cm-is effective c.m. energy calculated O142000800005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142000800006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142000800007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142000800008 the uncertainty. O142000800009 MISC-COL (MISC1) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142000800010 Calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142000800011 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142000800012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142000800013 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.II from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142000800014 (DEP,O1420005) O142000800015 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142000800016 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142000800017 ENDBIB 15 0 O142000800018 COMMON 1 3 O142000800019 POLAR O142000800020 NO-DIM O142000800021 -1. O142000800022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000800023 DATA 6 25 O142000800024 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142000800025 MEV MEV B*KEV B*KEV MEV MEV O142000800026 1.31 0.04 11. 5. O142000800027 1.34 0.04 11. 4. O142000800028 1.666 0.014 16. 3. O142000800029 1.965 0.009 23. 4. O142000800030 2.04 0.008 27. 4. O142000800031 2.116 0.007 36. 5. O142000800032 2.192 0.007 49. 7. O142000800033 2.23 0.007 53. 8. O142000800034 2.267 0.006 71. 11. O142000800035 2.343 0.006 66. 10. O142000800036 2.455 0.003 45. 3. O142000800037 2.578 0.002 19. 2. O142000800038 2.607 0.003 16. 2. O142000800039 2.645 0.003 11. 1. 2.651 0.003O142000800040 2.652 0.003 10. 1. 2.659 0.003O142000800041 2.656 0.003 10. 2. 2.665 0.003O142000800042 2.66 0.003 9. 1. 2.671 0.003O142000800043 2.663 0.003 8. 4. 2.676 0.003O142000800044 2.667 0.003 10. 4. O142000800045 2.682 0.003 6. 3. O142000800046 2.705 0.003 7. 1. O142000800047 2.72 0.003 4.6 0.9 O142000800048 2.735 0.003 4.6 0.9 O142000800049 2.757 0.003 3.8 0.5 O142000800050 2.78 0.003 4. 0.6 O142000800051 ENDDATA 27 0 O142000800052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 O142000899999 SUBENT O1420009 20190915 O071O142000900001 BIB 7 23 O142000900002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG,,SFC) O142000900003 2-parameter fit, phase fixed O142000900004 COMMENT -By author.En-cm-is effective c.m. energy calculated O142000900005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142000900006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142000900007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142000900008 the uncertainty. O142000900009 MISC-COL (MISC1) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142000900010 Calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142000900011 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142000900012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142000900013 FLAG (1.) Calculations with cross sections tabulated O142000900014 O1420004 and EN-CM. O142000900015 (2.) Calculations with cross sections tabulated O142000900016 O1420004 and EN-CM and MISC2 to get central and O142000900017 limiting values. The average of these two values is O142000900018 tabulated, though they are almost identical. Values O142000900019 and error bars take into account uncertainties in the O142000900020 procedure to determine the EN-CM value used. O142000900021 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.II from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142000900022 (DEP,O1420004) O142000900023 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142000900024 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142000900025 ENDBIB 23 0 O142000900026 COMMON 1 3 O142000900027 POLAR O142000900028 NO-DIM O142000900029 +2. O142000900030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142000900031 DATA 7 20 O142000900032 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142000900033 FLAG O142000900034 MEV MEV B*KEV B*KEV MEV MEV O142000900035 NO-DIM O142000900036 1.31 0.04 3. 3. O142000900037 1. O142000900038 1.34 0.04 10. 5. O142000900039 1. O142000900040 1.666 0.014 5. 1. O142000900041 1. O142000900042 1.965 0.009 3.7 0.7 O142000900043 1. O142000900044 2.04 0.008 4. 0.8 O142000900045 1. O142000900046 2.116 0.007 2.6 0.5 O142000900047 1. O142000900048 2.192 0.007 2.1 0.4 O142000900049 1. O142000900050 2.23 0.007 2.3 0.4 O142000900051 1. O142000900052 2.267 0.006 3.1 0.6 O142000900053 1. O142000900054 2.343 0.006 1.6 0.3 O142000900055 1. O142000900056 2.455 0.003 2.3 0.4 O142000900057 1. O142000900058 2.578 0.002 2.1 0.7 O142000900059 1. O142000900060 2.607 0.003 2. 0.5 O142000900061 1. O142000900062 2.645 0.003 7.9 1. 2.651 0.003O142000900063 2. O142000900064 2.652 0.003 9.4 1.1 2.659 0.003O142000900065 2. O142000900066 2.656 0.003 13.1 1.7 2.665 0.003O142000900067 2. O142000900068 2.66 0.003 35.5 3.4 2.671 0.003O142000900069 2. O142000900070 2.663 0.003 153. 16. 2.676 0.003O142000900071 2. O142000900072 2.757 0.003 2.7 0.4 O142000900073 1. O142000900074 2.78 0.003 2.1 0.4 O142000900075 1. O142000900076 ENDDATA 44 0 O142000900077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 O142000999999 SUBENT O1420010 20190915 O071O142001000001 BIB 7 23 O142001000002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP/PAR,SIG,,SFC) O142001000003 3-parameter fit. Phase free. O142001000004 COMMENT -By author.En-cm-is effective c.m. energy calculated O142001000005 by using constant S factors for E1 and E2 contributionsO142001000006 to calculate the tabulated value and constant cross O142001000007 sections to calculate a limiting value contribution to O142001000008 the uncertainty. O142001000009 MISC-COL (MISC1) It is effective value of c.m. energy O142001000010 Calculated using a pure Breit-Wigner E2 resonance for O142001000011 the E2 contribution and constant S factor for the E1. O142001000012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesO142001000013 FLAG (1.) Calculations with cross sections tabulated O142001000014 O1420006 and EN-CM. O142001000015 (2.) Calculations with cross sections tabulated O142001000016 O1420006 and EN-CM and MISC2 to get central and O142001000017 limiting values. The average of these two values is O142001000018 tabulated, though they are almost identical. Values O142001000019 and error bars take into account uncertainties in the O142001000020 procedure to determine the EN-CM value used. O142001000021 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.II from Phys.Rev.,C73(2006)055801 O142001000022 (DEP,O1420006) O142001000023 HISTORY (20190915A) SD: SF5=EP -> EP/PAR added to REACTION codeO142001000024 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O142001000025 ENDBIB 23 0 O142001000026 COMMON 1 3 O142001000027 POLAR O142001000028 NO-DIM O142001000029 +2. O142001000030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142001000031 DATA 7 20 O142001000032 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR O142001000033 FLAG O142001000034 MEV MEV B*KEV B*KEV MEV MEV O142001000035 NO-DIM O142001000036 1.31 0.04 12. 5. O142001000037 1. O142001000038 1.34 0.04 12. 4. O142001000039 1. O142001000040 1.666 0.014 10. 2. O142001000041 1. O142001000042 1.965 0.009 6. 1. O142001000043 1. O142001000044 2.04 0.008 6. 1. O142001000045 1. O142001000046 2.116 0.007 6. 2. O142001000047 1. O142001000048 2.192 0.007 7. 2. O142001000049 1. O142001000050 2.23 0.007 7. 2. O142001000051 1. O142001000052 2.267 0.006 6. 2. O142001000053 1. O142001000054 2.343 0.006 2. 2. O142001000055 1. O142001000056 2.455 0.003 1.3 0.2 O142001000057 1. O142001000058 2.578 0.002 3. 1. O142001000059 1. O142001000060 2.607 0.003 2.7 0.6 O142001000061 1. O142001000062 2.645 0.003 7.9 1. 2.651 0.003O142001000063 2. O142001000064 2.652 0.003 9.4 1.1 2.659 0.003O142001000065 2. O142001000066 2.656 0.003 13.1 1.7 2.665 0.003O142001000067 2. O142001000068 2.66 0.003 35.4 3.4 2.671 0.003O142001000069 2. O142001000070 2.663 0.003 153. 16. 2.676 0.003O142001000071 2. O142001000072 2.757 0.003 2.9 0.5 O142001000073 1. O142001000074 2.78 0.003 2.2 0.4 O142001000075 1. O142001000076 ENDDATA 44 0 O142001000077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 O142001099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 O142099999999