ENTRY            O1422   20170419                             O061O142200000001 
SUBENT        O1422001   20170419                             O061O142200100001 
BIB                 15         38                                 O142200100002 
TITLE      Angle-averaged effective proton-carbon analyzing powersO142200100003 
           at intermediate energies.                              O142200100004 
AUTHOR     (H.R.Amir-Ahmadi, A.M.van den Berg, M.Hunyadi,         O142200100005 
           N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki, M.Kis, M.Mahjour-Shafiei,      O142200100006 
           J.G.Messchendorp, H.J.Wortche)                         O142200100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/A,562,338,2006)                                 O142200100008 
REL-REF    (M,O1226001,M.Mahjour-Shafiei+,J,PR/C,70,024004,2004)  O142200100009 
            -More detailed experimental information was reported. O142200100010 
INSTITUTE  (2NEDKVI)                                              O142200100011 
SAMPLE     A CH(2) film of 50-mg/cm**2 was used as target materialO142200100012 
           for the first scattering. Three graphite slabs of      O142200100013 
            1, 2.5 and 5 cm, were used as the analyzer. The       O142200100014 
           density of the graphite was 1.84-g/cm**3.              O142200100015 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP)                                                O142200100016 
           The focal-plane-detection system - FPDS is located     O142200100017 
           near focal plane of the Big-Bite spectrometer.         O142200100018 
           (MWPC,SCIN) The FPDS consists of two vertical drift    O142200100019 
           chambers and one Multi-Wire-Proportional Chamber,      O142200100020 
           positioned upstream of the graphite analyzer and three O142200100021 
            MWPC are positioned downstream of it.                 O142200100022 
           Two segmented planes of scintillators are used to      O142200100023 
           generate a trigger signal.                             O142200100024 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2NEDKVI) Agor cyclotron of the KVI.             O142200100025 
INC-SOURCE (POLIS)                                                O142200100026 
CORRECTION *By authors*.Correction for kinematical broadening was O142200100027 
           made.                                                  O142200100028 
METHOD     (BCINT)                                                O142200100029 
EN-SEC     (E,P) This is kinetic energies of proton at the center O142200100030 
            of the graphite analyzer.                             O142200100031 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       O142200100032 
           (ERR-SYS) This error is less than 1% of the value of   O142200100033 
           analyzing powers at the low energies and increasing    O142200100034 
           to a maximum of less than 3% at higher energies.       O142200100035 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.1 from NIM/A,562,338,2006                  O142200100036 
HISTORY    (20070629C)                                            O142200100037 
           (20070629U) Last checking has been done.               O142200100038 
           (20170419U) SD:Illegal blank deleted from author's listO142200100039 
           Ref. PR/C,70,024004 moved to REL-REF.                  O142200100040 
ENDBIB              38          0                                 O142200100041 
COMMON               2          3                                 O142200100042 
EN         ERR-SYS                                                O142200100043 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               O142200100044 
       190.         3.                                            O142200100045 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O142200100046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 O142200199999 
SUBENT        O1422002   20070629                             O031O142200200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 O142200200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(P,EL)1-H-1,,POL/DA/DE,,ANA)                     O142200200003 
            The angle-averaged effective analyzing powers versus  O142200200004 
            proton energy at the center of the graphite analyzer. O142200200005 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Analyzer thickness in cm.                       O142200200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 O142200200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O142200200008 
DATA                 6         42                                 O142200200009 
ANG-MIN    ANG-MAX    E          DATA       ERR-S      MISC       O142200200010 
ADEG       ADEG       MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     SEE TEXT   O142200200011 
         5.        20.       44.8      0.077      0.019         1.O142200200012 
         5.        20.       50.6      0.085      0.021         1.O142200200013 
         5.        20.       56.5      0.087      0.017         1.O142200200014 
         5.        20.       56.8      0.034      0.005        2.5O142200200015 
         5.        20.       63.3      0.078      0.018         1.O142200200016 
         5.        20.       68.8      0.125      0.018         1.O142200200017 
         5.        20.       74.4      0.117      0.021         1.O142200200018 
         5.        20.       74.5      0.114      0.016        2.5O142200200019 
         5.        20.       78.9      0.166      0.022         1.O142200200020 
         5.        20.        80.      0.118      0.006        2.5O142200200021 
         5.        20.       80.3      0.147       0.02        2.5O142200200022 
         5.        20.       86.2      0.168      0.024        2.5O142200200023 
         5.        20.       91.7      0.205      0.025        2.5O142200200024 
         5.        20.       97.3      0.204      0.027        2.5O142200200025 
         5.        20.      103.2      0.292      0.028        2.5O142200200026 
         5.        20.      105.4      0.214      0.011         5.O142200200027 
         5.        20.      108.3      0.278       0.03        2.5O142200200028 
         5.        20.      117.1      0.291      0.021         5.O142200200029 
         5.        20.      126.9      0.317      0.026         5.O142200200030 
         5.        20.      132.3      0.356       0.02         5.O142200200031 
         5.        20.      136.5       0.39      0.023         5.O142200200032 
         8.        20.       44.8      0.086      0.024         1.O142200200033 
         8.        20.       50.6      0.096      0.026         1.O142200200034 
         8.        20.       56.5      0.087       0.02         1.O142200200035 
         8.        20.       56.8      0.041      0.009        2.5O142200200036 
         8.        20.       63.3       0.08      0.021         1.O142200200037 
         8.        20.       68.8      0.118       0.02         1.O142200200038 
         8.        20.       74.4      0.128      0.026         1.O142200200039 
         8.        20.       74.5      0.139      0.021        2.5O142200200040 
         8.        20.       78.9      0.177      0.024         1.O142200200041 
         8.        20.        80.      0.131      0.008        2.5O142200200042 
         8.        20.       80.3      0.154      0.025        2.5O142200200043 
         8.        20.       86.2      0.192      0.027        2.5O142200200044 
         8.        20.       91.7      0.212      0.028        2.5O142200200045 
         8.        20.       97.3      0.235       0.03        2.5O142200200046 
         8.        20.      103.2      0.301       0.03        2.5O142200200047 
         8.        20.      105.4      0.249      0.014         5.O142200200048 
         8.        20.      108.3      0.261      0.032        2.5O142200200049 
         8.        20.      117.1      0.329      0.025         5.O142200200050 
         8.        20.      126.9      0.344      0.029         5.O142200200051 
         8.        20.      132.3      0.388      0.023         5.O142200200052 
         8.        20.      136.5       0.42      0.026         5.O142200200053 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 O142200200054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 O142200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 O142299999999