ENTRY O1426 20221223 O092O142600000001 SUBENT O1426001 20221223 O092O142600100001 BIB 11 35 O142600100002 TITLE Systematic investigation of 1.2-GeV proton-induced O142600100003 spallation reactions on targets between Al and U. O142600100004 AUTHOR (C.-M.Herbach, D.Hilscher, U.Jahnke, V.G.Tishchenko, O142600100005 J.Galin, A.Letourneau, A.Peghaire, D.Filges, O142600100006 F.Goldenbaum, L.Pienkowski, W.U.Schroeder, J.Toke) O142600100007 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,562,729,2006) O142600100008 REL-REF (I,O1305001,C.-M.Herbach+,J,NP/A,765,426,2006) More O142600100009 details of experiment. O142600100010 INSTITUTE (2GERBER,2FR GAN,2GERJUL,3POLWWA,1USAROC) O142600100011 DETECTOR (SPEC) The experiments utilised the 4pi-detector NESSIO142600100012 (Neutron Scintillator tank and Silicon ball) for an O142600100013 efficient and simultaneous detection of neutrons and O142600100014 charged particles. In addition to the Berlin Neutron O142600100015 Ball (BNB), and the Berlin Silicon Ball (BSiB), the O142600100016 setup has been equipped with six threefold delta-E-E O142600100017 telescopes. Each telescope consists of a stack of O142600100018 three delta-E Si detectors with thicknesses of 25-27 O142600100019 mum, 80-90 mum and approximately 1000 mum, backed by a O142600100020 7-cm thick CsI(Tl) crystal of 4 cm in diameter. O142600100021 FACILITY (SYNCH,2GERGSI) The Cooler Synchrotron Facility COSY. O142600100022 METHOD (EXTB) O142600100023 (TOF) Particle identification with BSiB detectors wasO142600100024 obtained by means of energy and time-of-flight O142600100025 measurements; O142600100026 (EDE) For the Si/CsI(Tl) telescopes. O142600100027 ADD-RES (COMP) Results of simulation calculations with the O142600100028 intra-nuclear cascade code INCL2.0 coupled to the O142600100029 statistical model GEMINI. O142600100030 CORRECTION The cross sections are corrected for the counting O142600100031 losses. O142600100032 HISTORY (20081125C) SB O142600100033 (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600100034 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code in Subents 2-11 O142600100035 according MEMO CP-C/406. O142600100036 (20221223A) SD: Correction in several Subents. O142600100037 ENDBIB 35 0 O142600100038 COMMON 1 3 O142600100039 EN O142600100040 MEV O142600100041 1200. O142600100042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 O142600199999 SUBENT O1426002 20140205 O052O142600200001 BIB 6 27 O142600200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600200003 see CORRECTION O142600200004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600200005 efficiency. O142600200006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600200007 measured distributions- O142600200008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600200009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600200010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600200011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600200012 the runs, O142600200013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600200014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600200015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600200016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600200017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600200018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600200019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600200020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600200021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600200022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600200023 of about 50 MeV. O142600200024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600200025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD. Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729O142600200026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600200027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600200028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600200029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600200030 COMMON 1 3 O142600200031 ERR-DIG O142600200032 MB O142600200033 1.1 O142600200034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600200035 DATA 2 8 O142600200036 PART-OUT DATA O142600200037 NO-DIM MB O142600200038 0. 72.6 O142600200039 1. 109.1 O142600200040 2. 98.6 O142600200041 3. 71.8 O142600200042 4. 47.3 O142600200043 5. 29.8 O142600200044 6. 14.6 O142600200045 7. 8.7 O142600200046 ENDDATA 10 0 O142600200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 O142600299999 SUBENT O1426003 20140205 O052O142600300001 BIB 6 27 O142600300002 REACTION (26-FE-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600300003 see CORRECTION O142600300004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600300005 efficiency. O142600300006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600300007 measured distributions- O142600300008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600300009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600300010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600300011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600300012 the runs, O142600300013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600300014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600300015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600300016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600300017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600300018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600300019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600300020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600300021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600300022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600300023 of about 50 MeV. O142600300024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600300025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142600300026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600300027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600300028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600300029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600300030 COMMON 1 3 O142600300031 ERR-DIG O142600300032 MB O142600300033 1.1 O142600300034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600300035 DATA 2 11 O142600300036 PART-OUT DATA O142600300037 NO-DIM MB O142600300038 0. 66.9 O142600300039 1. 99.3 O142600300040 2. 120.2 O142600300041 3. 122.7 O142600300042 4. 109.2 O142600300043 5. 87.2 O142600300044 6. 61.4 O142600300045 7. 37.8 O142600300046 8. 22.7 O142600300047 9. 15.2 O142600300048 10. 7.9 O142600300049 ENDDATA 13 0 O142600300050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 O142600399999 SUBENT O1426004 20140205 O052O142600400001 BIB 6 27 O142600400002 REACTION (28-NI-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600400003 see CORRECTION O142600400004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600400005 efficiency. O142600400006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600400007 measured distributions- O142600400008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600400009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600400010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600400011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600400012 the runs, O142600400013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600400014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600400015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600400016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600400017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600400018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600400019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600400020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600400021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600400022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600400023 of about 50 MeV. O142600400024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600400025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142600400026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600400027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600400028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600400029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600400030 COMMON 1 3 O142600400031 ERR-DIG O142600400032 MB O142600400033 1.1 O142600400034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600400035 DATA 2 11 O142600400036 PART-OUT DATA O142600400037 NO-DIM MB O142600400038 0. 83. O142600400039 1. 114.9 O142600400040 2. 125.5 O142600400041 3. 122.3 O142600400042 4. 103.1 O142600400043 5. 80.9 O142600400044 6. 53.4 O142600400045 7. 31.9 O142600400046 8. 18.8 O142600400047 9. 8. O142600400048 10. 4.1 O142600400049 ENDDATA 13 0 O142600400050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 O142600499999 SUBENT O1426005 20140205 O052O142600500001 BIB 6 27 O142600500002 REACTION (29-CU-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600500003 see CORRECTION O142600500004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600500005 efficiency. O142600500006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600500007 measured distributions- O142600500008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600500009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600500010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600500011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600500012 the runs, O142600500013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600500014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600500015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600500016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600500017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600500018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600500019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600500020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600500021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600500022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600500023 of about 50 MeV. O142600500024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600500025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142600500026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600500027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600500028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600500029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600500030 COMMON 1 3 O142600500031 ERR-DIG O142600500032 MB O142600500033 1.1 O142600500034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600500035 DATA 2 12 O142600500036 PART-OUT DATA O142600500037 NO-DIM MB O142600500038 0. 54.7 O142600500039 1. 85.6 O142600500040 2. 105.7 O142600500041 3. 118.9 O142600500042 4. 119.8 O142600500043 5. 105.3 O142600500044 6. 85.4 O142600500045 7. 57.8 O142600500046 8. 37.1 O142600500047 9. 20.3 O142600500048 10. 11.2 O142600500049 11. 6. O142600500050 ENDDATA 14 0 O142600500051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 O142600599999 SUBENT O1426006 20140205 O052O142600600001 BIB 6 27 O142600600002 REACTION (40-ZR-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600600003 see CORRECTION O142600600004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600600005 efficiency. O142600600006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600600007 measured distributions- O142600600008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600600009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600600010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600600011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600600012 the runs, O142600600013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600600014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600600015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600600016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600600017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600600018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600600019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600600020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600600021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600600022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600600023 of about 50 MeV.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142600600024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600600025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD. O142600600026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600600027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600600028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600600029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600600030 COMMON 1 3 O142600600031 ERR-DIG O142600600032 MB O142600600033 1.1 O142600600034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600600035 DATA 2 15 O142600600036 PART-OUT DATA O142600600037 NO-DIM MB O142600600038 0. 58.2 O142600600039 1. 73. O142600600040 2. 86.9 O142600600041 3. 102.5 O142600600042 4. 110.4 O142600600043 5. 115.2 O142600600044 6. 116.9 O142600600045 7. 107.2 O142600600046 8. 92.9 O142600600047 9. 72.6 O142600600048 10. 53.7 O142600600049 11. 37.1 O142600600050 12. 25.1 O142600600051 13. 16.9 O142600600052 14. 8. O142600600053 ENDDATA 17 0 O142600600054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 O142600699999 SUBENT O1426007 20140205 O052O142600700001 BIB 6 27 O142600700002 REACTION (47-AG-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600700003 see CORRECTION O142600700004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600700005 efficiency. O142600700006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600700007 measured distributions- O142600700008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600700009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600700010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600700011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600700012 the runs, O142600700013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600700014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600700015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600700016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600700017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600700018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600700019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600700020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600700021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600700022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600700023 of about 50 MeV. O142600700024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600700025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142600700026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600700027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600700028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600700029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600700030 COMMON 1 3 O142600700031 ERR-DIG O142600700032 MB O142600700033 1.1 O142600700034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600700035 DATA 2 17 O142600700036 PART-OUT DATA O142600700037 NO-DIM MB O142600700038 0. 47.2 O142600700039 1. 65. O142600700040 2. 73.5 O142600700041 3. 83.6 O142600700042 4. 96.7 O142600700043 5. 107.6 O142600700044 6. 118.4 O142600700045 7. 121.5 O142600700046 8. 113.8 O142600700047 9. 99.8 O142600700048 10. 79.7 O142600700049 11. 57.3 O142600700050 12. 40.2 O142600700051 13. 24.8 O142600700052 14. 13.2 O142600700053 15. 7.7 O142600700054 16. 3.9 O142600700055 ENDDATA 19 0 O142600700056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 O142600799999 SUBENT O1426008 20140205 O052O142600800001 BIB 6 27 O142600800002 REACTION (67-HO-165(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600800003 see CORRECTION O142600800004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600800005 efficiency. O142600800006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600800007 measured distributions- O142600800008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600800009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600800010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600800011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600800012 the runs, O142600800013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600800014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600800015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600800016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600800017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600800018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600800019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600800020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600800021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600800022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600800023 of about 50 MeV. O142600800024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600800025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142600800026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600800027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600800028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600800029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600800030 COMMON 1 3 O142600800031 ERR-DIG O142600800032 MB O142600800033 1.1 O142600800034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600800035 DATA 2 25 O142600800036 PART-OUT DATA O142600800037 NO-DIM MB O142600800038 0. 52.4 O142600800039 1. 57.8 O142600800040 2. 58.5 O142600800041 3. 58.4 O142600800042 4. 59.9 O142600800043 5. 59.8 O142600800044 6. 63.7 O142600800045 7. 63.5 O142600800046 8. 72.8 O142600800047 9. 76.6 O142600800048 10. 86.7 O142600800049 11. 95.2 O142600800050 12. 102.9 O142600800051 13. 109.9 O142600800052 14. 108.2 O142600800053 15. 101.1 O142600800054 16. 90.7 O142600800055 17. 74.2 O142600800056 18. 56.8 O142600800057 19. 41. O142600800058 20. 26.8 O142600800059 21. 16.5 O142600800060 22. 7.8 O142600800061 23. 3. O142600800062 24. 1.3 O142600800063 ENDDATA 27 0 O142600800064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 O142600899999 SUBENT O1426009 20140205 O052O142600900001 BIB 6 27 O142600900002 REACTION (74-W-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142600900003 see CORRECTION O142600900004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142600900005 efficiency. O142600900006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142600900007 measured distributions- O142600900008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142600900009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142600900010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142600900011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142600900012 the runs, O142600900013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142600900014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142600900015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142600900016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142600900017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142600900018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142600900019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142600900020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142600900021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142600900022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142600900023 of about 50 MeV. O142600900024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142600900025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142600900026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142600900027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142600900028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142600900029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142600900030 COMMON 1 3 O142600900031 ERR-DIG O142600900032 MB O142600900033 1.1 O142600900034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142600900035 DATA 2 26 O142600900036 PART-OUT DATA O142600900037 NO-DIM MB O142600900038 0. 53.9 O142600900039 1. 58. O142600900040 2. 57.2 O142600900041 3. 55. O142600900042 4. 56.7 O142600900043 5. 58.3 O142600900044 6. 60. O142600900045 7. 62.5 O142600900046 8. 68.9 O142600900047 9. 74.6 O142600900048 10. 83.4 O142600900049 11. 93.8 O142600900050 12. 99.4 O142600900051 13. 102.7 O142600900052 14. 109.1 O142600900053 15. 112.4 O142600900054 15. 108.6 O142600900055 17. 95.3 O142600900056 18. 85.1 O142600900057 19. 71. O142600900058 20. 52.9 O142600900059 21. 39.6 O142600900060 22. 27.8 O142600900061 23. 18.4 O142600900062 24. 9.8 O142600900063 25. 6.8 O142600900064 ENDDATA 28 0 O142600900065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 O142600999999 SUBENT O1426010 20140205 O052O142601000001 BIB 6 27 O142601000002 REACTION (82-PB-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142601000003 see CORRECTION O142601000004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142601000005 efficiency. O142601000006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142601000007 measured distributions- O142601000008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142601000009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142601000010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142601000011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142601000012 the runs, O142601000013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142601000014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142601000015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142601000016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142601000017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142601000018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142601000019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142601000020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142601000021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142601000022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142601000023 of about 50 MeV. O142601000024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142601000025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142601000026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142601000027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142601000028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142601000029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142601000030 COMMON 1 3 O142601000031 ERR-DIG O142601000032 MB O142601000033 1.1 O142601000034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142601000035 DATA 2 29 O142601000036 PART-OUT DATA O142601000037 NO-DIM MB O142601000038 0. 58.5 O142601000039 1. 63.1 O142601000040 2. 59.2 O142601000041 3. 56.9 O142601000042 4. 54.6 O142601000043 5. 57.7 O142601000044 6. 58.5 O142601000045 7. 60. O142601000046 8. 63.1 O142601000047 9. 70. O142601000048 10. 73.1 O142601000049 11. 82.3 O142601000050 12. 89.2 O142601000051 13. 95.4 O142601000052 14. 100.8 O142601000053 15. 103.1 O142601000054 16. 104.6 O142601000055 17. 103.1 O142601000056 18. 98.5 O142601000057 19. 91.5 O142601000058 20. 79.2 O142601000059 21. 66.2 O142601000060 22. 53.1 O142601000061 23. 39.2 O142601000062 24. 27.7 O142601000063 25. 16.9 O142601000064 26. 9.2 O142601000065 27. 6.2 O142601000066 28. 3.8 O142601000067 ENDDATA 31 0 O142601000068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 O142601099999 SUBENT O1426011 20140205 O052O142601100001 BIB 6 27 O142601100002 REACTION (92-U-0(P,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG,,RAW) fig 2 O142601100003 see CORRECTION O142601100004 CORRECTION Not corrected for the neutron energy dependent O142601100005 efficiency. O142601100006 The following corrections have been applied to the O142601100007 measured distributions- O142601100008 -the portion of background from reaction outside the O142601100009 target 1-2%,or He4. O142601100010 -events rejected by the double reactions inspection O142601100011 2-4% are accounted for, continuously monitored duringO142601100012 the runs, O142601100013 -An off-line threshold was introduced into the O142601100014 measured BNB-light spectrum at 10 MeV to cut events O142601100015 from electrons observed at M(n) less than 3. The O142601100016 extrapolation to zero energy was estimated assuming O142601100017 similar spectra shapes as measured for M(n)=3-5, O142601100018 -A small portion of elastically scattered beam protonsO142601100019 may enter the BNB scintillator thus simulating real O142601100020 events. This background of about 1-3% contributes to O142601100021 the peak observed in the BNB-light spectrum which is O142601100022 well pronounced for M(n) less or equal 5 at energies O142601100023 of about 50 MeV. O142601100024 SAMPLE A thin targets, thickness 0.1-1 g/cm**2 were used. O142601100025 STATUS (CURVE).By CAJAD.Digitized from fig.2 of NIM/A,562,729 O142601100026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Digitizing error of data. O142601100027 HISTORY (20140205A) SD: SF4=NPART -> 0-NN-1; SF7=N deleted and O142601100028 SF8=RAW added in REACTION code O142601100029 ENDBIB 27 0 O142601100030 COMMON 1 3 O142601100031 ERR-DIG O142601100032 MB O142601100033 1.1 O142601100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O142601100035 DATA 2 34 O142601100036 PART-OUT DATA O142601100037 NO-DIM MB O142601100038 0. 56.7 O142601100039 1. 53.6 O142601100040 2. 43.3 O142601100041 3. 38.5 O142601100042 4. 38.4 O142601100043 5. 36. O142601100044 6. 41.3 O142601100045 7. 42.7 O142601100046 8. 46.5 O142601100047 9. 51.1 O142601100048 10. 54.9 O142601100049 11. 61.8 O142601100050 12. 65.5 O142601100051 13. 70.9 O142601100052 14. 80.9 O142601100053 15. 84.7 O142601100054 16. 93.9 O142601100055 17. 100.8 O142601100056 18. 106.9 O142601100057 19. 106.8 O142601100058 20. 107.4 O142601100059 21. 105.8 O142601100060 22. 95.6 O142601100061 23. 84.6 O142601100062 24. 70.4 O142601100063 25. 56.3 O142601100064 26. 44.5 O142601100065 27. 32. O142601100066 28. 21.7 O142601100067 29. 13.8 O142601100068 30. 7.5 O142601100069 31. 4.3 O142601100070 32. 1. O142601100071 33. 0.04 O142601100072 ENDDATA 36 0 O142601100073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 O142601199999 SUBENT O1426012 20221223 O092O142601200001 BIB 7 11 O142601200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601200003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,13-AL-27(P,NON),,SIG) O142601200004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601200005 corrections. O142601200006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601200007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601200010 (DEP,O1426002) O142601200011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601200012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601200013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142601200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601200015 DATA 4 1 O142601200016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601200017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601200018 2.95 0.20 456. 20. O142601200019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142601299999 SUBENT O1426013 20221223 O092O142601300001 BIB 7 11 O142601300002 REACTION (26-FE-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601300003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,26-FE-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142601300004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601300005 corrections. O142601300006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601300007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601300008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601300010 (DEP,O1426003) O142601300011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601300012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601300013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142601300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601300015 DATA 4 1 O142601300016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601300017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601300018 4.50 0.25 746. 30. O142601300019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142601399999 SUBENT O1426014 20221223 O092O142601400001 BIB 7 11 O142601400002 REACTION (28-NI-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601400003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,28-NI-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142601400004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601400005 corrections. O142601400006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601400007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601400010 (DEP,O1426004) O142601400011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601400012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601400013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142601400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601400015 DATA 4 1 O142601400016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601400017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601400018 4.13 0.25 764. 30. O142601400019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142601499999 SUBENT O1426015 20221223 O092O142601500001 BIB 7 11 O142601500002 REACTION (29-CU-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601500003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,29-CU-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142601500004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601500005 corrections. O142601500006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601500007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601500008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601500009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601500010 (DEP,O1426005) O142601500011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601500012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601500013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142601500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601500015 DATA 4 1 O142601500016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601500017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601500018 5.28 0.30 813. 30. O142601500019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142601599999 SUBENT O1426016 20221223 O092O142601600001 BIB 7 11 O142601600002 REACTION (40-ZR-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601600003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,40-ZR-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142601600004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601600005 corrections. O142601600006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601600007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601600008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601600009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601600010 (DEP,O1426006) O142601600011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601600012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601600013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142601600014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601600015 DATA 4 1 O142601600016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601600017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601600018 7.34 0.35 1066. 40. O142601600019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601600020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142601699999 SUBENT O1426017 20221223 O092O142601700001 BIB 7 10 O142601700002 REACTION (41-NB-93(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601700003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,41-NB-93(P,NON),,SIG) O142601700004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601700005 corrections. O142601700006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601700007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601700008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601700009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601700010 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601700011 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601700012 ENDBIB 10 0 O142601700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601700014 DATA 4 1 O142601700015 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601700016 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601700017 7.24 0.35 1063. 40. O142601700018 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601700019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O142601799999 SUBENT O1426018 20221223 O092O142601800001 BIB 7 11 O142601800002 REACTION (47-AG-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601800003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,47-AG-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142601800004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601800005 corrections. O142601800006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601800007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601800008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601800009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601800010 (DEP,O1426007) O142601800011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601800012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601800013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142601800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601800015 DATA 4 1 O142601800016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601800017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601800018 8.46 0.35 1155. 40. O142601800019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601800020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142601899999 SUBENT O1426019 20221223 O092O142601900001 BIB 7 11 O142601900002 REACTION (67-HO-165(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142601900003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,67-HO-165(P,NON),,SIG) O142601900004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142601900005 corrections. O142601900006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142601900007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142601900008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142601900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142601900010 (DEP,O1426008) O142601900011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142601900012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142601900013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142601900014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142601900015 DATA 4 1 O142601900016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142601900017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142601900018 13.35 0.55 1512. 50. O142601900019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142601900020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142601999999 SUBENT O1426020 20221223 O092O142602000001 BIB 7 11 O142602000002 REACTION (74-W-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142602000003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,74-W-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142602000004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142602000005 corrections. O142602000006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142602000007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142602000008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142602000009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142602000010 (DEP,O1426009) O142602000011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142602000012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142602000013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142602000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142602000015 DATA 4 1 O142602000016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142602000017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142602000018 14.62 0.60 1666. 55. O142602000019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142602000020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142602099999 SUBENT O1426021 20221223 O092O142602100001 BIB 7 11 O142602100002 REACTION (82-PB-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142602100003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,82-PB-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142602100004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142602100005 corrections. O142602100006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142602100007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142602100008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142602100009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142602100010 (DEP,O1426010) O142602100011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142602100012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142602100013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142602100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142602100015 DATA 4 1 O142602100016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142602100017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142602100018 16.03 0.65 1775. 60. O142602100019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142602100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142602199999 SUBENT O1426022 20221223 O092O142602200001 BIB 7 11 O142602200002 REACTION (92-U-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY) O142602200003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-0(P,NON),,SIG) O142602200004 CORRECTION Corrections for detector efficiency and other O142602200005 corrections. O142602200006 COMMENT From A.Konobeev (2022-05-31): Cr.sect. data were taken O142602200007 from the literature to derive the neutron product yieldO142602200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O142602200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,A562(2006)729 O142602200010 (DEP,O1426011) O142602200011 HISTORY (20221223A) SD: Reaction (1) deleted. Data were move O142602200012 to ASSUM (see COMMENT). O142602200013 ENDBIB 11 0 O142602200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O142602200015 DATA 4 1 O142602200016 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR O142602200017 PRD/REAC PRD/REAC MB MB O142602200018 20.84 0.80 2021. 65. O142602200019 ENDDATA 3 0 O142602200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O142602299999 ENDENTRY 22 0 O142699999999