ENTRY O1508 20230521 O096O150800000001 SUBENT O1508001 20230521 O096O150800100001 BIB 11 35 O150800100002 TITLE A novel method for n.c.a. Cu-64 production by the O150800100003 Zn-64(d,2p)Cu-64 reaction and dual ion-exchange column O150800100004 chromatography. O150800100005 AUTHOR (J.Kozempel, K.Abbas, F.Simonelli, M.Zampese, O150800100006 U.Holzwarth, N.Gibson, L.Leseticky) O150800100007 INSTITUTE (3CZRCHU,2ZZZISP) O150800100008 REFERENCE (J,RCA,95,75,2007) O150800100009 (J,ARI,64,1001,2006) Preliminary results O150800100010 SAMPLE An enriched Zn-64 target, isotopic composition - O150800100011 Zn-64 is 99.4%, Zn-66 is 0.39%, Zn-67 is 0.04%, O150800100012 Zn-68 is 0.15% and Zn-30 is 0.02%, was used. The foils O150800100013 used were of thickness 320-mum or 325-mum. O150800100014 The natural target material (several Zn-nat targets O150800100015 were irradiated for optimization of the experimental O150800100016 set-up and radiochemistry procedures) was natural Zn O150800100017 99.98% and Ti-natural 99.6% for monitor foils. O150800100018 Foils, together with a 30-mum Ti-nat monitor were O150800100019 placed in a standard aluminium target holder and fixed O150800100020 with a 0.7-cm diameter aluminium collimator. O150800100021 DETECTOR (HPGE) O150800100022 FACILITY (CYCLO,2ZZZISP) The scanditronix MC-40 cyclotron of O150800100023 the joint research center, ISPRA, Italy. O150800100024 METHOD (CHSEP) Two of the three runs, of low irradiation O150800100025 charge, were used for radiochemistry. The copper O150800100026 isotopes were separated from other radionuclide's O150800100027 impurities by the combination of cation and anion O150800100028 exchange chromatography. O150800100029 (GSPEC) O150800100030 ERR-ANALYS Details information is missing. O150800100031 STATUS (TABLE) O150800100032 HISTORY (20070508C) S B O150800100033 (20081120A) New REFERENCE was added. O150800100034 (20140823A) SD: REACTION code corrected in Subents 2,3.O150800100035 COMMON section moved to Subents 2,3. O150800100036 (20230521A) SD: Subent 003 deleted. O150800100037 ENDBIB 35 0 O150800100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 O150800100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 O150800199999 SUBENT O1508002 20140823 O053O150800200001 BIB 5 17 O150800200002 REACTION 1(30-ZN-64(D,2P)29-CU-64,,TTY,,PHY/MSC) O150800200003 2(30-ZN-64(D,2P)29-CU-64,,TTY,,SAT) O150800200004 An average yield over three irradiation and saturationO150800200005 yield at the end of the beam. O150800200006 COMMENT *By authors*.Irradiation parameters and measured Cu-64 O150800200007 yields for all runs see below- O150800200008 run irradiation beam current thick energy yield at EOB O150800200009 time min mu-a mu-m window MBq/muahr O150800200010 MeV O150800200011 1. 150. 0.6 325. 19.5-12.1 40. O150800200012 2. 30. 0.5 325. 19.1-11.5 28. O150800200013 3. 30. 0.4 320. 19.5-12.2 26. O150800200014 RAD-DET (29-CU-64,DG) O150800200015 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.7HR,DG,1346.,0.0054) O150800200016 HISTORY (20140823A) SD. In RECTION code:TTY,,DT -> TTY,,PHY/MSCO150800200017 (EOB activity/current/irrad.time). Confirmed by O150800200018 Dr.J.Kozempel (2014-08-21). COMMON added. O150800200019 ENDBIB 17 0 O150800200020 COMMON 1 3 O150800200021 EN O150800200022 MEV O150800200023 19.5 O150800200024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O150800200025 DATA 2 1 O150800200026 DATA 1DATA 2 O150800200027 MUCI/MUAHR MCI/MUA O150800200028 850. 15.5 O150800200029 ENDDATA 3 0 O150800200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 O150800299999 NOSUBENT O1508003 20230521 O096O150800300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 O150899999999