ENTRY            O1543   20070822                             O031O154300000001 
SUBENT        O1543001   20070822                             O031O154300100001 
BIB                 13         26                                 O154300100002 
TITLE      Structure of Sb-116 studied with the                   O154300100003 
           Sn-115(He3,d)Sb-116 reaction.                          O154300100004 
INSTITUTE  (2NEDKVI)                                              O154300100006 
           (2NEDFUL)                                              O154300100007 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,17,1555,1978)                                  O154300100008 
HISTORY    (20070822C)                                            O154300100009 
SAMPLE     A self-supporting foils of Sn-115, 39.8% enriched,     O154300100010 
            150-mug/cm**2 thick were used.                        O154300100011 
           In order to correct for the contributions from other   O154300100012 
           Sn isotopes in the Sn-115 target experiments were also O154300100013 
           performed on Sn-116, 88.9% enriched and natural Sn.    O154300100014 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA calculations.                              O154300100015 
           Absolute cross sections were determined from an opticalO154300100016 
           model analysis of elastically scattered He-3 particles.O154300100017 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) A split-pole spectrograph                      O154300100018 
           (PSSSD) Position sensitive solid state detector.       O154300100019 
INC-SOURCE *EN-RSL*.An energy resolution of 25-keV was obtained   O154300100020 
           which was mainly due to the target thickness.          O154300100021 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2NEDFUL) the AVF cyclotron of the Free          O154300100022 
           University in Amsterdam.                               O154300100023 
METHOD     (BCINT)                                                O154300100024 
COMMENT    *BY AUTHORS*.The relative normalization was obtained   O154300100025 
           from the integrated current with an uncertainty of     O154300100026 
           about 5%.                                              O154300100027 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD.                                      O154300100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 O154300100029 
COMMON               1          3                                 O154300100030 
EN                                                                O154300100031 
MEV                                                               O154300100032 
       28.4                                                       O154300100033 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O154300100034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 O154300199999 
SUBENT        O1543002   20070822                             O031O154300200001 
BIB                  4         14                                 O154300200002 
REACTION   (50-SN-115(HE3,D)51-SB-116,PAR,DA) Fig 1               O154300200003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,51-SB-116)                                      O154300200004 
LEVEL-PROP (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.000,SPIN=3.,PARITY=+1.)             O154300200005 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.551,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.)             O154300200006 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.732,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.)             O154300200007 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.882,SPIN=3.,PARITY=+1.)             O154300200008 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.948)                                O154300200009 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.102,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.)             O154300200010 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.662,SPIN=3.,PARITY=+1.)             O154300200011 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.821)                                O154300200012 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=0.918,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.)             O154300200013 
           (51-SB-116,E-LVL=1.163)                                O154300200014 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors on fig.    O154300200015 
           (ANG-ERR-D).Digitizing error of angle.                 O154300200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O154300200017 
COMMON               1          3                                 O154300200018 
ANG-ERR-D                                                         O154300200019 
ADEG                                                              O154300200020 
0.30                                                              O154300200021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O154300200022 
DATA                 4         62                                 O154300200023 
E-LVL      ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         O154300200024 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      PER-CENT                         O154300200025 
    0.00000    5.63000    0.94000    9.00000                      O154300200026 
    0.00000    9.39000    2.02000    8.00000                      O154300200027 
    0.00000   13.67000    2.70000    7.00000                      O154300200028 
    0.00000   17.24000    1.99000    7.00000                      O154300200029 
    0.00000   21.46000    1.05000    8.00000                      O154300200030 
    0.00000   25.41000    1.26000   11.00000                      O154300200031 
    0.00000   30.90000    1.20000    8.00000                      O154300200032 
    0.10200    4.22000    0.84000   11.00000                      O154300200033 
    0.10200    8.19000    1.34000    9.00000                      O154300200034 
    0.10200   12.26000    1.87000    1.60000                      O154300200035 
    0.10200   16.64000    1.36000    7.00000                      O154300200036 
    0.10200   20.28000    0.88000    7.00000                      O154300200037 
    0.10200   24.78000    0.92000    7.00000                      O154300200038 
    0.10200   30.06000    0.79000    8.00000                      O154300200039 
    0.55100    5.45000    0.06000   30.00000                      O154300200040 
    0.55100    9.38000    0.25000   16.00000                      O154300200041 
    0.55100   13.79000    0.39000   10.00000                      O154300200042 
    0.55100   17.64000    0.20600   12.00000                      O154300200043 
    0.55100   21.39000    0.08000   40.00000                      O154300200044 
    0.55100   25.77000    0.08200   40.00000                      O154300200045 
    0.66200    4.09000    0.03700   22.00000                      O154300200046 
    0.66200    8.11000    0.07100   11.00000                      O154300200047 
    0.66200   16.30000    0.10200   10.00000                      O154300200048 
    0.66200   20.35000    0.09000   40.00000                      O154300200049 
    0.66200   24.29000    0.10900   17.00000                      O154300200050 
    0.66200   29.37000    0.05600   40.00000                      O154300200051 
    0.73200    5.67000    0.19100   14.00000                      O154300200052 
    0.73200    9.43000    0.07700   14.00000                      O154300200053 
    0.73200   13.61000    0.14200   11.00000                      O154300200054 
    0.73200   17.19000    0.17300    9.00000                      O154300200055 
    0.73200   21.72000    0.10900   12.00000                      O154300200056 
    0.73200   25.67000    0.13300   17.00000                      O154300200057 
    0.73200   30.42000    0.13000   16.00000                      O154300200058 
    0.82100    4.62000    0.04200   26.00000                      O154300200059 
    0.82100    8.35000    0.09000   11.00000                      O154300200060 
    0.82100   12.41000    0.10000    7.00000                      O154300200061 
    0.82100   16.46000    0.11100   10.00000                      O154300200062 
    0.82100   20.56000    0.05300   23.00000                      O154300200063 
    0.82100   24.84000    0.05600   21.00000                      O154300200064 
    0.82100   29.70000    0.08300   24.00000                      O154300200065 
    0.88200   13.42000    0.02400   60.00000                      O154300200066 
    0.88200   17.62000    0.02500   50.00000                      O154300200067 
    0.88200   21.88000    0.10500   21.00000                      O154300200068 
    0.88200   26.13000    0.08800   30.00000                      O154300200069 
    0.91800    5.01000    1.95000   11.00000                      O154300200070 
    0.91800    8.77000    0.38000    8.00000                      O154300200071 
    0.91800   13.13000    0.81000    7.00000                      O154300200072 
    0.91800   17.30000    1.00000    9.00000                      O154300200073 
    0.91800   21.12000    0.52000   10.00000                      O154300200074 
    0.91800   25.53000    0.61000   10.00000                      O154300200075 
    0.91800   30.57000    0.72000    8.00000                      O154300200076 
    0.94800    9.40000    0.01200   70.00000                      O154300200077 
    0.94800   17.75000    0.12800   14.00000                      O154300200078 
    0.94800   21.63000    0.18800   13.00000                      O154300200079 
    0.94800   25.72000    0.09000   40.00000                      O154300200080 
    1.16300    5.10000    0.41000    7.00000                      O154300200081 
    1.16300    8.73000    0.78000    9.00000                      O154300200082 
    1.16300   13.13000    0.93000    9.00000                      O154300200083 
    1.16300   17.28000    0.69000    9.00000                      O154300200084 
    1.16300   21.13000    0.45000   11.00000                      O154300200085 
    1.16300   25.39000    0.49000    8.00000                      O154300200086 
    1.16300   30.51000    0.39000   10.00000                      O154300200087 
ENDDATA             64          0                                 O154300200088 
ENDSUBENT           87          0                                 O154300299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 O154399999999