ENTRY            O1660   20101116                             O044O166000000001 
SUBENT        O1660001   20101116                             O044O166000100001 
BIB                 15         49                                 O166000100002 
TITLE      Toward correction-free Li-8(a,n)B-11 data at the       O166000100003 
           Gamow energy of explosive nucleosynthesis.             O166000100004 
AUTHOR     (M.La Cognata, A.Del Zoppo, R.Alba, S.Cherubini,       O166000100005 
           N.Colonna, A.Di Pietro, P.Figuera, M.Gulino, L.Lamia,  O166000100006 
           A.Musumarra, M.G.Pellegriti, R.G.Pizzone, C.Rolfs,     O166000100007 
           S.Romano, C.Spitaleri, A.Tumino)                       O166000100008 
REFERENCE  (J,JP/G,37,105105,2010)Final results                   O166000100009 
           (J,PL/B,664,157,2008) Prelim.results                   O166000100010 
REL-REF    (I,C1049002,P.R.WREAN+,J,PR/C,62,055805,2000)          O166000100011 
           The 4-pi neutron counter.                              O166000100012 
INSTITUTE  (2ITYLNS)                                              O166000100013 
           (2ITYCAT)                                              O166000100014 
           (2ITYBAU)                                              O166000100015 
           (2GERBOC)                                              O166000100016 
           (2ITYITY) University of Kore, Enna, Italy              O166000100017 
SAMPLE     A 4 cm diameter and  a 15 cm length long cylindrical   O166000100018 
           gas cell filled with He-4 at the pressure of 150 mbar. O166000100019 
           The gas target cell was connected to the end of the    O166000100020 
           beam pipe through a approx. 5 mum(nominal thickness)   O166000100021 
           Ni entrance window.                                    O166000100022 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    O166000100023 
DETECTOR   (D4PI).The neutron were detected by the Polycube 4-pi  O166000100024 
           thermalization counter, consisting of 12 cylindrical   O166000100025 
           proportional counters filled with He-3 at the pressure O166000100026 
           of 4 bar embedded into a 40*40*40 cm**3 polyethylene   O166000100027 
           moderator.                                             O166000100028 
           (MCPLT) Two micro-channel-plate (MCP) detectors        O166000100029 
            (MCP1 and MCP2) were located upstream along the beam  O166000100030 
           pipe, at 150 and 50 cm from the Ni entrance window,    O166000100031 
           respectively                                           O166000100032 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2ITYLNS)                                         O166000100033 
INC-SOURCE  The Li-8 beam was delivered by the EXCYT ISOL facilityO166000100034 
           at LNS in Catania. It was produced by injecting a C-13+O166000100035 
           primary beam of 45 MeV 1/amu on a graphite target.     O166000100036 
METHOD     (EXTB) secondary Li-8 beam                             O166000100037 
           (PLSED) The neutrons were moderated and adsorbed in theO166000100038 
           detector.                                              O166000100039 
COMMENT    *By authors*.The experiment consisted of the three     O166000100040 
           types of measurements-                                 O166000100041 
            - a measurement without beam                          O166000100042 
            - a set of projectile correlated measurements without O166000100043 
           He-4                                                   O166000100044 
            - a set of projectile correlated measurements with    O166000100045 
           He-4                                                   O166000100046 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table 2 of J,JP/G,37,105105,2010               O166000100047 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S).Statistical uncertainty.                       O166000100048 
HISTORY    (20081016C) S.B                                        O166000100049 
           (20101116C).Entry was re-compiled after published      O166000100050 
           final data in J,JP/G,37,105105,2010                    O166000100051 
ENDBIB              49          0                                 O166000100052 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O166000100053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 O166000199999 
SUBENT        O1660002   20101117                             O044O166000200001 
BIB                  3         14                                 O166000200002 
REACTION   (2-HE-4(3-LI-8,N)5-B-11,,SIG)                          O166000200003 
COMMENT    *By authors*.The new determination cross section value O166000200004 
           turns out to be about 10% smaller than that given in   O166000200005 
           previous letter(See reference-J,PL/B,664,157,2008),    O166000200006 
           while the effect of the sources of systematic          O166000200007 
           uncertainties has proved to be negligible.             O166000200008 
           *By authors*.In the present neutron-inclusive          O166000200009 
           measurement, the background contribution has been      O166000200010 
           carefully identified and evaluated. Since different    O166000200011 
           sources of systematical uncertainties and of backgroundO166000200012 
           are involved, the present data strongly confirm and    O166000200013 
           support the complementary B-11 inclusive data.         O166000200014 
           See Rel-Ref.                                           O166000200015 
REL-REF    (A,C1435003,X.Gu+,J,PL/B,343,31,1995)                  O166000200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O166000200017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O166000200018 
DATA                 4          1                                 O166000200019 
EN-CM      EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-S                            O166000200020 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               O166000200021 
1.05       0.16       516.       111.                             O166000200022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 O166000200023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 O166000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 O166099999999