ENTRY O1665 20230521 O096O166500000001 SUBENT O1665001 20230521 O096O166500100001 BIB 13 31 O166500100002 TITLE Cross-sections of the reaction Th-232(p,3n)Pa-230 O166500100003 for production of U-230 for targeted alpha therapy. O166500100004 AUTHOR (A.Morgenstern, C.Apostolidis, F.Bruchertseifer, O166500100005 R.Capote, T.Gouder, F.Simonelli, M.Sin, K.Abbas) O166500100006 INSTITUTE (2ZZZITU,3ZZZIAE,2ZZZISP,3RUMBUU) O166500100007 REFERENCE (J,ARI,66,1275,2008) O166500100008 SAMPLE Thin Th-232 targets were prepared by sputter depositionO166500100009 from a Th-232 metal source in an Ar plasma as thin O166500100010 films. Zinc or Al foils of 200 mum thickness(99.99%) O166500100011 were used at appropriate positions in the stacks as O166500100012 proton-energy degrader. A copper foil of 12.5 mum O166500100013 thickness(99.99%) was placed as a monitor foil. O166500100014 ADD-RES (COMP).The EMPIRE II CODE. O166500100015 METHOD (STTA,BCINT,EDEG,ACTIV,GSPEC) O166500100016 FACILITY (CYCLO,2ZZZISP) The Scanditronix MC-40 cyclotron of O166500100017 the Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy). O166500100018 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) O166500100019 Proton currents were analyzed based on this reaction O166500100020 using IAEA recommended cross section data. O166500100021 DETECTOR (HPGE) O166500100022 RAD-DET (91-PA-230,DG) O166500100023 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-230,17.4D,DG,951.95,0.2913,DG,918.48,0.08244, O166500100024 DG,454.95,0.06265,DG,898.68,0.05826, O166500100025 DG,443.75,0.05496,DG,508.2,0.03572,DG,518.5,0.01979, O166500100026 DG,728.2,0.01896,DG,397.7,0.01869,DG,956.5,0.01594, O166500100027 DG,781.35,0.01484,DG,1026.05,0.01462,DG,571.1,0.01083, O166500100028 DG,1009.7,0.01083) O166500100029 HISTORY (20080910C) SB O166500100030 (20191004A) SD: REACTION code corrected in Subent 003. O166500100031 Corrections in all Subents. O166500100032 (20230521A) SD: Correction in Subent 003. O166500100033 ENDBIB 31 0 O166500100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 O166500100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 O166500199999 SUBENT O1665002 20191004 O072O166500200001 BIB 4 13 O166500200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,3N)91-PA-230,,SIG) O166500200003 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR).The uncertainty of incident proton energies O166500200004 in individual foils was calculated from the O166500200005 uncertainties of thickness of monitor, target and O166500200006 degrader foils and ranges from 5% to 10%. O166500200007 (DATA-ERR) total uncertainty includes: O166500200008 * statistical uncertainty of gamma-ray counting, O166500200009 * uncertainty in the monitor foil thickness O166500200010 * the uncertainty in efficiency calibration of the O166500200011 gamma-ray detector ranges from 5% to 21%. O166500200012 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 2 from Appl.Rad.Isot.,66(2008)1275 O166500200013 HISTORY (20191004A) SD: ERR-ANALYS updated. STATUS added. O166500200014 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O166500200015 ENDBIB 13 0 O166500200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O166500200017 DATA 4 15 O166500200018 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O166500200019 MEV MEV MB MB O166500200020 16.4 0.4 90.5 19.0 O166500200021 17.6 0.4 149.5 10.5 O166500200022 18.2 0.3 239.1 11.5 O166500200023 19.9 0.2 352.5 14.5 O166500200024 21.0 0.2 342.9 10.2 O166500200025 21.5 0.1 318.7 20.8 O166500200026 22.5 0.1 315.9 12.4 O166500200027 23.5 0.1 280.7 21.6 O166500200028 24.3 0.2 217.9 8.7 O166500200029 25.2 0.5 169.5 14.3 O166500200030 26.6 0.1 107.2 13.2 O166500200031 28.0 0.6 81.8 9.0 O166500200032 28.6 0.3 80.2 8.0 O166500200033 31.6 0.1 64.8 8.3 O166500200034 34.0 0.2 50.1 9.4 O166500200035 ENDDATA 17 0 O166500200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 O166500299999 SUBENT O1665003 20230521 O096O166500300001 BIB 5 11 O166500300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,3N)91-PA-230,,TTY,,(PHY),DERIV) O166500300003 ANALYSIS (INTEF) Derived from measured excitation function O166500300004 COMMENT *By authors*.The thick target yield of Pa-230 was O166500300005 calculated as 8.41 MBq/muAhr at 33.5 MeV, resulting in O166500300006 0.24 MBq/muAhr of U-230 at 28 day after end of beam. O166500300007 STATUS (TABLE) From the text on p.1278 of O166500300008 Appl.Rad.Isot.,66(2008)1275 O166500300009 (DEP,O1665002) O166500300010 HISTORY (20191004A) SD: SF8=DT -> (PHY); SF9=CALC -> DERIV in O166500300011 both REACTION codes. STATUS added. ANALYSIS added. O166500300012 (20230521A) SD: Second REACTION code deleted. O166500300013 ENDBIB 11 0 O166500300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 O166500300015 DATA 2 1 O166500300016 EN DATA O166500300017 MEV MBQ/MUAHR O166500300018 33.5 8.41 O166500300019 ENDDATA 3 0 O166500300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O166500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 O166599999999