ENTRY            O1701   20100324                             O041O170100000001 
SUBENT        O1701001   20100324                             O041O170100100001 
BIB                 13         32                                 O170100100002 
TITLE      Level density and gamma-ray strength functions in      O170100100003 
           Sm-148,149.                                            O170100100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Siem, M.Guttormsen, K.Ingeberg, E.Melby, J.Rekstad, O170100100005 
           A.Schiller, A.Voinov)                                  O170100100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,65,044318,2002)                                O170100100007 
           (S,AIP-1005,65,2007)                                   O170100100008 
INSTITUTE  (2NOROSL)                                              O170100100009 
           (4ZZZDUB)                                              O170100100010 
SAMPLE     Sm-149 self-supporting target was used.                O170100100011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2NOROSL) To accelerate He-3 to 45 MeV at Oslo   O170100100012 
            Cyclotron Laboratory.                                 O170100100013 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SI,SILI) The detector system CACTUS, contains   O170100100014 
           eight Si delta-E-E telescopes and 27 NaI gamma-ray     O170100100015 
           detectors.                                             O170100100016 
           The particle telescopes are placed at an angle of 45   O170100100017 
           degree relative to the beam axis and consist of a Si   O170100100018 
           front(delta-E) and a Si(Li) back (E) detectors with    O170100100019 
           thickness 140 and 3000 mum, respectively.              O170100100020 
           (NAICR) The NAI gamma-detector array with a total      O170100100021 
           efficiency of approx. 15% surrounded the target and    O170100100022 
           the particle detectors.                                O170100100023 
ANALYSIS   (UNFLD).Corrected for response of NaI detectors        O170100100024 
           (PGS).Level density from primary gamma matrix          O170100100025 
METHOD     (COINC)                                                O170100100026 
           (EDE)                                                  O170100100027 
ADD-RES     The gamma-ray strength function was reported also.    O170100100028 
REL-REF    (N,,A.Schiller+,J,NIM/A,447,498,2000) Method of        O170100100029 
           extract level density from gamma spectra.              O170100100030 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Oslo's compilation             O170100100031 
             http://ocl.uio.no                                    O170100100032 
HISTORY    (20081117C) SB                                         O170100100033 
           (20100324A).New reference was added.                   O170100100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 O170100100035 
COMMON               1          3                                 O170100100036 
EN                                                                O170100100037 
MEV                                                               O170100100038 
45.                                                               O170100100039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O170100100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 O170100199999 
SUBENT        O1701002   20081117                             O038O170100200001 
BIB                  4          5                                 O170100200002 
REACTION   (62-SM-148(0,0),,LD)                                   O170100200003 
            Derived from SM-149(He3,a)SM-148* reaction            O170100200004 
PART-DET   (A,G)                                                  O170100200005 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,62-SM-148)                                      O170100200006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors.           O170100200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 O170100200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O170100200009 
DATA                 3         59                                 O170100200010 
E-EXC      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    O170100200011 
MEV        1/MEV      1/MEV                                       O170100200012 
0.10600    0.0553     0.0109                                      O170100200013 
0.22100    0.5360     0.11300                                     O170100200014 
0.33700    0.4820     0.13800                                     O170100200015 
0.45200    1.0900     0.20000                                     O170100200016 
0.56800    1.6500     0.27500                                     O170100200017 
0.68300    1.0700     0.24600                                     O170100200018 
0.79800    0.7460     0.24300                                     O170100200019 
0.91400    1.6100     0.33100                                     O170100200020 
1.02900    2.5600     0.44400                                     O170100200021 
1.14500    4.1700     0.65900                                     O170100200022 
1.26000    6.0200     0.91800                                     O170100200023 
1.37500    8.0000     1.06000                                     O170100200024 
1.49100    10.400     1.27000                                     O170100200025 
1.60600    15.100     1.55000                                     O170100200026 
1.72200    18.600     1.89000                                     O170100200027 
1.83700    22.000     2.56000                                     O170100200028 
1.95200    35.100     3.33000                                     O170100200029 
2.06800    51.200     4.25000                                     O170100200030 
2.18300    67.900     5.23000                                     O170100200031 
2.29900    82.000     7.05000                                     O170100200032 
2.41400    94.800     7.22000                                     O170100200033 
2.52900    123.00     9.10000                                     O170100200034 
2.64500    161.00     10.1000                                     O170100200035 
2.76000    242.00     14.2000                                     O170100200036 
2.87600    289.00     20.2000                                     O170100200037 
2.99100    369.00     23.2000                                     O170100200038 
3.10600    455.00     29.7000                                     O170100200039 
3.22200    609.00     39.3000                                     O170100200040 
3.33700    722.00     46.9000                                     O170100200041 
3.45300    894.00     59.9000                                     O170100200042 
3.56800    1150.0     77.9000                                     O170100200043 
3.68300    1450.0     99.9000                                     O170100200044 
3.79900    1840.0     129.000                                     O170100200045 
3.91400    2350.0     191.000                                     O170100200046 
4.03000    3000.0     250.000                                     O170100200047 
4.14500    3640.0     297.000                                     O170100200048 
4.26000    4420.0     373.000                                     O170100200049 
4.37600    5750.0     523.000                                     O170100200050 
4.49100    7020.0     623.000                                     O170100200051 
4.60700    8640.0     802.000                                     O170100200052 
4.72200    10700.     913.000                                     O170100200053 
4.83700    12800.     1290.00                                     O170100200054 
4.95300    17500.     1490.00                                     O170100200055 
5.06800    18600.     2250.00                                     O170100200056 
5.18400    23500.     2980.00                                     O170100200057 
5.29900    29500.     3910.00                                     O170100200058 
5.41400    40600.     5430.00                                     O170100200059 
5.53000    42500.     6390.00                                     O170100200060 
5.64500    56600.     8160.00                                     O170100200061 
5.76100    85600.     11700.0                                     O170100200062 
5.87600    102000.    14800.0                                     O170100200063 
5.99100    85600.     18300.0                                     O170100200064 
6.10700    96000.     19600.0                                     O170100200065 
6.22200    173000.    33600.0                                     O170100200066 
6.33800    258000.    52200.0                                     O170100200067 
6.45300    278000.    71900.0                                     O170100200068 
6.56800    309000.    99900.0                                     O170100200069 
6.68400    371000.    148000.                                     O170100200070 
6.79900    403000.    178000.                                     O170100200071 
ENDDATA             61          0                                 O170100200072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 O170100299999 
SUBENT        O1701003   20081117                             O038O170100300001 
BIB                  4          5                                 O170100300002 
REACTION   (62-SM-149(0,0),,LD)                                   O170100300003 
            Derived from SM-149(HE3,INL)SM-149* reaction          O170100300004 
PART-DET   (G)                                                    O170100300005 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,62-SM-149)                                      O170100300006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors.           O170100300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 O170100300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O170100300009 
DATA                 3         42                                 O170100300010 
E-EXC      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    O170100300011 
MEV        1/MEV      1/MEV                                       O170100300012 
0.20700    6.99000    0.81500                                     O170100300013 
0.32300    5.99000    0.82600                                     O170100300014 
0.43800    7.42000    0.86400                                     O170100300015 
0.55400    11.0000    1.20000                                     O170100300016 
0.66900    19.4000    1.82000                                     O170100300017 
0.78400    28.8000    2.31000                                     O170100300018 
0.90000    36.2000    2.76000                                     O170100300019 
1.01500    36.8000    3.06000                                     O170100300020 
1.13100    40.3000    3.46000                                     O170100300021 
1.24600    64.5000    4.74000                                     O170100300022 
1.36100    92.0000    6.29000                                     O170100300023 
1.47700    119.000    6.95000                                     O170100300024 
1.59200    140.000    8.47000                                     O170100300025 
1.70800    172.000    10.60000                                    O170100300026 
1.82300    194.000    12.50000                                    O170100300027 
1.93800    217.000    11.90000                                    O170100300028 
2.05400    317.000    17.80000                                    O170100300029 
2.16900    418.000    21.10000                                    O170100300030 
2.28500    560.000    28.40000                                    O170100300031 
2.40000    726.000    33.20000                                    O170100300032 
2.51500    951.000    43.70000                                    O170100300033 
2.63100    1280.00    59.30000                                    O170100300034 
2.74600    1620.00    74.30000                                    O170100300035 
2.86200    2080.00    95.30000                                    O170100300036 
2.97700    2600.00    123.0000                                    O170100300037 
3.09200    3420.00    168.0000                                    O170100300038 
3.20800    4320.00    217.0000                                    O170100300039 
3.32300    5700.00    292.0000                                    O170100300040 
3.43900    7380.00    394.0000                                    O170100300041 
3.55400    9400.00    535.0000                                    O170100300042 
3.66900    11700.0    671.0000                                    O170100300043 
3.78500    14000.0    1000.000                                    O170100300044 
3.90000    17700.0    1450.000                                    O170100300045 
4.01600    24400.0    1860.000                                    O170100300046 
4.13100    30400.0    2760.000                                    O170100300047 
4.24600    39100.0    3800.000                                    O170100300048 
4.36200    48200.0    5610.000                                    O170100300049 
4.47700    58600.0    9100.000                                    O170100300050 
4.59300    68000.0    11900.00                                    O170100300051 
4.70800    95500.0    20900.00                                    O170100300052 
4.82300    132000.    32000.00                                    O170100300053 
4.93900    191000.    55400.00                                    O170100300054 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 O170100300055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 O170100399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 O170199999999