ENTRY O1709 20090312 O038O170900000001 SUBENT O1709001 20090312 O038O170900100001 BIB 10 53 O170900100002 TITLE The He-3(a,g)Be-7 S-factor at solar energies: O170900100003 The prompt gamma experiment at LUNA. O170900100004 AUTHOR (H.Costantini, D.Bemmerer, F.Confortola, A.Formicola, O170900100005 Gy.Gyuerky, P.Bezzon, R.Bonetti, C.Broggini, O170900100006 P.Corvisiero, Z.Elekes, Zs.Fuelop, G.Gervino, O170900100007 A.Guglielmetti, C.Gustavino, G.Imbriani, M.Junker, O170900100008 M.Laubenstein, A.Lemut, B.Limata, V.Lozza, M.Marta, O170900100009 R.Menegazzo, P.Prati, V.Roca, C.Rolfs, C.Rossi Alvarez,O170900100010 E.Somorjai, O.Straniero, F.Strieder, F.Terrasi, O170900100011 H.P.Trautvetter) O170900100012 INSTITUTE (2ITYGVA) O170900100013 (2GERDRE) O170900100014 (2ITYLGS) O170900100015 (3HUNDEB) O170900100016 (2ITYPAD) O170900100017 (2ITYMIL) O170900100018 (2ITYTUR) O170900100019 (2ITYNAP) O170900100020 (2GERBOC) O170900100021 (2ITYOAC) O170900100022 (2ITYFSN) O170900100023 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,814,144,2008) main reference O170900100024 (J,PR/C,75,035805,2007) O1520 O170900100025 E(eff)=105.6 MeV. Activation method O170900100026 (J,PRL,97,122502,2006) O1399 O170900100027 Cross section data at E=127-169-keV. Activation O170900100028 method. O170900100029 (J,PR/C,75,065803,2007) O1516 O170900100030 SAMPLE Enriched He-3 gas, isotopic purity more than 99.95%, O170900100031 pressure 0.7-mbar, target thickness 8-10 keV, was used.O170900100032 DETECTOR (SOLST) A 100-mum thick silicon detector detects O170900100033 projectiles that have been elastically scattered first O170900100034 in the target gas and subsequently in a movable 15- O170900100035 mug/cm**2 carbon foil. O170900100036 (HPGE) The prompt gamma-rays were detected by a 137% O170900100037 relative efficiency HPGE detector positioned with its O170900100038 front face 7 cm from the beam axis.A massive 0.3 m**3 O170900100039 copper and lead shielding was built around the detectorO170900100040 and the target chamber, since the energies of the O170900100041 prompt gamma rays (0.4, 1.3 and 1.7 MeV) are in the O170900100042 energy region of natural radioactive isotopes. O170900100043 FACILITY (ACCEL,2ITYLGS) The 400 kV LUNA accelerator. O170900100044 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1).The error in beam intensity. O170900100045 (ERR-2).The error in He3 target density. O170900100046 (EN-ERR,0.5,1.1).The error in the effective energy O170900100047 from 0.5 to 1.1 per-cent. O170900100048 COMMENT *By authors*.The effective energy E(eff) is defined O170900100049 by the relation-Sigma(Eeff)=Sigma(eff).The uncertainty O170900100050 on the effective energy calculation is coming from the O170900100051 uncertainty on the beam energy(absolute calibration O170900100052 and from the error on the energy lost by the beam O170900100053 inside the target). O170900100054 HISTORY (20090111C)SB O170900100055 ENDBIB 53 0 O170900100056 COMMON 2 3 O170900100057 ERR-1 ERR-2 O170900100058 PER-CENT PER-CENT O170900100059 1.5 1.5 O170900100060 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O170900100061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 O170900199999 SUBENT O1709002 20090111 O038O170900200001 BIB 6 20 O170900200002 REACTION 1(2-HE-3(A,G)4-BE-7,,SIG) O170900200003 2(2-HE-3(A,G)4-BE-7,,SIG,,SFC) O170900200004 METHOD (ACTIV) O170900200005 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.22D,DG,478.,0.1044) O170900200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3).The error in Be-7 counting efficiency. O170900200007 (ERR-4).The error in incomplete Be-7 collection. O170900200008 (ERR-5).The error in Be-7 backscattering. O170900200009 (ERR-6).The error in Be-7 distribution in catcher. O170900200010 (ERR-7).The error in 478-keV gamma-ray branching. O170900200011 (ERR-8).The error in Be-7 half-life. O170900200012 (ERR-9). The error in parasitic Be-7 production. O170900200013 (ERR-SYS).The total systematics errors. O170900200014 (ERR-S).The errors due to statistics-activity O170900200015 measurements. O170900200016 (ERR-T).Total uncertainty in data. O170900200017 COMMENT *By author*.Units of statistical and systematic O170900200018 uncertainties (keV b) printed in the table 2 are not O170900200019 correct for data points at 3 energies (126.5, 147.7 O170900200020 and 168.9 keV), for which uncertainties are given in %.O170900200021 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of NP/A,814,144,2008 O170900200022 ENDBIB 20 0 O170900200023 COMMON 7 6 O170900200024 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 O170900200025 ERR-9 O170900200026 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O170900200027 PER-CENT O170900200028 1.8 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.1O170900200029 0.1 O170900200030 ENDCOMMON 6 0 O170900200031 DATA 9 6 O170900200032 EN-CM DATA 1ERR-T 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2O170900200033 ERR-SYS 2ERR-S 2ERR-SYS 2 O170900200034 KEV NB NB NB B*KEV B*KEV O170900200035 B*KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT O170900200036 92.9 0.232 0.01 0.534 0.016 O170900200037 0.017 O170900200038 105.7 0.546 0.024 0.493 0.015 O170900200039 0.015 O170900200040 126.5 1.87 0.04 0.514 O170900200041 2. 3. O170900200042 147.7 4.61 0.07 0.499 O170900200043 1.7 3. O170900200044 168.9 9.35 0.19 0.482 O170900200045 2. 3. O170900200046 169.5 10.0 0.35 0.507 0.010 O170900200047 0.015 O170900200048 ENDDATA 16 0 O170900200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 O170900299999 SUBENT O1709003 20090312 O038O170900300001 BIB 4 11 O170900300002 REACTION 1(2-HE-3(A,G)4-BE-7,,SIG) O170900300003 2(2-HE-3(A,G)4-BE-7,,SIG,,SFC) O170900300004 METHOD (GSPEC) prompt gamma-detection method O170900300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3).The error in angular distribution. O170900300006 (ERR-4).The error in detection efficiency. O170900300007 (ERR-SYS).The total systematics errors. O170900300008 (ERR-S).The errors due to statistics-prompt gamma-ray O170900300009 measurements. O170900300010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,NP/A,814,144,2008 O170900300011 Table 1 of J,PR/C,75,065803,2007 O170900300012 (DEP,O1709004) Cross sections for 0 and 429 keV gamma O170900300013 ENDBIB 11 0 O170900300014 COMMON 2 3 O170900300015 ERR-3 ERR-4 O170900300016 PER-CENT PER-CENT O170900300017 2.5 1.5 O170900300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O170900300019 DATA 5 3 O170900300020 EN-CM DATA 1DATA 2ERR-S 2ERR-SYS 2 O170900300021 KEV NB B*KEV B*KEV B*KEV O170900300022 93.3 0.235 0.527 0.018 0.021 O170900300023 106.5 0.588 0.518 0.014 0.020 O170900300024 170.1 10.25 0.510 0.008 0.019 O170900300025 ENDDATA 5 0 O170900300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O170900399999 SUBENT O1709004 20090312 O038O170900400001 BIB 5 7 O170900400002 REACTION (2-HE-3(A,G)4-BE-7,PAR,SIG) O170900400003 METHOD (GSPEC) prompt gamma-detection method O170900400004 EN-SEC (E,G) O170900400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3).The error in angular distribution. O170900400006 (ERR-4).The error in detection efficiency. O170900400007 (ERR-T).The total errors. O170900400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,NP/A,814,144,2008 O170900400009 ENDBIB 7 0 O170900400010 COMMON 2 3 O170900400011 ERR-3 ERR-4 O170900400012 PER-CENT PER-CENT O170900400013 2.5 1.5 O170900400014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O170900400015 DATA 4 6 O170900400016 EN-CM E DATA ERR-T O170900400017 KEV KEV NB NB O170900400018 93.3 0. 0.171 0.008 O170900400019 93.3 429. 0.065 0.005 O170900400020 106.1 0. 0.415 0.018 O170900400021 106.1 429. 0.173 0.010 O170900400022 170.1 0. 7.23 0.26 O170900400023 170.1 429. 3.02 0.12 O170900400024 ENDDATA 8 0 O170900400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 O170900499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 O170999999999