ENTRY            O1802   20120614                             O048O180200000001 
SUBENT        O1802001   20120614                             O048O180200100001 
BIB                  9         14                                 O180200100002 
TITLE      Study of high angular momentum states in 155Gd and     O180200100003 
           157Gd by means of the (He3,alpha) reaction.            O180200100004 
AUTHOR     (G.Lovhoiden, J.C.Waddington, C.Ellegaard, P.O.Tjom)   O180200100005 
INSTITUTE  (2DENNBI)                                              O180200100006 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,160,305,1971)                                  O180200100007 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2DENNBI)                                         O180200100008 
INC-SOURCE *EN-RSL*.Energy resolution.                            O180200100009 
METHOD     (BCINT)                                                O180200100010 
ERR-ANALYS (E-LVL-ERR).The estimated uncertainties in excitation  O180200100011 
           energies.                                              O180200100012 
HISTORY    (20091209C) SB                                         O180200100013 
           (20120614A) SD: Illegal character in 5th field of      O180200100014 
            Subent 3 was deleted. MONITOR was added to Subents 2-5O180200100015 
           SAMPLE moved to Subents 2-5.  BIB update.              O180200100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O180200100017 
COMMON               3          3                                 O180200100018 
EN         EN-RSL     E-LVL-ERR                                   O180200100019 
MEV        KEV        KEV                                         O180200100020 
20.3       30.        15.                                         O180200100021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O180200100022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 O180200199999 
SUBENT        O1802002   20120614                             O048O180200200001 
BIB                  7         26                                 O180200200002 
REACTION   (64-GD-156(HE3,A)64-GD-155,PAR,DA)                     O180200200003 
SAMPLE     (64-GD-156,ENR=0.9358) Isotopically enriched gadoliniumO180200200004 
           metal evaporated onto carbon backings was used to form O180200200005 
           targets   of 100-150 mug/cm**2 thickness.              O180200200006 
           The purity of the enriched materials is-               O180200200007 
           Gd-156 93.58%, Gd-153 less than 0.05%,                 O180200200008 
           Gd-154 0.13%, Gd-155 1.99%, Gd-157 2.57%,              O180200200009 
           Gd-158 1.27%, Gd-159 0.46%.                            O180200200010 
MONITOR    (64-GD-158(HE3,EL)64-GD-158,,DA,,RTH)                  O180200200011 
           The experimental cross sections divided by the         O180200200012 
           Rutherford cross section were found to be  1.0 +- 0.1  O180200200013 
           and 0.55 +- 0.05 at 60. and 90. degr., respectively.   O180200200014 
           Theoretical calculations of these ratios with the same O180200200015 
           optical-model parameters which were used for the DWBA  O180200200016 
           calculations of the (3He,alpha) cross sections give    O180200200017 
           values of 0.92 and 0.50 in good agreement with the     O180200200018 
           measured values.                                       O180200200019 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,64-GD-155)                                      O180200200020 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) A single-gap, broad-range magnetic spectrographO180200200021 
           (PLATE) The reaction products were detected with       O180200200022 
           nuclear emulsions.                                     O180200200023 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,5.,30.0).Statistical uncertainties in the       O180200200024 
           measured cross sections range from 5% for the large    O180200200025 
           peaks to 30% for the smallest ones.                    O180200200026 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table 2 from NP/A,160,305,1971                 O180200200027 
           (DEP,O1802004) see MONITOR                             O180200200028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 O180200200029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O180200200030 
DATA                 5         18                                 O180200200031 
E-LVL      ANG        DATA       DATA-MAX   DATA-APRX             O180200200032 
KEV        ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR               O180200200033 
0.         60.                   1.                               O180200200034 
0.         90.                   1.                               O180200200035 
105.       60.                              10.                   O180200200036 
105.       90.                              10.                   O180200200037 
119.       60.        38.                                         O180200200038 
119.       90.        18.                                         O180200200039 
214.       60.        66.                                         O180200200040 
214.       90.        13.                                         O180200200041 
263.       60.        17.                                         O180200200042 
263.       90.        15.                                         O180200200043 
369.       60.                   3.                               O180200200044 
369.       90.                              10.                   O180200200045 
480.       60.        12.                                         O180200200046 
480.       90.                              12.                   O180200200047 
1297.      60.        7.                                          O180200200048 
1297.      90.        8.                                          O180200200049 
1581.      60.        39.                                         O180200200050 
1581.      90.        12.                                         O180200200051 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 O180200200052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 O180200299999 
SUBENT        O1802003   20120614                             O048O180200300001 
BIB                  8         26                                 O180200300002 
REACTION   (64-GD-158(HE3,A)64-GD-157,PAR,DA)                     O180200300003 
SAMPLE     (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9758) Isotopically enriched gadoliniumO180200300004 
           metal evaporated onto carbon backings was used to form O180200300005 
           targets   of 100-150 mug/cm**2 thickness.              O180200300006 
           The purity of the enriched materials is-               O180200300007 
           Gd-158 97.58%, Gd-155 0.25%, Gd-156 0.56%,             O180200300008 
           Gd-157 0.81%, Gd-159 0.81%.                            O180200300009 
MONITOR    (64-GD-158(HE3,EL)64-GD-158,,DA,,RTH)                  O180200300010 
           The experimental cross sections divided by the         O180200300011 
           Rutherford cross section were found to be  1.0 +- 0.1  O180200300012 
           and 0.55 +- 0.05 at 60. and 90. degr., respectively.   O180200300013 
           Theoretical calculations of these ratios with the same O180200300014 
           optical-model parameters which were used for the DWBA  O180200300015 
           calculations of the (3He,alpha) cross sections give    O180200300016 
           values of 0.92 and 0.50 in good agreement with the     O180200300017 
           measured values.                                       O180200300018 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table 3 from NP/A,160,305,1971                 O180200300019 
           (DEP,O1802004) see MONITOR                             O180200300020 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,64-GD-157)                                      O180200300021 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) A single-gap, broad-range magnetic spectrographO180200300022 
           (PLATE) The reaction products were detected with       O180200300023 
           nuclear emulsions.                                     O180200300024 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,5.,30.0).Statistical uncertainties in the       O180200300025 
           measured cross sections range from 5% for the large    O180200300026 
           peaks to 30% for the smallest ones.                    O180200300027 
HISTORY    (20120614A) SD: Illegal character in 5th field deleted.O180200300028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 O180200300029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O180200300030 
DATA                 4         24                                 O180200300031 
E-LVL      ANG        DATA       DATA-MAX                         O180200300032 
KEV        ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                          O180200300033 
0.         60.        1.                                          O180200300034 
0.         90.                   1.                               O180200300035 
130.       60.        8.                                          O180200300036 
130.       90.        1.                                          O180200300037 
177.       60.        4.                                          O180200300038 
177.       90.        1.                                          O180200300039 
361.       60.        47.                                         O180200300040 
361.       90.        8.                                          O180200300041 
428.       60.        31.                                         O180200300042 
428.       90.        10.                                         O180200300043 
479.       60.        7.                                          O180200300044 
479.       90.        6.                                          O180200300045 
612.       60.        7.                                          O180200300046 
612.       90.        6.                                          O180200300047 
680.       60.        12.                                         O180200300048 
680.       90.        15.                                         O180200300049 
838.       60.        40.                                         O180200300050 
838.       90.        15.                                         O180200300051 
978.       60.        18.                                         O180200300052 
978.       90.        6.                                          O180200300053 
1820.      60.        9.                                          O180200300054 
1820.      90.        5.                                          O180200300055 
1902.      60.        20.                                         O180200300056 
1902.      90.        9.                                          O180200300057 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 O180200300058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 O180200399999 
SUBENT        O1802004   20120614                             O048O180200400001 
BIB                  5         14                                 O180200400002 
REACTION   (64-GD-158(HE3,EL)64-GD-158,,DA,,RTH)                  O180200400003 
SAMPLE     (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9758) Isotopically enriched gadoliniumO180200400004 
           metal evaporated onto carbon backings was used to form O180200400005 
           targets   of 100-150 mug/cm**2 thickness.              O180200400006 
           The purity of the enriched materials is-               O180200400007 
           Gd-158 97.58%, Gd-155 0.25%, Gd-156 0.56%,             O180200400008 
           Gd-157 0.81%, Gd-159 0.81%.                            O180200400009 
STATUS     (TABLE).Values in text of NP/A,160,305,1971            O180200400010 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The elastic scattering cross section for       O180200400011 
           20.3 MeV 3He particles on 158Gd was measured           O180200400012 
           in a scattering chamber by means of silicon            O180200400013 
           surface-barrier detectors                              O180200400014 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors in   O180200400015 
            text.                                                 O180200400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 O180200400017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O180200400018 
DATA                 3          2                                 O180200400019 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    O180200400020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      O180200400021 
60.        1.0        0.1                                         O180200400022 
90.        0.55       0.05                                        O180200400023 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 O180200400024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 O180200499999 
SUBENT        O1802005   20120614                             O048O180200500001 
BIB                  7         25                                 O180200500002 
REACTION   (64-GD-158(HE3,A)64-GD-157,PAR,DA) fig.8               O180200500003 
SAMPLE     (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9758) Isotopically enriched gadoliniumO180200500004 
           metal evaporated onto carbon backings was used to form O180200500005 
           targets   of 100-150 mug/cm**2 thickness.              O180200500006 
           The purity of the enriched materials is-               O180200500007 
           Gd-158 97.58%, Gd-155 0.25%, Gd-156 0.56%,             O180200500008 
           Gd-157 0.81%, Gd-159 0.81%.                            O180200500009 
MONITOR    (64-GD-158(HE3,EL)64-GD-158,,DA,,RTH)                  O180200500010 
           The experimental cross sections divided by the         O180200500011 
           Rutherford cross section were found to be  1.0 +- 0.1  O180200500012 
           and 0.55 +- 0.05 at 60. and 90. degr., respectively.   O180200500013 
           Theoretical calculations of these ratios with the same O180200500014 
           optical-model parameters which were used for the DWBA  O180200500015 
           calculations of the (3He,alpha) cross sections give    O180200500016 
           values of 0.92 and 0.50 in good agreement with the     O180200500017 
           measured values.                                       O180200500018 
STATUS     (CURVE).By CAJAD from fig.8 of NP/A,160,305,1971       O180200500019 
           (DEP,O1802004) see MONITOR                             O180200500020 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,64-GD-157)                                      O180200500021 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) A single-gap, broad-range magnetic spectrographO180200500022 
           (PLATE) The reaction products were detected with       O180200500023 
           nuclear emulsions.                                     O180200500024 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors on   O180200500025 
           figure.                                                O180200500026 
           (ANG-ERR-D) Angle digitizing error                     O180200500027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 O180200500028 
COMMON               1          3                                 O180200500029 
ANG-ERR-D                                                         O180200500030 
ADEG                                                              O180200500031 
0.6                                                               O180200500032 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O180200500033 
DATA                 4          8                                 O180200500034 
E-LVL      ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                         O180200500035 
MEV        ADEG       MU-B/SR    PER-CENT                         O180200500036 
      0.361       43.9       31.4        6.0                      O180200500037 
      0.361       59.5       31.5        7.0                      O180200500038 
      0.361       70.0       29.8        7.0                      O180200500039 
      0.361       89.4       10.4        7.0                      O180200500040 
      0.428       45.2       42.6        5.0                      O180200500041 
      0.428       59.3       47.5        4.0                      O180200500042 
      0.428       69.9       32.4        5.0                      O180200500043 
      0.428       89.8        8.0        6.0                      O180200500044 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 O180200500045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 O180200599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 O180299999999