ENTRY O1869 20221111 O091O186900000001 SUBENT O1869001 20221111 O091O186900100001 BIB 13 43 O186900100002 TITLE Reactions with the double-Borromean nucleus He-8. O186900100003 AUTHOR (A.Lemasson, A.Navin, N.Keeley, M.Rejmund, O186900100004 S.Bhattacharyya, A.Shrivastava, D.Bazin, D.Beaumel, O186900100005 Y.Blumenfeld, A.Chatterjee, D.Gupta, G.de France, O186900100006 B.Jacquot, M.Labiche, R.Lemmon, V.Nanal, J.Nyberg, O186900100007 R.G.Pillay, R.Raabe, K.Ramachandran, J.A.Scarpaci, O186900100008 C.Simenel, I.Stefan, C.N.Timis) O186900100009 INSTITUTE (2FR GAN,3POLIPJ,3INDVEC,3INDTRM,1USAMSU,2FR PAR, O186900100010 2UK DAR,3INDTAT,2SWDUPP,2FR SAC,2UK SUR) O186900100011 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,82,044617,2010) O186900100012 (J,EPJ/CS,17,01003,2011) - same data on fig.1 O186900100013 FACILITY (CYCLO,2FR GAN) Radioactive beams He-8 were obtained O186900100014 from ISOL facility, SPIRAL at GANIL, France O186900100015 SAMPLE A 2.68 mg/cm**2 thick self-supporting Cu-65 foil, O186900100016 isotopically enriched to 99.7%, was used as target. O186900100017 INC-SOURCE (FRAGM) The fragmentation of a 75 MeV/nucleon C-13 beamO186900100018 on a thick graphite target was used to produce the He-8O186900100019 ions which were accelerated by the CIME cyclotron to O186900100020 19.9 and 30.6 MeV. O186900100021 DETECTOR (MCPLT) A microchannel plate (MCP) detector, placed on O186900100022 a movable arm 2 m upstream of the target position, was O186900100023 used to monitor the beam. O186900100024 (TELES,GE,SI) O186900100025 (GE) The characteristic gamma rays from target like O186900100026 residues produced in the reactions were detected using O186900100027 EXOGAM gamma array, consisting of 11 fully Compton O186900100028 suppressed clovers placed 14.7 cm from the target. O186900100029 (SI) The charged particles were detected and identifiedO186900100030 in an annular Si telescope, placed at 2.5 cm from the O186900100031 target, comprising delta-E( approx. 50 mum) and E- O186900100032 (approx. 500 mum) elements with active inner and O186900100033 outer diameters of 22 and 70 mm covering an angular O186900100034 range of 25-60 degrees. O186900100035 Neutrons were detected in the Neutron Wall array O186900100036 consisting of 45 hexagonal detectors placed at 55 cm O186900100037 from the target. O186900100038 REL-REF (I,,O.Skeppstedt+,J,NIM/A,421,531,1999) O186900100039 METHOD (EDE,EXTB) O186900100040 ADD-RES (G-SPC) O186900100041 STATUS (TABLE) Table data were received 26.11.2010 O186900100042 from Dr.Antoine LEMASSON O186900100043 HISTORY (20101123C) SB O186900100044 (20221111U) SD: Ref. EPJ/CS,17,01003 added. O186900100045 ENDBIB 43 0 O186900100046 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 O186900199999 SUBENT O1869002 20101129 O044O186900200001 BIB 3 3 O186900200002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,4N)31-GA-69,,SIG) fig.4a O186900200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186900200004 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(a) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900200005 ENDBIB 3 0 O186900200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900200007 DATA 3 2 O186900200008 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900200009 MEV MB MB O186900200010 17.72 971. 43. O186900200011 27.25 764. 65. O186900200012 ENDDATA 4 0 O186900200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O186900299999 SUBENT O1869003 20101129 O044O186900300001 BIB 3 3 O186900300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,5N)31-GA-68,,SIG) O186900300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186900300004 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(a) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900300005 ENDBIB 3 0 O186900300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900300007 DATA 3 2 O186900300008 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900300009 MEV MB MB O186900300010 17.72 54. 17. O186900300011 27.25 547. 75. O186900300012 ENDDATA 4 0 O186900300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O186900399999 SUBENT O1869004 20101129 O044O186900400001 BIB 3 3 O186900400002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,3N)31-GA-70,,SIG) O186900400003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186900400004 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(a) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900400005 ENDBIB 3 0 O186900400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900400007 DATA 3 2 O186900400008 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900400009 MEV MB MB O186900400010 17.72 197. 48. O186900400011 27.25 35. 15. O186900400012 ENDDATA 4 0 O186900400013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O186900499999 SUBENT O1869005 20101129 O044O186900500001 BIB 3 3 O186900500002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,X)29-CU-66,,SIG) O186900500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186900500004 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(a) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900500005 ENDBIB 3 0 O186900500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900500007 DATA 3 2 O186900500008 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900500009 MEV MB MB O186900500010 17.72 741. 39. O186900500011 27.25 681. 103. O186900500012 ENDDATA 4 0 O186900500013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O186900599999 SUBENT O1869006 20101129 O044O186900600001 BIB 3 3 O186900600002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,X)29-CU-65,,SIG) O186900600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186900600004 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(a) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900600005 ENDBIB 3 0 O186900600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900600007 DATA 3 2 O186900600008 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900600009 MEV MB MB O186900600010 17.72 183. 28. O186900600011 27.25 362. 40. O186900600012 ENDDATA 4 0 O186900600013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 O186900699999 SUBENT O1869007 20101129 O044O186900700001 BIB 3 3 O186900700002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,X)30-ZN-68,,SIG) O186900700003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186900700004 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(a) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900700005 ENDBIB 3 0 O186900700006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900700007 DATA 3 1 O186900700008 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900700009 MEV MB MB O186900700010 27.25 165. 48. O186900700011 ENDDATA 3 0 O186900700012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 O186900799999 SUBENT O1869008 20101129 O044O186900800001 BIB 4 19 O186900800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,FUS),,SIG) O186900800003 COMMENT *By authors*.The total fusion cross sections were O186900800004 obtained from the sum of the individual evaporation O186900800005 cross sections for Ga-68,69,70 and Zn-68 and corrected O186900800006 for the Cu-65,66 and Zn-69 contributions using the O186900800007 CASCADE statistical model calculation. O186900800008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The errors in the cross sections O186900800009 arising from the uncertainties in measurements of the O186900800010 beam current, gamma-ray efficiency, target thickness, O186900800011 available spectroscopic information of the residues andO186900800012 corrections from the statistical model were estimated O186900800013 to be between 10 and 15%-value reported by authors. O186900800014 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(b) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900800015 (DEP,O1869002) O186900800016 (DEP,O1869003) O186900800017 (DEP,O1869004) O186900800018 (DEP,O1869005) O186900800019 (DEP,O1869006) O186900800020 (DEP,O1869007) O186900800021 ENDBIB 19 0 O186900800022 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900800023 DATA 3 2 O186900800024 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900800025 MEV MB MB O186900800026 17.72 1579. 134. O186900800027 27.25 2057. 264. O186900800028 ENDDATA 4 0 O186900800029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O186900899999 SUBENT O1869009 20101129 O044O186900900001 BIB 4 13 O186900900002 REACTION ((29-CU-65(2-HE-8,2-HE-7)29-CU-66,,SIG)+ O186900900003 (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,2-HE-6)29-CU-67,,SIG)) O186900900004 COMMENT *By authors*.The integral neutron-transfer cross O186900900005 sections were obtained from the measured intensities ofO186900900006 the inclusive gamma-ray spectra of Cu-65,66 after O186900900007 correcting for compound nucleus contributions O186900900008 calculated using the code CASCADE O186900900009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).Additional uncertainty in the total O186900900010 transfer cross sections arising from uncertainties in O186900900011 the statistical model calculations were estimated to beO186900900012 less than 5%-error is reported by authors in text O186900900013 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig4(b) of J,PR/C,82,044617,2010O186900900014 (DEP,O1869012) O186900900015 ENDBIB 13 0 O186900900016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186900900017 DATA 3 2 O186900900018 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR O186900900019 MEV MB MB O186900900020 17.72 782. 78. O186900900021 27.25 759. 114. O186900900022 ENDDATA 4 0 O186900900023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 O186900999999 SUBENT O1869010 20101129 O044O186901000001 BIB 5 11 O186901000002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,X)2-HE-6,PAR,DA,G,MSC) O186901000003 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,29-CU-66) O186901000004 (E-LVL2,29-CU-65) O186901000005 COMMENT *By authors*.He-6 angular distribution at O186901000006 E(lab)= 19.9 MeV and 30.6 MeV in coincidence with O186901000007 either the 185.9-keV gamma-transition Cu-66 or O186901000008 the 1115.5-keV gamma-transition Cu-65. O186901000009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186901000010 (ANG-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors O186901000011 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig7(a-b) of O186901000012 J,PR/C,82,044617,2010 O186901000013 ENDBIB 11 0 O186901000014 COMMON 2 3 O186901000015 E-LVL1 E-LVL2 O186901000016 KEV KEV O186901000017 185.9 1115.5 O186901000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O186901000019 DATA 5 43 O186901000020 EN ANG ANG-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O186901000021 MEV ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR O186901000022 19.9 25.28 1.81 359.16 25.65 O186901000023 19.9 26.66 1.73 386.22 27.04 O186901000024 19.9 28.92 1.69 350.45 23.63 O186901000025 19.9 30.18 1.73 317.42 22.79 O186901000026 19.9 32.35 1.57 261.06 20.02 O186901000027 19.9 33.49 1.57 230.9 19.11 O186901000028 19.9 35.46 1.53 200.68 17.08 O186901000029 19.9 36.55 1.37 181.5 16.78 O186901000030 19.9 38.44 1.37 142.51 14.32 O186901000031 19.9 39.43 1.37 127.15 13.87 O186901000032 19.9 41.13 1.17 100.14 11.88 O186901000033 19.9 41.98 1.29 115.84 13.29 O186901000034 19.9 43.65 1.09 73.52 10.3 O186901000035 19.9 44.37 1.13 70.11 10.34 O186901000036 19.9 45.90 1.09 63.71 9.72 O186901000037 19.9 46.66 1.09 60.54 9.82 O186901000038 19.9 48.08 0.93 19.2 5.33 O186901000039 19.9 48.77 0.97 32.29 7.22 O186901000040 19.9 50.01 0.85 41.47 8.13 O186901000041 19.9 50.62 0.93 30.22 6.93 O186901000042 19.9 51.83 0.81 13.4 4.74 O186901000043 19.9 52.42 0.85 16.38 5.46 O186901000044 19.9 53.47 0.81 15.97 5.32 O186901000045 19.9 54.04 0.73 9.18 4.11 O186901000046 30.6 26.56 1.81 308.15 49.99 O186901000047 30.6 27.69 1.73 229.26 44.12 O186901000048 30.6 30.01 1.69 124.43 29.33 O186901000049 30.6 31.57 1.75 121.19 29.39 O186901000050 30.6 33.38 1.57 82.32 22.83 O186901000051 30.6 34.41 1.57 90.09 24.99 O186901000052 30.6 36.43 1.53 64.03 20.25 O186901000053 30.6 37.4 1.37 71.44 21.54 O186901000054 30.6 39.27 1.37 64.34 20.35 O186901000055 30.6 40.16 1.37 13.19 9.33 O186901000056 30.6 41.89 1.17 26.99 13.49 O186901000057 30.6 42.72 1.29 19.19 11.08 O186901000058 30.6 44.34 1.09 24.99 12.49 O186901000059 30.6 45.1 1.13 18.37 10.61 O186901000060 30.6 46.63 1.09 12.53 8.86 O186901000061 30.6 47.29 1.09 6.32 6.32 O186901000062 30.6 48.66 0.93 19.96 11.53 O186901000063 30.6 50.56 0.85 22.47 12.97 O186901000064 30.6 52.35 0.81 16.63 11.76 O186901000065 ENDDATA 45 0 O186901000066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 O186901099999 SUBENT O1869011 20101129 O044O186901100001 BIB 5 11 O186901100002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,G,MSC) O186901100003 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,29-CU-66) O186901100004 (E-LVL2,29-CU-65) O186901100005 COMMENT *By authors*.He-4 angular distribution at O186901100006 E(lab)= 19.9 MeV and 30.6 MeV in coincidence with O186901100007 either the 185.9-keV gamma-transition Cu-66 or O186901100008 the 1115.5-keV gamma-transition Cu-65. O186901100009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186901100010 (ANG-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors O186901100011 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig7(C-D) of O186901100012 J,PR/C,82,044617,2010 O186901100013 ENDBIB 11 0 O186901100014 COMMON 2 3 O186901100015 E-LVL1 E-LVL2 O186901100016 KEV KEV O186901100017 185.9 1115.5 O186901100018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O186901100019 DATA 5 36 O186901100020 EN ANG ANG-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O186901100021 MEV ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR O186901100022 19.9 25.28 1.81 99.89 23.03 O186901100023 19.9 26.66 1.73 108.63 24.97 O186901100024 19.9 28.92 1.69 67.93 16.06 O186901100025 19.9 30.18 1.73 95.82 21.92 O186901100026 19.9 32.35 1.57 89.55 20.46 O186901100027 19.9 33.49 1.57 100.41 22.79 O186901100028 19.9 35.46 1.53 51.43 12.4 O186901100029 19.9 36.55 1.37 58.54 14.04 O186901100030 19.9 38.44 1.37 48.81 11.81 O186901100031 19.9 39.43 1.37 44.45 11.00 O186901100032 19.9 41.13 1.17 37.39 9.36 O186901100033 19.9 41.98 1.29 27.04 7.17 O186901100034 19.9 43.65 1.09 16.17 4.53 O186901100035 19.9 44.37 1.13 23.63 6.4 O186901100036 19.9 45.9 1.09 6.43 1.99 O186901100037 19.9 46.66 1.09 26.05 7.05 O186901100038 19.9 48.08 0.93 10.79 3.19 O186901100039 19.9 48.77 0.97 10.83 3.3 O186901100040 19.9 50.01 0.85 1.13 0.39 O186901100041 19.9 50.62 0.93 4.7 1.54 O186901100042 19.9 51.83 0.81 0.31 0.11 O186901100043 19.9 52.42 0.85 1.25 0.45 O186901100044 30.6 26.56 1.81 221.36 58.32 O186901100045 30.6 27.69 1.73 99.67 30.34 O186901100046 30.6 30.01 1.69 114.96 32.85 O186901100047 30.6 31.57 1.75 89.58 26.52 O186901100048 30.6 33.38 1.57 78.05 23.42 O186901100049 30.6 34.41 1.57 73.56 22.39 O186901100050 30.6 36.43 1.53 2.45 2.45 O186901100051 30.6 37.4 1.37 15.11 5.87 O186901100052 30.6 39.27 1.37 30.28 10.63 O186901100053 30.6 40.16 1.37 38.91 12.99 O186901100054 30.6 41.89 1.17 14.14 5.29 O186901100055 30.6 44.34 1.09 33.78 11.86 O186901100056 30.6 46.63 1.09 27.41 9.92 O186901100057 30.6 52.35 0.81 1.2 1.2 O186901100058 ENDDATA 38 0 O186901100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 O186901199999 SUBENT O1869012 20101129 O044O186901200001 BIB 5 13 O186901200002 REACTION ((29-CU-65(2-HE-8,2-HE-7)29-CU-66,PAR,DA,G,MSC)+ O186901200003 (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,2-HE-6)29-CU-67,PAR,DA,G,MSC)) O186901200004 COMMENT *By authors*.Total (1n + 2n) neutron-transfer angular O186901200005 distributions obtained from the sum of angular O186901200006 distributions of 6He and 4He in coincidence with gamma-O186901200007 transitions in 65,66Cu shown in O1869011. O186901200008 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,29-CU-66) O186901200009 (E-LVL2,29-CU-65) O186901200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186901200011 (ANG-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors O186901200012 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig8(a-b) of O186901200013 J,PR/C,82,044617,2010 O186901200014 (DEP,O1869011) O186901200015 ENDBIB 13 0 O186901200016 COMMON 2 3 O186901200017 E-LVL1 E-LVL2 O186901200018 KEV KEV O186901200019 185.9 1115.5 O186901200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O186901200021 DATA 5 43 O186901200022 EN ANG ANG-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O186901200023 MEV ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR O186901200024 19.9 25.28 1.81 459.05 29.29 O186901200025 19.9 26.66 1.73 494.85 30.9 O186901200026 19.9 28.92 1.69 418.39 26.16 O186901200027 19.9 30.18 1.73 413.24 26.23 O186901200028 19.9 32.35 1.57 350.61 23.39 O186901200029 19.9 33.49 1.57 331.31 23.06 O186901200030 19.9 35.46 1.53 252.1 19.54 O186901200031 19.9 36.55 1.37 240.04 19.67 O186901200032 19.9 38.44 1.37 191.32 17.03 O186901200033 19.9 39.43 1.37 171.6 16.67 O186901200034 19.9 41.13 1.17 137.52 14.51 O186901200035 19.9 41.98 1.29 142.89 15.41 O186901200036 19.9 43.65 1.09 89.7 12.2 O186901200037 19.9 44.37 1.13 93.74 12.75 O186901200038 19.9 45.9 1.09 70.13 11.2 O186901200039 19.9 46.66 1.09 86.59 12.61 O186901200040 19.9 48.08 0.93 29.99 8.02 O186901200041 19.9 48.77 0.97 43.12 9.59 O186901200042 19.9 50.01 0.85 42.6 9.52 O186901200043 19.9 50.62 0.93 34.92 8.86 O186901200044 19.9 51.83 0.81 13.71 6.93 O186901200045 19.9 52.42 0.85 17.63 7.64 O186901200046 19.9 53.47 0.81 15.97 7.58 O186901200047 19.9 54.04 0.73 9.18 4.11 O186901200048 30.6 26.56 1.81 529.51 67.77 O186901200049 30.6 27.69 1.73 328.93 55.28 O186901200050 30.6 30.01 1.69 239.39 43.79 O186901200051 30.6 31.57 1.75 210.78 41.45 O186901200052 30.6 33.38 1.57 160.37 35.46 O186901200053 30.6 34.41 1.57 163.64 36.64 O186901200054 30.6 36.43 1.53 66.48 28.08 O186901200055 30.6 37.4 1.37 86.55 28.53 O186901200056 30.6 39.27 1.37 94.62 29.17 O186901200057 30.6 40.16 1.37 52.1 23.59 O186901200058 30.6 41.89 1.17 41.13 22.06 O186901200059 30.6 42.72 1.29 19.19 11.08 O186901200060 30.6 44.34 1.09 58.77 24.4 O186901200061 30.6 45.1 1.13 18.37 16.43 O186901200062 30.6 46.63 1.09 39.94 21.54 O186901200063 30.6 47.29 1.09 6.32 6.32 O186901200064 30.6 48.66 0.93 19.96 17.96 O186901200065 30.6 50.56 0.85 22.47 17.55 O186901200066 30.6 52.35 0.81 17.83 19.59 O186901200067 ENDDATA 45 0 O186901200068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 O186901299999 SUBENT O1869013 20101129 O044O186901300001 BIB 3 5 O186901300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(2-HE-8,EL)29-CU-65,,DA,,RTH) O186901300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors. O186901300004 (ANG-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors O186901300005 STATUS (TABLE).Table data for fig9(a-b) of O186901300006 J,PR/C,82,044617,2010 O186901300007 ENDBIB 5 0 O186901300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O186901300009 DATA 5 44 O186901300010 EN ANG-CM ANG-ERR DATA DATA-ERR O186901300011 MEV ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM O186901300012 19.9 28.31 2.25 0.8800 0.0077 O186901300013 19.9 29.86 2.15 0.8400 0.0084 O186901300014 19.9 32.36 2.10 0.6700 0.0081 O186901300015 19.9 33.77 2.15 0.6000 0.0085 O186901300016 19.9 36.16 1.95 0.5200 0.0088 O186901300017 19.9 37.43 1.95 0.4700 0.0091 O186901300018 19.9 39.59 1.90 0.3600 0.0085 O186901300019 19.9 40.80 1.70 0.3500 0.0092 O186901300020 19.9 42.86 1.70 0.3100 0.0093 O186901300021 19.9 43.96 1.70 0.2800 0.0094 O186901300022 19.9 45.81 1.45 0.2300 0.0089 O186901300023 19.9 46.75 1.60 0.2200 0.0096 O186901300024 19.9 48.56 1.35 0.2000 0.0096 O186901300025 19.9 49.36 1.40 0.1900 0.0098 O186901300026 19.9 51.01 1.35 0.1700 0.0098 O186901300027 19.9 51.87 1.35 0.1600 0.0101 O186901300028 19.9 53.37 1.15 0.1200 0.0089 O186901300029 19.9 54.14 1.20 0.1100 0.0090 O186901300030 19.9 55.46 1.05 0.1100 0.0097 O186901300031 19.9 56.14 1.15 0.1000 0.0095 O186901300032 19.9 57.42 1.00 0.0800 0.0090 O186901300033 19.9 58.06 1.05 0.1000 0.0108 O186901300034 19.9 59.19 1.00 0.0700 0.0094 O186901300035 19.9 59.82 0.90 0.0600 0.0090 O186901300036 30.6 29.74 2.25 0.2400 0.0086 O186901300037 30.6 31.00 2.15 0.1700 0.0080 O186901300038 30.6 33.57 2.10 0.1500 0.0082 O186901300039 30.6 34.84 2.15 0.0900 0.0067 O186901300040 30.6 37.30 1.95 0.0900 0.0073 O186901300041 30.6 38.43 1.95 0.0600 0.0064 O186901300042 30.6 40.66 1.90 0.0600 0.0074 O186901300043 30.6 41.73 1.70 0.0400 0.0061 O186901300044 30.6 43.78 1.70 0.0400 0.0065 O186901300045 30.6 44.75 1.70 0.0400 0.0074 O186901300046 30.6 46.64 1.45 0.0400 0.0077 O186901300047 30.6 47.55 1.60 0.0200 0.0055 O186901300048 30.6 49.32 1.35 0.0200 0.0060 O186901300049 30.6 50.15 1.40 0.0200 0.0058 O186901300050 30.6 51.81 1.35 0.0200 0.0076 O186901300051 30.6 52.52 1.35 0.0100 0.0045 O186901300052 30.6 54.01 1.15 0.0200 0.0071 O186901300053 30.6 54.69 1.20 0.0100 0.0071 O186901300054 30.6 56.06 1.05 0.0100 0.0050 O186901300055 30.6 59.75 1.00 0.0100 0.0071 O186901300056 ENDDATA 46 0 O186901300057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 O186901399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 O186999999999