ENTRY O1888 20221105 O091O188800000001 SUBENT O1888001 20221105 O091O188800100001 BIB 11 45 O188800100002 TITLE Proton induced fission of 181Ta at high excitation O188800100003 energies. O188800100004 AUTHOR (Y.Ayyad, J.Benlliure, E.Casarejos, H.Alvarez-Pol, O188800100005 A.Bacquias, A.Boudard, M.Caamano, T.Enqvist, V.Foehr, O188800100006 A.Kelic-Heil, K.Kezzar, S.Leray, D.Mancusi, C.Paradela,O188800100007 D.Perez-Loureiro, R.Pleskac, J.L.Rodrigues-Sanchez, O188800100008 D.Tarrio) O188800100009 INSTITUTE (2SPNSAU,2GERGSI,2FR SAC,2SF OUL) O188800100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,89,054610,2014) O188800100011 (J,KPS,59,1852,2011) prelim results O188800100012 (J,EPJ/CS,8,07011,2010) prelim results O188800100013 (C,2011GHENT,,(CINV07),2011) prelim results O188800100014 SAMPLE The target consisted of a liquid hydrogen cell O188800100015 85 mg/cm**2 inside a container with 100 mum titanium O188800100016 windows and a cryostat for liquefying the hydrogen. O188800100017 DETECTOR (MWPC) The Multi-wire chamber (MW) and thick iron slitsO188800100018 were used to collimate the 181Ta beam at the target. O188800100019 A first scintillator detector (start) placed upstream O188800100020 of the target, determined the beam flux. O188800100021 (IOCH) Two Multi-Sample Ionization Chambers (MUSIC), O188800100022 200 mm*80 mm window surface and 460 mm of active O188800100023 length, which measured the energy loss of the tantalum O188800100024 beam particles and that of the products of the O188800100025 reaction, respectively. These ionization chambers, O188800100026 has almost 100% efficiency for the detection of O188800100027 relativistic heavy nuclei. O188800100028 A veto scintillator with a 15 mm diameter hole placed O188800100029 just before the target allowed the rejection of beam- O188800100030 halo particles and misaligned beam trajectories. O188800100031 (SCIN) The two fission fragments were detected O188800100032 independently, but in temporal coincidence, by a doubleO188800100033 paddle scintillator, placed downstream of the target, O188800100034 300 mm*70 mm and 3 mm thickness each paddle. O188800100035 FACILITY (SYNCH,2GERGSI) The SIS18 synchrotron O188800100036 (LINAC,2GERGSI) the UNILAC linear accelerator O188800100037 METHOD (TOF) O188800100038 COMMENT *By authors*.Fission yields were obtained from fission-O188800100039 event measurements corrected by the background and O188800100040 additional effects such as the secondary reactions of O188800100041 the fragments in the target and the geometrical O188800100042 acceptance of the experimental setup. O188800100043 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Phys.Rev.,C89(2014)054610 O188800100044 HISTORY (20110125C)SB O188800100045 (20140611A).Final reference was added O188800100046 (20221105U) SD: Ref. 2011GHENT added. O188800100047 ENDBIB 45 0 O188800100048 NOCOMMON 0 0 O188800100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 O188800199999 SUBENT O1888002 20140611 O053O188800200001 BIB 2 14 O188800200002 REACTION ((1-H-1(73-TA-181,F),,SIG)=(73-TA-181(P,F),,SIG)) O188800200003 Inverse kinematics. O188800200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) The uncertainty is given by author in O188800200005 table. O188800200006 (ERR-S).Statistical uncertainty is given by author in O188800200007 table. O188800200008 (ERR-1).Uncertainty in the beam intensity approx.5% O188800200009 (ERR-2).Uncertainty in the target thickness approx.4% O188800200010 (ERR-3,,5.0).Uncertainty of the geometrical correction O188800200011 factor was estimated to be smaller than 5%. O188800200012 (ERR-4,,1.).Uncertainty of the correction factors owingO188800200013 to the beam attenuation and the secondary reactions of O188800200014 the fission fragments were smaller than 1%. O188800200015 (ERR-T).Total uncertainty is reported in table O188800200016 ENDBIB 14 0 O188800200017 COMMON 2 3 O188800200018 ERR-1 ERR-2 O188800200019 PER-CENT PER-CENT O188800200020 5. 4. O188800200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O188800200022 DATA 5 4 O188800200023 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS O188800200024 MEV/A MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT O188800200025 300. 6.55 1.00 0.48 15.21 O188800200026 500. 7.53 1.40 0.51 18.54 O188800200027 800. 13.09 1.62 0.32 12.34 O188800200028 1000. 20.17 2.19 0.46 10.85 O188800200029 ENDDATA 6 0 O188800200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 O188800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O188899999999