ENTRY O1906 20230521 O096O190600000001 SUBENT O1906001 20230521 O096O190600100001 BIB 14 21 O190600100002 TITLE Secondary spallation reactions O190600100003 AUTHOR (M.Lefort,G.Simonoff, X.Tarrago) O190600100004 INSTITUTE (2FR PAR) O190600100005 REFERENCE (J,NP,19,173,1960) O190600100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,2FR PAR) O190600100007 SAMPLE Bismuth-209 foils,enrichment 99.99% O190600100008 DETECTOR (IOCH) O190600100009 METHOD (CHSEP) O190600100010 MONITOR ((MONIT1)13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) O190600100011 ((MONIT2)6-C-12(P,X)6-C-11,,SIG) O190600100012 MONIT-REF ((MONIT1)C0257002,H.G.Hicks+,J,PR,102,1390,1956) O190600100013 ((MONIT2)B0101002,W.E.Crandall+,J,PR,101,329,1956) O190600100014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O190600100015 (MONIT2-ERR) Uncertainty in monitor reaction O190600100016 ADD-RES A cross section of 60+-10 mb is calculated for the O190600100017 production of helion fragments. An upper limit is O190600100018 estimated for the production cross section of lithium O190600100019 and beryllium fragments. O190600100020 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Nucl.Phys.,19(1960)173 O190600100021 HISTORY (20110915C) O190600100022 (20230521A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. O190600100023 ENDBIB 21 0 O190600100024 COMMON 4 3 O190600100025 EN MONIT1 MONIT2 MONIT2-ERR O190600100026 MEV MB MB MB O190600100027 150. 9.0 45. 2. O190600100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O190600100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O190600199999 SUBENT O1906002 20230521 O096O190600200001 BIB 2 3 O190600200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) O190600200003 HISTORY (20230521A) SD: Last data line deleted (211At O190600200004 production impossible). O190600200005 ENDBIB 3 0 O190600200006 COMMON 1 3 O190600200007 ELEMENT O190600200008 NO-DIM O190600200009 85. O190600200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O190600200011 DATA 3 4 O190600200012 MASS DATA DATA-ERR O190600200013 NO-DIM MICRO-B MICRO-B O190600200014 207. 0.5 0.2 O190600200015 208. 1.1 0.2 O190600200016 209. 4. 1. O190600200017 210. 5. 0.5 O190600200018 ENDDATA 6 0 O190600200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O190600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O190699999999