ENTRY            O2016   20120817                             O049O201600000001 
SUBENT        O2016001   20120817                             O049O201600100001 
BIB                  9         20                                 O201600100002 
TITLE      Determination of excitation functions for carbon       O201600100003 
           detection by charged particle activation analysis.     O201600100004 
AUTHOR     (V.Liebler, K.Bethge, J.Krauskopf, J.D.Meyer,          O201600100005 
           P.Misaelides, G.Wolf)                                  O201600100006 
INSTITUTE  (2GERFRK)                                              O201600100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,36,7,1989)                                    O201600100008 
FACILITY   (VDG,2GERFRK)                                          O201600100009 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Two 4 x 4 in. NaI(Tl) detectors                O201600100010 
METHOD     (ACTIV,BCINT)                                          O201600100011 
SAMPLE     The carbon targets were produced by evaporating carbon O201600100012 
           onto a glass plate, 20 to 50 mug/cm**2 thickness.      O201600100013 
           A 2 mm tantalum foil was used to stop all C-11 nuclei  O201600100014 
           in forward direction. In backward direction an Al foil O201600100015 
           of 220 g/cm**2 was used. The catcher foils were        O201600100016 
           irradiated at different energies in order to correct   O201600100017 
           the total activity induced in the target arrangement.  O201600100018 
           The carbon content of the tantalum foil was about      O201600100019 
           0.6 mug/cm**2, whereas the corresponding carbon        O201600100020 
           concentration in aluminum amounted to 3 mug/cm**2.     O201600100021 
HISTORY    (20120820C) SB                                         O201600100022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 O201600100023 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O201600100024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 O201600199999 
SUBENT        O2016002   20120817                             O049O201600200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 O201600200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(HE3,A)6-C-11,,SIG)                             O201600200003 
DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.3MIN,AR)                                    O201600200004 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table 1 of J,NIM/B,36,7,1989                   O201600200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 O201600200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O201600200007 
DATA                 2          7                                 O201600200008 
EN         DATA                                                   O201600200009 
MEV        MB                                                     O201600200010 
0.4        0.003                                                  O201600200011 
0.6        0.008                                                  O201600200012 
0.8        0.013                                                  O201600200013 
1.0        0.21                                                   O201600200014 
1.2        0.90                                                   O201600200015 
1.4        2.2                                                    O201600200016 
1.6        8.8                                                    O201600200017 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 O201600200018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 O201600299999 
SUBENT        O2016003   20120817                             O049O201600300001 
BIB                  5          7                                 O201600300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(HE3,A)6-C-11,,SIG)                             O201600300003 
DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.3MIN,AR)                                    O201600300004 
FLAG       (1.).The results of measurements without Al-foil.      O201600300005 
           (2.).The results of measurements with Al-foil.         O201600300006 
STATUS     (CURVE).By Cajad-fig.4 J,NIM/B,36,7,1989               O201600300007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors on   O201600300008 
           figures.                                               O201600300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 O201600300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O201600300011 
DATA                 4         85                                 O201600300012 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             O201600300013 
MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                           O201600300014 
       1.78     25.262                    2.                      O201600300015 
       1.99     31.594                    1.                      O201600300016 
       2.21     44.215     12.572         1.                      O201600300017 
       2.38     80.163     17.946         1.                      O201600300018 
       2.45     99.031                    2.                      O201600300019 
       2.57    109.831                    1.                      O201600300020 
       2.76    146.681                    1.                      O201600300021 
       2.95    131.465                    2.                      O201600300022 
       2.97    146.730      8.977         1.                      O201600300023 
       3.18    143.187                    1.                      O201600300024 
       3.35    134.251                    1.                      O201600300025 
       3.44    127.090                    2.                      O201600300026 
       3.60    130.717                    1.                      O201600300027 
       3.77    144.223                    1.                      O201600300028 
       3.94    184.659                    2.                      O201600300029 
       3.98    157.736                    1.                      O201600300030 
       4.18    184.716                    1.                      O201600300031 
       4.35    210.789                    1.                      O201600300032 
       4.35    227.846                    2.                      O201600300033 
       4.55    191.982                    1.                      O201600300034 
       4.77    218.966                    1.                      O201600300035 
       4.96    248.634      8.973         2.                      O201600300036 
       4.98    219.014     20.651         1.                      O201600300037 
       5.15    215.464     13.469         1.                      O201600300038 
       5.34    237.053                    2.                      O201600300039 
       5.35    205.634     11.666         1.                      O201600300040 
       5.45    248.747                    2.                      O201600300041 
       5.53    299.038     14.363         2.                      O201600300042 
       5.58    254.166     13.461         1.                      O201600300043 
       5.78    234.461                    1.                      O201600300044 
       5.95    202.184      9.879         2.                      O201600300045 
       5.99    179.750     13.482         1.                      O201600300046 
       6.16    195.051                    1.                      O201600300047 
       6.33    248.056     14.359         1.                      O201600300048 
       6.52    307.348     17.056         1.                      O201600300049 
       6.52    316.325     12.568         2.                      O201600300050 
       6.71    300.211                    1.                      O201600300051 
       6.90    313.721     19.741         2.                      O201600300052 
       6.94    264.356                    1.                      O201600300053 
       7.13    250.037     15.261         1.                      O201600300054 
       7.32    327.283     10.764         2.                      O201600300055 
       7.34    215.076                    1.                      O201600300056 
       7.51    286.932     17.056         1.                      O201600300057 
       7.73    307.631     16.167         1.                      O201600300058 
       7.92    322.039     10.772         2.                      O201600300059 
       8.12    309.515     29.632         1.                      O201600300060 
       8.33    311.359     28.730         1.                      O201600300061 
       8.54    293.454                    1.                      O201600300062 
       8.72    323.122     35.010         1.                      O201600300063 
       8.87    418.314     20.655         2.                      O201600300064 
       8.88    355.476      9.871         1.                      O201600300065 
       9.08    368.990                    2.                      O201600300066 
       9.30    340.312     30.526         1.                      O201600300067 
       9.38    367.263     12.568         2.                      O201600300068 
       9.54    319.722     17.962         1.                      O201600300069 
       9.70    337.712                    1.                      O201600300070 
       9.92    325.197     25.131         1.                      O201600300071 
       9.92    339.560     35.006         2.                      O201600300072 
      10.12    300.106                    1.                      O201600300073 
      10.29    269.625     22.438         1.                      O201600300074 
      10.39    301.068                    2.                      O201600300075 
      10.55    275.969     29.628         1.                      O201600300076 
      10.73    282.293     24.242         1.                      O201600300077 
      10.92    301.190     14.367         2.                      O201600300078 
      10.93    286.830                    1.                      O201600300079 
      11.11    317.392                    2.                      O201600300080 
      11.31    337.190     15.261         1.                      O201600300081 
      11.31    351.553                    2.                      O201600300082 
      11.53    287.866                    2.                      O201600300083 
      11.55    258.246                    1.                      O201600300084 
      11.75    255.601                    1.                      O201600300085 
      11.94    269.111     17.048         2.                      O201600300086 
      11.96    261.934     25.148         1.                      O201600300087 
      12.17    261.982     15.261         1.                      O201600300088 
      12.33    256.632     15.249         1.                      O201600300089 
      12.55    238.731                    1.                      O201600300090 
      12.75    243.264                    1.                      O201600300091 
      12.76    280.971                    2.                      O201600300092 
      12.95    242.415     29.624         1.                      O201600300093 
      13.14    257.720     17.060         1.                      O201600300094 
      13.35    253.280                    1.                      O201600300095 
      13.53    232.674     12.568         1.                      O201600300096 
      13.74    225.541     14.363         1.                      O201600300097 
      13.96    213.026     13.457         1.                      O201600300098 
      13.96    228.286     18.856         2.                      O201600300099 
ENDDATA             87          0                                 O201600300100 
ENDSUBENT           99          0                                 O201600399999 
SUBENT        O2016004   20120817                             O049O201600400001 
BIB                  5          7                                 O201600400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(HE3,X)7-N-13,,SIG)                             O201600400003 
DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,9.96MIN)                                       O201600400004 
FLAG       (1.).The results of measurements without Al-foil.      O201600400005 
           (2.).The results of measurements with Al-foil.         O201600400006 
STATUS     (CURVE).By Cajad-fig.5 J,NIM/B,36,7,1989               O201600400007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors on   O201600400008 
           figures.                                               O201600400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 O201600400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O201600400011 
DATA                 4         57                                 O201600400012 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             O201600400013 
MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                           O201600400014 
       5.55      4.990                    2.                      O201600400015 
       6.00     22.812                    2.                      O201600400016 
       6.20     32.611                    1.                      O201600400017 
       6.43     32.625                    1.                      O201600400018 
       6.62     36.641      5.339         2.                      O201600400019 
       6.79     47.773      8.453         1.                      O201600400020 
       6.82     36.653                    2.                      O201600400021 
       7.02     53.125     21.351         2.                      O201600400022 
       7.03     34.443                    1.                      O201600400023 
       7.25     55.363     10.229         1.                      O201600400024 
       7.41     42.029                    1.                      O201600400025 
       7.41     46.032                    2.                      O201600400026 
       7.64     46.046                    1.                      O201600400027 
       7.83     52.286      9.342         1.                      O201600400028 
       8.00     79.877      6.673         1.                      O201600400029 
       8.01     74.985                    2.                      O201600400030 
       8.20     97.683      9.340         1.                      O201600400031 
       8.44     88.801      8.453         1.                      O201600400032 
       8.51     72.791                    2.                      O201600400033 
       8.64     73.245      5.340         1.                      O201600400034 
       8.81     64.803      9.341         1.                      O201600400035 
       9.02     67.041     11.121         2.                      O201600400036 
       9.22     67.943                    1.                      O201600400037 
       9.22     76.840                    2.                      O201600400038 
       9.42     82.191     16.457         1.                      O201600400039 
       9.50     79.082      7.563         2.                      O201600400040 
       9.63     68.858                    1.                      O201600400041 
       9.83     83.550     12.010         1.                      O201600400042 
       9.99     85.340     13.344         2.                      O201600400043 
      10.00     92.458      8.454         1.                      O201600400044 
      10.23     97.366                    1.                      O201600400045 
      10.42    107.164      5.781         1.                      O201600400046 
      10.52     99.608                    2.                      O201600400047 
      10.59     96.499     16.013         1.                      O201600400048 
      10.83    108.080     11.121         1.                      O201600400049 
      11.01     96.970     11.567         1.                      O201600400050 
      11.03    104.979      7.117         1.                      O201600400051 
      11.20    105.879     20.466         1.                      O201600400052 
      11.21    111.662     14.234         2.                      O201600400053 
      11.37    127.687     17.794         1.                      O201600400054 
      11.39    118.791                    2.                      O201600400055 
      11.60    113.911                    2.                      O201600400056 
      11.63     99.678                    1.                      O201600400057 
      11.81    126.825     16.905         1.                      O201600400058 
      11.99    113.046     10.677         2.                      O201600400059 
      12.19    121.066     16.461         1.                      O201600400060 
      12.41    130.866                    1.                      O201600400061 
      12.57    140.662      7.118         1.                      O201600400062 
      12.81    135.784                    1.                      O201600400063 
      12.83    142.458      6.673         2.                      O201600400064 
      13.00    149.586     18.241         1.                      O201600400065 
      13.20    151.823      6.229         1.                      O201600400066 
      13.41    142.050                    1.                      O201600400067 
      13.59    143.395      8.452         1.                      O201600400068 
      13.79    150.081                    1.                      O201600400069 
      13.97    140.305      6.227         2.                      O201600400070 
      13.99    151.873      7.116         1.                      O201600400071 
ENDDATA             59          0                                 O201600400072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 O201600499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 O201699999999