ENTRY            O2186   20151107                             O055O218600000001 
SUBENT        O2186001   20151107                             O055O218600100001 
BIB                 11         34                                 O218600100002 
TITLE      Direct and compound-nucleus reaction mechanisms in the O218600100003 
           7Be + 58Ni system at near-barrier energies.            O218600100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Mazzocco,D.Torresi,D.Pierroutsakou,N.Keeley,        O218600100005 
           L.Acosta,A.Boiano,C.Boiano, T.Glodariu,A.Guglielmetti, O218600100006 
           M.La Commara,J.A.Lay,I.Martel,C.Mazzocchi,P.Molini,    O218600100007 
           C.Parascandolo,C.Signorini,R.Silvestri,F.Soramel,      O218600100008 
           V.Soukeras,E.Stiliaris,E.Strano,L.Stroe,K.Zerva)       O218600100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,92,024615,2015) final data                     O218600100010 
           (J,EPJ/CS,66,03060,2014) prelim.results                O218600100011 
           2GRCIOA,3POLWWA,2GRCATH)                               O218600100013 
           (2SPNSPN) University of Huelva, Spain                  O218600100014 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2ITYPAD) The LNL-tandem XTU accelerator          O218600100015 
INC-SOURCE The 7Be radioactive beam for this experiment was       O218600100016 
           produced with the facility EXOTIC. A 34.2 MeV 7Li(3+)  O218600100017 
           primary beam with intensity around 100 pnA impinging onO218600100018 
           a H(2) gas target.                                     O218600100019 
SAMPLE     Ni-58 target was  1.0 mg/cm**2 thick.                  O218600100020 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  O218600100021 
           (EXTB) The 7Be secondary beam was produced via the     O218600100022 
           two-body reaction p(7Li,7Be)n                          O218600100023 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SISD,SI) Charged reaction products were detectedO218600100024 
           by means of the three delta E-E telescopes of the DINEXO218600100025 
           Each telescope was composed of two double-sided siliconO218600100026 
           strip detectors-DSSSDs, with thicknesses of 40-42 and  O218600100027 
           1000 mum for the delta-E and E-res layers,respectively.O218600100028 
           Each DSSSD had an active area of 50*50 mm**2 and the   O218600100029 
           detector front and back sides were both segmented into O218600100030 
           16 strips in order to define a pixel structure with 256O218600100031 
           elements of approx. 9 mm**2 area.                      O218600100032 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).No information on source of uncertainty     O218600100033 
HISTORY    (20140511C) SB                                         O218600100034 
           (20151107A).Final reference was added and re-compiled  O218600100035 
           was done.                                              O218600100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 O218600100037 
COMMON               1          3                                 O218600100038 
EN                                                                O218600100039 
MEV                                                               O218600100040 
22.                                                               O218600100041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 O218600100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 O218600199999 
SUBENT        O2186002   20151107                             O055O218600200001 
BIB                  3          9                                 O218600200002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(4-BE-7,X)2-HE-4,,DA)                         O218600200003 
COMMENT    *By authors*.A larger variety of triggering reaction   O218600200004 
           mechanisms-                                            O218600200005 
           Exclusive breakup-7Be->3He + 4He                       O218600200006 
           3He-stripping- 7Be + 58Ni->4He + 61Zn,                 O218600200007 
           n-stripping-7Be + 58Ni-> 6Be(= 4He + p + p) + 59Ni,    O218600200008 
           n-pickup- 7Be + 58Ni->8Be(= 4He + 4He) + 57Ni,         O218600200009 
           4He-evaporation after a compound nucleus reaction.     O218600200010 
STATUS     (CURVE).Fig.12 of J,PR/C,92,024615,2015                O218600200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 O218600200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O218600200013 
DATA                 3         11                                 O218600200014 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    O218600200015 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       O218600200016 
      45.00   1.64E+01   2.08E+00                                 O218600200017 
      52.84   1.93E+01   1.81E+00                                 O218600200018 
      57.84   1.93E+01   1.59E+00                                 O218600200019 
      63.37   2.27E+01   2.87E+00                                 O218600200020 
      65.33   2.03E+01   2.57E+00                                 O218600200021 
      70.34   1.80E+01   3.92E+00                                 O218600200022 
      72.83   1.85E+01   4.02E+00                                 O218600200023 
     121.04   1.29E+01   1.63E+00                                 O218600200024 
     127.82   1.22E+01   1.54E+00                                 O218600200025 
     135.86   1.20E+01                                            O218600200026 
     144.79   9.54E+00   1.31E+00                                 O218600200027 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 O218600200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 O218600299999 
SUBENT        O2186003   20151107                             O055O218600300001 
BIB                  3          7                                 O218600300002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(4-BE-7,X)2-HE-3,,DA)                         O218600300003 
COMMENT    *By authors*.The interaction of 7Be projectiles with a O218600300004 
           58Ni target can essentially produce 3He ions by two    O218600300005 
           main processes-                                        O218600300006 
           exclusive breakup- 7Be-> 3He + 4He                     O218600300007 
           4He-stripping- 7Be + 58Ni->3He + 62Zn                  O218600300008 
STATUS     (CURVE).Fig.12 of J,PR/C,92,024615,2015                O218600300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 O218600300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 O218600300011 
DATA                 3         11                                 O218600300012 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    O218600300013 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       O218600300014 
      45.07   2.80E+00   5.84E-01                                 O218600300015 
      53.08   4.53E+00   7.85E-01                                 O218600300016 
      58.08   4.37E+00   4.52E-01                                 O218600300017 
      63.61   4.60E+00   7.31E-01                                 O218600300018 
      65.58   4.66E+00   5.44E-01                                 O218600300019 
      70.21   5.02E+00   9.42E-01                                 O218600300020 
      72.90   4.44E+00   9.65E-01                                 O218600300021 
     121.29   2.23E+00   1.41E-01                                 O218600300022 
     127.92   1.49E+00   2.79E-01                                 O218600300023 
     135.96   1.10E+00   1.90E-01                                 O218600300024 
     144.89   1.04E+00   2.07E-01                                 O218600300025 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 O218600300026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 O218600399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 O218699999999