ENTRY O2209 20221229 O093O220900000001 SUBENT O2209001 20221229 O093O220900100001 BIB 11 24 O220900100002 TITLE Measurements of the Coulomb dissociation cross section O220900100003 of 156 MeV Li6 projectiles at extremely low relative O220900100004 fragment energies of astrophysical interest O220900100005 AUTHOR (J.Kiener,H.J.Gils,H.Rebel,S.Zagromski, O220900100006 G.Gsottschneider,N.Heide,H.Jelitto,J.Wentz, G.Baur) O220900100007 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK,2GERJUL) O220900100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,44,2195,1991) O220900100009 FACILITY (ISOCY,2GERKFK) O220900100010 REL-REF (I,,H.J.Gils+,J,NIM/A,276,169,1989) O220900100011 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Quadrupole-quadrupole- dipole-sextupole O220900100012 (QQDS) magnet configuration with a 60.degr. O220900100013 deflecting dipole magnet of 1.5 m curvature radius. O220900100014 (PROPC,IOCH,SCIN) O220900100015 (CSICR) monitor detector O220900100016 METHOD (EDE) O220900100017 CORRECTION All spectra are corrected for the background of random O220900100018 coincidences. O220900100019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) For the overall absolute cross-section O220900100020 normalization, an uncertainty of 15% is estimated, O220900100021 taking into account the uncertainty in the target O220900100022 thickness and detection efficiency. O220900100023 HISTORY (20140706C) SB O220900100024 (20221229A) SD: Subent 008 added. Correction in all O220900100025 Subents (COMMON moved to Subents 002-007). O220900100026 ENDBIB 24 0 O220900100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 O220900100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 O220900199999 SUBENT O2209002 20221229 O093O220900200001 BIB 7 11 O220900200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-6,INL)82-PB-208,PAR,DA) O220900200003 SAMPLE The Pb targets used were self-supporting metallic O220900200004 foils of 4.0 and 6.7 mg/cm**2 thickness, respectively, O220900200005 and an isotope enrichment more than 99%. O220900200006 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,3-LI-6) O220900200007 (E-LVL2,82-PB-208) O220900200008 MISC-COL (MISC) Double-differential cross section as function O220900200009 of dOmega -> (alpha,d) from table II O220900200010 ERR-ANALYS (MISC-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O220900200011 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Phys.Rev.,C44(1991)2195 O220900200012 HISTORY (20221229U) SD: EN from Subent 001 added. BIB updated. O220900200013 ENDBIB 11 0 O220900200014 COMMON 3 3 O220900200015 EN E-LVL1 E-LVL2 O220900200016 MEV MEV MEV O220900200017 156. 2.19 0. O220900200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O220900200019 DATA 5 11 O220900200020 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR O220900200021 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR2 MB/SR2 O220900200022 1.5 61. 24. 7.2 2.8 O220900200023 2.1 45.3 6.4 5.02 0.71 O220900200024 2.6 96.4 6.3 9.32 0.61 O220900200025 3.1 159.7 6.4 13.80 0.55 O220900200026 3.6 101.6 8.4 7.90 0.65 O220900200027 3.7 100.7 12.8 7.63 0.97 O220900200028 4.1 177.4 5.7 12.46 0.40 O220900200029 4.1 175.6 14.2 12.3 1.0 O220900200030 4.5 206.1 15.3 13.38 0.99 O220900200031 5.2 254.7 10.3 14.60 0.59 O220900200032 6.2 215.3 5.0 10.08 0.40 O220900200033 ENDDATA 13 0 O220900200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O220900299999 SUBENT O2209003 20221229 O093O220900300001 BIB 5 8 O220900300002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-6,INL)82-PB-208,PAR,DA) O220900300003 SAMPLE The Pb targets used were self-supporting metallic O220900300004 foils of 4.0 and 6.7 mg/cm**2 thickness, respectively, O220900300005 and an isotope enrichment more than 99%. O220900300006 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,3-LI-6) O220900300007 (E-LVL2,82-PB-208) O220900300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table II from Phys.Rev.,C44(1991)2195 O220900300009 HISTORY (20221229U) SD: EN from Subent 001 added. BIB updated. O220900300010 ENDBIB 8 0 O220900300011 COMMON 3 3 O220900300012 EN E-LVL1 E-LVL2 O220900300013 MEV MEV MEV O220900300014 156. 2.19 2.61 O220900300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O220900300016 DATA 3 7 O220900300017 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR O220900300018 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR O220900300019 2.1 8.3 2.0 O220900300020 2.6 12.6 2.1 O220900300021 3.1 11.9 1.7 O220900300022 3.6 10.5 2.5 O220900300023 4.1 3.7 0.8 O220900300024 5.2 3.6 1.0 O220900300025 6.2 1.5 0.6 O220900300026 ENDDATA 9 0 O220900300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O220900399999 SUBENT O2209004 20221229 O093O220900400001 BIB 6 12 O220900400002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-6,D+A)82-PB-208,PAR,DA/DA/DE,D/A/D+A) O220900400003 SAMPLE The Pb targets used were self-supporting metallic O220900400004 foils of 4.0 and 6.7 mg/cm**2 thickness, respectively, O220900400005 and an isotope enrichment more than 99%. O220900400006 EN-SEC (E-LVL,82-PB-208) O220900400007 (E-RL,D+A) Negative and positive relative energies O220900400008 denote backward and forward emission, respectively, of O220900400009 the a particle in the Li-6 c.m. system. O220900400010 ANG-SEC (ANG1,D) O220900400011 (ANG2,A) O220900400012 STATUS (TABLE) Table III from Phys.Rev.,C44(1991)2195 O220900400013 HISTORY (20221229U) SD: EN from Subent 001 added. BIB updated. O220900400014 ENDBIB 12 0 O220900400015 COMMON 4 3 O220900400016 EN E-LVL ANG1 ANG2 O220900400017 MEV MEV ADEG ADEG O220900400018 156. 0. 2. 2. O220900400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O220900400020 DATA 3 31 O220900400021 E-RL DATA DATA-ERR O220900400022 MEV MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV O220900400023 -0.85 462. 267. O220900400024 -0.83 153. 153. O220900400025 -0.81 153. 153. O220900400026 -0.79 304. 215. O220900400027 -0.77 604. 302. O220900400028 -0.75 1655. 499. O220900400029 -0.73 3747. 749. O220900400030 -0.71 4180. 790. O220900400031 -0.69 1339. 446. O220900400032 -0.67 2668. 629. O220900400033 -0.65 886. 362. O220900400034 -0.63 884. 361. O220900400035 -0.61 587. 294. O220900400036 -0.59 586. 293. O220900400037 -0.57 730. 327. O220900400038 -0.55 146. 146. O220900400039 -0.53 145. 145. O220900400040 -0.51 145. 145. O220900400041 -0.49 242. 210. O220900400042 -0.43 288. 203. O220900400043 -0.41 144. 144. O220900400044 -0.39 287. 203. O220900400045 -0.37 429. 248. O220900400046 -0.33 143. 143. O220900400047 -0.31 285. 201. O220900400048 -0.29 142. 142. O220900400049 -0.27 142. 142. O220900400050 -0.25 284. 201. O220900400051 0.25 135. 135. O220900400052 0.33 135. 135. O220900400053 0.35 540. 270. O220900400054 ENDDATA 33 0 O220900400055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 O220900499999 SUBENT O2209005 20221229 O093O220900500001 BIB 6 12 O220900500002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-6,D+A)82-PB-208,PAR,DA/DA/DE,D/A/D+A) O220900500003 SAMPLE The Pb targets used were self-supporting metallic O220900500004 foils of 4.0 and 6.7 mg/cm**2 thickness, respectively, O220900500005 and an isotope enrichment more than 99%. O220900500006 EN-SEC (E-LVL,82-PB-208) O220900500007 (E-RL,D+A) Negative and positive relative energies O220900500008 denote backward and forward emission, respectively, of O220900500009 the a particle in the Li-6 c.m. system. O220900500010 ANG-SEC (ANG1,D) O220900500011 (ANG2,A) O220900500012 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV from Phys.Rev.,C44(1991)2195 O220900500013 HISTORY (20221229U) SD: EN from Subent 001 added. BIB updated. O220900500014 ENDBIB 12 0 O220900500015 COMMON 4 3 O220900500016 EN E-LVL ANG1 ANG2 O220900500017 MEV MEV ADEG ADEG O220900500018 156. 0. 3. 3. O220900500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O220900500020 DATA 3 77 O220900500021 E-RL DATA DATA-ERR O220900500022 MEV MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV O220900500023 -1.01 23. 17. O220900500024 -0.99 23. 16. O220900500025 -0.97 80. 30. O220900500026 -0.95 22. 16. O220900500027 -0.93 44. 22. O220900500028 -0.91 52. 25. O220900500029 -0.89 75. 28. O220900500030 -0.87 72. 28. O220900500031 -0.85 39. 21. O220900500032 -0.83 215. 48. O220900500033 -0.81 269. 53. O220900500034 -0.79 464. 69. O220900500035 -0.77 1484. 122. O220900500036 -0.75 4530. 212. O220900500037 -0.73 8121. 283. O220900500038 -0.71 6921. 260. O220900500039 -0.69 4064. 198. O220900500040 -0.67 2186. 145. O220900500041 -0.65 1570. 123. O220900500042 -0.63 1027. 99. O220900500043 -0.61 760. 84. O220900500044 -0.59 865. 90. O220900500045 -0.57 657. 79. O220900500046 -0.55 761. 84. O220900500047 -0.53 625. 76. O220900500048 -0.51 709. 80. O220900500049 -0.49 456. 65. O220900500050 -0.47 589. 73. O220900500051 -0.45 444. 63. O220900500052 -0.43 453. 63. O220900500053 -0.41 341. 55. O220900500054 -0.39 376. 59. O220900500055 -0.37 253. 49. O220900500056 -0.35 284. 50. O220900500057 -0.33 221. 47. O220900500058 -0.31 303. 51. O220900500059 -0.29 289. 51. O220900500060 -0.27 292. 51. O220900500061 -0.25 226. 46. O220900500062 -0.23 225. 45. O220900500063 -0.21 144. 37. O220900500064 -0.19 250. 48. O220900500065 -0.17 119. 35. O220900500066 -0.15 129. 35. O220900500067 -0.13 126. 35. O220900500068 -0.11 140. 38. O220900500069 -0.09 62. 30. O220900500070 -0.07 14. 22. O220900500071 -0.05 27. 26. O220900500072 0.07 37. 22. O220900500073 0.09 79. 27. O220900500074 0.11 61. 25. O220900500075 0.13 92. 30. O220900500076 0.15 210. 42. O220900500077 0.17 130. 34. O220900500078 0.19 247. 46. O220900500079 0.21 275. 48. O220900500080 0.23 265. 47. O220900500081 0.25 345. 54. O220900500082 0.27 239. 45. O220900500083 0.29 323. 52. O220900500084 0.31 280. 48. O220900500085 0.33 319. 52. O220900500086 0.35 362. 55. O220900500087 0.37 309. 51. O220900500088 0.39 272. 49. O220900500089 0.41 406. 58. O220900500090 0.43 365. 55. O220900500091 0.45 419. 59. O220900500092 0.47 452. 61. O220900500093 0.49 454. 62. O220900500094 0.51 383. 56. O220900500095 0.53 440. 61. O220900500096 0.55 418. 59. O220900500097 0.57 445. 61. O220900500098 0.59 149. 35. O220900500099 0.61 81. 26. O220900500100 ENDDATA 79 0 O220900500101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 O220900599999 SUBENT O2209006 20221229 O093O220900600001 BIB 6 12 O220900600002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-6,D+A)82-PB-208,PAR,DA/DA/DE,D/A/D+A) O220900600003 SAMPLE The Pb targets used were self-supporting metallic O220900600004 foils of 4.0 and 6.7 mg/cm**2 thickness, respectively, O220900600005 and an isotope enrichment more than 99%. O220900600006 EN-SEC (E-LVL,82-PB-208) O220900600007 (E-RL,D+A) Negative and positive relative energies O220900600008 denote backward and forward emission, respectively, of O220900600009 the a particle in the Li-6 c.m. system. O220900600010 ANG-SEC (ANG1,D) O220900600011 (ANG2,A) O220900600012 STATUS (TABLE) Table V from Phys.Rev.,C44(1991)2195 O220900600013 HISTORY (20221229U) SD: EN from Subent 001 added. BIB updated. O220900600014 ENDBIB 12 0 O220900600015 COMMON 4 3 O220900600016 EN E-LVL ANG1 ANG2 O220900600017 MEV MEV ADEG ADEG O220900600018 156. 0. 4. 4. O220900600019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O220900600020 DATA 3 61 O220900600021 E-RL DATA DATA-ERR O220900600022 MEV MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV O220900600023 -1.09 69. 49. O220900600024 -1.07 69. 48. O220900600025 -1.05 68. 48. O220900600026 -1.03 135. 67. O220900600027 -1.01 123. 68. O220900600028 -0.99 299. 100. O220900600029 -0.97 66. 47. O220900600030 -0.95 164. 73. O220900600031 -0.93 162. 73. O220900600032 -0.91 194. 79. O220900600033 -0.89 278. 97. O220900600034 -0.87 223. 84. O220900600035 -0.85 317. 100. O220900600036 -0.83 274. 95. O220900600037 -0.81 346. 104. O220900600038 -0.79 845. 163. O220900600039 -0.77 1983. 249. O220900600040 -0.75 6109. 435. O220900600041 -0.73 9162. 532. O220900600042 -0.71 8214. 503. O220900600043 -0.69 6345. 441. O220900600044 -0.67 2444. 273. O220900600045 -0.65 1431. 209. O220900600046 -0.63 840. 161. O220900600047 -0.61 605. 135. O220900600048 -0.59 634. 138. O220900600049 -0.57 572. 131. O220900600050 -0.55 470. 120. O220900600051 -0.53 619. 138. O220900600052 -0.51 388. 108. O220900600053 -0.49 229. 85. O220900600054 -0.47 268. 89. O220900600055 -0.45 237. 84. O220900600056 -0.43 247. 90. O220900600057 -0.41 256. 89. O220900600058 -0.39 256. 89. O220900600059 -0.37 246. 90. O220900600060 -0.35 196. 78. O220900600061 -0.31 108. 60. O220900600062 -0.29 235. 83. O220900600063 -0.27 107. 59. O220900600064 -0.25 68. 52. O220900600065 -0.23 97. 60. O220900600066 -0.21 175. 71. O220900600067 -0.19 58. 53. O220900600068 -0.17 68. 52. O220900600069 -0.15 48. 42. O220900600070 -0.13 39. 43. O220900600071 -0.11 58. 53. O220900600072 -0.09 97. 60. O220900600073 -0.07 19. 45. O220900600074 -0.03 29. 44. O220900600075 0.21 28. 28. O220900600076 0.23 74. 49. O220900600077 0.25 213. 79. O220900600078 0.27 167. 68. O220900600079 0.29 93. 57. O220900600080 0.31 185. 74. O220900600081 0.33 250. 83. O220900600082 0.35 130. 63. O220900600083 0.37 158. 69. O220900600084 ENDDATA 63 0 O220900600085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 O220900699999 SUBENT O2209007 20221229 O093O220900700001 BIB 6 12 O220900700002 REACTION (82-PB-208(3-LI-6,D+A)82-PB-208,PAR,DA/DA/DE,D/A/D+A) O220900700003 SAMPLE The Pb targets used were self-supporting metallic O220900700004 foils of 4.0 and 6.7 mg/cm**2 thickness, respectively, O220900700005 and an isotope enrichment more than 99%. O220900700006 EN-SEC (E-LVL,82-PB-208) O220900700007 (E-RL,D+A) Negative and positive relative energies O220900700008 denote backward and forward emission, respectively, of O220900700009 the a particle in the Li-6 c.m. system. O220900700010 ANG-SEC (ANG1,D) O220900700011 (ANG2,A) O220900700012 STATUS (TABLE) Table VI from Phys.Rev.,C44(1991)2195 O220900700013 HISTORY (20221229U) SD: EN from Subent 001 added. BIB updated. O220900700014 ENDBIB 12 0 O220900700015 COMMON 4 3 O220900700016 EN E-LVL ANG1 ANG2 O220900700017 MEV MEV ADEG ADEG O220900700018 156. 0. 6. 6. O220900700019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O220900700020 DATA 3 58 O220900700021 E-RL DATA DATA-ERR O220900700022 MEV MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV O220900700023 -1.09 71. 50. O220900700024 -1.07 141. 70. O220900700025 -1.05 175. 78. O220900700026 -1.03 173. 77. O220900700027 -1.01 103. 59. O220900700028 -0.99 239. 90. O220900700029 -0.97 271. 96. O220900700030 -0.95 157. 76. O220900700031 -0.93 134. 67. O220900700032 -0.91 332. 105. O220900700033 -0.89 396. 114. O220900700034 -0.87 164. 73. O220900700035 -0.85 457. 122. O220900700036 -0.83 584. 138. O220900700037 -0.81 517. 129. O220900700038 -0.79 1285. 203. O220900700039 -0.77 1941. 250. O220900700040 -0.75 5012. 401. O220900700041 -0.73 8820. 529. O220900700042 -0.71 6606. 457. O220900700043 -0.69 4062. 358. O220900700044 -0.67 2259. 266. O220900700045 -0.65 938. 171. O220900700046 -0.63 530. 129. O220900700047 -0.61 466. 120. O220900700048 -0.59 527. 128. O220900700049 -0.57 340. 103. O220900700050 -0.55 339. 102. O220900700051 -0.53 62. 44. O220900700052 -0.51 215. 81. O220900700053 -0.49 20. 32. O220900700054 -0.47 92. 53. O220900700055 -0.45 183. 75. O220900700056 -0.43 61. 43. O220900700057 -0.41 142. 69. O220900700058 -0.39 152. 68. O220900700059 -0.37 121. 61. O220900700060 -0.35 81. 53. O220900700061 -0.33 91. 52. O220900700062 -0.31 30. 30. O220900700063 -0.29 110. 61. O220900700064 -0.27 50. 44. O220900700065 -0.25 60. 42. O220900700066 -0.23 30. 30. O220900700067 -0.21 120. 60. O220900700068 -0.19 30. 46. O220900700069 -0.17 40. 45. O220900700070 -0.15 10. 33. O220900700071 -0.13 20. 31. O220900700072 -0.09 20. 31. O220900700073 0.23 67. 51. O220900700074 0.25 162. 71. O220900700075 0.27 95. 59. O220900700076 0.29 124. 65. O220900700077 0.31 67. 51. O220900700078 0.33 124. 65. O220900700079 0.35 133. 65. O220900700080 0.37 57. 40. O220900700081 ENDDATA 60 0 O220900700082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 O220900799999 SUBENT O2209008 20221229 O093O220900800001 BIB 5 7 O220900800002 REACTION (2-HE-4(D,G)3-LI-6,,SIG,,,DERIV) O220900800003 Derived from Coulomb breakup of 6Li by 208Pb target O220900800004 INC-SOURCE (COULX) O220900800005 ANALYSIS (DTBAL) Derived from deuteron and alpha collinear O220900800006 emission in Coulomb breakup of 6Li at 1.5-6. degr. O220900800007 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.11 of J,PR/C,44,2195,1991 O220900800008 HISTORY (20221229C) SD O220900800009 ENDBIB 7 0 O220900800010 COMMON 2 3 O220900800011 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG O220900800012 MEV PER-CENT O220900800013 0.002 0.6 O220900800014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O220900800015 DATA 3 5 O220900800016 EN DATA DATA-ERR O220900800017 MEV NB NB O220900800018 0.099 5.043E-02 5.487E-03 O220900800019 0.197 1.905E-01 1.979E-02 O220900800020 0.262 4.014E-01 4.368E-02 O220900800021 0.314 4.911E-01 5.589E-02 O220900800022 0.376 6.545E-01 8.776E-02 O220900800023 ENDDATA 7 0 O220900800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 O220900899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 O220999999999