ENTRY O2337 20230117 O093O233700000001 SUBENT O2337001 20230117 O093O233700100001 BIB 12 47 O233700100002 TITLE Cross section measurements of 75As(a,xn)76,77,78Br O233700100003 and 75As(a,x)74As nuclear reactions using the monitor O233700100004 radionuclides 67Ga and 66Ga for beam evaluation O233700100005 AUTHOR (K.Breunig,I.Spahn,A.Hermanne,S.Spellerberg,B.Scholten,O233700100006 H.H.Coenen) O233700100007 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL,2BLGVUB) O233700100008 REFERENCE (J,RCA,105,431,2017) O233700100009 (J,EPJ/CS,146,08006,2017) - report on the Conf. O233700100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,2BLGVUB) the CGR-560 cyclotron, Vrije UniversityO233700100011 Brussel O233700100012 SAMPLE Elemental arsenic powder of high purity,99.999%, was O233700100013 used as target material. For energy degradation O233700100014 or beam monitoring aluminum-99%, copper- 99.9% and O233700100015 titanium- 99.96% foils, were used. The aluminum foils O233700100016 were also applied as backing material. O233700100017 The targets consisted of 5-11 mg/cm**2 arsenic and wereO233700100018 additionally covered by a 10-mu thick aluminum foil O233700100019 DETECTOR (HPGE) A special HPGe detector for low-energy gamma- O233700100020 rays with a thin Be-window of 300 mm thickness O233700100021 connected to a digital gamma spectrometry system. O233700100022 MONITOR (29-CU-0(A,X)31-GA-66,,SIG) O233700100023 (29-CU-0(A,X)31-GA-67,,SIG) O233700100024 (22-TI-0(A,X)24-CR-51,,SIG) O233700100025 METHOD (STTA,ACTIV) O233700100026 ADD-RES (TTY-C) O233700100027 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The overall uncertainties of the O233700100028 reaction cross sections were calculated from the O233700100029 contribution of the respective individual uncertaintiesO233700100030 according to the Gaussian error propagation. Cross O233700100031 section uncertainties of 6-13 % were determined. O233700100032 (ERR-1,0.3,1.3) The uncertainties of the target mass. O233700100033 (ERR-2,4.,6.) The uncertainties of the detector O233700100034 efficiency. O233700100035 (ERR-3,0.01,5.) The uncertainties in the decay data. O233700100036 (ERR-4,0.1,8.) The uncertainties in the peak area O233700100037 analysis . O233700100038 (ERR-5,5.,7.) The uncertainties in the particle flux O233700100039 (ERR-6,8.,10.) The uncertainties of the yields of O233700100040 radionuclides added up to 8-10 %. O233700100041 (EN-ERR) The uncertainties of the projectile energies O233700100042 were determined from the average energy loss of the O233700100043 alpha-particle beam in the considered target. In the O233700100044 energy range 38- 20 MeV uncertainties of 2.9 % were O233700100045 found,in the energy range 20-15 MeV 6.12 %, and for theO233700100046 energy range 15-9 MeV 7.19 %. O233700100047 HISTORY (20171120C) S.B O233700100048 (20230117U) SD: Ref. EPJ/CS,146 added. O233700100049 ENDBIB 47 0 O233700100050 NOCOMMON 0 0 O233700100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 O233700199999 SUBENT O2337002 20171120 O065O233700200001 BIB 3 5 O233700200002 REACTION (33-AS-75(A,3N)35-BR-76,,SIG) O233700200003 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-76-G,16.2HR,DG,559.,0.74, O233700200004 DG,657.020,0.159, O233700200005 DG,1853.670,0.147) O233700200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,Radiochim.Acta,105,431,2017 O233700200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O233700200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O233700200009 DATA 4 16 O233700200010 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O233700200011 MEV MEV MB MB O233700200012 26.0 0.8 0.7 0.1 O233700200013 26.4 1.3 31.0 3.0 O233700200014 26.6 1.1 13.7 1.1 O233700200015 27.1 1.6 62.1 4.9 O233700200016 28.4 1.5 52.8 4.4 O233700200017 29.2 1.2 72.2 5.8 O233700200018 29.8 0.9 165. 14. O233700200019 31.0 0.8 191. 15. O233700200020 31.3 1.3 208. 20. O233700200021 31.8 1.1 300. 23. O233700200022 33.7 0.8 291. 24. O233700200023 34.9 0.8 421. 41. O233700200024 35.1 0.8 391. 31. O233700200025 35.7 0.9 410. 33. O233700200026 36.9 0.5 419. 33. O233700200027 36.9 0.7 478. 38. O233700200028 ENDDATA 18 0 O233700200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O233700299999 SUBENT O2337003 20171120 O065O233700300001 BIB 3 4 O233700300002 REACTION (33-AS-75(A,2N)35-BR-77,,SIG) O233700300003 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-77-G,57.04HR,DG,238.980,0.231, O233700300004 DG,297.230,0.0416) O233700300005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,Radiochim.Acta,105,431,2017 O233700300006 ENDBIB 4 0 O233700300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O233700300008 DATA 4 34 O233700300009 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O233700300010 MEV MEV MB MB O233700300011 13.6 1.8 19.0 1.2 O233700300012 15.9 1.2 151. 14. O233700300013 16.3 1.0 192. 16. O233700300014 17.8 2.0 285. 23. O233700300015 17.9 1.1 374. 32. O233700300016 18.5 1.9 497. 42. O233700300017 19.5 1.2 508. 38. O233700300018 20.3 1.8 572. 50. O233700300019 21.0 1.1 582. 52. O233700300020 21.2 1.3 580. 48. O233700300021 21.7 1.8 813. 68. O233700300022 22.0 1.3 612. 48. O233700300023 22.2 0.7 568. 48. O233700300024 22.3 1.1 591. 50. O233700300025 22.7 0.9 615. 53. O233700300026 23.4 1.4 750. 63. O233700300027 24.6 1.1 707. 60. O233700300028 25.4 1.5 811. 63. O233700300029 26.0 0.8 637. 54. O233700300030 26.4 1.3 694. 64. O233700300031 26.6 1.1 668. 55. O233700300032 27.1 1.6 687. 51. O233700300033 28.4 1.5 680. 56. O233700300034 29.2 1.2 567. 45. O233700300035 29.8 0.9 635. 56. O233700300036 31.0 0.8 572. 50. O233700300037 31.3 1.3 464. 42. O233700300038 31.8 1.1 534. 43. O233700300039 33.7 0.8 342. 29. O233700300040 34.9 0.8 296. 27. O233700300041 35.1 0.8 316. 27. O233700300042 35.7 0.9 211. 18. O233700300043 36.9 0.5 165. 14. O233700300044 36.9 0.7 181. 15. O233700300045 ENDDATA 36 0 O233700300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 O233700399999 SUBENT O2337004 20171120 O065O233700400001 BIB 3 3 O233700400002 REACTION (33-AS-75(A,X)33-AS-74,,SIG) O233700400003 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-74,17.77D,DG,595.830,0.59) O233700400004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,Radiochim.Acta,105,431,2017 O233700400005 ENDBIB 3 0 O233700400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O233700400007 DATA 4 32 O233700400008 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O233700400009 MEV MEV MB MB O233700400010 16.3 1.0 0.12 0.01 O233700400011 17.8 2.0 0.5 0.1 O233700400012 17.9 1.1 0.5 0.1 O233700400013 18.5 1.9 2.2 0.2 O233700400014 19.5 1.2 5.6 0.6 O233700400015 20.3 1.8 8.5 0.9 O233700400016 21.0 1.1 11.7 1.2 O233700400017 21.2 1.3 6.0 0.6 O233700400018 21.7 1.8 22.3 2.3 O233700400019 22.0 1.3 8.8 0.9 O233700400020 22.2 0.7 6.9 0.7 O233700400021 22.3 1.1 9.9 0.9 O233700400022 22.7 0.9 17.0 1.6 O233700400023 23.4 1.4 23.6 2.3 O233700400024 24.6 1.1 36.6 3.5 O233700400025 25.4 1.5 49.0 4.8 O233700400026 26.0 0.8 35.2 3.3 O233700400027 26.4 1.3 53.4 5.4 O233700400028 26.6 1.1 48.8 4.5 O233700400029 27.1 1.6 68.6 6.3 O233700400030 28.4 1.5 69.8 7.0 O233700400031 29.2 1.2 58.5 5.2 O233700400032 29.8 0.9 82.7 8.0 O233700400033 31.0 0.8 88.2 8.2 O233700400034 31.3 1.3 69.9 7.0 O233700400035 31.8 1.1 98.9 8.8 O233700400036 33.7 0.8 74.1 6.9 O233700400037 34.9 0.8 81.9 8.2 O233700400038 35.1 0.8 88.3 8.4 O233700400039 35.7 0.9 70.4 6.6 O233700400040 36.9 0.5 71.4 6.6 O233700400041 36.9 0.7 87.6 8.2 O233700400042 ENDDATA 34 0 O233700400043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 O233700499999 SUBENT O2337005 20171120 O065O233700500001 BIB 3 3 O233700500002 REACTION (33-AS-75(A,N)35-BR-78,,SIG) O233700500003 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-78,6.45MIN,DG,613.680,0.136) O233700500004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of J,Radiochim.Acta,105,431,2017 O233700500005 ENDBIB 3 0 O233700500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O233700500007 DATA 4 28 O233700500008 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O233700500009 MEV MEV MB MB O233700500010 8.8 1.7 86. 7. O233700500011 9.9 1.6 117. 10. O233700500012 11.2 1.7 243. 21. O233700500013 11.5 1.4 287. 23. O233700500014 13.0 1.5 368. 27. O233700500015 13.1 2.1 347. 29. O233700500016 14.3 1.0 364. 30. O233700500017 14.6 2.0 468. 39. O233700500018 14.9 1.6 439. 36. O233700500019 15.2 1.2 422. 33. O233700500020 15.7 1.9 371. 28. O233700500021 16.3 1.1 382. 32. O233700500022 17.3 1.4 339. 27. O233700500023 18.0 1.8 182. 14. O233700500024 18.2 1.7 261. 20. O233700500025 18.9 1.3 147. 12. O233700500026 19.1 1.1 188. 15. O233700500027 20.3 1.4 134. 11. O233700500028 21.1 1.5 118. 9. O233700500029 23.4 1.5 65.0 5.6 O233700500030 24.4 1.4 42.4 3.3 O233700500031 27.1 1.4 27.6 2.2 O233700500032 28.4 1.3 26.0 2.3 O233700500033 29.6 1.7 22.9 1.8 O233700500034 32.6 1.3 14.6 1.2 O233700500035 34.2 1.7 9.1 0.8 O233700500036 35.3 1.6 8.2 0.8 O233700500037 37.9 0.7 8.8 1.0 O233700500038 ENDDATA 30 0 O233700500039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 O233700599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 O233799999999