ENTRY O2404 20230114 O093O240400000001 SUBENT O2404001 20230114 O093O240400100001 BIB 12 54 O240400100002 TITLE Breakup and n-transfer effects on the fusion O240400100003 reactions 6,7Li + 120,119Sn around the Coulomb barrier O240400100004 AUTHOR (M.Fisichella,A.C.Shotter,P.Figuera,J.Lubian, O240400100005 A.Di Pietro,J.P.Fernandez-Garcia,J.L.Ferreira, O240400100006 M.Lattuada,P.Lotti,A.Musumarra,M.G.Pellegriti, C.Ruiz, O240400100007 V.Scuderi,E.Strano,D.Torresi,M.Zadro) O240400100008 INSTITUTE (2ITYLNS,2UK EDG,3BZLUFF,2ITYCAT,2ITYUPV,1CANTMF, O240400100009 3CRORBZ) O240400100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,95,034617,2017) O240400100011 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.95.034617 O240400100012 (J,EPJ/CS,66,03027,2014) - prelim.data O240400100013 FACILITY (VDGT,2ITYLNS) O240400100014 SAMPLE Evaporated Sn targets with typical thickness of 500 O240400100015 ug/cm2. The targets were prepared on 93Nb or 165Ho O240400100016 catcher foils of 2.5 mg/cm2 thickness. O240400100017 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Two 1000 um Si surface barrier detectors, O240400100018 placed at +/- 20 degrees with respect to the beam O240400100019 axis to monitor beam intensity O240400100020 (SILI) Two Si(Li) detectors with diameter of 16 mm, O240400100021 and an active thickness of 5 mm were used for O240400100022 activity measurements. Both detectors had 50 microns O240400100023 thick Be windows, and were surrounded by 5 cm thick O240400100024 lead shielding. O240400100025 METHOD (EXTB,SITA,ACTIV,EDEG,XSPEC,STTA) The beam first O240400100026 crossed a thin Au foil (100 ug/cm2) before hitting O240400100027 the target. Both single target and stacked target O240400100028 irradiations were used to measure the excitation O240400100029 function of 6Li + 120Sn and 7Li + 119Sn. In both O240400100030 cases, the compound nucleus 126I is created, which O240400100031 produces 124I and 123I isotopes via 2n and 3n O240400100032 evaporation channels. Both isotopes then decay via EC O240400100033 into tellurium, which is followed by emission of O240400100034 atomic x-ray lines. O240400100035 In addition, production cross sections for 120Sb were O240400100036 also measured by detecting the characteristic x-rays O240400100037 of Sn. O240400100038 ANALYSIS In the analysis, only the k-alpha lines of Te and Sb O240400100039 were used, taking into account the corresponding O240400100040 fluorescence probabilities. The yields were O240400100041 determined from the analysis of the measured activity O240400100042 as function of the time. O240400100043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Final uncertainty of the data, combining O240400100044 statistical and systematic uncertainties. O240400100045 The systematic uncertainty includes the following O240400100046 components: O240400100047 (ERR-1) x-ray detection efficiency (5%) O240400100048 (ERR-2) target thickness (2%) O240400100049 (ERR-3) k-alpha fluorescence probability for I-123 (2%)O240400100050 (ERR-4) k-alpha fluorescence probability for I-124 (5%)O240400100051 ADD-RES (COMP) The results were compared with theoretical O240400100052 predictions from coupled channels calculations with O240400100053 the FRESCO code. O240400100054 HISTORY (20190105C) MPT O240400100055 (20230114U) SD: Ref. EPJ/CS,66 added. O240400100056 ENDBIB 54 0 O240400100057 COMMON 4 3 O240400100058 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 O240400100059 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O240400100060 5. 2. 2. 5. O240400100061 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O240400100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 O240400199999 SUBENT O2404002 20190105 O067O240400200001 BIB 5 8 O240400200002 REACTION (50-SN-120(3-LI-6,FUS),,SIG,ER) O240400200003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,13.HR,XR,27.3) O240400200004 (53-I-124,4.D,XR,27.3) O240400200005 ANALYSIS Sum of 123I and 124I production cross sections O240400200006 STATUS (TABLE) see Table 2. O240400200007 COMMENT The reported energy is the mean beam energy inside O240400200008 the target. Consequently, the cross section is to be O240400200009 considered as average fusion cross section. O240400200010 ENDBIB 8 0 O240400200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O240400200012 DATA 3 24 O240400200013 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-T O240400200014 MEV MB MB O240400200015 14.8 0.008 0.003 O240400200016 15.4 0.033 0.011 O240400200017 15.7 0.064 0.005 O240400200018 16.3 0.176 0.030 O240400200019 16.5 0.251 0.019 O240400200020 17.0 0.70 0.05 O240400200021 17.3 1.31 0.18 O240400200022 17.4 1.67 1.34 O240400200023 17.4 1.17 0.09 O240400200024 17.9 2.78 0.21 O240400200025 18.6 8.50 1.19 O240400200026 18.6 7.46 1.58 O240400200027 19.7 33.1 3.8 O240400200028 20.8 86.3 9.6 O240400200029 21.3 101. 9. O240400200030 21.4 109. 8. O240400200031 21.8 133. 10. O240400200032 22.5 184. 17. O240400200033 23.7 281. 26. O240400200034 24.9 374. 29. O240400200035 24.9 381. 37. O240400200036 25.9 445. 35. O240400200037 26.9 507. 41. O240400200038 27.9 628. 49. O240400200039 ENDDATA 26 0 O240400200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 O240400299999 SUBENT O2404003 20190105 O067O240400300001 BIB 5 8 O240400300002 REACTION (50-SN-119(3-LI-7,FUS),,SIG,ER) O240400300003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-123,13.HR,XR,27.3) O240400300004 (53-I-124,4.D,XR,27.3) O240400300005 ANALYSIS Sum of 123I and 124I production cross sections O240400300006 STATUS (TABLE) see Table 3. O240400300007 COMMENT The reported energy is the mean beam energy inside O240400300008 the target. Consequently, the cross section is to be O240400300009 considered as average fusion cross section. O240400300010 ENDBIB 8 0 O240400300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O240400300012 DATA 3 17 O240400300013 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-T O240400300014 MEV MB MB O240400300015 15.5 0.02 0.01 O240400300016 15.8 0.05 0.01 O240400300017 16.4 0.15 0.02 O240400300018 16.8 0.33 0.03 O240400300019 17.2 0.8 0.06 O240400300020 17.3 0.84 0.08 O240400300021 17.7 1.74 0.13 O240400300022 18.6 7. 0.69 O240400300023 19.7 29. 2. O240400300024 21.2 104. 9. O240400300025 22.5 240. 21. O240400300026 23.7 346. 30. O240400300027 24.9 468. 40. O240400300028 24.9 470. 42. O240400300029 25.9 526. 4. O240400300030 26.9 602. 49. O240400300031 27.9 692. 56. O240400300032 ENDDATA 19 0 O240400300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 O240400399999 SUBENT O2404004 20190105 O067O240400400001 BIB 3 3 O240400400002 REACTION (50-SN-120(3-LI-6,X)51-SB-120,,SIG) O240400400003 RAD-DET (51-SB-120,XR) O240400400004 STATUS (TABLE) see Table 4. O240400400005 ENDBIB 3 0 O240400400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O240400400007 DATA 3 8 O240400400008 EN DATA ERR-T O240400400009 MEV MB MB O240400400010 21.4 14.9 1.6 O240400400011 21.9 20.5 2.2 O240400400012 22.6 31.9 3.1 O240400400013 23.8 49.9 4.6 O240400400014 25. 94.3 8.8 O240400400015 26. 120. 11. O240400400016 27. 134. 13. O240400400017 28. 156. 14. O240400400018 ENDDATA 10 0 O240400400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O240400499999 SUBENT O2404005 20190105 O067O240400500001 BIB 3 3 O240400500002 REACTION (50-SN-119(3-LI-7,X)51-SB-120,,SIG) O240400500003 RAD-DET (51-SB-120,XR) O240400500004 STATUS (TABLE) see Table 5. O240400500005 ENDBIB 3 0 O240400500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 O240400500007 DATA 3 6 O240400500008 EN DATA ERR-T O240400500009 MEV MB MB O240400500010 22.6 98. 8.9 O240400500011 23.8 149. 13. O240400500012 25. 159. 15. O240400500013 26. 191. 17. O240400500014 27. 219. 20. O240400500015 28. 268. 25. O240400500016 ENDDATA 8 0 O240400500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 O240400599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 O240499999999