ENTRY O2423 20230521 O096O242300000001 SUBENT O2423001 20230521 O096O242300100001 BIB 11 43 O242300100002 TITLE Measurement of 43Sc and 44Sc production cross-section O242300100003 with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron O242300100004 AUTHOR (T.S.Carzaniga,M.Auger,S.Braccini,M.Bunka,A.Ereditato, O242300100005 K.P.Nesteruk ,P.Scampoli, A.Turler,N.Van Der Meulen) O242300100006 INSTITUTE (2SWTUBE,2ITYNAP,2SWTPSI) O242300100007 REFERENCE (J,ARI,129,96,2017) O242300100008 #doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.08.013 O242300100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,2SWTUBE) O242300100010 SAMPLE (20-CA-43,NAT=0.00135) O242300100011 (20-CA-44,NAT=0.02086) O242300100012 (20-CA-43,ENR=0.579) O242300100013 (20-CA-44,ENR=0.97) O242300100014 (22-TI-46,NAT=0.0825) O242300100015 (22-TI-46,NAT=0.97) CaCO3 and TiO2 targets with O242300100016 different enrichment in 43Ca, 44Ca and 46Ti O242300100017 isotopes were used. The targets were produced by O242300100018 sedimentation on aluminum backings. The target O242300100019 thickness was estimated to be in the order of 10 O242300100020 microns. The surface of the targets was covered by 10 O242300100021 micron thick Al foil. O242300100022 DETECTOR (HPGE) O242300100023 METHOD (ACTIV,EXTB,GSPEC,SITA,EDEG,BCINT) Irradiations at O242300100024 several energies were performed. The initial beam O242300100025 energy was 18.4 MeV, which was varied by aluminum O242300100026 absorbers. Irradiations typically lasted 3-5 mins, O242300100027 whereas the beam current was in the order of tens of O242300100028 nA. The measurement method was verified by O242300100029 remeasuring the cross section of natTi(P,X) 48V and O242300100030 natCu(P,X) 63Zn reactions with the same setup, and O242300100031 comparing it to recommended values by IAEA. O242300100032 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty, calculated as quadratic O242300100033 sum of uncertainty components. O242300100034 (ERR-1) Beam current (1%) O242300100035 (ERR-2) Activity of sources used to calibrate the O242300100036 HPGE detector (1%) O242300100037 (ERR-3) HPGE calibration procedure (1%) O242300100038 (ERR-4) beam profile (flatness of the beam) (5%) O242300100039 (ERR-5) gamma branching ratio (1%) O242300100040 (ERR-6) target thickness (mass measurement) (10%) O242300100041 ADD-RES (COMP) Results were compared to TENDL. O242300100042 (TTY-C) Thick target saturation yields were calculated.O242300100043 HISTORY (20181216C) MPT O242300100044 (20230521A) SD: Correction in Subent 004. O242300100045 ENDBIB 43 0 O242300100046 COMMON 6 3 O242300100047 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 O242300100048 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT O242300100049 1. 1. 1. 5. 1. 10. O242300100050 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O242300100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 O242300199999 SUBENT O2423002 20181216 O067O242300200001 BIB 2 2 O242300200002 REACTION (20-CA-44(P,2N)21-SC-43,,SIG) O242300200003 STATUS (TABLE) From Table A.1 O242300200004 ENDBIB 2 0 O242300200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 O242300200006 DATA 4 6 O242300200007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O242300200008 MEV MEV MB MB O242300200009 18.4 0.5 98. 9. O242300200010 17.4 0.5 81. 8. O242300200011 17.2 0.5 55. 5. O242300200012 16.5 0.5 38. 4. O242300200013 16.0 0.5 16. 2. O242300200014 15.3 0.5 0. O242300200015 ENDDATA 8 0 O242300200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 O242300299999 SUBENT O2423003 20181216 O067O242300300001 BIB 2 2 O242300300002 REACTION (20-CA-43(P,N)21-SC-43,,SIG) O242300300003 STATUS (TABLE) From Table A.2 O242300300004 ENDBIB 2 0 O242300300005 NOCOMMON 0 0 O242300300006 DATA 4 24 O242300300007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O242300300008 MEV MEV MB MB O242300300009 18.4 0.5 54. 5. O242300300010 17.2 0.5 76. 7. O242300300011 16.5 0.5 81. 10. O242300300012 16.0 0.5 95. 9. O242300300013 15.3 0.5 114. 10. O242300300014 13.9 0.6 144. 13. O242300300015 13.2 0.6 212. 20. O242300300016 12.4 0.6 275. 26. O242300300017 11.6 0.6 283. 27. O242300300018 10.8 0.6 271. 32. O242300300019 9.9 0.6 263. 25. O242300300020 8.9 0.6 253. 23. O242300300021 8.4 0.7 232. 22. O242300300022 7.9 0.7 212. 25. O242300300023 7.6 0.7 198. 19. O242300300024 7.3 0.7 181. 22. O242300300025 7.0 0.7 171. 20. O242300300026 6.7 0.8 111. 10. O242300300027 6.4 0.8 76. 7. O242300300028 5.7 0.9 83. 8. O242300300029 5.3 0.9 52. 6. O242300300030 4.9 1.0 44. 5. O242300300031 4.4 1.0 32. 4. O242300300032 3.9 1.1 13. 1. O242300300033 ENDDATA 26 0 O242300300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O242300399999 SUBENT O2423004 20230521 O096O242300400001 BIB 3 4 O242300400002 REACTION (20-CA-44(P,N)21-SC-44-G,(M),SIG) O242300400003 STATUS (TABLE) From Table A.3 Appl.Rad.Isot.,129(2017)96 O242300400004 HISTORY (20230521A) SD: SF4=Sc-44 -> Sc-44g, SF5=(M) in O242300400005 REACTION code. O242300400006 ENDBIB 4 0 O242300400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 O242300400008 DATA 4 24 O242300400009 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O242300400010 MEV MEV MB MB O242300400011 18.4 0.5 156. 12. O242300400012 17.2 0.5 195. 20. O242300400013 16.5 0.5 239. 25. O242300400014 16.0 0.5 274. 27. O242300400015 15.3 0.5 355. 23. O242300400016 13.9 0.6 428. 27. O242300400017 13.2 0.6 600. 60. O242300400018 12.4 0.6 689. 50. O242300400019 11.6 0.6 672. 48. O242300400020 10.8 0.6 662. 67. O242300400021 9.9 0.6 606. 44. O242300400022 8.9 0.6 596. 43. O242300400023 8.4 0.7 569. 60. O242300400024 7.9 0.7 428. 45. O242300400025 7.6 0.7 419. 30. O242300400026 7.3 0.7 366. 37. O242300400027 7.0 0.7 358. 36. O242300400028 6.7 0.8 204. 13. O242300400029 6.4 0.9 121. 10. O242300400030 5.7 0.9 99. 7. O242300400031 5.3 0.9 29. 4. O242300400032 4.9 1.0 24. 3. O242300400033 4.4 1.0 12. 2. O242300400034 3.9 1.1 4. 1. O242300400035 ENDDATA 26 0 O242300400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 O242300499999 SUBENT O2423005 20181216 O067O242300500001 BIB 2 2 O242300500002 REACTION (22-TI-46(P,A)21-SC-43,,SIG) O242300500003 STATUS (TABLE) From Table A.4 O242300500004 ENDBIB 2 0 O242300500005 NOCOMMON 0 0 O242300500006 DATA 4 12 O242300500007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O242300500008 MEV MEV MB MB O242300500009 18.4 0.5 35. 2. O242300500010 17.8 0.5 41. 3. O242300500011 16.5 0.5 41. 3. O242300500012 16.0 0.5 40. 3. O242300500013 14.6 0.5 36. 3. O242300500014 13.9 0.6 31. 2. O242300500015 13.2 0.6 25. 2. O242300500016 12.4 0.6 19. 1. O242300500017 11.6 0.6 18. 1. O242300500018 10.8 0.6 11. 1. O242300500019 9.9 0.6 3. 1. O242300500020 8.9 0.6 1. 1. O242300500021 ENDDATA 14 0 O242300500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O242300599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 O242399999999