ENTRY O2552 20230201 O094O255200000001 SUBENT O2552001 20230201 O094O255200100001 BIB 12 39 O255200100002 TITLE Experimental consolidation and absolute measurement O255200100003 of the natC(p,x)11C nuclear activation cross section O255200100004 at 100 MeV for particle therapy physics O255200100005 AUTHOR (C.M.Baecker, F.Horst, W.Adi, C.Baeumer, M.Gerhardt, O255200100006 W.Jentzen, S.L.Kazek, K.Kroeninger, C.Schuy, O255200100007 N.Verbeek, J.Weingarten, J.Wulff, B.Timmermann) O255200100008 INSTITUTE (2GERDOR,2GERGSI,2GERJLU) O255200100009 (2GERGER) West German Proton Therapy Centre Essen, O255200100010 University Medicine Essen O255200100011 (2GERGER) THM University of Applied Sciences Giessen, O255200100012 35390 Giessen O255200100013 (2GERGER) German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg O255200100014 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,57,248,2021) O255200100015 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00557-x O255200100016 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERUDE) O255200100017 DETECTOR (COIN,BAF2,BAF2) The in-beam setup consists of three O255200100018 BaF2 crystal scintillation detectors and a O255200100019 coincidence unit. The third scintillator monitors the O255200100020 random coincidence rate. O255200100021 (HPGE) The detector for the off-line measurements has aO255200100022 multi-layer shielding with an active muon-veto to O255200100023 reduce the background. O255200100024 SAMPLE The graphite target has a lateral size of O255200100025 (8.00+-0.05)x(8.00+-0.05)cm2 and a thickness of O255200100026 (7.1+-0.1)mm in beam direction. The density is O255200100027 (1.8+-0.1)g/cm3. O255200100028 DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.364MIN,AR) O255200100029 METHOD (BCINT) O255200100030 (ACTIV) - irradiation time - 1 s O255200100031 measurement time with scintillation detectors - 20 min O255200100032 measurement time HPGe detector - 2 weeks. O255200100033 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainties of the cross section O255200100034 measurements (1 standard deviation) O255200100035 (ERR-SYS) The systematic uncertainties originate from O255200100036 measurements of the number of protons using the O255200100037 Faraday-cup, gamma-ray spectrometry method, and the O255200100038 determination of the target mass O255200100039 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by C.M.Baecker 03.02.2023 O255200100040 HISTORY (20230201C) VS O255200100041 ENDBIB 39 0 O255200100042 COMMON 1 3 O255200100043 ERR-SYS O255200100044 PER-CENT O255200100045 2.4 O255200100046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255200100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 O255200199999 SUBENT O2552002 20230201 O094O255200200001 BIB 2 2 O255200200002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)6-C-11,,SIG) O255200200003 STATUS (TABLE) Text on page 8 of Eur.Phys.J.A57(2021)248 O255200200004 ENDBIB 2 0 O255200200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255200200006 DATA 4 1 O255200200007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O255200200008 MEV MEV MB MB O255200200009 97. 3. 68. 3. O255200200010 ENDDATA 3 0 O255200200011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 O255200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 O255299999999