ENTRY O2553 20230202 O094O255300000001 SUBENT O2553001 20230202 O094O255300100001 BIB 9 27 O255300100002 TITLE Measurement of PET isotope production cross sections O255300100003 for protons and carbon ions on carbon and oxygen O255300100004 targets for applications in particle therapy range O255300100005 verification O255300100006 AUTHOR (F.Horst, W.Adi, G.Arico, K.-T.Brinkmann, M.Durante, O255300100007 C.-A.Reidel, M.Rovituso, U.Weber, H.-G.Zaunick, O255300100008 K.Zink, C.Schuy) O255300100009 INSTITUTE (2GERGSI,2GERJLU,2ZZZCER,2GERTHD,2FR ULP) O255300100010 (2GERGER) THM University of Applied Sciences Giessen, O255300100011 Giessen O255300100012 (2ITYITY) Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and O255300100013 Applications, Povo Trento O255300100014 (2NEDNED) HollandPTC, Delft O255300100015 (2GERGER) University Medical Center Giessen-Marburg, O255300100016 Marburg O255300100017 (2GERGER) Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, O255300100018 Frankfurt am Main O255300100019 REFERENCE (J,PMB,64,205012,2019) O255300100020 #doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ab4511 O255300100021 FACILITY (SYNCH,2GERGER) Marburger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum O255300100022 DETECTOR (COIN,BAF2,BAF2) Three BaF2 scintillators. O255300100023 METHOD (BCINT) O255300100024 (ACTIV) O255300100025 (COINC) O255300100026 HISTORY (20230202C) VS O255300100027 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Reported total uncertainties O255300100028 (ERR-SYS) Estimated total systematic uncertainties 10% O255300100029 ENDBIB 27 0 O255300100030 COMMON 1 3 O255300100031 ERR-SYS O255300100032 PER-CENT O255300100033 10. O255300100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255300100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 O255300199999 SUBENT O2553002 20230202 O094O255300200001 BIB 4 6 O255300200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,X)6-C-10,,SIG) O255300200003 SAMPLE Graphite targets with thicknesses of 5 mm and 10 mm, O255300200004 lateral dimensions of 80x80 mm2 and density of O255300200005 1.83 g/cm3. O255300200006 DECAY-DATA (6-C-10,19.29SEC,AR) O255300200007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Phys.Med.Biol.64(2019)205512 O255300200008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255300200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255300200010 DATA 5 8 O255300200011 EN -EN-ERR +EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O255300200012 MEV MEV MEV MB MB O255300200013 215.1 4.9 4.8 2.52 0.33 O255300200014 184.3 5.4 5.3 2.40 0.33 O255300200015 152.8 6.2 6.0 2.53 0.34 O255300200016 121.7 7.3 7.0 2.63 0.38 O255300200017 96.5 8.8 8.2 2.91 0.38 O255300200018 75.4 9.8 9.6 3.21 0.43 O255300200019 49.3 16.5 12.9 2.69 0.40 O255300200020 40.7 9.2 7.8 2.15 0.41 O255300200021 ENDDATA 10 0 O255300200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O255300299999 SUBENT O2553003 20230202 O094O255300300001 BIB 4 6 O255300300002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,X)6-C-11,,SIG) O255300300003 SAMPLE Graphite targets with thicknesses of 5 mm and 10 mm, O255300300004 lateral dimensions of 80x80 mm2 and density of O255300300005 1.83 g/cm3. O255300300006 DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.334MIN,AR) O255300300007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Phys.Med.Biol.64(2019)205512 O255300300008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255300300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255300300010 DATA 5 8 O255300300011 EN -EN-ERR +EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O255300300012 MEV MEV MEV MB MB O255300300013 215.1 4.9 4.8 40.4 4.8 O255300300014 184.3 5.4 5.3 41.9 5.1 O255300300015 152.8 6.2 6.0 45.6 5.6 O255300300016 121.7 7.3 7.0 50.0 6.3 O255300300017 96.5 8.8 8.2 58.0 6.8 O255300300018 75.4 9.8 9.6 65.7 7.9 O255300300019 49.3 16.5 12.9 75.8 9.6 O255300300020 40.7 9.2 7.8 83.4 11.7 O255300300021 ENDDATA 10 0 O255300300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O255300399999 SUBENT O2553004 20230202 O094O255300400001 BIB 4 6 O255300400002 REACTION (6-C-12(6-C-12,X)6-C-10,,SIG) O255300400003 SAMPLE Graphite targets with thicknesses of 5 mm and 10 mm, O255300400004 lateral dimensions of 80x80 mm2 and density of O255300400005 1.83 g/cm3. O255300400006 DECAY-DATA (6-C-10,19.29SEC,AR) O255300400007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Phys.Med.Biol.64(2019)205512 O255300400008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255300400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255300400010 DATA 5 8 O255300400011 EN -EN-ERR +EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O255300400012 MEV/A MEV/A MEV/A MB MB O255300400013 417.5 10.3 10.2 4.18 0.99 O255300400014 367.3 11.0 10.8 3.75 0.67 O255300400015 316.4 11.9 11.7 4.33 0.66 O255300400016 264.0 13.3 12.9 4.21 0.68 O255300400017 158.8 18.9 17.4 4.15 0.65 O255300400018 101.4 27.9 23.0 4.42 0.69 O255300400019 92.0 14.3 12.8 3.99 0.99 O255300400020 65.9 19.7 15.9 4.37 1.17 O255300400021 ENDDATA 10 0 O255300400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O255300499999 SUBENT O2553005 20230202 O094O255300500001 BIB 4 6 O255300500002 REACTION (6-C-12(6-C-12,X)6-C-11,,SIG) O255300500003 SAMPLE Graphite targets with thicknesses of 5 mm and 10 mm, O255300500004 lateral dimensions of 80x80 mm2 and density of O255300500005 1.83 g/cm3. O255300500006 DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.334MIN,AR) O255300500007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Phys.Med.Biol.64(2019)205512 O255300500008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255300500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255300500010 DATA 5 8 O255300500011 EN -EN-ERR +EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O255300500012 MEV/A MEV/A MEV/A MB MB O255300500013 417.5 10.3 10.2 72.3 14.5 O255300500014 367.3 11.0 10.8 70.9 9.7 O255300500015 316.4 11.9 11.7 71.9 9.2 O255300500016 264.0 13.3 12.9 72.2 9.3 O255300500017 158.8 18.9 17.4 75.2 9.5 O255300500018 101.4 27.9 23.0 76.9 9.8 O255300500019 92.0 14.3 12.8 75.9 11.7 O255300500020 65.9 19.7 15.9 80.2 13.7 O255300500021 ENDDATA 10 0 O255300500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 O255300599999 SUBENT O2553006 20230202 O094O255300600001 BIB 4 6 O255300600002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)8-O-15,,SIG) O255300600003 SAMPLE Beryllium oxide targets with thickness of 3.9 mm, O255300600004 lateral dimensions of 114x114 mm2 and density of O255300600005 2.85 g/cm3. O255300600006 DECAY-DATA (8-O-15,122.24SEC,AR) O255300600007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Phys.Med.Biol.64(2019)205512 O255300600008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255300600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255300600010 DATA 5 5 O255300600011 EN -EN-ERR +EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O255300600012 MEV MEV MEV MB MB O255300600013 217.0 2.9 2.8 39.7 4.8 O255300600014 145.0 3.8 3.7 48.2 6.3 O255300600015 104.2 4.8 4.6 53.2 6.8 O255300600016 72.4 6.4 6.0 68.2 9.4 O255300600017 39.4 11.4 9.1 71.1 6.9 O255300600018 ENDDATA 7 0 O255300600019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O255300699999 SUBENT O2553007 20230202 O094O255300700001 BIB 4 6 O255300700002 REACTION (8-O-16(6-C-12,X)8-O-15,,SIG) O255300700003 SAMPLE Beryllium oxide targets with thickness of 3.9 mm, O255300700004 lateral dimensions of 114x114 mm2 and density of O255300700005 2.85 g/cm3. O255300700006 DECAY-DATA (8-O-15,122.24SEC,AR) O255300700007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Phys.Med.Biol.64(2019)205512 O255300700008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255300700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255300700010 DATA 5 6 O255300700011 EN -EN-ERR +EN-ERR DATA ERR-T O255300700012 MEV/A MEV/A MEV/A MB MB O255300700013 422.4 6.0 5.9 65.1 15.4 O255300700014 322.0 6.9 6.8 69.8 12.2 O255300700015 240.3 8.2 8.0 76.4 11.8 O255300700016 113.0 14.0 12.9 79.7 12.7 O255300700017 84.5 18.1 15.6 78.0 17.2 O255300700018 65.5 23.6 18.3 72.7 15.5 O255300700019 ENDDATA 8 0 O255300700020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O255300799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 O255399999999