ENTRY O2554 20230305 O097O255400000001 SUBENT O2554001 20230305 O097O255400100001 BIB 10 28 O255400100002 TITLE Cross section measurement of terbium radioisotopes O255400100003 for an optimized 155Tb production with an 18 MeV O255400100004 medical PET cyclotron O255400100005 AUTHOR (G.Dellepiane, P.Casolaro, C.Favaretto, O255400100006 PascalV.Grundler, I.Mateu, P.Scampoli, Z.Talip, O255400100007 NicholasP.Van Der Meulen, S.Braccini) O255400100008 INSTITUTE (2SWTUBE,2SWTPSI,2SWTETH,2ITYNAP) O255400100009 REFERENCE (J,ARI,184,110175,2022) O255400100010 #doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110175 O255400100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,2SWTUBE) IBA Cyclone 18/18 HC providing proton O255400100012 beams with a nominal energy of 18 MeV and beam currentsO255400100013 from a few pA to 150 uA O255400100014 METHOD (EDEG) The beam energy was degraded by means of O255400100015 aluminium attenuator discs. O255400100016 (GSPEC) O255400100017 (ACTIV) O255400100018 (BCINT) O255400100019 DETECTOR (HPGE) O255400100020 COMMENT By author: Results presented as 155Gd(p,x) and O255400100021 156Gd(p,x) refers to data deternined for samples O255400100022 enriched on 155Gd and 156Gd. O255400100023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The following uncertainties contribute to the O255400100024 reported cross-section uncertainty: O255400100025 (ERR-1) Uncertainty on the flatness of the beam 5%O255400100026 (ERR-2) Uncertainty on the beam current integration 1%O255400100027 (ERR-3) Uncertainty on the HPGe detector efficiency 3%O255400100028 (ERR-4,,3.) Uncertainty on the target mass O255400100029 HISTORY (20230305C) VS O255400100030 ENDBIB 28 0 O255400100031 COMMON 4 3 O255400100032 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 EN-ERR O255400100033 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT MEV O255400100034 5. 1. 3. 0.4 O255400100035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255400100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 O255400199999 SUBENT O2554002 20230305 O097O255400200001 BIB 4 5 O255400200002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-153,,SIG) O255400200003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-153,2.34D,DG,212.00,0.285) O255400200004 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255400200005 composition. O255400200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400200007 ENDBIB 5 0 O255400200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255400200009 DATA 3 8 O255400200010 EN DATA ERR-T O255400200011 MEV MB MB O255400200012 12.1 1.4 0.2 O255400200013 12.5 2.9 0.3 O255400200014 13.0 7.0 0.8 O255400200015 14.5 10.9 1.0 O255400200016 15.5 13.8 1.0 O255400200017 15.8 13.1 1.3 O255400200018 17.1 19.0 1.8 O255400200019 18.2 24.6 1.5 O255400200020 ENDDATA 10 0 O255400200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 O255400299999 SUBENT O2554003 20230310 O097O255400300001 BIB 5 22 O255400300002 REACTION 1(64-GD-154(P,2N)65-TB-153,,SIG,,FCT) O255400300003 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400300004 2((64-GD-154(P,2N)65-TB-153,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255400300005 (64-GD-155(P,3N)65-TB-153,,SIG,,FCT)) O255400300006 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400300007 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-153,2.34D,DG,212.00,0.285) O255400300008 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255400300009 following isotopic composition: O255400300010 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255400300011 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255400300012 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255400300013 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255400300014 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.005) O255400300015 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255400300016 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)153Tb O255400300017 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255400300018 the reaction thresholds: O255400300019 153Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255400300020 154Gd+p; 11.3 MeV O255400300021 155Gd+p; 17.8 MeV O255400300022 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400300023 (COREL,O2554004) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255400300024 ENDBIB 22 0 O255400300025 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255400300026 DATA 5 8 O255400300027 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 O255400300028 MEV MB MB MB MB O255400300029 11.9 0.8 0.2 O255400300030 12.1 1.0 0.3 O255400300031 13.0 2.2 0.4 O255400300032 14.5 2.7 0.7 O255400300033 15.5 3.1 0.3 O255400300034 15.8 3.3 0.7 O255400300035 17.1 5. 1. O255400300036 18.2 5.5 0.6 O255400300037 ENDDATA 10 0 O255400300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 O255400399999 SUBENT O2554004 20230311 O097O255400400001 BIB 5 22 O255400400002 REACTION 1(64-GD-154(P,2N)65-TB-153,,SIG,,FCT) O255400400003 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400400004 2((64-GD-154(P,2N)65-TB-153,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255400400005 (64-GD-155(P,3N)65-TB-153,,SIG,,FCT)) O255400400006 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400400007 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-153,2.34D,DG,212.00,0.285) O255400400008 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255400400009 following isotopic composition: O255400400010 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255400400011 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255400400012 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255400400013 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255400400014 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.0005) O255400400015 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255400400016 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)153Tb O255400400017 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255400400018 the reaction thresholds: O255400400019 153Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255400400020 154Gd+p; 11.3 MeV O255400400021 155Gd+p; 17.8 MeV O255400400022 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400400023 (COREL,O2554003) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255400400024 ENDBIB 22 0 O255400400025 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255400400026 DATA 5 9 O255400400027 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 O255400400028 MEV MB MB MB MB O255400400029 11.9 0.12 0.05 O255400400030 12.5 0.22 0.05 O255400400031 13.0 0.36 0.08 O255400400032 13.8 0.39 0.04 O255400400033 14.5 0.44 0.09 O255400400034 15.8 0.49 0.08 O255400400035 17.1 0.5 0.2 O255400400036 17.5 0.7 0.2 O255400400037 18.2 1.0 0.2 O255400400038 ENDDATA 11 0 O255400400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 O255400499999 SUBENT O2554005 20230311 O097O255400500001 BIB 6 10 O255400500002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-154-G,,SIG) O255400500003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-G,21.5HR,DG,1291.31,0.069) O255400500004 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255400500005 composition. O255400500006 ANALYSIS (DECAY) It was established that the contributions of O255400500007 the m1 and m2 states to the 154Tb ground state of O255400500008 activity are negligible. O255400500009 COMMENT The 154Tb ground state production cross section O255400500010 reported as 154Tb production cross section. O255400500011 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400500012 ENDBIB 10 0 O255400500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255400500014 DATA 3 9 O255400500015 EN DATA ERR-T O255400500016 MEV MB MB O255400500017 11.5 6. 1. O255400500018 12.1 9. 1. O255400500019 12.5 16. 2. O255400500020 13.0 22. 4. O255400500021 14.5 31. 5. O255400500022 15.5 31. 2. O255400500023 15.8 30. 4. O255400500024 17.1 40. 4. O255400500025 18.2 46. 5. O255400500026 ENDDATA 11 0 O255400500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 O255400599999 SUBENT O2554006 20230311 O097O255400600001 BIB 6 27 O255400600002 REACTION 1(64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-G,,SIG,,FCT) O255400600003 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400600004 2((64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255400600005 (64-GD-155(P,2N)65-TB-154-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255400600006 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400600007 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-G,21.5HR,DG,1291.31,0.069) O255400600008 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255400600009 following isotopic composition: O255400600010 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255400600011 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255400600012 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255400600013 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255400600014 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.005) O255400600015 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255400600016 ANALYSIS (DECAY) It was established that the contributions of O255400600017 the m1 and m2 states to the 154Tb ground state of O255400600018 activity are negligible. O255400600019 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)154Tb O255400600020 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255400600021 the reaction thresholds: O255400600022 154Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255400600023 154Gd+p; 4.4 MeV O255400600024 155Gd+p; 10.8 MeV O255400600025 The 154Tb ground state production cross section O255400600026 reported as 154Tb production cross section. O255400600027 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400600028 (COREL,O2554007) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255400600029 ENDBIB 27 0 O255400600030 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255400600031 DATA 5 13 O255400600032 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 O255400600033 MEV MB MB MB MB O255400600034 7.7 0.2 0.1 O255400600035 10.2 1.0 0.3 O255400600036 10.8 3.1 0.5 O255400600037 11.5 23. 4. O255400600038 11.9 51. 6. O255400600039 12.1 62. 4. O255400600040 12.7 75. 13. O255400600041 13.0 99. 17. O255400600042 14.5 168. 24. O255400600043 15.5 175. 11. O255400600044 15.8 192. 22. O255400600045 17.1 188. 13. O255400600046 18.2 224. 14. O255400600047 ENDDATA 15 0 O255400600048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 O255400699999 SUBENT O2554007 20230311 O097O255400700001 BIB 6 25 O255400700002 REACTION ((64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255400700003 (64-GD-155(P,2N)65-TB-154-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255400700004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400700005 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-G,21.5HR,DG,1291.31,0.069) O255400700006 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255400700007 following isotopic composition: O255400700008 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255400700009 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255400700010 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255400700011 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255400700012 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.005) O255400700013 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255400700014 ANALYSIS (DECAY) It was established that the contributions of O255400700015 the m1 and m2 states to the 154Tb ground state of O255400700016 activity are negligible. O255400700017 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)154Tb O255400700018 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255400700019 the reaction thresholds: O255400700020 154Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255400700021 154Gd+p; 4.4 MeV O255400700022 155Gd+p; 10.8 MeV O255400700023 The 154Tb ground state production cross O255400700024 section reported as 154Tb production cross section. O255400700025 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400700026 (COREL,O2554006) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255400700027 ENDBIB 25 0 O255400700028 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255400700029 DATA 3 6 O255400700030 EN DATA ERR-T O255400700031 MEV MB MB O255400700032 12.3 0.6 0.2 O255400700033 13.0 1.4 0.4 O255400700034 14.0 1.7 0.2 O255400700035 15.8 2.5 0.5 O255400700036 17.1 3. 1. O255400700037 18.2 2.7 0.7 O255400700038 ENDDATA 8 0 O255400700039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 O255400799999 SUBENT O2554008 20230311 O097O255400800001 BIB 5 6 O255400800002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-154-M1,,SIG) O255400800003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-M1,9.4HR,DG,540.18,0.20) O255400800004 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255400800005 composition. O255400800006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-5) Uncertainty on the gamma-ray branching ratio O255400800007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400800008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255400800009 COMMON 1 3 O255400800010 ERR-5 O255400800011 PER-CENT O255400800012 15. O255400800013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255400800014 DATA 3 14 O255400800015 EN DATA ERR-T O255400800016 MEV MB MB O255400800017 5.8 0.12 0.04 O255400800018 7.1 0.54 0.05 O255400800019 7.7 1.1 0.2 O255400800020 9.0 2.2 0.2 O255400800021 9.7 2.7 0.5 O255400800022 11.5 9. 2. O255400800023 12.1 17. 1. O255400800024 12.5 30. 5. O255400800025 13.0 48. 8. O255400800026 14.5 56. 9. O255400800027 15.5 71. 5. O255400800028 15.8 62. 10. O255400800029 17.1 89. 15. O255400800030 18.2 113. 8. O255400800031 ENDDATA 16 0 O255400800032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 O255400899999 SUBENT O2554009 20230311 O097O255400900001 BIB 6 23 O255400900002 REACTION 1(64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-M1,,SIG,,FCT) O255400900003 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400900004 2((64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255400900005 (64-GD-155(P,2N)65-TB-154-M1,,SIG,,FCT)) O255400900006 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255400900007 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-M1,9.4HR,DG,540.18,0.20) O255400900008 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255400900009 following isotopic composition: O255400900010 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255400900011 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255400900012 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255400900013 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255400900014 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.005) O255400900015 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255400900016 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)154Tb-M1 O255400900017 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255400900018 the reaction thresholds: O255400900019 154Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255400900020 154Gd+p; 4.4 MeV O255400900021 155Gd+p; 10.8 MeV O255400900022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-5) Uncertainty on the gamma-ray branching ratio O255400900023 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255400900024 (COREL,O2554010) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255400900025 ENDBIB 23 0 O255400900026 COMMON 1 3 O255400900027 ERR-5 O255400900028 PER-CENT O255400900029 15. O255400900030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255400900031 DATA 5 19 O255400900032 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 O255400900033 MEV MB MB MB MB O255400900034 6.2 0.07 0.02 O255400900035 6.8 0.11 0.02 O255400900036 7.7 0.4 0.1 O255400900037 7.9 0.5 0.1 O255400900038 8.7 1.0 0.2 O255400900039 9.7 1.3 0.4 O255400900040 10.0 1.3 0.1 O255400900041 10.2 1.5 0.3 O255400900042 10.8 5. 1. O255400900043 11.5 37. 6. O255400900044 11.9 68. 11. O255400900045 12.1 98. 7. O255400900046 12.7 171. 29. O255400900047 13.0 183. 38. O255400900048 14.5 346. 66. O255400900049 15.5 358. 28. O255400900050 15.8 422. 71. O255400900051 17.1 480. 46. O255400900052 18.2 572. 47. O255400900053 ENDDATA 21 0 O255400900054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 O255400999999 SUBENT O2554010 20230311 O097O255401000001 BIB 6 21 O255401000002 REACTION ((64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401000003 (64-GD-155(P,2N)65-TB-154-M1,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401000004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401000005 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-M1,9.4HR,DG,540.18,0.20) O255401000006 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255401000007 following isotopic composition: O255401000008 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255401000009 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255401000010 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255401000011 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255401000012 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.0005) O255401000013 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255401000014 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)154Tb-M1 O255401000015 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255401000016 the reaction thresholds: O255401000017 154Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255401000018 154Gd+p; 4.4 MeV O255401000019 155Gd+p; 10.8 MeV O255401000020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-5) Uncertainty on the gamma-ray branching ratio O255401000021 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401000022 (COREL,O2554009) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255401000023 ENDBIB 21 0 O255401000024 COMMON 1 3 O255401000025 ERR-5 O255401000026 PER-CENT O255401000027 15. O255401000028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255401000029 DATA 3 12 O255401000030 EN DATA ERR-T O255401000031 MEV MB MB O255401000032 11.9 0.6 0.1 O255401000033 12.1 0.7 0.1 O255401000034 12.3 1.1 0.2 O255401000035 13.0 2.2 0.5 O255401000036 14.0 3.1 0.5 O255401000037 14.5 3.4 0.6 O255401000038 15.0 5. 1. O255401000039 15.5 4.4 0.3 O255401000040 15.8 5.5 0.9 O255401000041 17.1 6. 1. O255401000042 17.5 6. 1. O255401000043 18.2 6.9 0.5 O255401000044 ENDDATA 14 0 O255401000045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 O255401099999 SUBENT O2554011 20230311 O097O255401100001 BIB 4 5 O255401100002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-154-M2,,SIG) O255401100003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-M2,22.7HR,DG,426.78,0.173) O255401100004 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255401100005 composition. O255401100006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401100007 ENDBIB 5 0 O255401100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255401100009 DATA 3 6 O255401100010 EN DATA ERR-T O255401100011 MEV MB MB O255401100012 11.5 0.4 0.1 O255401100013 12.5 0.4 0.1 O255401100014 14.5 1.0 0.3 O255401100015 15.8 1.4 0.3 O255401100016 17.1 3.0 0.4 O255401100017 18.2 4.3 0.7 O255401100018 ENDDATA 8 0 O255401100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 O255401199999 SUBENT O2554012 20230311 O097O255401200001 BIB 5 22 O255401200002 REACTION 1(64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-M2,,SIG,,FCT) O255401200003 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401200004 2((64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401200005 (64-GD-155(P,2N)65-TB-154-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401200006 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401200007 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-M2,22.7HR,DG,426.78,0.173) O255401200008 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255401200009 following isotopic composition: O255401200010 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255401200011 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255401200012 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255401200013 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255401200014 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.005) O255401200015 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255401200016 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)154Tb-M2 O255401200017 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255401200018 the reaction thresholds: O255401200019 154Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255401200020 154Gd+p; 4.4 MeV O255401200021 155Gd+p; 10.8 MeV O255401200022 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401200023 (COREL,O2554013) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255401200024 ENDBIB 22 0 O255401200025 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255401200026 DATA 5 8 O255401200027 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 O255401200028 MEV MB MB MB MB O255401200029 9.7 0.3 0.1 O255401200030 10.2 0.5 0.1 O255401200031 11.9 0.8 0.2 O255401200032 13.0 1.5 0.9 O255401200033 14.5 6. 2. O255401200034 15.8 7. 2. O255401200035 17.1 13. 2. O255401200036 18.2 18. 3. O255401200037 ENDDATA 10 0 O255401200038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 O255401299999 SUBENT O2554013 20230311 O097O255401300001 BIB 5 20 O255401300002 REACTION ((64-GD-154(P,N)65-TB-154-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401300003 (64-GD-155(P,2N)65-TB-154-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401300004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401300005 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-M2,22.7HR,DG,426.78,0.173) O255401300006 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255401300007 following isotopic composition: O255401300008 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255401300009 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255401300010 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255401300011 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255401300012 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.0005) O255401300013 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255401300014 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)154Tb-M2 O255401300015 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255401300016 the reaction thresholds: O255401300017 154Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255401300018 154Gd+p; 4.4 MeV O255401300019 155Gd+p; 10.8 MeV O255401300020 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401300021 (COREL,O2554012) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255401300022 ENDBIB 20 0 O255401300023 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255401300024 DATA 3 8 O255401300025 EN DATA ERR-T O255401300026 MEV MB MB O255401300027 11.9 0.15 0.01 O255401300028 12.3 0.3 0.1 O255401300029 13.0 0.4 0.1 O255401300030 14.0 0.6 0.1 O255401300031 15.8 0.9 0.2 O255401300032 15.8 0.9 0.4 O255401300033 17.1 1.0 0.3 O255401300034 18.2 0.7 0.2 O255401300035 ENDDATA 10 0 O255401300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 O255401399999 SUBENT O2554014 20230311 O097O255401400001 BIB 4 6 O255401400002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-155,,SIG) O255401400003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-155,5.32D,DG,105.318,0.251, O255401400004 DG,262.27,0.053) O255401400005 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255401400006 composition. O255401400007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401400008 ENDBIB 6 0 O255401400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255401400010 DATA 3 15 O255401400011 EN DATA ERR-T O255401400012 MEV MB MB O255401400013 5.1 0.4 0.1 O255401400014 5.8 1.4 0.2 O255401400015 7.1 10.5 0.7 O255401400016 7.7 13. 1. O255401400017 9.0 27. 2. O255401400018 9.7 37. 3. O255401400019 11.5 79. 7. O255401400020 12.1 89. 5. O255401400021 12.5 122. 10. O255401400022 13.0 153. 13. O255401400023 14.5 149. 12. O255401400024 15.5 168. 9. O255401400025 15.8 157. 13. O255401400026 17.1 193. 16. O255401400027 18.2 248. 14. O255401400028 ENDDATA 17 0 O255401400029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O255401499999 SUBENT O2554015 20230311 O097O255401500001 BIB 5 33 O255401500002 REACTION 1((64-GD-154(P,G)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401500003 (64-GD-155(P,N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401500004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401500005 2((64-GD-154(P,G)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401500006 (64-GD-155(P,N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401500007 (64-GD-156(P,2N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401500008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401500009 3((64-GD-154(P,G)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401500010 (64-GD-155(P,N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401500011 (64-GD-156(P,2N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401500012 (64-GD-157(P,3N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401500013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401500014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-155,5.32D,DG,105.318,0.251, O255401500015 DG,262.27,0.053) O255401500016 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255401500017 following isotopic composition: O255401500018 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255401500019 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255401500020 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255401500021 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255401500022 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.005) O255401500023 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255401500024 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.0587) O255401500025 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.0081) O255401500026 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)155Tb O255401500027 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255401500028 the reaction thresholds: O255401500029 155Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255401500030 155Gd+p; 1.6 MeV O255401500031 156Gd+p; 10.2 MeV O255401500032 157Gd+p; 16.6 MeV O255401500033 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401500034 (COREL,O2554016) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255401500035 ENDBIB 33 0 O255401500036 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255401500037 DATA 7 22 O255401500038 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255401500039 ERR-T 3 O255401500040 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255401500041 MB O255401500042 5.8 3.4 0.5 O255401500043 O255401500044 6.2 11.4 0.8 O255401500045 O255401500046 6.8 23. 2. O255401500047 O255401500048 7.4 79. 12. O255401500049 O255401500050 7.7 87. 8. O255401500051 O255401500052 7.9 98. 7. O255401500053 O255401500054 8.7 170. 15. O255401500055 O255401500056 9.3 222. 21. O255401500057 O255401500058 9.7 304. 37. O255401500059 O255401500060 10.0 314. 21. O255401500061 O255401500062 10.2 345. 35. O255401500063 O255401500064 10.8 396. 35. O255401500065 O255401500066 11.5 403. 36. O255401500067 O255401500068 11.9 397. 37. O255401500069 O255401500070 12.1 339. 22. O255401500071 O255401500072 12.7 262. 28. O255401500073 O255401500074 13.0 204. 31. O255401500075 O255401500076 14.5 177. 26. O255401500077 O255401500078 15.5 167. 8. O255401500079 O255401500080 15.8 145. 17. O255401500081 O255401500082 17.1 125.O255401500083 9. O255401500084 18.2 128.O255401500085 8. O255401500086 ENDDATA 48 0 O255401500087 ENDSUBENT 86 0 O255401599999 SUBENT O2554016 20230311 O097O255401600001 BIB 5 33 O255401600002 REACTION 1((64-GD-154(P,G)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401600003 (64-GD-155(P,N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401600004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401600005 2((64-GD-154(P,G)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401600006 (64-GD-155(P,N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401600007 (64-GD-156(P,2N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401600008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401600009 3((64-GD-154(P,G)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401600010 (64-GD-155(P,N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401600011 (64-GD-156(P,2N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401600012 (64-GD-157(P,3N)65-TB-155,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401600013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401600014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-155,5.32D,DG,105.318,0.251, O255401600015 DG,262.27,0.053) O255401600016 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255401600017 following isotopic composition: O255401600018 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255401600019 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255401600020 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255401600021 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255401600022 (64-GD-154,ENR=0.0005) O255401600023 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255401600024 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.9330) O255401600025 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.00438) O255401600026 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)155Tb O255401600027 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255401600028 the reaction thresholds: O255401600029 155Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255401600030 155Gd+p; 1.6 MeV O255401600031 156Gd+p; 10.2 MeV O255401600032 157Gd+p; 16.6 MeV O255401600033 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401600034 (COREL,O2554015) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255401600035 ENDBIB 33 0 O255401600036 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255401600037 DATA 7 19 O255401600038 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255401600039 ERR-T 3 O255401600040 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255401600041 MB O255401600042 6.2 0.21 0.03 O255401600043 O255401600044 7.7 0.8 0.1 O255401600045 O255401600046 7.9 1.0 0.2 O255401600047 O255401600048 8.7 1.4 0.2 O255401600049 O255401600050 9.7 4.2 0.6 O255401600051 O255401600052 10.0 5. 1. O255401600053 O255401600054 10.6 48. 4. O255401600055 O255401600056 11.5 146. 15. O255401600057 O255401600058 11.9 207. 18. O255401600059 O255401600060 12.1 266. 14. O255401600061 O255401600062 12.3 284. 26. O255401600063 O255401600064 13.0 411. 37. O255401600065 O255401600066 13.8 548. 50. O255401600067 O255401600068 14.5 576. 50. O255401600069 O255401600070 15.0 614. 53. O255401600071 O255401600072 15.5 768. 44. O255401600073 O255401600074 15.8 815. 71. O255401600075 O255401600076 17.1 881.O255401600077 73. O255401600078 18.2 973.O255401600079 81. O255401600080 ENDDATA 42 0 O255401600081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 O255401699999 SUBENT O2554017 20230311 O097O255401700001 BIB 6 12 O255401700002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-156-G,,SIG) O255401700003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-G,5.35D,DG,534.29,0.67) O255401700004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The two metastable states 65-TB-156-M1 and O255401700005 65-TB-156-M2 decay through IT (100%) into the ground O255401700006 state of 156Tb. The activity of 65-TB-156-G was O255401700007 repeatedly measured during the decay time in order to O255401700008 determine the EoB activities of the ground and the two O255401700009 metastable states. O255401700010 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255401700011 composition. O255401700012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-5) Uncertainty on the gamma-ray branching ratio O255401700013 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401700014 ENDBIB 12 0 O255401700015 COMMON 1 3 O255401700016 ERR-5 O255401700017 PER-CENT O255401700018 9. O255401700019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255401700020 DATA 3 5 O255401700021 EN DATA ERR-T O255401700022 MEV MB MB O255401700023 7.1 5.2 0.4 O255401700024 9.0 13.7 0.8 O255401700025 12.1 49. 3. O255401700026 15.5 81. 4. O255401700027 18.2 95. 6. O255401700028 ENDDATA 7 0 O255401700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 O255401799999 SUBENT O2554018 20230311 O097O255401800001 BIB 7 39 O255401800002 REACTION 1((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401800003 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401800004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401800005 2((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401800006 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401800007 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401800008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401800009 3((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401800010 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401800011 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401800012 (64-GD-158(P,3N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401800013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401800014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-G,5.35D,DG,534.29,0.67) O255401800015 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The two metastable states 65-TB-156-M1 and O255401800016 65-TB-156-M2 decay through IT (100%) into the ground O255401800017 state of 156Tb. The activity of 65-TB-156-G was O255401800018 repeatedly measured during the decay time in order to O255401800019 determine the EoB activities of the ground and the two O255401800020 metastable states. O255401800021 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255401800022 following isotopic composition: O255401800023 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255401800024 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255401800025 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255401800026 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255401800027 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255401800028 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.0587) O255401800029 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.0081) O255401800030 (64-GD-158,ENR=0.0065) O255401800031 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)156Tb O255401800032 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255401800033 the reaction thresholds: O255401800034 156Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255401800035 156Gd+p; 3.25 MeV O255401800036 157Gd+p; 9.65 MeV O255401800037 158Gd+p; 17.6 MeV O255401800038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-5) Uncertainty on the gamma-ray branching ratio O255401800039 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401800040 (COREL,O2554019) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255401800041 ENDBIB 39 0 O255401800042 COMMON 1 3 O255401800043 ERR-5 O255401800044 PER-CENT O255401800045 9. O255401800046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255401800047 DATA 7 7 O255401800048 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255401800049 ERR-T 3 O255401800050 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255401800051 MB O255401800052 6.2 0.57 0.04 O255401800053 O255401800054 7.9 8.0 0.5 O255401800055 O255401800056 10.0 13.2 0.9 O255401800057 O255401800058 12.1 13.2 0.9 O255401800059 O255401800060 15.5 15. 1. O255401800061 O255401800062 17.1 16. 2. O255401800063 O255401800064 18.2 19.8O255401800065 1.0 O255401800066 ENDDATA 18 0 O255401800067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 O255401899999 SUBENT O2554019 20230311 O097O255401900001 BIB 7 39 O255401900002 REACTION 1((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401900003 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401900004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401900005 2((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401900006 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401900007 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401900008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401900009 3((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401900010 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401900011 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255401900012 (64-GD-158(P,3N)65-TB-156-G,,SIG,,FCT)) O255401900013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255401900014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-G,5.35D,DG,534.29,0.67) O255401900015 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The two metastable states 65-TB-156-M1 and O255401900016 65-TB-156-M2 decay through IT (100%) into the ground O255401900017 state of 156Tb. The activity of 65-TB-156-G was O255401900018 repeatedly measured during the decay time in order to O255401900019 determine the EoB activities of the ground and the two O255401900020 metastable states. O255401900021 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255401900022 following isotopic composition: O255401900023 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255401900024 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255401900025 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255401900026 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255401900027 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255401900028 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.9330) O255401900029 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.00438) O255401900030 (64-GD-158,ENR=0.0108) O255401900031 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)156Tb O255401900032 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255401900033 the reaction thresholds: O255401900034 156Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255401900035 156Gd+p; 3.25 MeV O255401900036 157Gd+p; 9.65 MeV O255401900037 158Gd+p; 17.6 MeV O255401900038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-5) Uncertainty on the gamma-ray branching ratio O255401900039 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255401900040 (COREL,O2554018) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255401900041 ENDBIB 39 0 O255401900042 COMMON 1 3 O255401900043 ERR-5 O255401900044 PER-CENT O255401900045 9. O255401900046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O255401900047 DATA 7 6 O255401900048 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255401900049 ERR-T 3 O255401900050 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255401900051 MB O255401900052 5.8 5.4 0.3 O255401900053 O255401900054 7.9 47. 3. O255401900055 O255401900056 10.0 150. 8. O255401900057 O255401900058 12.1 170. 9. O255401900059 O255401900060 15.5 73. 4. O255401900061 O255401900062 18.2 57.O255401900063 3. O255401900064 ENDDATA 16 0 O255401900065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 O255401999999 SUBENT O2554020 20230311 O097O255402000001 BIB 7 39 O255402000002 REACTION 1((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402000003 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402000004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402000005 2((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402000006 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402000007 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402000008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402000009 3((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402000010 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402000011 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402000012 (64-GD-158(P,3N)65-TB-156-M1,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402000013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402000014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-M1,24.4HR) O255402000015 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The two metastable states 65-TB-156-M1 and O255402000016 65-TB-156-M2 decay through IT (100%) into the ground O255402000017 state of 156Tb. The activity of 65-TB-156-G was O255402000018 repeatedly measured during the decay time in order to O255402000019 determine the EoB activities of the ground and the two O255402000020 metastable states. O255402000021 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255402000022 following isotopic composition: O255402000023 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255402000024 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255402000025 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255402000026 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255402000027 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255402000028 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.9330) O255402000029 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.00438) O255402000030 (64-GD-158,ENR=0.0108) O255402000031 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)156Tb-M1 O255402000032 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255402000033 the reaction thresholds: O255402000034 156Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255402000035 156Gd+p; 3.25 MeV O255402000036 157Gd+p; 9.65 MeV O255402000037 158Gd+p; 17.6 MeV O255402000038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-6,,30.) Uncertainty on the EoB activity determine O255402000039 exponential fit. O255402000040 STATUS (TABLE) Table 14 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255402000041 ENDBIB 39 0 O255402000042 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255402000043 DATA 7 6 O255402000044 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255402000045 ERR-T 3 O255402000046 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255402000047 MB O255402000048 5.8 1.2 0.5 O255402000049 O255402000050 7.9 7. 3. O255402000051 O255402000052 10.0 19. 7. O255402000053 O255402000054 12.1 10. 3. O255402000055 O255402000056 15.5 6. 2. O255402000057 O255402000058 18.2 4.O255402000059 2. O255402000060 ENDDATA 16 0 O255402000061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 O255402099999 SUBENT O2554021 20230311 O097O255402100001 BIB 6 13 O255402100002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG) O255402100003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-M1,5.3HR) O255402100004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The two metastable states 65-TB-156-M1 and O255402100005 65-TB-156-M2 decay through IT (100%) into the ground O255402100006 state of 156Tb. The activity of 65-TB-156-G was O255402100007 repeatedly measured during the decay time in order to O255402100008 determine the EoB activities of the ground and the two O255402100009 metastable states. O255402100010 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255402100011 composition. O255402100012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-7,,15.) Uncertainty on the EoB activity O255402100013 determined by exponential fit. O255402100014 STATUS (TABLE) Table 15 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255402100015 ENDBIB 13 0 O255402100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255402100017 DATA 3 5 O255402100018 EN DATA ERR-T O255402100019 MEV MB MB O255402100020 7.1 6. 1. O255402100021 9.0 16. 1. O255402100022 12.1 27. 4. O255402100023 15.5 36. 4. O255402100024 18.2 69. 7. O255402100025 ENDDATA 7 0 O255402100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 O255402199999 SUBENT O2554022 20230311 O097O255402200001 BIB 7 34 O255402200002 REACTION 1((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402200003 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402200004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402200005 2((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402200006 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402200007 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402200008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402200009 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-M2,5.3HR) O255402200010 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The two metastable states 65-TB-156-M1 and O255402200011 65-TB-156-M2 decay through IT (100%) into the ground O255402200012 state of 156Tb. The activity of 65-TB-156-G was O255402200013 repeatedly measured during the decay time in order to O255402200014 determine the EoB activities of the ground and the two O255402200015 metastable states. O255402200016 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255402200017 following isotopic composition: O255402200018 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255402200019 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255402200020 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255402200021 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255402200022 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255402200023 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.0587) O255402200024 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.0081) O255402200025 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)156Tb-M2 O255402200026 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255402200027 the reaction thresholds: O255402200028 156Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255402200029 156Gd+p; 3.25 MeV O255402200030 157Gd+p; 9.65 MeV O255402200031 158Gd+p; 17.6 MeV O255402200032 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-7,,15.) Uncertainty on the EoB activity O255402200033 determined by exponential fit. O255402200034 STATUS (TABLE) Table 15 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255402200035 (COREL,O2554023) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255402200036 ENDBIB 34 0 O255402200037 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255402200038 DATA 5 5 O255402200039 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2 O255402200040 MEV MB MB MB MB O255402200041 6.2 0.71 0.08 O255402200042 7.9 5. 1. O255402200043 10.0 9.5 1.4 O255402200044 12.1 9.2 1.2 O255402200045 15.5 5. 1. O255402200046 ENDDATA 7 0 O255402200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 O255402299999 SUBENT O2554023 20230311 O097O255402300001 BIB 7 40 O255402300002 REACTION 1((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402300003 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402300004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402300005 2((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402300006 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402300007 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402300008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402300009 3((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402300010 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402300011 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402300012 (64-GD-158(P,3N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402300013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402300014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-M2,5.3HR) O255402300015 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The two metastable states 65-TB-156-M1 and O255402300016 65-TB-156-M2 decay through IT (100%) into the ground O255402300017 state of 156Tb. The activity of 65-TB-156-G was O255402300018 repeatedly measured during the decay time in order to O255402300019 determine the EoB activities of the ground and the two O255402300020 metastable states. O255402300021 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255402300022 following isotopic composition: O255402300023 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255402300024 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255402300025 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255402300026 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255402300027 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255402300028 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.9330) O255402300029 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.00438) O255402300030 (64-GD-158,ENR=0.0108) O255402300031 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)156Tb-M2 O255402300032 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255402300033 the reaction thresholds: O255402300034 156Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255402300035 156Gd+p; 3.25 MeV O255402300036 157Gd+p; 9.65 MeV O255402300037 158Gd+p; 17.6 MeV O255402300038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-7,,15.) Uncertainty on the EoB activity O255402300039 determined by exponential fit. O255402300040 STATUS (TABLE) Table 15 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255402300041 (COREL,O2554022) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255402300042 ENDBIB 40 0 O255402300043 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255402300044 DATA 7 6 O255402300045 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255402300046 ERR-T 3 O255402300047 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255402300048 MB O255402300049 5.8 3.8 0.5 O255402300050 O255402300051 7.9 32. 3. O255402300052 O255402300053 10.0 89. 8. O255402300054 O255402300055 12.1 68. 5. O255402300056 O255402300057 15.5 36. 3. O255402300058 O255402300059 18.2 25.O255402300060 2. O255402300061 ENDDATA 16 0 O255402300062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 O255402399999 SUBENT O2554024 20230311 O097O255402400001 BIB 5 8 O255402400002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-156,,SIG) O255402400003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-G,5.35D,DG,534.29,0.67) O255402400004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The total 156Tb porduction cross section was O255402400005 determined from the 65-TB-156-G decay afeter complete O255402400006 decay of the two metastable states. O255402400007 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide target with natural isotopic O255402400008 composition. O255402400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255402400010 ENDBIB 8 0 O255402400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255402400012 DATA 3 15 O255402400013 EN DATA ERR-T O255402400014 MEV MB MB O255402400015 5.1 0.31 0.07 O255402400016 5.8 0.9 0.1 O255402400017 7.1 11. 1. O255402400018 7.7 10. 1. O255402400019 9.0 29. 2. O255402400020 9.7 37. 4. O255402400021 11.5 71. 8. O255402400022 12.1 81. 7. O255402400023 12.5 94. 10. O255402400024 13.0 88. 10. O255402400025 14.5 96. 11. O255402400026 15.5 111. 6. O255402400027 15.8 100. 11. O255402400028 17.1 115. 13. O255402400029 18.2 117. 9. O255402400030 ENDDATA 17 0 O255402400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 O255402499999 SUBENT O2554025 20230311 O097O255402500001 BIB 6 35 O255402500002 REACTION 1((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402500003 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402500004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402500005 2((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402500006 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402500007 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402500008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402500009 3((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402500010 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402500011 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402500012 (64-GD-158(P,3N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402500013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402500014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-G,5.35D,DG,534.29,0.67) O255402500015 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The total 156Tb porduction cross section was O255402500016 determined from the 65-TB-156-G decay afeter complete O255402500017 decay of the two metastable states. O255402500018 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 155Gd with the O255402500019 following isotopic composition: O255402500020 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255402500021 Abundance: <0.0002 0.005 0.9190(30) 0.0587 0.0081 O255402500022 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255402500023 Abundance: 0.0065 0.0027 O255402500024 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.9190) O255402500025 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.0587) O255402500026 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.0081) O255402500027 (64-GD-158,ENR=0.0065) O255402500028 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 155Gd(p,x)156Tb O255402500029 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255402500030 the reaction thresholds: O255402500031 156Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255402500032 156Gd+p; 3.25 MeV O255402500033 157Gd+p; 9.65 MeV O255402500034 158Gd+p; 17.6 MeV O255402500035 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255402500036 (COREL,O2554026) Measured with target enriched to 156GdO255402500037 ENDBIB 35 0 O255402500038 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255402500039 DATA 7 19 O255402500040 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255402500041 ERR-T 3 O255402500042 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255402500043 MB O255402500044 5.8 0.3 0.1 O255402500045 O255402500046 6.2 1.2 0.1 O255402500047 O255402500048 7.4 6.5 0.8 O255402500049 O255402500050 7.9 12.0 0.7 O255402500051 O255402500052 8.7 11. 1. O255402500053 O255402500054 9.3 15. 2. O255402500055 O255402500056 9.7 19. 3. O255402500057 O255402500058 10.0 22. 1. O255402500059 O255402500060 10.8 25. 3. O255402500061 O255402500062 11.5 21. 2. O255402500063 O255402500064 11.9 21. 2. O255402500065 O255402500066 12.1 20. 1. O255402500067 O255402500068 12.7 17. 2. O255402500069 O255402500070 13.0 12. 2. O255402500071 O255402500072 14.5 15. 2. O255402500073 O255402500074 15.5 21. 1. O255402500075 O255402500076 15.8 16. 2. O255402500077 O255402500078 17.1 17. 2. O255402500079 O255402500080 18.2 15.O255402500081 1. O255402500082 ENDDATA 42 0 O255402500083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 O255402599999 SUBENT O2554026 20230311 O097O255402600001 BIB 6 35 O255402600002 REACTION 1((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402600003 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402600004 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402600005 2((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402600006 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402600007 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402600008 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402600009 3((64-GD-155(P,G)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402600010 (64-GD-156(P,N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402600011 (64-GD-157(P,2N)65-TB-156,,SIG,,FCT)+ O255402600012 (64-GD-158(P,3N)65-TB-156-M2,,SIG,,FCT)) O255402600013 FCT=target abundance in the sample O255402600014 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-G,5.35D,DG,534.29,0.67) O255402600015 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The total 156Tb porduction cross section was O255402600016 determined from the 65-TB-156-G decay afeter complete O255402600017 decay of the two metastable states. O255402600018 SAMPLE Gadolinium oxide powder enriched in 156Gd with the O255402600019 following isotopic composition: O255402600020 Isotope: 152Gd 154Gd 155Gd 156Gd 157Gd O255402600021 Abundance: <0.0001 0.0005 0.0087 0.9330(10) 0.00438O255402600022 Isotope: 158Gd 160Gd O255402600023 Abundance: 0.0108 0.0032 O255402600024 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.0087) O255402600025 (64-GD-156,ENR=0.9330) O255402600026 (64-GD-157,ENR=0.00438) O255402600027 (64-GD-158,ENR=0.0108) O255402600028 COMMENT By compiler: Results reported as 156Gd(p,x)156Tb O255402600029 compiled as sum of contributing reactions considering O255402600030 the reaction thresholds: O255402600031 156Tb production: Reaction; E threshold O255402600032 156Gd+p; 3.25 MeV O255402600033 157Gd+p; 9.65 MeV O255402600034 158Gd+p; 17.6 MeV O255402600035 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of Appl.Radiat.Isot.184(2022)110175 O255402600036 (COREL,O2554025) Measured with target enriched to 155GdO255402600037 ENDBIB 35 0 O255402600038 NOCOMMON 0 0 O255402600039 DATA 7 20 O255402600040 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3O255402600041 ERR-T 3 O255402600042 MEV MB MB MB MB MB O255402600043 MB O255402600044 5.1 1.1 0.2 O255402600045 O255402600046 5.8 9.5 0.8 O255402600047 O255402600048 6.2 1. 12.9 1.5 O255402600049 O255402600050 7.7 60. 7. O255402600051 O255402600052 7.9 77. 5. O255402600053 O255402600054 8.7 130. 14. O255402600055 O255402600056 9.7 219. 24. O255402600057 O255402600058 10.0 224. 12. O255402600059 O255402600060 10.6 282. 32. O255402600061 O255402600062 11.9 268. 30. O255402600063 O255402600064 12.1 234. 12. O255402600065 O255402600066 13.0 208. 24. O255402600067 O255402600068 14.0 161. 19. O255402600069 O255402600070 14.5 115. 13. O255402600071 O255402600072 15.0 104. 12. O255402600073 O255402600074 15.5 101. 6. O255402600075 O255402600076 15.8 106. 12. O255402600077 O255402600078 17.1 90. 10. O255402600079 O255402600080 17.5 84. 9. O255402600081 O255402600082 18.2 85.O255402600083 5. O255402600084 ENDDATA 44 0 O255402600085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 O255402699999 ENDENTRY 26 0 O255499999999